962 resultados para Beets and beet sugar.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Polysaccharides are gaining increasing attention as potential environmental friendly and sustainable building blocks in many fields of the (bio)chemical industry. The microbial production of polysaccharides is envisioned as a promising path, since higher biomass growth rates are possible and therefore higher productivities may be achieved compared to vegetable or animal polysaccharides sources. This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the modeling and optimization of a particular microbial polysaccharide, namely the production of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) by the bacterial strain Enterobacter A47. Enterobacter A47 was found to be a metabolically versatile organism in terms of its adaptability to complex media, notably capable of achieving high growth rates in media containing glycerol byproduct from the biodiesel industry. However, the industrial implementation of this production process is still hampered due to a largely unoptimized process. Kinetic rates from the bioreactor operation are heavily dependent on operational parameters such as temperature, pH, stirring and aeration rate. The increase of culture broth viscosity is a common feature of this culture and has a major impact on the overall performance. This fact complicates the mathematical modeling of the process, limiting the possibility to understand, control and optimize productivity. In order to tackle this difficulty, data-driven mathematical methodologies such as Artificial Neural Networks can be employed to incorporate additional process data to complement the known mathematical description of the fermentation kinetics. In this Ph.D. thesis, we have adopted such an hybrid modeling framework that enabled the incorporation of temperature, pH and viscosity effects on the fermentation kinetics in order to improve the dynamical modeling and optimization of the process. A model-based optimization method was implemented that enabled to design bioreactor optimal control strategies in the sense of EPS productivity maximization. It is also critical to understand EPS synthesis at the level of the bacterial metabolism, since the production of EPS is a tightly regulated process. Methods of pathway analysis provide a means to unravel the fundamental pathways and their controls in bioprocesses. In the present Ph.D. thesis, a novel methodology called Principal Elementary Mode Analysis (PEMA) was developed and implemented that enabled to identify which cellular fluxes are activated under different conditions of temperature and pH. It is shown that differences in these two parameters affect the chemical composition of EPS, hence they are critical for the regulation of the product synthesis. In future studies, the knowledge provided by PEMA could foster the development of metabolically meaningful control strategies that target the EPS sugar content and oder product quality parameters.


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ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: The aim of this survey was to describe which traditional medicines (TM) are most commonly used for non-communicable diseases (NCD - diabetes, hypertension related to excess weight and obesity) in Pacific islands and with what perceived effectiveness. NCD, especially prevalent in the Pacific, have been subject to many public health interventions, often with rather disappointing results. Innovative interventions are required; one hypothesis is that some local, traditional approaches may have been overlooked. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The method used was a retrospective treatment-outcome study in a nation-wide representative sample of the adult population (about 15,000 individuals) of the Republic of Palau, an archipelago of Micronesia. RESULTS: From 188 respondents (61% female, age 16-87, median 48,), 30 different plants were used, mostly self-prepared (69%), or from a traditional healer (18%). For excess weight, when comparing the two most frequent plants, Morinda citrifolia L. was associated with more adequate outcome than Phaleria nishidae Kaneh. (P=0.05). In case of diabetes, when comparing Phaleria nishidae (=Phaleria nisidai) and Morinda citrifolia, the former was statistically more often associated with the reported outcome "lower blood sugar" (P=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Statistical association between a plant used and reported outcome is not a proof of effectiveness or safety, but it can help select plants of interest for further studies, e.g. through a reverse pharmacology process, in search of local products which may have a positive impact on population health.


