940 resultados para Atherosclerotic Lesions


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•EMT is important for embryonic development, wound healing, and placentation. •Some cancers appear to exploit this process for increased metastatic potential. •Therefore, this pathway is of great therapeutic interest in the treatment of cancer. The spread of cancer cells to distant organs represents a major clinical challenge in the treatment of cancer. Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) has emerged as a key regulator of metastasis in some cancers by conferring an invasive phenotype. As well as facilitating metastasis, EMT is thought to generate cancer stem cells and contribute to therapy resistance. Therefore, the EMT pathway is of great therapeutic interest in the treatment of cancer and could be targeted either to prevent tumor dissemination in patients at high risk of developing metastatic lesions or to eradicate existing metastatic cancer cells in patients with more advanced disease. In this review, we discuss approaches for the design of EMT-based therapies in cancer, summarize evidence for some of the proposed EMT targets, and review the potential advantages and pitfalls of each approach


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MGMT is the primary vehicle for cellular removal of alkyl lesions from the O-6 position of guanine and the O-4 position of thymine. While key to the maintenance of genomic integrity, MGMT also removes damage induced by alkylating chemotherapies, inhibiting the efficacy of cancer treatment. Germline variants of human MGMT are well-characterized, but somatic variants found in tumors were, prior to this work, uncharacterized. We found that MGMT G132R, from a human esophageal tumor, and MGMT G156C, from a human colorectal cancer cell line, are unable to rescue methyltransferase-deficient Escherichia coli as well as wild type (WT) human MGMT after treatment with a methylating agent. Using pre-steady state kinetics, we biochemically characterized these variants as having a reduced rate constant. G132R binds DNA containing an O6-methylguanine lesion half as tightly as WT MGMT, while G156C has a 40-fold decrease in binding affinity for the same damaged DNA versus WT. Mammalian cells expressing either G132R or G156C are more sensitive to methylating agents than mammalian cells expressing WT MGMT. G132R is slightly resistant to O6-benzylguanine, an inhibitor of MGMT in clinical trials, while G156C is almost completely resistant to this inhibitor. The impared functionality of expressed variants G132R and G156C suggests that the presence of somatic variants of MGMT in a tumor could impact chemotherapeutic outcomes.


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The inflammatory skin disease pyoderma gangrenosum is characterized by destructive ulceration, typically occurring on the calves and thighs and less commonly on the buttocks and face. Lesions vary in size and may be multiple, often rapidly ulcerating to form deep painful wounds. Ulcers characteristically have ragged purple edges that overhang. In many patients a concomitant condition can be identified such as inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic autoimmune hepatitis, and various hematologic and solid tumours (1,2). Treatment of these ulcers in the past has been disappointing. The large lesions usually run a chronic course and heal very slowly, with traditional dressings often in combination with systemic steroids or immunosuppressants. Since 1998, a small number of case have been reported of adults with pyoderma gangrenosum whose lesions heal with the use of topical tacrolimus (FK506) (2–4). We report, to the best of our knowledge, the first successful treatment of a child with pyoderma gangrenosum using topical tacrolimus.


