930 resultados para Arrester beds.
In the granitic Seychelles, many shores and beaches are fringed by coral reef flats which provide protection to shores from erosion by waves. The surfaces of these reef flats support a complex ecology. About 10 years ago their seaward zones were extensively covered by a rich coral growth, which reached approximately to mean low water level, but in 1998 this was largely killed by seawater warming. The resulting large expanses of dead coral skeletons in these locations are now disintegrating, and much of the subsequent modest recovery by new coral recruitment was set back by further mortalities. A mathematical model of wave energy reaching shorelines protected by coral reef flats has been applied to 14 Seychelles reefs. It is derived from equations which predict: (1) the raised water level, or wave set-up, on reef flats resulting from wave breaking, which depends upon offshore wave height and period, depth of still water over the reef flat and the reef crest profile, and (2) the decay of energy from reef edge to shoreline that is affected by width of reef flat, surface roughness, sea level rise and 'pseudo-sea level rise' created by increased depth resulting from disintegration of coral colonies. The model treats each reef as one entity, but because biota and zonation on reef flats are not homogenous, all reefs are divided into four zones. In each, cover by both living and dead biota was estimated for calculation of parameters, and then averaged to obtain input data for the model. All possible biological factors were taken into account, such as the ability of seagrass beds to grow upwards to match expected sea level rise, reduction in height of the reef flat in relation to sea level as zones of dead corals decay, and the observed 'rounding' of reef crests as erosion removes corals from those areas. Estimates were also made of all these factors for a time approximately a decade ago, representing a time before the mass coral mortality, and for approximately a decade in the future when the observed rapid state of dead coral colony disintegration is assumed to have reached an end point. Results of increased energy over the past decade explain observations of erosion in some sites in the Seychelles. Most importantly, it is estimated that the rise in energy reaching shores protected by fringing reefs will now accelerate more rapidly, such that the increase expected over the next decade will be approximately double than that seen over the past decade. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The vascular organisation of the branchial basket was examined in two Tetraodontiform fishes; the three-barred porcupinefish, Dicotylichthys punctulatus and the banded toadfish, Marylina pleurosticta by scanning electron microscopy of vascular casts and standard histological approaches. In D. punctulatus, interarterial anastomoses (iaas) originated at high densities from the efferent filamental and branchial arteries, subsequently re-anastomosing to form progressively larger secondary vessels. Small branches of this system entered the filament body, where it was interspersed between the intrafilamental vessels. Large-bore secondary vessels ran parallel with the efferent branchial arteries, and were found to constitute an additional arterio-arterial pathway, in that these vessels exited the branchial basket in company with the mandibular, the carotid and the afferent and efferent branchial arteries, from where they gave rise to capillary beds after exit. Secondary vessels were not found to supply filament muscle; rather these tissues were supplied by single specialised vessels running in parallel between the efferent and afferent branchial arteries in both species examined. Although the branchial vascular anatomy was generally fairly similar for the two species examined, iaas were not found to originate from any branchial component in the banded toadfish, M. pleurosticta, which instead showed a moderate frequency of iaas on other vessels in the cephalic region. It is proposed that four independent vascular pathways may be present within the teleostean gill filament, the conventional arterio-arterial pathway across the respiratory lamellae; an arterio-arterial system of secondary vessels supplying the filament and non-branchial tissues; a system of vessels supplying the filament musculature; and the intrafilamental vessels (central venous sinus). The present study demonstrates that phylogenetic differences in the arrangement of the branchial vascular system occur between species of the same taxon.
Penaeid prawns were sampled with a small seine net to test whether catches of postlarvae and juveniles in seagrass were affected by the distance of the seagrass (mainly Zostera capricorni) from mangroves and the density of the seagrass in a subtropical marine embayment. Sampling was replicated on the western and eastern sides of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Information on catches was combined with broad-scale spatial information on the distribution of habitats to estimate the contribution of four different categories of habitat (proximal dense seagrass, distal dense seagrass, proximal sparse seagrass, distal sparse seagrass) to the overall population of small prawns in these regions of Moreton Bay. The abundance of Penaeus plebejus and Metapenaeus bennettae was significantly and consistently greater in dense seagrass proximal to mangroves than in other types of habitat. Additionally, sparse seagrass close to mangroves supported more of these species than dense seagrass farther away, indicating that the role of spatial arrangement of habitats was more important than the effects of structural complexity alone. In contrast, the abundance of P. esculentus tended to be greatest in sparse seagrass distal from mangroves compared with the other habitats. The scaling up of the results from different seagrass types suggests that proximal seagrass beds on both sides of Moreton Bay provide by far the greatest contribution of juvenile M. bennettae and P. plebejus to the overall populations in the Bay.