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The first objective of this study was to identify appropriate sensory descriptors to assess the astringent sub-qualities of red wine. The influence of pH and ethanol on the sensation of astringency in red wine was evaluated, using a de-alcoholized red wine. A portion of the wine was adjusted to the pH values of 3.2, 3.4, 3.6 and 3.8, and another portion was adjusted to ethanol concentrations of 0%, 6%, 12%, and 15%. In addition, the pH 3.4 and 3.6 treatments were adjusted to an ethanol concentration of 12% and 15% all wines were then assessed sensorially and seventeen terms were identified, through panel discussion, to describe the mouth-feel and taste qualities: velvet, aggressive, silk/satin, dry, fleshy, unripe, pucker viscosity, abrasive, heat, chewy, acidity, grippy/adhesive, bitter, balance, overall astringency, and mouth-coat. Descriptive analysis profiling techniques were used to train the panel and measure the intensity of these attributes. It was found that decreasing pH values (averaged across all ethanol concentrations) showed an increase in the overall astringency of the wine. The combined treatments of ethanol and pH, real wine parameters (pH 3.4 and 3.6; 12% and 15% ethanol) did not have an effect on the perception of the astringent sub-qualities of the wine. A time intensity study was also included using the pH and ethanol adjusted wines, which showed that as the ethanol level of the wines increased so did the time to maximum intensity. The second objective was to identify appropriate sensory descriptors to evaluate the influence of grape maturity and maceration technique (grape skin contact) on the astringency sub-qualities of red vinifera wines from Niagara. The grapes were harvested across two dates, representing an early harvest and a late harvest. A portion of the Cabernet Sauvignon grapes wine was divided into three maceration treatments of oneweek maceration, standard two-week maceration, three-week maceration, and MCM. Another portion of both the early and late harvest Cabernet Sauvignon grapes were chaptalized to yield a final ethanol concentration of 14.5%. The wines were assessed sensorially and thirteen terms were identified, through panel discussion, to describe the mouth-feel and taste qualities: carbon dioxide, pucker, acidity, silk/chamois, dusty/chalky/powdery, sandpaper, numbing, grippy/adhesive, dry, mouthcoat, bitter, balance and, overall astringency. Descriptive analysis techniques were used to train the panel and measure the intensity of these attributes. The data revealed few significant differences in the mouth-feel of the wines with respect to maturity; which included differences in overall astringency and balance. There were varietal differences between Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, and Pinot Noir and differences for Cabernet Sauvignon wines due to the length and manner of maceration and as a result of chaptalization. Statistical analysis revealed a more complex mouth-feel for the Pinot Noir wines; and an increase in the intensity of the astringent sub-qualities as a result of the addition of sugar to the wines. These findings have implications for how processing decisions, such as optimum grape maturity and vinification methods may affect red wine quality.


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examined in Choanephora cucurbita rum during the early stages of infection by Piptocephalis virginiana » There was a small but consistent increase in the leakage of electrolytes, amino acids and sugars as a result of infection. These low levels of differential leakage in infected tissues are explained on the basis of the nature of this obligate, biotrophic, mycoparasitic system. Quantitative analysis of the twenty six amino acids and amino compounds detected in the leacheates — showed similar profiles in infected and control host and no new species of amino acids or amino compounds were detected in either infected or control host leacheates. Comparatively high amounts of aspartic acid, glutamic acid and alanine were found in the leacheates of host and infected host . Analyses of the sugars comprising the leacheates of infected and control host showed the presence of eight sugars, among which glucose was found in significant amounts (50-53%) ' The nutritional implication of this preferential leakage is discussed. No significant difference was observed in the leacheates of infected host sugar profiles compared with that of the control host. Profiles of the internal pool sugars of infected and control host did not reflect that obtained from the leacheate data, perhaps owing to leakage of sugars in a selective manner . Membrane lipid analyses yielded higher levels of lipid in infected host compared with the control, both at the 24 h and 36 h analyses. In addition, preliminary investigations of phosphorous-32 incorporation and turnover in phospholipids showed higher levels of 32p incorporation and turnover in infected host compared with the control. No apparent difference was noted in the profiles of the neutral lipid classes and the polar lipid classes of the membrane lipids as determined by one and two dimensional thin-layer chromatography respectively. However, a small but consistently higher degree of unsaturation was detected in the fatty acids of infected tissue compared with the control. Also, '^''-^^''^^'-'-^'^^c acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid previously reported to show a direct correlation during the early stages of infection and the degree of parasitism of P. virginiana on C. cucurbitarum , was found in higher amounts in infected host membrane lipids compared with that of the control host. The implications of these membrane lipid alterations are discussed with particular reference to the small but consistently higher leakage of electrolytes, amino acids and sugars observed during infection in this study.


