931 resultados para Autism.


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Over the last decade, increasing evidence of cognitive functions of the cerebellum during development and learning processes could be ascertained. Posterior fossa malformations such as cerebellar hypoplasia or Joubert syndrome are known to be related to developmental problems in a marked to moderate extent. More detailed analyses reveal special deficits in attention, processing speed, visuospatial functions, and language. A study about Dandy Walker syndrome states a relationship of abnormalities in vermis lobulation with developmental problems. Further lobulation or volume abnormalities of the cerebellum and/or vermis can be detected in disorders as fragile X syndrome, Downs's syndrome, William's syndrome, and autism. Neuropsychological studies reveal a relation of dyslexia and attention deficit disorder with cerebellar functions. These functional studies are supported by structural abnormalities in neuroimaging in these disorders. Acquired cerebellar or vermis atrophy was found in groups of children with developmental problems such as prenatal alcohol exposure or extreme prematurity. Also, focal lesions during childhood or adolescence such as cerebellar tumor or stroke are related with neuropsychological abnormalities, which are most pronounced in visuospatial, language, and memory functions. In addition, cerebellar atrophy was shown to be a bad prognostic factor considering cognitive outcome in children after brain trauma and leukemia. In ataxia teleangiectasia, a neurodegenerative disorder affecting primarily the cerebellar cortex, a reduced verbal intelligence quotient and problems of judgment of duration are a hint of the importance of the cerebellum in cognition. In conclusion, the cerebellum seems to play an important role in many higher cognitive functions, especially in learning. There is a suggestion that the earlier the incorrect influence, the more pronounced the problems.


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Human pluripotent stem cells are a powerful tool for modeling brain development and disease. The human cortex is composed of two major neuronal populations: projection neurons and local interneurons. Cortical interneurons comprise a diverse class of cell types expressing the neurotransmitter GABA. Dysfunction of cortical interneurons has been implicated in neuropsychiatric diseases, including schizophrenia, autism, and epilepsy. Here, we demonstrate the highly efficient derivation of human cortical interneurons in an NKX2.1::GFP human embryonic stem cell reporter line. Manipulating the timing of SHH activation yields three distinct GFP+ populations with specific transcriptional profiles, neurotransmitter phenotypes, and migratory behaviors. Further differentiation in a murine cortical environment yields parvalbumin- and somatostatin-expressing neurons that exhibit synaptic inputs and electrophysiological properties of cortical interneurons. Our study defines the signals sufficient for modeling human ventral forebrain development in vitro and lays the foundation for studying cortical interneuron involvement in human disease pathology.


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Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a multisystem, autosomal dominant disorder affecting approximately 1 in 6000 births. Developmental brain abnormalities cause substantial morbidity and mortality and often lead to neurological disease including epilepsy, cognitive disabilities, and autism. TSC is caused by inactivating mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2, whose protein products are known inhibitors of mTORC1, an important kinase regulating translation and cell growth. Nonetheless, neither the pathophysiology of the neurological manifestations of TSC nor the extent of mTORC1 involvement in the development of these lesions is known. Murine models would greatly advance the study of this debilitating disorder. This thesis will describe the generation and characterization of a novel brain-specific mouse model of TSC, Tsc2flox/ko;hGFAP-Cre. In this model, the Tsc2 gene has been removed from most neurons and glia of the cortex and hippocampus by targeted Cre-mediated deletion in radial glial neuroprogenitor cells. The Tsc2flox/ko;hGFAP-Cre mice fail to thrive beginning postnatal day 8 and die from seizures around 23 days. Further characterization of these mice demonstrated megalencephaly, enlarged neurons, abnormal neuronal migration, altered progenitor pools, hypomyelination, and an astrogliosis. The similarity of these defects to those of TSC patients establishes this mouse as an excellent model for the study of the neuropathology of TSC and testing novel therapies. We further describe the use of this mouse model to assess the therapeutic potential of the macrolide rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTORC1. We demonstrate that rapamycin administered from postnatal day 10 can extend the life of the mutant animals 5 fold. Since TSC is a neurodevelopmental disorder, we also assessed in utero and/or immediate postnatal treatment of the animals with rapamycin. Amazingly, combined in utero and postnatal rapamycin effected a histologic rescue that was almost indistinguishable from control animals, indicating that dysregulation of mTORC1 plays a large role in TSC neuropathology. In spite of the almost complete histologic rescue, behavioral studies demonstrated that combined treatment resulted in poorer learning and memory than postnatal treatment alone. Postnatally-treated animals behaved similarly to treated controls, suggesting that immediate human treatment in the newborn period might provide the most opportune developmental timepoint for rapamycin administration.