The effect of soil puddling on growth of lowland rice (Oryza sativa) and post-rice mungbean (Vigna radiata) was investigated using mini rice beds under controlled glasshouse conditions. Each mini rice bed was approximately 1 m(3) in size. Three different soil types were used: a well-drained, permeable loam; a hardsetting, structurally unstable silty loam; and a medium clay. Rice yields were reduced by low puddling compared with high puddling intensity on the loam but not affected on the heavier textured soils (silty loam and clay). Yield of mungbean was reduced on highly puddle, structurally unstable soil, indicating that puddling should be reduced on structurally unstable soils. Under glasshouse condition where crop establishment was not a limiting factor and plant available water in 0.65 m of soil was 100 mm, mungbean yields of >1 t/ha were achieved. However, under conditions where subsoil water reserves were depleted for the production of vegetative biomass during initial optimal growing condition, grain yield remained well below 1 t/ha.
Herbicides, particularly diuron, were correlated with severe and widespread dieback of the dominant mangrove, Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vieth. var. eucalyptifolia (Val.) N.C. Duke (Avicenniaceae), its reduced canopy condition, and declines in seedling health within three neighbouring estuaries in the Mackay region of NE Australia. This unusual species-specific dieback, first observed in the early 1990s, had gotten notably worse by 2002 to affect > 30km(2) of mangroves in at least five adjacent estuaries in the region. Over the past century, agricultural production has responded well to the demands of increasing population with improvements in farm efficiency assisted by significant increases in the use of agricultural chemicals. However, with regular and episodic river flow events, these chemicals have sometimes found their way into estuarine and nearshore water and sediments where their effects on marine habitats have been largely unquantified. Investigations over the last three years in the Mackay region provide compelling evidence of diuron, and possibly other agricultural herbicides, as the most likely cause of the severe and widespread mangrove dieback. The likely consequences of such dieback included declines in coastal water quality with increased turbidity, nutrients and sediment deposition, as well as further dispersal of the toxic chemicals. The implications of such findings are immense since they describe not only the serious deterioration of protected and beneficial mangrove habitat but also the potential for significant direct and indirect effects on other highly-valued estuarine and marine habitats in the region, including seagrass beds and coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. This article reviews all key findings and observations to date and describes the essential correlative and causative evidence. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Neutrophilic lung inflammation is an essential component of host defense against diverse eukaryotic and prokaryotic pathogens, but in chronic inflammatory lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), severe asthma, cystic fibrosis, and bronchiolitis, it may damage the host. Glucocorticosteroids are widely used in these conditions and in their infectious exacerbations; however, the clinical efficacy of steroids is disputed. In this study, we used a proteomic approach to identify molecules contributing to neutrophilic inflammation induced by transnasal administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that were also resistant to the potent glucocorticosteroid dexamethasone (Dex). We confirmed that Dex was biologically active at both the transcript (suppression of GM-CSF and TNFalpha transcripts) and protein levels (induction of lipocortin) and used 2D-PAGE/MALDI-TOF to generate global expression profiles, identifying six LPS-induced proteins that were Dex resistant. Of these, S100A8, a candidate neutrophil chemotactic factor, was profiled in detail. Steroid refractory S100A8 expression was highly abundant, transcriptionally regulated, secreted into lung lavage fluid and immunohistochemically localized to tissue infiltrating neutrophils. However, in marked contrast to other vascular beds, neutralizing antibodies to S100A8 had only a weak anti-neutrophil recruitment effect and antibodies against the related S100A9 were ineffective. These data highlight the need for extensive in vivo profiling of proteomically identified candidate molecules and demonstrates that S100A8, despite its abundance, resistance to steroids and known chemotactic activity, is unlikely to be an important determinant of LPS-induced neutrophilic lung inflammation in vivo.