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Icewine is an intensely sweet, unique dessert wine fennented from the juice of grapes that have frozen naturally on the vine. The juice pressed from the frozen grapes is highly concentrated, ranging from a minimum of 35° Brix to approximately 42° Brix. Often Icewine fennentations are sluggish, taking months to reach the desired ethanol level, and sometimes become stuck. In 6 addition, Icewines have high levels of volatile acidity. At present, there is no routine method of yeast inoculation for fennenting Icewine. This project investigated two yeast inoculum levels, 0.2 gIL and 0.5 gIL. The fennentation kinetics of inoculating these yeast levels directly into the sterile Icewine juice or conditioning the cells to the high sugar levels using a step wise acclimatization procedure were also compared. The effect of adding GO-FERM, a yeast nutrient, was also assessed. In the sterile fennentations, yeast inoculated at 0.2 gIL stopped fennenting before the required ethanol level was achieved, producing only 7.8% (v/v) and 8.1 % (v/v) ethanol for the direct and conditioned inoculations, respectively. At 0.5 gIL, the stepwise conditioned cells fennented the most sugar, producing 12.2% (v/v) ethanol, whereas the direct inoculum produced 10.5% (v/v) ethanol. The addition of the yeast nutrient GO-FERM increased the rate of biomass accumulation, but reduced the ethanol concentration in wines fennented at 0.5 gIL. There was no significant difference in acetic acid concentration in the final wines across all treatments. Fennentations using unfiltered Icewine juice at the 0.5 gIL inoculum level were also compared to see if the effects of yeast acclimatization and micronutrient addition had the same impact on fennentation kinetics and yeast metabolite production as observed in the sterile-filtered juice fennentations. In addition, a full descriptive analysis of the finished wines was carried out to further assess the impact of yeast inoculation method on Icewine sensory quality. At 0.5 gIL, the stepwise conditioned cells fennented the most sugar, producing 11.5% (v/v) ethanol, whereas the direct inoculum produced 10.0% (v/v) ethanol. The addition of the yeast nutrient GO-FERM increased the peak viable cell numbers, but reduced the ethanol concentration in wines fennented at 0.5 gIL. There was a significant difference 7 in acetic acid concentration in the final wines across all treatments and all treatments affected the sensory profiles of the final wines. Wines produced by direct inoculation were described by grape and raisin aromas and butter flavour. The addition of GO-FERM to the direct inoculation treatment shifted the aroma/flavour profiles to more orange flavour and aroma, and a sweet taste profile. StepWise acclimatizing the cells resulted in wines described more by peach and terpene aroma. The addition of GO-FERM shifted the profile to pineapple and alcohol aromas as well as alcohol flavour. Overall, these results indicate that the addition of GO-FERM and yeast acclimatization shortened the length of fermentation and impacted the sensory profiles of the resultant wines.