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From Genes to Genome: An historical perspective (David Wheeler) Ignaz Semmelweis: Medical Prophet Without Honor (Ronald L. Young) Why Lewis Thomas, MD is Not a Bore: The Life of a Biology Watcher (Steven Greenberg) Doctors from Hell: The Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Humans (Vivien Spitz) Illuminating Autism: Passing the Torch from the Twentieth Century (Student Essay Contest Winners) (Lynn Yudofsky) Healing Beyond Hippocrates: The Temples of Asclepius and Public Health Care in Ancient Greece (Andrew Baldwin) Iron Wills and Iron Lungs: The Polio Years in Texas (Heather Green Wooten) William Osler and the Inspirational Uses of History (Michael Bliss) Working Too Hard and Achieving Too Much: The Cost of Being Harvey Cushing (Michael Bliss) Medicine in Ancient Egypt (Gene Boisaubin) The History of Diabetes (Jeff Unger)


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We investigated attention, encoding and processing of social aspects of complex photographic scenes. Twenty-four high-functioning adolescents (aged 11–16) with ASD and 24 typically developing matched control participants viewed and then described a series of scenes, each containing a person. Analyses of eye movements and verbal descriptions provided converging evidence that both groups displayed general interest in the person in each scene but the salience of the person was reduced for the ASD participants. Nevertheless, the verbal descriptions revealed that participants with ASD frequently processed the observed person’s emotion or mental state without prompting. They also often mentioned eye-gaze direction, and there was evidence from eye movements and verbal descriptions that gaze was followed accurately. The combination of evidence from eye movements and verbal descriptions provides a rich insight into the way stimuli are processed overall. The merits of using these methods within the same paradigm are discussed.


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Trust and betrayal of trust are ubiquitous in human societies. Recent behavioral evidence shows that the neuropeptide oxytocin increases trust among humans, thus offering a unique chance of gaining a deeper understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying trust and the adaptation to breach of trust. We examined the neural circuitry of trusting behavior by combining the intranasal, double-blind, administration of oxytocin with fMRI. We find that subjects in the oxytocin group show no change in their trusting behavior after they learned that their trust had been breached several times while subjects receiving placebo decrease their trust. This difference in trust adaptation is associated with a specific reduction in activation in the amygdala, the midbrain regions, and the dorsal striatum in subjects receiving oxytocin, suggesting that neural systems mediating fear processing (amygdala and midbrain regions) and behavioral adaptations to feedback information (dorsal striatum) modulate oxytocin's effect on trust. These findings may help to develop deeper insights into mental disorders such as social phobia and autism, which are characterized by persistent fear or avoidance of social interactions.


