992 resultados para Basis-set


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The measured toughness J(C) of adipose and dermal porcine tissues are 4.1 and 17 kJ m(-2), respectively, via a trouser tear test. An assessment is made of the contribution to overall toughness from the microstructural elements. The analysis suggests that the toughness of adipose tissue is determined by the collagen network that surrounds the adipocytes. The volume fraction of the interlobular septa is sufficiently low for it to make a negligible contribution to the macroscopic toughness.


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分子系统发育分析的主要任务包括:(1)帮助建立生命之树(tree of life);(2)追踪基因和基因家族(gene family)的起源和进化, 以获知基因在进化过程中的功能分化和伴随发生的重要分子事件(key molecular events)和形态性状的关键创新(key innovation)。这两个方面在本研究中都有所涉及。对于前者,选用植物线粒体matR基因重建被子植物蔷薇类群的系统发育关系;对于后者,则以SET基因超家族为例,探讨其在真核生物中的进化分类以及与功能多样性的关系。 I 蔷薇类的分子系统学 蔷薇类(rosids)是基于分子数据建立的被子植物的主要分支之一,包含13个目,大约三分之一的被子植物物种。两个主要蔷薇类内部分支是豆类fabids(包含7个目)和锦葵类malvids(包含3个目)。然而,这两个分支内部,以及这两个分支与蔷薇类基部类群,包括牻牛儿苗目(Geraniales)、桃金娘目(Myrtales)和流苏子目(Crossosomatales)之间的关系大多是不清楚的。本研究中,我们选取174个物种来代表72个蔷薇类(rosids)的科,利用两个数据集,即线粒体matR单基因数据集和包括线粒体matR基因、两个质体基因(rbcL、 atpB)和一个核基因(18S rDNA) 的4基因数据集,重建蔷薇类在科以上分类阶元水平的系统发育关系。同时,还对线粒体matR基因的进化特征和用于大尺度系统发育分析的适合度和潜力进行了评价。 线粒体matR单基因数据支持malvids和大多数蔷薇类目的单系性质,然而,豆类(fabids)成员没有形成一个分支,其COM亚支,包括卫矛目(Celastrales)、酢浆草目(Oxalidales)、金虎尾目(Malpighiales)和蒜树科(Huaceae),分辨为锦葵类(malvids)的姐妹群。这个关系在最近根据花结构特征曾被提出过,但从未在之前的分子系统发育分析中得到分辨。4基因数据集支持首先是牻牛儿苗目(Geraniales),接着是桃金娘目(Myrtales)作为蔷薇类(rosids)的最基部的分支;流苏子目(Crossosomatales)是锦葵类(malvids)姐妹群,以及蔷薇类(rosids)的核心部分包括豆类(fabids),锦葵类(malvids)和流苏子目(Crossosomatales)。线粒体matR基因的进化特征分析显示,与两个叶绿体基因(rbcL 和atpB)比较,同义替代速率约是它们的1/4,而非同义替代速率接近于自身的同义替代速率,表明matR 基因具有松弛的选择压力。线粒体matR基因相对慢速的进化使非同源相似(homoplasious)突变减少,提高了系统发育信息的质量,同时,松弛的选择压力使非同义替代数量增加,弥补了慢速进化导致的系统发育信息数量不足的缺陷,这两个方面的结合使线粒体matR基因非常适用于被子植物在科以上水平的系统发育研究。 II SET基因超家族的系统发育基因组学分析 SET基因超家族基因编码含有SET结构域的蛋白,在真核生物中,SET-domain蛋白一般是多结构域(multi-domain)的。SET-domain蛋白具有对组蛋白H3和H4的N末端尾部进行赖氨酸残基甲基化修饰的酶活性;从异染色质形成到基因转录,甲基化的组蛋白广泛影响染色质水平的基因调控。依据SET结构域一级序列的相似性和结构域组织(domain architecture)特征,目前,SET-domain基因超家族被划分为4-7个家族。由于这些划分或者使用动物或者使用植物SET基因,只有少数其它类群的物种加入分析,因此这样的划分可能是不完整的。本研究采用系统发育基 因组学方法(phylogenomic approach),在真核生物范围内广泛取样,期望获得相对完整的SET-domain基因家族的 进化分类方案,在此基础上加深理解SET-domain基因的进化机制和功能多样性。 在提取了17个物种,代表5个真核超群的SET蛋白序列基础上,系统发育分析结合“结构域组织特征”鉴别了9个SET基因家族,其中一个是新的SET基因家族。以前的SET8和Class VI家族,及SMYD和SUV4-20家族分别合并为一个家族。大部分家族在进化过程中发生了2次以上的基因重复事件,通过获得不同的结构域产生具有不同功能的新基因。一个SET基因家族在进化过程中推测发生了从脊椎动物祖先向盘基网柄菌(Dictyostelium discoideum)的水平基因转移。