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Although much research has been conducted on blood-meal acquisition in adult female black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae), the same cannot be said for sugarmeals. Both sexes feed on sugar which provides energy for flight and it has been commonly held that nectar is the major carbohydrate source. This thesis addresses the question of whether a non-floral carbohydrate source, specifically homopteran honeydew, is ingested by male and female black flies. Black flies reared in the laboratory have been observed to readily ingest freshly excreted and older (dry) honeydew when presented with honeydew coated tamarack branches. Field work was conducted in Algonquin Park, Ontario in the spring and summer of 1993. Three separate studies were designed to test whether homopteran honeydew is an important carbohydrate source for black flies and whether flies from different habitats utilize different sugar sources. The sugars melezitose and / or stachyose are known to occur in a variety of homopteran honeydews and therefore were used as indicators of honeydew feeding by black flies. In the first study, black flies were collected with insect nets from a stand of Larix larcina heavily infested with honeydew - producing homopterans (Adelges lariciatus). Six black fly species were captured: Simulium venustum, S. rostra tum, S. vittatum, Stegopterna mutata, S. aureum and S. quebecense. Samples of honeydew and individual black flies were tested using thin layer chromatography (T. L. C.) with fructose, glucose, sucrose, turanose, melezitose, raffinose and stachyose as standards. All sugars except turanose and melezitose were found in the adelgid honeydew samples. Since the sugar melezitose was absent from ~ honeydew samples, stachyose was used to indicate that black flies were feeding from this particular honeydew source. Of the 201 black flies tested, 194 contained sugars which occurred in 16 combinations. Stachyose combinations excluding melezitose, present in 45.9 % of flies, were used to indicate that black flies had been feeding on the adelgid honeydew. In the second study, black flies were collected in the morning and evening on 8 collection dates, using a vehicle mounted insect net. The crops and midguts of 10 male and 10 female Simulium venustum were dissected on each sample date. In total the gut contents of 320 individual flies were analysed by T. L. C. The sugars identified from these flies were present in the following proportions: fructose (100.0%), glucose (100.0%), sucrose/turanose (50.4%), melezitose (30.3%), raffinose (18.8%) and stachyose (8.7%). These sugars occurred in fourteen different combinations. It is argued that the presence of melezitose and / or stachyose indicates that black flies had fed on homopteran honeydew. Significantly more female flies (40.0%) than male flies (27.5%) had fed on honeydew. In the third study, adult black flies were sampled by sweep netting vegetation in four habitats in the morning and evening on 8 collection dates. The habitats are as follows: (1) Davies Bog, (2) Abandoned Air Field (dominated by blueberries, Vaccinium spp.), (3) Deciduous Habitat and (4) Coniferous Habitat. Sugars in the crops and midguts of female flies were tested by T. L. C. and, for S. venustum, it was found that significantly fewer flies (18.8%) from the Air Field contained honeydew than from the other three sites (Davies Bog, 34.4%; Deciduous Habitat, 36.2%; Coniferous Habitat, 25.0%). Of the 1287 black flies tested individually by T. L. C. 441 (34.3%) contained melezitose and / or stachyose sugars indicating that this proportion of the population were feeding from Homopteran honeydew. It is therefore clear that floral (nectar) sugars are not the only source of carbohydrates available to black flies.


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Cell surface proteins obtained by alkaline extraction from isolated cell walls of Mortierella pusilla and M. candelabrum, host and nonhost, respectively, to the mycoparasite, Piptocephalis virginiana, were tested for their ability to agglutinate mycoparasite spores. The host cell wall protein extract had a high agglutinating activity (788 a.u. mg- t ) as compared with the nonhost extract (21 a.li. mg- t ). SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the cell wall proteins revealed four protein bands, a, b, c, and d (Mr 117, 100, 85 and 64 kd, respectively) at the host surface, but not at the nonhost surface, except for the faint band c. Deletion of proteins b or c from the host cell wall protein extract significantly reduced its agglutinating activity. Proteins band c, obtained as purified preparations by a series of procedures, were shown to be two glycoproteins. Carbohydrate analysis by gas chromatography demonstrated that glucose and Nacetylglucosamine were the major carbohydrate components of the glycoproteins. It was further shown that the agglutinating activity of the pure preparation containing both band c was 500-850 times that of the single glycoproteins, suggesting the involvement of both glycoproteins in agglutination. The results suggest that the glycoproteins band c are the two subunits of agglutinin present at the host cell surface. The two glycoproteins band c purified from the host cell wall protein extract were further examined after various treatments for their possible role in agglutination, attachment and appressorium formation by the mycoparasite. Results obtained by agglutination and attachment tests showed: (1) the two glycoprotein-s are not only an agglutinin responsible for the mycoparasite spore agglutination, but may also serve as a receptor for the specific recognition, attachment and appressorium formation by the mycoparasite; (2) treatment of the rnycoparasite spores with various sugars revealed that arabinose, glucose and N-acetylglucosamine inhibited the agglutination and attachment activity of the glycoproteins, however, the relative percentage of appressorium formation was not affected by the above sugars; (3) the two glycoproteins are relatively stable with respect to their agglutinin and receptor functions. The present results suggest that the agglutination and attachment may be mediated directly by certain sugars present at the host and mycoparasite cell surfaces while the appressorlum formation may be the response of complementary combinations of both sugar and protein, the two parts of the glycoproteins at the interacting surfaces of two fungi.