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Background The few studies that have evaluated syntax in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have yielded conflicting findings: some suggest that once matched on mental age, ASD and typically developing controls do not differ for grammar, while others report that morphosyntactic deficits are independent of cognitive skills in ASD. There is a need for a better understanding of syntax in ASD and its relation to, or dissociation from, nonverbal abilities. Aims Syntax in ASD was assessed by evaluating subject and object relative clause comprehension in adolescents and adults diagnosed with ASD with a performance IQ within the normal range, and with or without a history of language delay. Methods & Procedures Twenty-eight participants with ASD (mean age 21.8) and 28 age-matched controls (mean age 22.07) were required to point to a character designated by relative clauses that varied in syntactic complexity. Outcomes & Results Scores indicate that participants with ASD regardless of the language development history perform significantly worse than age-matched controls with object relative clauses. In addition, participants with ASD with a history of language delay (diagnosed with high-functioning autism in the DSM-IV-TR) perform worse on subject relatives than ASD participants without language delay (diagnosed with Asperger syndrome in the DSM-IV-TR), suggesting that these two groups do not have equivalent linguistic abilities. Performance IQ has a positive impact on the success of the task for the population with ASD. Conclusions & Implications This study reveals subtle grammatical difficulties remaining in adult individuals with ASD within normal IQ range as compared with age-matched peers. Even in the absence of a history of language delay in childhood, the results suggest that a slight deficit may nevertheless be present and go undetected by standardized language assessments. Both groups with and without language delay have a similar global performance on relative clause comprehension; however, the study also indicates that the participants with reported language delay show more difficulty with subject relatives than the participants without language delay, suggesting the presence of differences in linguistic abilities between these subgroups of ASD.


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Neuroinflammation has long been studied for its connection to the development and progression of Multiple Sclerosis. In recent years, the field has expanded to look at the role of inflammatory processes in a wide range of neurological conditions and cognitive disorders including stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and autism. Researchers have also started to note the beneficial impacts of neuroinflammation in certain diseases. Neuroinflammation: New Insights into Beneficial and Detrimental Functions provides a comprehensive view of both the detriments and benefits of neuroinflammation in human health. Neuroinflammation: New Insights into Beneficial and Detrimental Functions opens with two chapters that look at some fundamental aspects of neuroinflammation in humans and rodents. The remainder of the book is divided into two sections which examine both the detrimental and beneficial aspects of inflammation on the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves, on various disease states, and in normal aging. These sections provide a broad picture of the role neuroinflammation plays in the physiology and pathology of various neurological disorders. Providing cross-disciplinary coverage, Neuroinflammation: New Insights into Beneficial and Detrimental Functions will be an essential volume for neuroimmunologists, neurobiologists, neurologists, and others interested in the field.


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Many mental disorders disrupt social skills, yet few studies have examined how the brain processes social information. Functional neuroimaging, neuroconnectivity and electrophysiological studies suggest that orbital frontal cortex plays important roles in social cognition, including the analysis of information from faces, which are important cues in social interactions. Studies in humans and non-human primates show that damage to orbital frontal cortex produces social behavior impairments, including abnormal aggression, but these studies have failed to determine whether damage to this area impairs face processing. In addition, it is not known whether damage early in life is more detrimental than damage in adulthood. This study examined whether orbital frontal cortex is necessary for the discrimination of face identity and facial expressions, and for appropriate behavioral responses to aggressive (threatening) facial expressions. Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) received selective lesions of orbital frontal cortex as newborns or adults. As adults, these animals were compared with sham-operated controls on their ability to discriminate between faces of individual monkeys and between different facial expressions of emotion. A passive visual paired-comparison task with standardized rhesus monkey face stimuli was designed and used to assess discrimination. In addition, looking behavior toward aggressive expressions was assessed and compared with that of normal control animals. The results showed that lesion of orbital frontal cortex (1) may impair discrimination between faces of individual monkeys, (2) does not impair facial expression discrimination, and (3) changes the amount of time spent looking at aggressive (threatening) facial expressions depending on the context. The effects of early and late lesions did not differ. Thus, orbital frontal cortex appears to be part of the neural circuitry for recognizing individuals and for modulating the response to aggression in faces, and the plasticity of the immature brain does not allow for recovery of these functions when the damage occurs early in life. This study opens new avenues for the assessment of rhesus monkey face processing and the neural basis of social cognition, and allows a better understanding of the nature of the neuropathology in patients with mental disorders that disrupt social behavior, such as autism. ^


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The default mode network (DMN) has received growing attention in recent years because it seems to be involved in the neuropathology of psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders such as autism, schizophrenia and Alzheimer Disease. It has been defined as a task negative network, beca use the activity of all its brain regions is increased during the resting state and suspended during external or goal directed tasks.


