970 resultados para BINGE-EATING DISORDER


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The pivotal role of inflated responsibility beliefs in the maintenance and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has been clearly demonstrated (Rachman, 1993; Salkovskis, 1998; Shafran, 1997; van Oppen & Arntz, 1994). Yet little is known about the origins of these beliefs, their contribution to a sense of inflated responsibility or the symptoms of OCD, or the contribution of personality to inflated responsibility and to OCD, The aims of this thesis were to investigate a model of the inter-relationships among the personality dimensions of neuroticism and psychoticism, inflated responsibility and OCD, and the origins of inflated responsibility to inflated responsibility and to OCD. In order to achieve these aims, a scale was developed to assess the origins of inflated responsibility based upon the five pathways proposed by Salkovskis, Shafran, Rachman, and Freeston (1999) and the additional domains of guilt, vigilance and thought-action fusion (Shafran, Thordarson, & Rachman, 1996; Shafran, Watkins & Charman, 1996; Tallis, 1994). Eighty-four participants with OCD (age M = 43.36) and 74 control participants (age M =37.14) volunteered to participate in the two studies of this thesis. The aim of Study 1 was to develop and validate a measure of the Origins of Inflated Responsibility (OIR). The results of the first study yielded a 25-ttem scale, the Origins of Inflated Responsibility Questionnaire (OIRQ) with five independent factors: responsibility, strictness, protection from responsibility, critical incidents, and peer blame which demonstrated both internal reliability and temporal stability over a 2-week period. In Study 2, participants also completed the Responsibility Attitudes Scale (Salkovskis, Wroe, Gledhill, Morrison, Forrester, Richards, ct al. (2000) (a measure of inflated responsibility), the Padua Inventory (Sanavio, 1988) (to measure of the symptoms of OCD)y and the Eysenck Personality Inventory-Revised (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1991). Multivariatc Analysis of Variance revealed that the OCD group scored higher on all variables than the control group except for strictness where the groups were not different, and psychoticism where the OCD group scored lower. A series of Multiple Regression analyses revealed that both group and the OIR contributed to inflated responsibility (R2 = .56). When all variables, OIR, inflated responsibility and neuroticism were entered as predictors of OCD, 60% of the variance in OCD was explained however, 49% of the variance was shared by the independent variables suggesting the presence of some underlying construct. Structural Equation Modelling, where all the constructs in the model were examined simultaneously, revealed that neuroticism contributed to the OIR, inflated responsibility and OCD. The OIR were also significant predictors of inflated responsibility and indirectly through inflated responsibility predictive of OCD. The OIR also directly predicted OCD and when the total effects are considered, their contribution was greater than the total effect for inflated responsibility alone. The results of these studies provide good support for the origins of inflated responsibility proposed by Salkovskis et al. (1999), as measured by the OIRQ developed for use in the current thesis. The results also support the contribution of inflated responsibility and neuroticism, as well as the OIR, to OCD, The large amount of variance shared by the OIR, inflated responsibility and neuroticism suggest that there might be some underlying construct, perhaps of a biopsychosocial nature, that requires further investigation for its role in the onset and maintenance of OCD. The clinical relevance of these findings is discussed in terms of early prevention strategies and interventions.


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The prevalence of childhood obesity is escalating rapidly and it considered to be a major public health problem. Diet is a recognised precursor of fatness, and current evidence supports the premise that in Westernised countries, the dietary intakes of children are likely to be important in obesity genesis. However, we have a relatively poor understanding of the environments in which a child’s eating is learnt and maintained. Much of the existing work in this area is based on small-scale or experimental studies, or has been derived from homogeneous populations within the USA. Despite these limitations, there is evidence that aspects of the child’s family environment are likely to be important in determining obesity risk in children. This thesis examines the impact of the family food environment on a child’s eating through two related studies. The first study, titled the Children and Family Eating (CAFÉ) study comprised three phases. Phase one involved qualitative interviews with 17 parents of 5-6 year-old children to explore parental perceptions regarding those factors in a child’s environment believed to influence the development of their child’s eating habits. These interviews were used to inform the development of quantitative measures of the family food environment. The second phase involved the development of a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) to assess dietary intake in 5-6 year-olds. The FFQ was informed by analysis of 1995 Australian National Nutrition Survey data. In the final phase the relationships between dietary intakes of 5-6 year-old children, and potential predictors of dietary intake were examined in a cross-sectional study of 560 families. Predictors included measures of: parental perceptions of the adequacy of their child’s diet; food availability and accessibility; child-feeding; the opportunities for parental modelling of food intake; a child’s television exposure; maternal Body Mass Index; and maternal education. Analysis of the CAFÉ data provides unique information regarding the relationships between a child’s family food environment and their food consumption. Models developed for a range of dietary outcomes considered to be predictive of increased risk for obesity, including total energy and fat intakes, vegetable variety, vegetable consumption, and high-energy (non-dairy) fluid consumption, explained between 11 and 20 percent of the variance in dietary intake. Two aspects of the family food environment, parental perception of a child’s dietary adequacy, and the total minutes of television viewed per day, were frequently found to be predictive of dietary outcomes likely to promote fatness in these children. The second study, titled the Parent Education and Support (PEAS) Feeding Intervention Study, was a prospective pre/post non-randomised intervention trial that assessed the impact of a feeding intervention to 240 first-time mothers of one-year-old children. This intervention focused on one aspect of the family food environment, child-feeding, which has been proposed as influential in the development of obesogenic eating behaviours. In this study, Maternal and Child Health Nurses (MCHNs), using a ‘Division of Responsibility’ model of feeding, taught parents to provide nutritious food at regular intervals and to let children decide if to eat and how much to eat. Thus parents were encourages to food their child without exerting pressure, or employing coercion or rewards (controlling behaviours). The aim was to influence parental attitudes and beliefs regarding child-feeding. Through the use of these feeding techniques, this intervention also aimed to increase the variety of fruits and vegetables a child consumed by teaching parents to persist with offering these foods, over the year of the intervention, in non-emotive environments. Fruits and vegetables were chosen in this intervention because they are likely to be protective in the development of obesity. Analysis of the PEAS data suggests that this low-level feeding intervention, delivered through existing Maternal and Child Health services, was modestly effective in changing parental attitudes and beliefs regarding the feeding of young children. Further, the validity of fruits offered to intervention group children increased. This thesis expands the existing knowledge base by providing a comprehensive analysis of the relative impact of aspects of the family environment on dietary intakes of 5-6 year-olds. Further, the analysis of a feeding intervention in first-time parents provides important insights regarding the potential to influence child-feeding and the impact this may have on the promotion of eating behaviours protective against obesity.