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Presence of surface glycoprotein in Piptocephalis virginiana that recognizes the host glycoproteins band c, reported earlier from our laboratory, was detected by immunofluorescence microscopy. Germinated spores of P. virginiana treated with Mortierella pusilla cell wall protein extract, primary antibodies prepared against glycoproteins band c and FITC-goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugate showed fluorescence. This indicated that on the surfaces of the biotrophic mycoparasite P. virginiana , there might be a complementary molecule which recognizes the glycoproteins band c from M. pusilla. Immunobinding analysis identified a glycoprotein of Mr 100 kDa from the mycoparasite which binds with the host glycoproteins band c, separately as well as collectively. Purification of this glycoprotein was achieved by (i) 60% ammonium sulfate precipitation, (ii) followed by heat treatment, and (iii) Sephadex G-IOO gel filtration. The glycoprotein was isolated by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis by cutting and elution. The purity of the protein ·was ascertained by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. Positive reaction to periodic acid-Schiff reagent revealed the glycoprotein nature of this 100 kDa protein. Mannose was identified as a major sugar component of this glycoprotein by using a BoehringerMannheim Glycan Differentiation Kit. Electrophoretically purified glycoprotein was used to raIse polyclonal antibody in rabbit. The specificity of the antibody was determined by dot-immunobinding test and western-blot analysis. Immunofluorescence mIcroscopy revealed surface localization of the protein on the germ tube of Piptocephalis virginiana. Fluorescence was also observed at the surfaceJ of the germinated spores and hyphae of the host, M. pusilla after treatment with complementary protein from P. virginiana, primary antibody prepared against the complementary protein and FITC-goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugate.


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Cell surfaces of susceptible host species (Mortierella pusllla and Cboanepilora cucurbitarum ), resistant host (Pilascolomyces articulosus ), nonhost (Mortierella candelabrum ) and the mycoparasite (Piptocepilalis virginiana) were examined for sugar distribution patterns using light and fluorescent microscopy techniques. The susceptible host, resistant host and the mycoparasite species exhibited a similar sugar distribution profile; they all showed N-acetyl glucosamine and D-glucose on their cell wall surfaces. The nonhost cell wall surface showed a positive binding reaction to FITClectins specific for N-acetyl glucosamine and also for OI.-fucose, N-acetyl galactosamine and galactose. Treatment of these fungi with mild concentrations of proteinases (both commercial as well as the mycoparasiteproteinase) resulted in the revelation of additional sugars on the fungal cell walls. The susceptible host treated with proteinase expressed higher levels of N-acetyl glucosamine and D-glucose. The susceptible host also showed the presence of OI.-fucose, N-acetyl galactosamine and galactose. The proteinasetreated susceptible host cell walls also showed an increase in the levels of attachment with the mycoparasite. Treatment of the resistant host with proteinases revealed OI.-fucose in addition to N-acetyl glucosamine and D-glucose. Treatment of the nonhost cell wall with proteinase resulted in the exposure of low levels of D-glucose, in addition to sugars found on the untreated nonhost cell wall surface. The mycoparasite treated with proteinase revealed OI.-fucose, N-acetyl galactosamine and galactose on its cell surface in addition to the sugars N-acetyl glucosamine and D-glucose. Protoplasts were isolated from hosts and nonhost fungi and their surfaces were examined for sugar distribution patterns. The susceptible host and nonhost protoplast membranes showed all the sugars (N-acetyl glucosamine, D-glucose, (It.-fucose, N-acetyl galactosamine and galactose) tested for. The resistant host protoplast membrane however, had only N-acetyl glucosamine and D-glucose exposed. This sugar distribution profile resembles that exhibited by the untreated resistant host cell wall, as well as that shown by the untreated mycoparasite cell surface. Only susceptible host protoplasts were successful in attaching to the mycoparasite surface. Resistant host protoplasts did not show any interaction with the i mycoparasite cell surface. Both susceptible as well as resistant host protoplasts were incapable of attaching to agarose beads surface-coated with specific carbohydrates. The mycoparasite however, did attach to agarose beads surface-coated with either N-acetyl glucosamine, D-glucose/Dmannose or o:,- methyl-D-mannose. The relevance of the cell wall and the protoplast membrane in the light of the present results, in reacting appropriately to bring about either a susceptible, a resistant or a nonhost response has been discussed.