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La medicina y la ingeniería del siglo XXI han dado como fruto numerosos avances para la sociedad aunque en la mayoría de los casos los tratamientos suelen ser costosos e invasivos. La educación que recibe la sociedad sobre la salud es escasa, ya que sólo vamos al médico cuando realmente estamos enfermos. Este trabajo presenta nuestra apuesta por las terapias complementarias, para el desarrollo de una metodología terapéutica no invasiva y con un costo muy bajo. La finalidad de esta Tesis, que se enmarca en un equipo multidisciplinar, fruto de la estrecha colaboración en el que participan psicopedagogos, ingenieros y médicos, es perfilar una metodología que luego pueda ser aplicable a patologías neurológicas. Aquí, dejamos sentadas las bases. Faltarán nuevos investigadores que continúen este camino para tener una base de datos lo suficientemente extensa de registros de sujetos que hayan sido sometidos a terapia binaural, para poder sacar unas conclusiones sólidas. La aportación de esta Tesis deja cubierta la aplicación, selección, procesado de señal y desarrollo de algoritmos, test cognitivos indicados para el caso específico que nos ocupa, cálculo de incertidumbre del sistema utilizado para la aplicación del estímulo y desarrollo de un test psicoacústico específico. EL empleo del sonido en medicina como es la musicoterapia o sonoterapia ha experimentado una gran difusión en los últimos años, más de 100.000 nuevas citas bibliográficas han aparecido con respecto al año anterior. Sin embargo, son escasísimas las que hacen referencia a las características físico acústicas del sonido empleado, tan sólo hemos encontrado una par de ellas que correlacionan las características físicas del sonido con el tipo de respuesta terapéutica. No encontramos citas bibliográficas específicas que planteen un modelo experimental científico capaz de reproducir las mismas respuestas ante los mismos parámetros y estímulos. En esta Tesis proponemos el uso de estimulación sonora binaural, que consiste en la utilización de dos tonos puros idénticos pero ligeramente diferentes en frecuencia que se presentan de manera separada cada uno en un oído, como consecuencia, la persona que recibe la estimulación percibe un tercer tono, llamado tono binaural, formado por la diferencia de frecuencia de ambos variando su amplitud. Existen estudios que sugieren que dichas frecuencias binaurales pueden modificar los patrones eléctricos de la actividad cerebral y los niveles de arousal, conociéndose en la literatura bajo el nombre de “entrainment”. Tras la revisión bibliográfica del estado del arte, podemos concluir que es necesario el desarrollo de estudios doble ciego bien diseñados, con el objetivo de establecer una base sólida sobre los efectos de este tipo de estimulación, ya que la mayoría de los beneficios documentados se refieren a muestras muy pequeñas y con poco rigor científico, siendo los resultados positivos obtenidos debidos al efecto placebo. La tecnología binaural es barata siendo cualquier avance en esta dirección de interés público. El objetivo concreto de la investigación es estudiar el potencial de las ondas binaurales en un área en particular: tareas que requieren atención y concentración. Se busca obtener cualquier cambio en las ondas cerebrales que se puedan correlar con la mejoras. A la vista de los resultados de estas investigaciones se intentará aplicar esta metodología en neuropatologías que presenten alguna deficiencia en el área de atención como es el Trastorno de espectro Autista. En esta Tesis presentamos los resultados de dos estudios independientes, el primero para sentar las bases del método (tiempos, diseño de estimulaciones, procesado) en una muestra de 78 adultos sanos, el segundo a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el primero, afinando la metodología y para un grupo de 20 niños entre 8 y 12 años, los resultados del segundo estudio sirven para justificar su aplicación en niños con TEA que presenten déficit de atención. ABSTRACT Medicine and engineering in the 21st century have resulted in advances for society but in most cases the treatments are often costly and invasive. The health education society receive is scarce, since only go to the doctor when we are really sick. With this work I present my commitment to complementary therapies, my little grain of sand in the development of a noninvasive therapeutic approach and very low cost, well and can be used in a preventive manner resulting in a society with less sick. The purpose of this thesis is to outline a methodology that can then be applied to neurological diseases, here we lay the groundwork. New researchers are needed to continue this path for a sufficiently extensive records database of subjects who have undergone binaural therapy, and so to draw firm conclusions. The contribution of this thesis includes: the application, selection, signal processing and algorithm development, indicated cognitive tests for the specific case at hand, calculation of system uncertainty of the system and development of a specific psychoacoustic test. The use of sound in medicine, such as music therapy or sound therapy has experienced a great diffusion in recent years, more than 100,000 new citations have appeared over the previous year but very few are those referring to acoustic physical characteristics of sound employee, we have only found a couple of them that physical sound characteristics are correlated with the therapeutic response. We found no specific citations posing a scientific experimental model capable of reproducing the same answers to the same parameters and stimuli. In this thesis we propose the use of binaural sound stimulation which involves the use of two identical but slightly different in frequency pure tones presented separately each in one ear, as a result the subject perceives a third tone, called binaural tone, formed by the difference in frequency with amplitude variations Studies suggest that these binaural frequencies can modify the electrical patterns of brain activity and arousal levels, being known in the literature under the name of “entrainment”. After the literature review of the state of the art, we conclude, it is necessary to develop well-designed double-blind studies, in order to establish a solid foundation on the effects of such stimulation, since most of the documented benefits relate to very small samples and unscientific may be obtained positive results due to the placebo effect. The binaural technology is cheap being any progress in this direction in the public interest. The specific objective of the research is to study the potential of binaural waves in a particular area: tasks requiring attention and concentration also we want to get any change in brain waves that can correlate with improvements. In view of the results of this research we seek to apply this methodology in neuropathology presenting any deficiency in the area of attention such as Autism Spectrum Disorder. In this thesis we present the results of two independent studies, the first to lay the foundation of the method (times, stimulation design, processing) in a sample of 78 healthy adults, the second from the results obtained in the first, refine the methodology for a group of 20 children between 8 and 12 years, the results of the second study used to justify its use in children with ASD that present attention deficit.