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Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) is a pelagic, migratory species with a transoceanic distribution in tropical and subtropical waters. Recreational fishing pressure on Cobia in the United States has increased substantially during the last decade, especially in areas of its annual inshore aggregations, making this species potentially susceptible to overfishing. Although Cobia along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the southeastern United States are currently managed as a single fishery, the genetic composition of Cobias in these areas is unclear. On the basis of a robust microsatellite data set from collections along the U.S. Atlantic coast (2008–09), offshore groups were genetically homogenous. However, the 2 sampled inshore aggregations (South Carolina and Virginia) were genetically distinct from each other, as well as from the offshore group. The recapture of stocked fish within their release estuary 2 years after release indicates that some degree of estuarine fidelity occurs within these inshore aggregations and supports the detection of their unique genetic structure at the population level. These results complement the observed high site fidelity of Cobias in South Carolina and support a recent study that confirms that Cobia spawn in the inshore aggregations. Our increased understanding of Cobia life history will be beneficial for determining the appropriate scale of fishery management for Cobia.


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California sea lions have been a repeated subject of investigation for early life toxicity, which has been documented to occur with increasing frequency from late February through mid-May in association with organochlorine (PCB and DDT) poisoning and infectious disease in the 1970's and domoic acid poisoning in the last decade. The mass early life mortality events result from the concentrated breeding grounds and synchronization of reproduction over a 28 day post partum estrus cycle and 11 month in utero phase. This physiological synchronization is triggered by a decreasing photoperiod of 11.48 h/day that occurs approximately 90 days after conception at the major California breeding grounds. The photoperiod trigger activates implantation of embryos to proceed with development for the next 242 days until birth. Embryonic diapause is a selectable trait thought to optimize timing for food utilization and male migratory patterns; yet from the toxicological perspective presented here also serves to synchronize developmental toxicity of pulsed environmental events such as domoic acid poisoning. Research studies in laboratory animals have defined age-dependent neurotoxic effects during development and windows of susceptibility to domoic acid exposure. This review will evaluate experimental domoic acid neurotoxicity in developing rodents and, aided by comparative allometric projections, will analyze potential prenatal toxicity and exposure susceptibility in the California sea lion. This analysis should provide a useful tool to forecast fetal toxicity and understand the impact of fetal toxicity on adult disease of the California sea lion.


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Fishery-independent estimates of spawning biomass (BSP) of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) on the south and lower west coasts of Western Australia (WA) were obtained periodically between 1991 and 1999 by using the daily egg production method (DEPM). Ichthyoplankton data collected during these surveys, specifically the presence or absence of S. sagax eggs, were used to investigate trends in the spawning area of S. sagax within each of four regions. The expectation was that trends in BSP and spawning area were positively related. With the DEPM model, estimates of BSP will change proportionally with spawning area if all other variables remain constant. The proportion of positive stations (PPS), i.e., stations with nonzero egg counts — an objective estimator of spawning area — was high for all south coast regions during the early 1990s (a period when the estimated BSP was also high) and then decreased after the mid-1990s. There was a decrease in PPS from the mid-1990s to 1999. The particularly low estimates in 1999 followed a severe epidemic mass mortality of S. sagax throughout their range across southern Australia. Deviations from the expected relationship between BSP and PPS were used to identify uncertainty around estimates of BSP. Because estimation of spawning area is subject to less sampling bias than estimation of BSP, the deviation in the relation between the two provides an objective basis for adjusting some estimates of the latter. Such an approach is particularly useful for fisheries management purposes when sampling problems are suspected to be present. The analysis of PPS undertaken from the same set of samples from which the DEPM estimate is derived will help provide information for stock assessments and for the management of purse-seine fisheries.


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We surveyed variation at 13 microsatellite loci in approximately 7400 chinook salmon sampled from 52 spawning sites in the Fraser River drainage during 1988–98 to examine the spatial and temporal basis of population structure in the watershed. Genetically discrete chinook salmon populations were associated with almost all spawning sites, although gene flow within some tributaries prevented or limited differentiation among spawning groups. The mean FST value over 52 samples and 13 loci surveyed was 0.039. Geographic structuring of populations was apparent: distinct groups were identified in the upper, middle, and lower Fraser River regions, and the north, south, and lower Thompson River regions. The geographically and temporally isolated Birkenhead River population of the lower Fraser region was sufficiently genetically distinctive to be treated as a separate region in a hierarchial analysis of gene diversity. Approximately 95% of genetic variation was contained within populations, and the remainder was accounted for by differentiation among regions (3.1%), among populations within regions (1.3%), and among years within populations (0.5%).Analysis of allelic diversity and private alleles did not support the suggestion that genetically distinctive populations of chinook salmon in the south Thompson were the result of postglacial hybridization of ocean-type and stream-type chinook in the Fraser River drainage. However, the relatively small amount of differentiation among Fraser River chinook salmon populations supports the suggestion that gene flow among genetically distinct groups of postglacial colonizing groups of chinook salmon has occurred, possibly prior to colonization of the Fraser River drainage.


