996 resultados para Ares del Maestrat-Grabado


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Argentina es el tercer exportador mundial de maíz luego de Estados Unidos y Brasil. La estimación de la campaña 2009/10 indica que la producción mundial de maíz alcanzaría los 832,37 millones de toneladas, cerca de 23 millones de toneladas más que lo cosechado durante la campaña anterior y 21 millones de toneladas mas que lo cosechado en la campaña récord de 2007/08 (USDA, 2010). La cosecha de maíz 2009/10 en Argentina sería récord, llegando a los 22,5 millones de toneladas lo que significaría un incremento de 53% respecto de la campaña anterior, igualando el récord de la campaña 2006/07. El aumento de la potencialidad de rendimiento se concibe desde un cultivo sin incidencia de enfermedades. La predicción de la ocurrencia y del riesgo de daño asociado a las enfermedades de los cultivos a gran escala, la determinación del riesgo de distribución de pestes exóticas o emergentes en la agricultura sustentable, la evaluación de riesgo/beneficio del control biológico y la evaluación de enfermedades asociadas con el calentamiento global o el cambio de prácticas culturales son tópicos importantes en la ciencia agropecuaria moderna. Las enfermedades del maíz, en especial las producidas por virus y mollicutes se han incrementado en los últimos años debido, entre otras causas, al cultivo continuo desde el norte del país y países vecinos desde donde migran los vectores, a los cultivares de alto rendimiento que en muchos casos son susceptibles a estos patógenos y en gran medida a los cambios climáticos globales que generan que virosis de zonas tropicales y subtropicales se extiendan a zonas templadas. El principal enfoque para el control es el conocimiento del ciclo epidemiológico de la enfermedad ubicado para cada ambiente. En este marco es que desde el Departamento de Graduados de la Fac. de Cs. Agropecuarias, junto con la Secretaría de Extensión surgió la necesidad de la transferencia de los resultados de la investigación. Los conocimientos adquiridos en investigación hasta el presente, en toda la extensión de la Provincia de Córdoba, servirán a profesionales asesores, empresas semilleras y de insumos agropecuarios, productores y estudiantes próximos a graduarse a conocer estas enfermedades, sus vectores, las condiciones predisponentes y tener acceso a información actualizada para lograr su manejo con medidas preventivas desde el momento de la compra de los insumos agropecuarios, el sistema de labranza y de las fechas de siembra. Entrenar al productor para que adquiera esta habilidad le permitirá escapar a pérdidas de hasta 60% del lote, como son las producidas en la Provincia por algunas virosis como el Mal de Río Cuarto (March et al., 1993, Gaceta agronómica 76: 384), o pérdidas no perceptibles pero reales, de 14% en plantas con esta enfermedad respecto a plantas sanas (Ornaghi et a., 1995, IX J. Fitosanitarias Argentinas: 84). Otras virosis, como el mosaico común, no producen grandes epidemias sino son incidiosas, están presentes todos los años con pérdidas de producción a niveles tan significativos como 5,5 qq/ha e incidencias de hasta 44% en la Provincia (Lenardón y Giolitti, 1999, Proyecto de Investig. en Fitovirología INTA-JICA) y requiere certificación sanitaria para la exportación del grano pues se transmite por semilla. Por su parte, mollicutes emergentes como el Corn stunt spiroplasma, se han detectado en Córdoba con incidencias de 61% en lotes de Justiniano Posse y de 80% en Sarmiento, habiéndose detectado en la campaña 2009/10 en 4 localidades de la Provincia. Virosis re-emergentes como el MCMV, que produce necrosis letal del maíz en sinergismo con otras virosis, han hecho su reaparición con niveles de hasta 18% de infección. Reconocer sus síntomas y conocer las formas de dispersión y transmisión permitirá al profesional y al productor la evaluación del problema y tomar medidas de prevención y manejo de estas enfermedades para lograr los rendimientos esperados.


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It was made the characterization of the San Francisco-Cosquín Mountain River fish community, Córdoba, Argentina. Samples of fish were taken from selected sites from November 1998 to November 1999. Eleven species were recorded, eight of which are first reports for this river. Relative abundance for each species, species richness, diversity and dominance were estimated. Bryconamericus iheringi (Boulenger, 1887) y Jenynsia multidentata (Jenyns, 1842) were the most abundant.


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Morphometric characters of two populations of Difflugia corona Wallich, 1864 collected in two climatic stations (Spring, Autumn) in lentic environments of Chaco Province, Argentina, are studied. In the first climatic station it was registered specimens of bigger size; in the second, the size of the individuals was very below the minimum values registered. It is suggested a possible relationship between the size of the organisms and the availability of the inhabitable vegetable substratum.