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Floral nectar is thought to be the primary carbohydrate source for most dipteran species. However, it has been shown that black flies (Burgin & Hunter 1997 a,b,c), mosquitoes (Foster 1995; Burkett et al. 1999; Russell & Hunter 2002), deer flies (Magnarelli & Burger 1984; Janzen & Hunter 1998; Ossowski & Hunter 2000), horse flies (Schutz & Gaugler 1989; Hunter & Ossowski 1999) and sand flies (MacVicker et al. 1990; Wallbanks et al. 1990; Cameron et al. 1992, 1995; Schlein & Jacobson 1994, 1999; Hamilton & EI Naiem 2000) feed on homopteran honeydew as well as floral nectar. Prior to 1997 floral nectar was thought to be the main source of carbohydrates for black flies. However, Burgin & Hunter (1 997a) demonstrated that up to 35% of black flies had recently consumed meals of homo pte ran honeydew. This information has necessitated a re-assessment of many life history aspects of black flies. Attempts are being made to examine the effects of nectar versus honeydew on black fly fecundity and parasite transmission (Hazzard 2003). Recently, Stanfield and Hunter (unpublished data) have shown that in female black flies, honeydew sugars produce flights of longer distance and duration than do nectar sugars. This thesis examines two aspects of black fly biology as it relates to sugar meal consumption. First, the effects of honeydew and nectar on black fly longevity are examined. Second, the proximate causation behind longer flight performances in honeydew-fed flies will be examined. The comparison between these two sources is important because nectar is composed of mainly simple sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides) whereas honeydew is composed of both simple and complex sugars (including trisaccharides and tetrasaccharides ).


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Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999.5 B63 P54 2007


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The sugar-feeding ecology of dipteran vectors has recently been targeted because it presents opportunities to inoculate common food sources for these dipterans with entomopathogenic bacteria as a means of controlling the population of host-seeking adult dipteran vectors. Whereas this approach to vector control holds some promise, differences in the nutrient composition and concentration in sugary food sources can influence the food selection pattern of dipteran vectors and potentially confound the outcomes of field trials on the efficacy of entomopathogenic bacteria as vector control agents. Further, nutrient components of bacteria-inoculated artificial diets may present unintended effects of extending the survivorship or fecundity of the target population and potentially render the whole approach counterproductive. The present study investigated the diet-specific factors that influence the foraging decisions of female Simulium venustum/verecundum (Diptera: Simuliidae) and female Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) on artificial nectar and honeydew. Paired choice experiments showed that the black flies forage more frequently from high calorie diets, which contained melezitose, or those diets that contained amino acids, compared to low calorie melezitose-free diets or amino acid-free diets. The mosquitoes however displayed a more random diet selection pattern. The effects of sugary diets on certain life-history traits considered to be important to the ecological fitness of the black flies and mosquitoes were also investigated. Sugary diets had no significant effect on the survivorship and fecundity of the black flies, but they influenced the resistance of Leucocytozoon-infected flies to the parasite. Amino acid-containing diets appeared to extend the survival of mosquitoes, and also allowed them to take more vertebrate blood when they blood fed.