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Introduction Two symposia on “cardiovascular diseases and vulnerable plaques” Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. Huge effort has been made in many disciplines including medical imaging, computational modeling, bio- mechanics, bioengineering, medical devices, animal and clinical studies, population studies as well as genomic, molecular, cellular and organ-level studies seeking improved methods for early detection, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of these diseases [1-14]. However, the mechanisms governing the initiation, progression and the occurrence of final acute clinical CVD events are still poorly understood. A large number of victims of these dis- eases who are apparently healthy die suddenly without prior symptoms. Available screening and diagnostic methods are insufficient to identify the victims before the event occurs [8,9]. Most cardiovascular diseases are associated with vulnerable plaques. A grand challenge here is to develop new imaging techniques, predictive methods and patient screening tools to identify vulnerable plaques and patients who are more vulnerable to plaque rupture and associated clinical events such as stroke and heart attack, and recommend proper treatment plans to prevent those clinical events from happening. Articles in this special issue came from two symposia held recently focusing on “Cardio-vascular Diseases and Vulnerable Plaques: Data, Modeling, Predictions and Clinical Applications.” One was held at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA, USA, July 13-14, 2014, right after the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. This symposium was endorsed by the World Council of Biomechanics, and partially supported by a grant from NIH-National Institute of Biomedical Image and Bioengineering. The other was held at Southeast University (SEU), Nanjing, China, April 18-20, 2014.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the blood flow pattern in carotid bifurcation with a high degree of luminal stenosis, combining in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A newly developed two-equation transitional model was employed to evaluate wall shear stress (WSS) distribution and pressure drop across the stenosis, which are closely related to plaque vulnerability. A patient with an 80% left carotid stenosis was imaged using high resolution MRI, from which a patient-specific geometry was reconstructed and flow boundary conditions were acquired for CFD simulation. A transitional model was implemented to investigate the flow velocity and WSS distribution in the patient-specific model. The peak time-averaged WSS value of approximately 73Pa was predicted by the transitional flow model, and the regions of high WSS occurred at the throat of the stenosis. High oscillatory shear index values up to 0.50 were present in a helical flow pattern from the outer wall of the internal carotid artery immediately after the throat. This study shows the potential suitability of a transitional turbulent flow model in capturing the flow phenomena in severely stenosed carotid arteries using patient-specific MRI data and provides the basis for further investigation of the links between haemodynamic variables and plaque vulnerability. It may be useful in the future for risk assessment of patients with carotid disease.


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Rupture of atheromatous plaque is the major cause of stroke or heart attack. Considering that the cardiovascular system is a classic fatigue environment, plaque rupture was treated as a chronic fatigue crack growth process in this study. Fracture mechanics theory was introduced to describe the stress status at the crack tip and Paris' law was used to calculate the crack growth rate. The effect of anatomical variation of an idealized plaque cross-section model was investigated. The crack initiation was considered to be either at the maximum circumferential stress location or at any other possible locations around the lumen. Although the crack automatically initialized at the maximum circumferential stress location usually propagated faster than others, it was not necessarily the most critical location where the fatigue life reached its minimum. We found that the fatigue life was minimum for cracks initialized in the following three regions: the midcap zone, the shoulder zone, and the backside zone. The anatomical variation has a significant influence on the fatigue life. Either a decrease in cap thickness or an increase in lipid pool size resulted in a significant decrease in fatigue life. Comparing to the previously used stress analysis, this fatigue model provides some possible explanations of plaque rupture at a low stress level in a pulsatile cardiovascular environment, and the method proposed here may be useful for further investigation of the mechanism of plaque rupture based on in vivo patient data.


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Quantifying the stiffness properties of soft tissues is essential for the diagnosis of many cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. In these pathologies it is widely agreed that the arterial wall stiffness is an indicator of vulnerability. The present paper focuses on the carotid artery and proposes a new inversion methodology for deriving the stiffness properties of the wall from cine-MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) data. We address this problem by setting-up a cost function defined as the distance between the modeled pixel signals and the measured ones. Minimizing this cost function yields the unknown stiffness properties of both the arterial wall and the surrounding tissues. The sensitivity of the identified properties to various sources of uncertainty is studied. Validation of the method is performed on a rubber phantom. The elastic modulus identified using the developed methodology lies within a mean error of 9.6%. It is then applied to two young healthy subjects as a proof of practical feasibility, with identified values of 625 kPa and 587 kPa for one of the carotid of each subject.