When a gas is introduced at high velocity through a nozzle into a packed bed, it creates a raceway in the packed bed. It has been found that the raceway size is larger when it is formed by decreasing the gas velocity from its highest value than when it is formed by increasing the gas velocity. This phenomenon is known as raceway hysteresis. A hypothesis has been oroposed to explain the hysteresis phenomenon based on a force-balance approach which includes frictional, bed-weight, and pressure forces. According to this hypothesis, the frictional force acts in different directions when the raceway is expanding and contracting. In this article, the entire packed bed has been divided into radial and Cartesian co-ordinate systems, and the forces acting on the raceway have been solved analytically for a simplified one-dimensional case. Based on the force-balance approach, a general equation has been obtained to predict the diameter of the raceway for increasing And decreasing velocities. A reasonable agreement has been found between the theoretical predictions and experimental observations. The model has also been compared with published experimental and plant data. The hysteresis mechanism in the packed beds can be described reasonably by taking into consideration the direction of frictional forces for the increasing- and decreasin-velocity cases. The effects of the particleshape factor and void fraction on the raceway hysteresis are examined.
With increasing industry interest in high pressure roll grinding (HPGR) technology, there is a strong incentive for improved understanding of the nature of grinding pressure that exists in the interior of a compressed particle bed. This corresponds to the crushing region of the HPGR. The relationship between applied pressure (stress) to the particle bed and induced pressure (stress) within particles and at contact points between particles is of particular interest. A detailed parametric investigation is beyond the scope of this exploratory paper. However, this exploratory investigation does suggest some interesting behaviour. The compressed particle bed within an 80 turn diameter piston has been modelled using Particle Flow Code for three dimensions. PFC3D is a discrete element code. The total number of simulated particles was 1225 and 2450 for two beds of different thickness. Particle diameters were uniformly distributed between 4 and 4.5 mm. The results of the simulations show that stress intensity within the simulated particle beds and within the observed particles increased with increase of the applied stress. The intensity of the average vertical stress in the selected particles tended to be comparable with the intensity of the pressure applied to the surface of particle bed and was only occasionally higher. However, the stress at contact points between particles could be several times higher. In a real crusher, such high stress amplification at contacts will quickly decrease due to local crushing and a resultant increase the size of the contact area. Therefore, its significance is likely to be relatively small in an industrial context. The modelling results also suggest that failure within the particle bed will progress from the crushing surface towards the depth of the bed. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The speculation that climate change may impact on sustainable fish production suggests a need to understand how these effects influence fish catch on a broad scale. With a gross annual value of A$ 2.2 billion, the fishing industry is a significant primary industry in Australia. Many commercially important fish species use estuarine habitats such as mangroves, tidal flats and seagrass beds as nurseries or breeding grounds and have lifecycles correlated to rainfall and temperature patterns. Correlation of catches of mullet (e.g. Mugil cephalus) and barramundi (Lates calcarifer) with rainfall suggests that fisheries may be sensitive to effects of climate change. This work reviews key commercial fish and crustacean species and their link to estuaries and climate parameters. A conceptual model demonstrates ecological and biophysical links of estuarine habitats that influences capture fisheries production. The difficulty involved in explaining the effect of climate change on fisheries arising from the lack of ecological knowledge may be overcome by relating climate parameters with long-term fish catch data. Catch per unit effort (CPUE), rainfall, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and catch time series for specific combinations of climate seasons and regions have been explored and surplus production models applied to Queensland's commercial fish catch data with the program CLIMPROD. Results indicate that up to 30% of Queensland's total fish catch and up to 80% of the barramundi catch variation for specific regions can be explained by rainfall often with a lagged response to rainfall events. Our approach allows an evaluation of the economic consequences of climate parameters on estuarine fisheries. thus highlighting the need to develop forecast models and manage estuaries for future climate chan e impact by adjusting the quota for climate change sensitive species. Different modelling approaches are discussed with respect to their forecast ability. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: There is increasing evidence that many populations in the developing world are in epidemiologic transition with the subsequent emergence of more affluent disease states. The Heart of Soweto Study will systematically investigate the emergence of heart disease (HD) in a large urban population in South Africa. Methods: Part of the conurbation of Johannesburg, South Africa, Soweto is a predominantly Black African community of I million individuals. During an initial two year period, all individuals presenting to the local Baragwanath Hospital (3500 beds) with any form of HD will be studied. Demographic and diagnostic coding data in those with pre-established HD will form an abbreviated clinical registry of > 12,000 prevalent cases. Similarly, socio-demographic, clinical and diagnostic data (e.g. echocardiography and ECG) in newly diagnosed patients will form a more detailed clinical registry of > 5000 incident cases. Sub-studies of the relationship between HIV status and H D and the optimal management of chronic heart failure will also be performed. Results: These data will provide a unique insight into the causes and consequences of a broad spectrum of HD-related conditions in a developing world community in epidemiologic transition. Initially documented Population rates, in addition to detailed examinations of the underlying risk factors and causes of HD-related morbidity/mortality will provide an important platform for future stages of the study: a community-based, population screening program and culturally specific primary and secondary programs of care. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to systematically track the emergence of HD in the developing world. Initially involving more than 15,000 individuals, the unique Heart of Soweto Study has the potential to provide a wealth of information in this regard. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Understanding the relationships among testing environments is essential for better targeting cultivars to production environments. To identify patterns of cultivar, environment, cultivar-by-environment interactions, and opportunities for indirect selection for grain yield, a set of 25 spring wheat cultivars from China and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) was evaluated in nine environments in China and four management environments at CIMMYT in Cd. Obregon, Mexico, during two wheat seasons. Genetic background and original environment were the main factors influencing grain yield performance of the cultivars. Baviacora M 92, Xinchun 2 and Xinchun 6 showed relatively more stable and higher grain yields, whereas highly photoperiod sensitive cultivars Xinkehan 9, Kefeng 6 and Longmai 19 proved consistently inferior across environments, except in Harbin and Keshan, the two high latitude environments. Longmai 26, also from high latitude environments in the northeastern Heilongjiang province, was however probably not as photoperiodicly sensitive as other cultivars; from that region, and produced much higher grain yield and expressed a broader adaptation. None of the environments reported major diseases. Pattern analyses revealed that photoperiod response and planting option on beds were the two main factors underlying the observed interactions for grain yield. The production environment of planting on the flat in Mexico grouped together with Huhhot and Urumqi in both wheat seasons, indicating an indirect response to selection for grain yield in this CIMMYT managed environment could benefit the two Chinese environments. Both the environment of planting on the flat with Chinese Hejin and Yongning, and the three CIMMYT enviromnents planting on raised beds with Chinese Yongning grouped together only in one season, showing that repeatability may not be stable in this case.
Improvement of processing quality is a very important objective for Chinese wheat breeding programs. Twenty-five CIMMYT and Chinese spring wheat cultivars were grown at four managed conditions by CIMMYT in Cd. Obregon, Sonora, Mexico and in nine environments in China, over two successive wheat seasons from 2000 to 2002. These trials were used to identify patterns of cultivar, environment and cultivar x environment interactions, and to determine opportunities for indirect selection for protein content and the protein-quality related parameter, SDS sedimentation (SDSS) value. The cultivar Inqalab 91 showed low levels of interaction with environments in the 2000-01 crop cycle for protein content, and expressed intermediate levels for both protein content and SDSS value, across most of the environments in both years. Longmai 26 had consistently high protein content and SDSS value across environments in both years, indicating that it is possible to breed cultivars expressing high yields with good protein properties. Cluster analyses revealed that cultivars grouped differently for protein content and SDSS value. Besides photoperiod, water availability appeared to influence the ranking of cultivars for protein content and SDSS value. Temperature and soil type may underlie the observed interactions for protein content, while temperature may also be a factor associated with interactions for SDSS value. The full irrigation managed environment in Mexico, with the cultivars sown on raised beds two months later than optimum and exposing them to late heat, clustered together with the Chinese environments Huhhot, Yongning, and Hejin in the 2000-01 season for SDSS value. This indicates that there is an opportunity to exploit indirect responses to selection in the CIMMYT management environments for SDSS value with relevance for China's spring wheat regions. However, there seemed little chance for positive indirect selection in CIMMYT's managed environments for China in regard to protein content, as environments clustered distinctly. Pattern analyses permitted a sensible and useful summary for this multi environment experiment, helping in understanding natural relationships and variations in cultivar performance among the various environment groups, and assisting in the structuring of environments.