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Résumé La prédominance de l'obésité qui touche les enfants et les adultes a augmenté dans le monde entier ces dernières décennies. Les différentes études épidémiologiques ont prouvé que l'obésité est devenue une préoccupation profonde de santé aux États-Unis et au Canada. Il a été montré que l'obésité a beaucoup d’effets sur la santé ainsi il serait important de trouver différentes causes pour le gain de poids. Il est clair que l'obésité soit la condition de multiples facteurs et implique des éléments génétiques et environnementaux. Nous nous concentrons sur les facteurs diététiques et particulièrement le fructose où sa consommation a parallèlement augmenté avec l'augmentation du taux d'obésité. La forme principale du fructose est le sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose (HFCS) qui est employé en tant qu'édulcorant primordial dans la plupart des boissons et nourritures en Amérique du Nord. Il a été suggéré que la prise du fructose serait probablement un facteur qui contribue à l’augmentation de la prédominance de l'obésité. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer s'il y a un rapport entre la consommation du fructose et le risque d'obésité. Nous avons travaillé sur deux bases de données des nations Cree et Inuit. Nous avons eu un groupe de 522 adultes Cree, (263 femmes et 259 hommes) dans deux groupes d'âge : les personnes entre 20 et 40 ans, et les personnes de 40 à 60 ans. Nous les avons classés par catégorie en quatre groupes d'indice de masse corporelle (IMC). L'outil de collecte de données était un rappel de 24 heures. En revanche, pour la base de données d'Inuit nous avons eu 550 adultes (301 femmes et 249 hommes) dans deux groupes d'âge semblables à ceux du Cree et avec 3 catégories d’indice de masse corporelle. Les données dans la base d'Inuit ont été recueillies au moyen de deux rappels de 24 heures. Nous avons extrait la quantité de fructose par 100 grammes de nourriture consommés par ces deux populations et nous avons créé des données de composition en nourriture pour les deux. Nous avons pu également déterminer les sources principales du fructose pour ces populations. Aucun rapport entre la consommation du fructose et l’augmentation de l’indice de masse corporelle parmi les adultes de Cree et d'Inuit n’a été détecté. Nous avons considéré l’apport énergétique comme facteur confondant potentiel et après ajustement, nous avons constaté que l'indice de masse corporelle a été associé à l’apport énergétique total et non pas à la consommation du fructose. Puisque dans les études qui ont trouvé une association entre la consommation de fructose et l’obésité, le niveau de la consommation de fructose était supérieure à 50 grammes par jour et comme dans cette étude ce niveau était inférieur à cette limite (entre 20.6 et 45.4 g/jour), nous proposons que des effets negatifs du fructose sur la masse corporelle pourraient être testés dans des populations à plus haute consommation. Les essais cliniques randomisés et éventuelles études cohortes avec différents niveaux de consommation de fructose suivis à long terme pourraient aussi être utiles. Mots clés : fructose, sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose (HFCS), obésité et poids excessif


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Les antibiotiques aminoglycosidiques sont des agents bactéricides de grande valeur et d’efficacité à large spectre contre les pathogènes Gram-positifs et Gram-négatifs, dont plusieurs membres naturels et semisynthétiques sont importants dans l’histoire clinique depuis 1950. Des travaux crystallographiques sur le ribosome, récompensés par le prix Nobel, ont démontré comment leurs diverses structures polyaminées sont adaptées pour cibler une hélice d’ARN dans le centre de codage de la sous-unité 30S du ribosome bactérien. Leur interférence avec l’affinité et la cinétique des étapes de sélection et vérification des tARN induit la synthèse de protéines à basse fidélité, et l’inhibition de la translocation, établissant un cercle vicieux d’accumulation d’antibiotique et de stress sur la membrane. En réponse à ces pressions, les pathogènes bactériens ont évolué et disséminé une panoplie de mécanismes de résistance enzymatiques et d’expulsion : tels que les N acétyltransférases, les O phosphotransférases et les O nucleotidyltransférases qui ciblent les groupements hydroxyle et amino sur le coeur des aminoglycosides; des méthyl-transférases, qui ciblent le site de liaison ribosomale; et des