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Background: Inflammation and biomechanical factors have been associated with the development of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques. Lipid-lowering therapy has been shown to be effective in stabilizing them by reducing plaque inflammation. Its effect on arterial wall strain, however, remains unknown. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of high- and low-dose lipid-lowering therapy using an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, atorvastatin, on arterial wall strain. Methods and Results: Forty patients with carotid stenosis >40% were successfully followed up during the Atorvastatin Therapy: Effects on Reduction Of Macrophage Activity (ATHEROMA; ISRCTN64894118) Trial. All patients had plaque inflammation as shown by intraplaque accumulation of ultrasmall super paramagnetic particles of iron oxide on magnetic resonance imaging at baseline. Structural analysis was performed and change of strain was compared between high- and low-dose statin at 0 and 12 weeks. There was no significant difference in strain between the 2 groups at baseline (P=0.6). At 12 weeks, the maximum strain was significantly lower in the 80-mg group than in the 10-mg group (0.085±0.033 vs. 0.169±0.084; P=0.001). A significant reduction (26%) of maximum strain was observed in the 80-mg group at 12 weeks (0.018±0.02; P=0.01). Conclusions: Aggressive lipid-lowering therapy is associated with a significant reduction in arterial wall strain. The reduction in biomechanical strain may be associated with reductions in plaque inflammatory burden.


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Objectives: It remains controversial whether patients with severe disease of the internal carotid artery and a coexisting stenotic lesion downstream would benefit from a carotid endarterectomy (CEA) of the proximal lesion. The aim of this study was to simulate the hemodynamic and wall shear effects of in-tandem internal carotid artery stenosis using a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) idealized model to give insight into the possible consequences of CEA on these lesions. Methods: A CFD model of steady viscous flow in a rigid tube with two asymmetric stenoses was introduced to simulate blood flow in arteries with multiple constrictions. The effect of varying the distance between the two stenoses, and the severity of the upstream stenosis on the pressure and wall shear stress (WSS) distributions on the second plaque, was investigated. The influence of the relative positions of the two stenoses was also assessed. Results: The distance between the plaques was found to have minimal influence on the overall hemodynamic effect except for the presence of a zone of low WSS (range -20 to 30 dyne/cm2) adjacent to both lesions when the two stenoses were sufficiently close (<4 times the arterial diameter). The upstream stenosis was protective if it was larger than the downstream stenosis. The relative positions of the stenoses were found to influence the WSS but not the pressure distribution. Conclusions: The geometry and positions of the lesions need to be considered when considering the hemodynamic effects of an in-tandem stenosis. Low WSS is thought to cause endothelial dysfunction and initiate atheroma formation. The fact that there was a flow recirculation zone with low WSS in between the two stenoses may demonstrate how two closely positioned plaques may merge into one larger lesion. Decision making for CEA may need to take into account the hemodynamic situation when an in-tandem stenosis is found. CFD may aid in the risk stratification of patients with this problem.


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Despite recent therapeutic advances, acute ischemic complications of atherosclerosis remain the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in Western countries, with carotid atherosclerotic disease one of the major preventable causes of stroke. As the impact of this disease challenges our healthcare systems, we are becoming aware that factors influencing this disease are more complex than previously realized. In current clinical practice, risk stratification relies primarily on evaluation of the degree of luminal stenosis and patient symptomatology. Adequate investigation and optimal imaging are important factors that affect the quality of a carotid endarterectomy (CEA) service and are fundamental to patient selection. Digital subtraction angiography is still perceived as the most accurate imaging modality for carotid stenosis and historically has been the cornerstone of most of the major CEA trials but concerns regarding potential neurological complications have generated substantial interest in non-invasive modalities, such as contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography. The purpose of this review is to give an overview to the vascular specialist of the current imaging modalities in clinical practice to identify patients with carotid stenosis. Advantages and disadvantages of each technique are outlined. Finally, limitations of assessing luminal stenosis in general are discussed. This article will not cover imaging of carotid atheroma morphology, function and other emerging imaging modalities of assessing plaque risk, which look beyond simple luminal measurements.