Knowledge of the adsorption behavior of coal-bed gases, mainly under supercritical high-pressure conditions, is important for optimum design of production processes to recover coal-bed methane and to sequester CO2 in coal-beds. Here, we compare the two most rigorous adsorption methods based on the statistical mechanics approach, which are Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation, for single and binary mixtures of methane and carbon dioxide in slit-shaped pores ranging from around 0.75 to 7.5 nm in width, for pressure up to 300 bar, and temperature range of 308-348 K, as a preliminary study for the CO2 sequestration problem. For single component adsorption, the isotherms generated by DFT, especially for CO2, do not match well with GCMC calculation, and simulation is subsequently pursued here to investigate the binary mixture adsorption. For binary adsorption, upon increase of pressure, the selectivity of carbon dioxide relative to methane in a binary mixture initially increases to a maximum value, and subsequently drops before attaining a constant value at pressures higher than 300 bar. While the selectivity increases with temperature in the initial pressure-sensitive region, the constant high-pressure value is also temperature independent. Optimum selectivity at any temperature is attained at a pressure of 90-100 bar at low bulk mole fraction of CO2, decreasing to approximately 35 bar at high bulk mole fractions. (c) 2005 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Lyngbya majuscula, a toxic cyanobacterium, was observed blooming during June-July (winter) 2002 in Shoalwater Bay, Queensland, Australia, an important feeding area for a large population of green turtles (Chelonia mydas). The bloom was mapped and extensive mats of L majuscula were observed overgrowing seagrass beds along at least 18 km of coast, and covering a surface area of more than I I km(2). Higher than average rainfall preceded the bloom and high water temperatures in the preceding summer may have contributed to the bloom. In bloom samples, lyngbyatoxin A (LA) was found to be present in low concentration (26 mu g kg(-1) (dry weight)), but debromoaplysiatoxin (DAT) was not detected. The diet of 46 green turtles was assessed during the bloom and L. majuscula was found in 51% of the samples, however, overall it contributed only 2% of the animals' diets. L. majuscula contribution to turtle diet was found to increase as the availability of the cyanobacterium increased. The bloom appeared to have no immediate impact on turtle body condition, however, the presence of a greater proportion of damaged seagrass leaves in diet in conjunction with decreases in plasma concentrations of sodium and glucose could suggest that the turtles may have been exposed to a Substandard diet as a result of the bloom. This is the first confirmed report of L. majuscula blooming in winter in Shoalwater Bay, Queensland, Australia and demonstrates that turtles consume the toxic cyanobacterium in the wild, and that they are potentially exposed to tumour promoting compounds produced by this organism. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We reviewed the outcome following use of recombinant activated factor VII (rVIIa) in patients with major bleeding post cardiothoracic surgery in our unit between January 2002 and July 2004. The unit consists of 16 cardiothoracic intensive care beds in a public metropolitan teaching hospital which serves as a referral centre for heart and lung transplant surgery Patients with refactory bleeding following cardiothoracic surgical procedures who were treated with rVIIa were identified. A total of 12 episodes of rVIIa use were recorded in ten patients, including three episodes with ventricular assist devices, and 5 heart and/or lung transplants. The median dose used was 85 mu g/kg. Chest tube drainage decreased in all patients following administration of rVIIa; median chest tube drainage decreased front 445 ml/h to 171 ml/h (P=0.03). Despite cessation of bleeding, mortality was high, when rVIIa was used after more than 24 hours. In six episodes, despite early rVIIa use (within six hours), continued bleeding necessitated return to theatre, where a surgical source of bleeding was found. In this small retrospective study, rVIIa significantly reduced bleeding that was refractory to standard blood product transfusion. In this series of patients., those that did not respond to rVIla early in the postoperative phase were found to have a surgical source of bleeding.