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A detailed description of the morphology of the digestive organs of Enteroctopus megalocyathus (Gould, 1852) and Loligo sanpaulensis Brakoniecki, 1984 is given. The mandibles, the crop diverticulum, a doubly coiled caecum, the loop of the medium intestine and the appendages of the digestive gland are first described for E. megalocyathus. The most outstanding finding in L. sanpaulensis is the location of the single posterior salivary gland, wholly embedded in the digestive gland.


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It has been confirmed the existence of the tetraploid counterpart of the genus Ceratophrys Wied, 1824 (extint at the present time) in Argentina and Brazil since the Pliocene, and the apparition of the octaploidy in the Upper Pleistocene - Holocene. Fossil material of the diploid form, distinctive of the Chacoan District, has been reported from the horizons of the Montehermosense Formation in south-east of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The coexistence of diploid-tetraploid and tetraploid-octaploid forms in the same province was documented.


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The effects of 0.1; 0.2; 0.4 and 0.8 mlPQ/L were analized on a zooplankton community, to determine the most sensitive species and to analize the occurence of physical abnormalities. A total of 40 taxa were determined. Paraquat affected significantly the zooplankton density but not the species richness. A progressive state of deformation of these organisms was also observed. Paraquat showed to be highly toxic for the zooplankton, so this herbicide should be strictly regulated in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.


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Bothriurus pichicuy, a new scorpion species from the center coast of Chile, is described. It belongs to the vittatus species-group, and differs from the others species in the group by the pigmentation patterns of the prosoma, mesosoma and venter of metasoma, by the development and arrangement of the ventral keels of caudal segment V, and for its small size. The species is the only representative of the vittatus species-group that lives in sympatry with another Bothriurus species: B. coriaceus Pocock, 1893, from the coastal desert of Chile. Records of B. pichicuy came from the provinces of Petorca and Choapa.


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The polychaete composition and distribution within mussel beds were studied in order to assess organic pollution due to domestic sewage in a rocky shore of Mar del Plata (Argentina) during 1997. Four stations and a control site were randomly sampled around the local effluent. Quantitative data on polychaetes, as well as sediment accumulated among mussels and its organic carbon content were measured. Polychaete distribution patterns are related to the organic matter gradient, being Capitella cf. capitata, Neanthes succinea (Frey & Leuckart, 1847) and Boccardia polybranchia (Haswell, 1885) the dominant indicator species close to the effluent. At medial distances, the cirratulids Caulleriella alata (Southern, 1914) and Cirratulus cirratus (Müller, 1776) are very important in abundance. The syllids Syllis prolixa Ehlers, 1901 and S. gracilis Grube, 1840 are distributed along the study area, but dominate at the medial stations and at the control site. The orbiniid Protoariciella uncinata Hartmann-Schröder, 1962 is subdominant at the control station.


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A detailed preliminary histological analysis of Helobdella hyalina Ringuelet, 1942 male system from Los Talas, Buenos Aires, Argentina is described. Six pairs of testisacs, located between the crop caeca, form the male reproductive system. Each testisac is clothed by the mesotelium. Inside it, the germinal cells are connected to the citophore and develop functional unit called poliplast. The spermatozoa are released into testisacs after the reabsortion of the citophore. Five stages of spermatogenesis are described taking into account the successive maturation stages of germinal cells and the changes in the citophore size. Lining cells and gland cells were found in the seminal vesicle. Five different types of gland cells are placed inside the ejaculatory ducts, as well as two kinds of cells are found in its distal portion: type 1, which produces eosinophilic granular secretion, type 2, with amorphous and slightly eosinophilic. Three distinct gland cells are located in the proximal portion of the duct: type 3, which produces a strongly eosinophilic granular secretion; type 4, with a negative eosinophilic amorphous secretion and type 5, with a basophilic granular secretion. Type 5 gland cells are described for the ducts of this species only.


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Water mites from Andean part of the Bolivian Amazonian rivers were examined. A new species is described, Limnesia aymara. New records and redescription are made for Hygrobatella multiacetabulata Cook,1980, Atractides brasiliensis (Lundblad, 1937) and Krendowskia convexa (Ribaga, 1902). A new subgenus Schwoerbelobatella for hygrobatelids poliacetabulated is proposed and characterized. Ecological characteristics of the river area sampled and ecological preferences of the analyzed species are discussed.


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The species of the predatory ant genus Gnamptogenys Roger, 1863 from Colombia (42 species) and Ecuador (25 species) are diagnosed and presented, including their known geographical distribution. Gnamptogenys enodis, new species from Colombia is described. Gnamptogenys stellae Lattke, 1995 is new record for Colombia.