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Introduction: Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO)-enhanced MRI has been shown to be a useful modality to image activated macrophages in vivo, which are principally responsible for plaque inflammation. This study determined the optimum imaging time-window to detect maximal signal change post-USPIO infusion using T1-weighted (T1w), T2*- weighted (T2*w) and quantitative T2*(qT 2*) imaging. Methods: Six patients with an asymptomatic carotid stenosis underwent high resolution T1w, T2*w and qT2*MR imaging of their carotid arteries at 1.5 T. Imaging was performed before and at 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h after USPIO (Sinerem™, Guerbet, France) infusion. Each slice showing atherosclerotic plaque was manually segmented into quadrants and signal changes in each quadrant were fitted to an exponential power function to model the optimum time for post-infusion imaging. Results: The power function determining the mean time to convergence for all patients was 46, 41 and 39 h for the T1w, T 2*w and qT2*sequences, respectively. When modelling each patient individually, 90% of the maximum signal intensity change was observed at 36 h for three, four and six patients on T1w, T 2*w and qT2*, respectively. The rates of signal change decrease after this period but signal change was still evident up to 96 h. Conclusion: This study showed that a suitable imaging window for T 1w, T2*w and qT2*signal changes post-USPIO infusion was between 36 and 48 h. Logistically, this would be convenient in bringing patients back for one post-contrast MRI, but validation is required in a larger cohort of patients.


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The selection of patients for vascular interventions has been solely based on luminal stenosis and symptomatology. However, histological data from both the coronary and carotid vasculature suggest that other plaque features such as inflammation may be more important in predicting future thromboembolic events. Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) contrast agents have been used for noninvasive MRI assessment of atherosclerotic plaque inflammation in humans. It has reached the stage of development to have been recently used in an interventional drug study to not only assess inflammatory progression but also select patients at high risk. This article reviews the basic science behind the use of USPIO contrast agents in atheroma MR imaging, experimental work in animals, and how this has led to the emergence of this promising targeted imaging platform for assessment of high risk carotid atherosclerosis in humans.


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Arterial mechanical property may be a potential variable for risk stratification. Large artery and central arterial compliance have been shown not only to correlate well with overall cardiovascular outcome in large epidemiological studies [1, 2] but also to correlate with coronary atherosclerotic burden as measured by conventional angiography [3]. Until recently, real-time B-mode ultrasound combined with simultaneous blood pressure measurements have been used to assess large artery compliance [4]. These techniques have an excellent temporal resolution but are unable to provide adequate spatial resolution to determine changes in vessel area as opposed to diameter and make the assumption that the vessel is perfectly round. Attempts to use MR imaging to measure large artery compliance have been published previously [5]. However, they have not utilised simultaneous blood pressure measurements during sequence acquisition. We report a technique using regular and simultaneous blood pressure measurement during 2 dimensional phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging 2DPC-MRI to determine local carotid compliance.


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Rupture of atherosclerotic plaque is a major cause of mortality. Plaque stress analysis, based on patient-specific multisequence in vivo MRI, can provide critical information for the understanding of plaque rupture and could eventually lead to plaque rupture prediction. However, the direct link between stress and plaque rupture is not fully understood. In the present study, the plaque from a patient who recently experienced a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) was studied using a fluid-structure interaction method to quantify stress distribution in the plaque region based on in vivo MR images. The results showed that wall shear stress is generally low in the artery with a slight increase at the plaque throat owing to minor luminal narrowing. The oscillatory shear index is much higher in the proximal part of the plaque. Both local wall stress concentrations and the relative stress variation distribution during a cardiac cycle indicate that the actual plaque rupture site is collocated with the highest rupture risk region in the studied patient.


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Atherosclerotic plaque rupture has been extensively considered as the leading cause of death in western countries. It is believed that high stresses within plaque can be an important factor on triggering the rupture of the plaque. Stress analysis in the coronary and carotid arteries with plaque have been developed by many researchers from 2D to 3-D models, from structure analysis only to the Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) models[1].