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Este trabajo de investigación presenta los resultados de una revisión sistemática realizada a partir de la recopilación, lectura y análisis de distintas fuentes bibliográficas dentro de un conjunto heterogéneo consistente de 175 estudios que forman la base bibliográfica actual del documento “Cognitive Accessibility User Research” (W3C, 2015a) del W3C. Esta base bibliográfica está compuesta por publicaciones científicas basadas en libros, artículos, conferencias y sitios Web especializados, en los cuales se potencia como objeto particular de análisis, la indagación en la búsqueda de pautas de accesibilidad en las tecnologías Web que apoyen la integración a personas con discapacidad cognitiva. Como parte de este proceso de investigación se ha recopilado y descrito la situación actual, particularmente, de los retos en la utilización de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en relación a personas con dificultades de aprendizaje o discapacidades cognitivas, tales como la Dislexia, Afasia, Trastorno de Aprendizaje No verbal, Envejecimiento-Demencia, Trastornos por Déficit de Atención con o sin Hiperactividad, Autismo, Síndrome de Down y Discalculia. Como aporte primordial de este Trabajo Fin de Master (TFM), se intenta trazar una línea de criterios que permitan la evaluación objetiva de este tópico, con miras a ofrecer un enfoque práctico y reciente sobre ésta temática, mostrando de forma esquematizada las pautas existentes y sirviendo de síntesis orientativa para el diseño accesible de las TIC con la finalidad de promover un soporte real a personas con los tipo de discapacidad cognitiva en los que se ha enfocado esta investigación. Logrando obtener como resultado principal de este estudio, 36 pautas generales que agrupan las coincidencias del grupo de discapacidades estudiadas y que han sido distribuidas en categorías: texto, navegación y generales, para su mejor interpretación y manejo de la Accesibilidad en las TIC´S para Personas con Discapacidad Cognitiva.---ABSTRACT---This research presents the results of a systematic review from collecting, reading and analysis of different bibliographic sources within a heterogeneous group consisting of 175 studies that form the basis of current literature document "Accessibility User Cognitive Research" (W3C , 2015th) of the W3C. This bibliographic database is composed of scientific publications based on books, articles, lectures and specialized Web sites, in which is enhanced as a particular object of analysis, the inquiry into the search for accessibility guidelines for Web technologies to support integration of people with cognitive disabilities. As part of this research process, the current situation has been collected and described, particularly the challenges in the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in relation to people with learning disabilities or cognitive disabilities, such as Dyslexia, aphasia, nonverbal learning disorder, aging-Dementia, Attention Deficit Disorders with or without hyperactivity, autism, Down syndrome and dyscalculia. As primary contribution of this Master's Thesis (TFM), it tries to draw a line of criteria to allow an objective assessment of this topic, in order to provide a practical and recent focus on this theme, showing schematically existing guidelines and serving as guidance for accessible design of ICT in order to promote a real support to people with cognitive disabilities where this research has focused on. Managing to obtain the main result of this study, 36 general guidelines that group the set of disabilities studied and have been distributed in categories: text, navigation and general, for better interpretation and management of ICTs for Accessibility people with cognitive disabilities.