pompes d’expulsion actives pour l’élimination sélective des aminoglycosides, qui sont utilisés par les souches Gram-négatives. Les pathogènes les plus problématiques, qui présentent aujourd’hui une forte résilience envers la majorité des classes d’antibiotiques sur le bord de la pan-résistance ont été nommés des bactéries ESKAPE, une mnémonique pour Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa et Enterobacteriaceae. La distribution globale des souches avec des mécanismes de résistance envers les standards cliniques aminoglycosides, tels que la tobramycine, l’amikacine et la gentamicine, est comprise entre 20 et 60% des isolées cliniques. Ainsi, les aminoglycosides du type 4,6-disubstitués-2-deoxystreptamine sont inadéquats comme thérapies anti-infectieuses à large spectre. Cependant, la famille des aminoglycosides 4,5-disubstitués, incluant la butirosine, la neomycine et la paromomycine, dont la structure plus complexe, pourrait constituter une alternative. Des collègues dans le groupe Hanessian et collaborateurs d’Achaogen Inc. ont démontré que certains analogues de la paraomomycine et neomycine, modifiés par désoxygénation sur les positions 3’ et 4’, et par substitution avec la chaîne N1-α-hydroxy-γ-aminobutyramide (HABA) provenant de la butirosine, pourrait produire des antibiotiques très prometteurs. Le Chapitre 4 de cette dissertation présente la conception et le développement d’une stratégie semi-synthétique pour produire des nouveaux aminoglycosides améliorés du type 4,5 disubstitués, inspiré par des modifications biosynthétiques de la sisomicine, qui frustrent les mécanismes de résistance bactérienne distribuées globalement. Cette voie de synthèse dépend d’une réaction d’hydrogénolyse de type Tsuji catalysée par palladium, d’abord développée sur des modèles monosaccharides puis subséquemment appliquée pour générer un ensemble d’aminoglycosides hybrides entre la neomycine et la sisomicine. Les études structure-activité des divers analogues de cette nouvelle classe ont été évaluées sur une gamme de 26 souches bactériennes exprimant des mécanismes de résistance enzymatique et d’expulsion qui englobe l’ensemble des pathogènes ESKAPE. Deux des antibiotiques hybrides ont une couverture antibacterienne excellente, et cette étude a mis en évidence des candidats prometteurs pour le développement préclinique. La thérapie avec les antibiotiques aminoglycosidiques est toujours associée à une probabilité de complications néphrotoxiques. Le potentiel de toxicité de chaque aminoglycoside peut être largement corrélé avec le nombre de groupements amino et de désoxygénations. Une hypothèse de longue date dans le domaine indique que les interactions principales sont effectuées par des sels des groupements ammonium, donc l’ajustement des paramètres de pKa pourrait provoquer une dissociation plus rapide avec leurs cibles, une clairance plus efficace et globalement des analogues moins néphrotoxiques. Le Chapitre 5 de cette dissertation présente la conception et la synthèse asymétrique de chaînes N1 HABA β substitutées par mono- et bis-fluoration. Des chaînes qui possèdent des γ-N pKa dans l’intervalle entre 10 et 7.5 ont été appliquées sur une neomycine tétra-désoxygénée pour produire des antibiotiques avancés. Malgré la réduction considérable du γ N pKa, le large spectre bactéricide n’a pas été significativement affecté pour les analogues fluorés isosteriques. De plus, des études structure-toxicité évaluées avec une analyse d’apoptose propriétaire d’Achaogen ont démontré que la nouvelle chaîne β,β difluoro-N1-HABA est moins nocive sur un modèle de cellules de rein humain HK2 et elle est prometteuse pour le développement d’antibiotiques du type neomycine avec des propriétés thérapeutiques améliorées. Le chapitre final de cette dissertation présente la proposition et validation d’une synthèse biomimétique par assemblage spontané du aminoglycoside 66-40C, un dimère C2 symétrique bis-imine macrocyclique à 16 membres. La structure proposée du macrocycle a été affinée par spectroscopie nucléaire à un système trans,trans-bis-azadiène anti-parallèle. Des calculs indiquent que l’effet anomérique de la liaison α glycosidique entre les anneaux A et B fournit la pré-organisation pour le monomère 6’ aldéhydo sisomicine et favorise le produit macrocyclique observé. L’assemblage spontané dans l’eau a été étudié par la dimérisation de trois divers analogues et par des expériences d’entre croisement qui ont démontré la généralité et la stabilité du motif macrocyclique de l'aminoglycoside 66-40C.