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Objective(s). To look at food and eating practices from the perspectives of Pakistanis and Indians with type 2 diabetes, their perceptions of the barriers and facilitators to dietary change, and the social and cultural factors informing their accounts.

Method. Qualitative, interview study involving 23 Pakistanis and nine Indians with type 2 diabetes. Respondents were interviewed in their first language (Punjabi or English) by a bilingual researcher. Data collection and analysis took place concurrently with issues identified in early interviews being used to inform areas of investigation in later ones.

Results. Despite considerable diversity in the dietary advice received, respondents offered similar accounts of their food and eating practices following diagnosis. Most had continued to consume South Asian foods, especially in the evenings, despite their perceived concerns that these foods could be 'dangerous' and detrimental to their diabetes control. Respondents described such foods as 'strength-giving', and highlighted a cultural expectation to participate in acts of commensality with family/community members. Male respondents often reported limited input into food preparation. Many respondents attempted to balance the perceived risks of eating South Asian foodstuffs against those of alienating themselves from their culture and community by eating such foods in smaller amounts. This strategy could lead to a lack of satiation and is not recommended in current dietary guidelines.

Conclusions. Perceptions that South Asian foodstuffs necessarily comprise 'risky' options need to be tackled amongst patients and possibly their healthcare providers. To enable Indians and Pakistanis to manage their diabetes and identity simultaneously, guidelines should promote changes which work with their current food practices and preferences; specifically through lower fat recipes for commonly consumed dishes. Information and advice should be targeted at those responsible for food preparation, not just the person with diabetes. Community initiatives, emphasising the importance of healthy eating, are also needed.


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This thesis investigated the socioeconomic influences on women's eating behaviours. Results showed that women of low socioeconomic position not only perceived higher direct financial costs as a predominant barrier for consuming a healthy diet, but also a number of indirect or non-financial cost factors such as the perceived additional time costs involved in preparing and cooking healthy foods.


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This study found that Parent Management Training was a successful treatment for promary school aged children who were referred to a mental health clinic and diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The positive outcome was not affected by the child having comorbid disorders. These findings have relevance to the clinical field.


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This thesis examined the role of individual factors in the development of dieting and muscal preoccupation in children. The main factor associated with these weight and shape concerns was perfectionism. It is important to identify risk factors in order to design intervention programs to decrease these behaviours in children.


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This thesis examined a prediction of Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory regarding the association between personality traits and motivated behaviour and, whether reward-and-punishment sensitivity is associated with Attention-deficit / Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Results supported the predicted association between personality and motivated behaviour, but not the predicted association between reward-and-punishment sensitivity and ADHD.


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This thesis investigated the psychological processes that underlie the relationship between dissociation and disordered eating. Although previous theories have emphasized that dissociation undermines behavioural self-control and, in turn, contributes to disordered eating, present findings indicate that dissociation may also influence disordered eating via disturbances to one's sense of identity.


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Two studies were conducted investigating Australian women's management of their life goals. Although engagement with goals was generally positive for psychological well-being, the propensity to disengage from appearance-related goals was beneficial for body image and protective against disordered eating, suggesting strategies for promoting goal disengagement in women with eating disordered behaviour. The portfolio presents four case studies reviewing empirical research demonstrating the efficacy of adjuvant psychological therapy in relieving psychological distress in cancer patients.


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Examines whether the personality traits of sensitivity to reward and punishment as defined by Jeffrey Gray contributed to the prediction of disordered eating and hazardous alcohol use. Studies were conducted in both subclinical and clinical populations. Heightened sensitivity to reward contributed to the prediction of hazardous alcohol use and heightened sensitivity to punishment contributed to the prediction of disordered eating in women. Women with comorbid bulimia and alcohol dependence were more behaviourally sensitive to reward than normal controls.


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This study implemented social skills training as an adjunctive to psychostimulant medication with a sample of 14 boys with ADHD, compared to a control group of 14 ADHD boys whose treatment consisted of psychostimulant medication only. Results indicated that social skills training provides additive effects on some aspects of social functioning, over and above those of medication only. Findings are discussed in terms of their contributions to the understanding and treatment of the social difficulties in childhood ADHD. Costs and benefits of this approach to treatment are also considered.