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El trabajo desarrollado pretende dar a conocer cuales son las necesidades especificas de alumnos con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA).Se enmarca en los estudios que afrontan la temática de la Atención a Diversidad y la inclusión de los alumnos con TEA en centros ordinarios educativos. Se pretende desarrollar recursos metodológicos para ofrecer una respuesta adaptativa ante el reto de afrontar las competencias clave a través de la nueva asignatura de “Tecnología, programación y robótica”; Para ello se analizan las características de cuatro estudiantes con TEA escolarizados en secundaria del centro concertado Colegio Lourdes (FUHEM) de la comunidad de Madrid y se ofrecen respuestas diferentes en función de ellas, apoyándonos en sus fortalezas para vencer sus dificultades, con el objetivo de alcanzar las mismas competencias claveque el resto de compañeros, como marca la Ley Orgánica de Mejora de la Calidad de la Educación, LOMCE, que entra en vigor en este nivel en el curso 2015-2016. ABSTRACT The developed work seeks to highlight what are the specific needs of students with autism spectrum (ASDs).The part of the studies faced the issue of Attention to diversity and the inclusion of students with ASD in mainstream schools educational disorder. It aims to develop methodological resources to offer an adaptive response to the challenge of addressing key skills through the new subject of "Technology, Programming and Robotics"; To do the characteristics of four students with ASD are discussed in secondary school concerted Lourdes (FUHEM) of the Madrid and different responses depending on them are offered, building on their strengths to overcome their difficulties, in order to achieve the same core competencies of other colleagues as brand organic law of Quality Improvement of Education, LOMCE, which takes effect in the 2015-2016 year.


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La presente tesis doctoral está constituida por tres estudios independientes pero relacionados entre sí: 1) Estimation of the intelligence quotient using Wechsler intelligence scales in children and adolescents with Asperger syndrome (SA), 2) Executive function is affected in autism spectrum disorder, but does not correlate with intelligence, y 3) Reduced gyrification is related to reduced interhemispheric connectivity in autism spectrum disorders. El objetivo general es estudiar las alteraciones cognitivas en niños y adolescentes con un Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) sin discapacidad intelectual (SDI) asociada, particularmente en cuanto a sus aspectos en funcionamiento general (puntuaciones en escala de inteligencia Wechsler) y funciones ejecutivas, y estudiar la girificación y conectividad en el córtex prefrontal teniendo en cuenta su relación con las funciones ejecutivas. Como objetivos específicos: i) Medir los perfiles de inteligencia en niños y adolescentes con SA; ii) Evaluar la validez de cinco formas abreviadas de las escalas Wechsler de inteligencia en niños y adolescentes con SA, frente a la versión completa, teniendo en cuenta los criterios propuestos por Resnick & Entin, (1971); iii) Evaluar las funciones ejecutivas en una muestra homogénea de niños y adolescentes con TEA-SDI y comparar sus puntuaciones con las obtenidas por un grupo de niños y adolescentes sanos pareados por edad, años de educación, sexo, estatus socioeconómico y cociente intelectual (CI); iv) Evaluar si los déficits en funciones ejecutivas correlacionan con déficits en inteligencia general; v) Evaluar si los déficits en funcionamiento ejecutivo en los niños y adolescentes con TEA-SDI correlacionan con su nivel de funcionamiento o con la gravedad de los síntomas que presentan; vi) Estudiar la relación entre girificación y conectividad de la sustancia blanca, prestando especial atención a los cambios relacionados con la edad en una muestra de pacientes con TEA de alto funcionamiento; vii) Estudiar la girificación y conectividad en el córtex prefrontal teniendo en cuenta su relación con las funciones ejecutivas; y viii) Replicar los resultados obtenidos en nuestra muestra con los datos procedentes de una base independiente de niños y adolescentes con autismo de alto funcionamiento (Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange, ABIDE)...