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Histamine levels in batches of heavily salted (fish:salt ratio 4:1) herring (Clupea harengus) were monitored during ripening at 4°C and 25°C. The batches studied were prepared from both pre-spawning and post-spawning (spent) fish using new and used salt. Salt levels in the flesh, which reached 11 to 14% (wet weight basis) during the ripening period, were found to retard histamine formation. During normal spoilage of ice chilled fish, histamine levels had been reported to exceed 50mg/100g flesh as it approached the limit of edibility whilst, in the heavily salted fish, levels remained below 20mg/100g flesh throughout the ripening periods of 18 months for the 4°C batches and 3 months for the 25°C batches. This was the case when the samples were set up and the salt allowed penetrating the flesh at 4°C. When, however, the samples were set up and initially stored at ambient (10-15°C) temperature the histamine levels in the flesh rose above 20mg/100g before enough salt had penetrated to inhibit its generation. The gradual rise in levels which, nevertheless, occurred over the ripening periods followed significantly (5% level of significance) different trends, being greater in the batches prepared from pre-spawning than those from spent fish.


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To test the efficacy of the technique of using dopamine-antagonists with pituitary extracts, experiments were conducted in July/August '93, at the CIFE Fresh water Fish Farm, Powerkheda. In all, 35 sets (1 female x 2 male in each set) were tried individually. 19 sets were treated with Domperidone (DOM) and Carp Pituitary Extract (CPE) and they constituted the experimental sets, while the rest 16 were treated with CPE and formed the control sets. The breeding, complete ovulation and hatching was 84.2%, 87.5% and 85.7%, respectively in the experimental sets whereas it was 93.7%, 60% and 72.7%, respectively in case of control sets. Experimental sets yielded 1.20 lakh spawn/kg body wt. (female) as compared to 0.83 lakh spawn kg body wt. (female) received from control sets on average basis. When DOM was used at 50-60% there was 100% breeding success but when increased to 70%, breeding rate fell to 66%. In mass breeding of Catla in the circular hatchery DOM mixed with CPE in 50:50 ratio gave excellent results.


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Aircraft in high-lift configuration shed multiple vortices. These generally merge to form a downstream wake consisting of two counter-rotating vortices of equal strength. The understanding of the merger of two co-rotating trailing vortices is important in evaluating the separation criteria for different aircraft to prevent wake vortex hazards during landing and take-off. There is no existing theoretical method on the basis of which such norms can be set. The present study is aimed at gaining a better understanding of the behaviour of wake vortices behind the aircraft. Two dimensional studies are carried out using the vortex blob method and compared with Bertenyi's experiment. It is shown that inviscid two dimensional effects are insufficient to explain the observations. Three dimensional studies, using the vortex filament method, are applied to the same test case. Two Lamb-Oseen profile vortices of the same dimensions and initial separation as the experiment are allowed to evolve from a straight starting condition until a converged steady flow is achieved. The results obtained show good agreement with the experimental distance to merger. Core radius and separation behaviour is qualitatively similar to experiment, with the exception of rapid increases at first. This may be partially attributable to the choice of filament-element length, and recommended further work includes a convergence study for this parameter. Copyright © 2005 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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The application of automated design optimization to real-world, complex geometry problems is a significant challenge - especially if the topology is not known a priori like in turbine internal cooling. The long term goal of our work is to focus on an end-to-end integration of the whole CFD Process, from solid model through meshing, solving and post-processing to enable this type of design optimization to become viable & practical. In recent papers we have reported the integration of a Level Set based geometry kernel with an octree-based cut- Cartesian mesh generator, RANS flow solver, post-processing & geometry editing all within a single piece of software - and all implemented in parallel with commodity PC clusters as the target. The cut-cells which characterize the approach are eliminated by exporting a body-conformal mesh guided by the underpinning Level Set. This paper extends this work still further with a simple scoping study showing how the basic functionality can be scripted & automated and then used as the basis for automated optimization of a generic gas turbine cooling geometry. Copyright © 2008 by W.N.Dawes.


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Previous authors observed the influence of temperature variations in movement of fishes and noticed better catches in bottom set nets during summer in Tungabhadra reservoir. The present account reports on similar observations in Gobindsagar reservoir.