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O Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) inclui um conjunto de sintomas, tais como dificuldade para sustentar contato visual direto e comprometimento da linguagem. Apesar da Terapia Assistida Por Animais (TAA) com cães ser considerada uma modalidade terapêutica eficaz para promover o desenvolvimento de pessoas com TEA, ainda não são se sabe quais características dos cães possibilitam alcançar sucesso na terapia. Esta análise quantitativa tem como objetivo verificar o impacto de abordagens laterais e frontais de cães e humanos nas expressões emocionais de alegria e rejeição de crianças com TEA. Através da análise de vídeos de TAA, foram mensuradas duração e frequência das abordagens laterais e frontais de cães e humanos dirigidas às crianças para comparar possíveis diferenças entre ambos e também para verificar se a abordagem escolhida afetava o tipo de expressão emocional exibida pela criança. Os participantes deste projeto foram 11 crianças, 8 do sexo masculino e 3 do sexo feminino, entre 5 e 11 anos. Seis crianças foram atendidas por uma psicóloga, uma condutora e um Border Collie. O segundo grupo era composto pela mesma psicóloga, uma condutora e uma Golden Retriever. Escalas de avaliação foram aplicadas para confirmar o diagnóstico de TEA. Os cães foram previamente avaliados e treinados por uma instituição que atua na área de TAA. Cinco minutos de 8 sessões foram analisadas: um bloco de seis sessões com o cão, uma sessão anterior e uma sessão posterior a este bloco. Para verificar possíveis diferenças temperamentais entre cães, o C-barq (Canine Behavioral Assesment & Research Questionnaire) foi aplicado para analisar o temperamento de ambos. Embora esta análise tenha demonstrado diferenças em relação às categorias busca de atenção e nível de energia dos cães, não foram verificadas diferenças estatísticas entre os cães, em relação às variáveis analisadas neste estudo. Na comparação entre cães e humanos, os cães foram mais efetivos para conseguir expressões de alegria independentemente do tipo de abordagem escolhida. Comparando-se o tempo de abordagem de cães e humanos até obterem expressão emocional das crianças, observou-se uma importante diferença estatística. Os resultados sugerem que os cães exibiram menor latência que humanos para todas expressões emocionais analisadas: alegria (2= 7,312, p=0,007), de rejeição (2= 11,277, p-0,001) e neutras (2=9,097, p=0,043). Além disso, os resultados sugerem que, no contexto da TAA, não há relação entre abordagem lateral ou frontal e expressões de alegria, rejeição ou neutras de crianças com TEA. As expressões de alegria foram mais frequentes diante das abordagens laterais dos cães do que das abordagens frontais, no entanto não foi verificada significância estatística. Em relação aos humanos também não foi verificada preferência por uma abordagem especifica. Assim, os resultados sugerem que a latência para a exibição de uma expressão emocional das crianças depende mais de quem aborda do que do posicionamento lateral ou frontal quando a abordagem é realizada