958 resultados para Aquatic pests
Managing fisheries resources to maintain healthy ecosystems is one of the main goals of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). While a number of international treaties call for the implementation of EAF, there are still gaps in the underlying methodology. One aspect that has received substantial scientific attention recently is fisheries-induced evolution (FIE). Increasing evidence indicates that intensive fishing has the potential to exert strong directional selection on life-history traits, behaviour, physiology, and morphology of exploited fish. Of particular concern is that reversing evolutionary responses to fishing can be much more difficult than reversing demographic or phenotypically plastic responses. Furthermore, like climate change, multiple agents cause FIE, with effects accumulating over time. Consequently, FIE may alter the utility derived from fish stocks, which in turn can modify the monetary value living aquatic resources provide to society. Quantifying and predicting the evolutionary effects of fishing is therefore important for both ecological and economic reasons. An important reason this is not happening is the lack of an appropriate assessment framework. We therefore describe the evolutionary impact assessment (EvoIA) as a structured approach for assessing the evolutionary consequences of fishing and evaluating the predicted evolutionary outcomes of alternative management options. EvoIA can contribute to EAF by clarifying how evolution may alter stock properties and ecological relations, support the precautionary approach to fisheries management by addressing a previously overlooked source of uncertainty and risk, and thus contribute to sustainable fisheries.
Nanomotors are nanoscale devices capable of converting energy into movement and forces. Among them, self-propelled nanomotors offer considerable promise for developing new and novel bioanalytical and biosensing strategies based on the direct isolation of target biomolecules or changes in their movement in the presence of target analytes. The mainachievements of this project consists on the development of receptor-functionalized nanomotors that offer direct and rapid target detection, isolation and transport from raw biological samples without preparatory and washing steps. For example, microtube engines functionalized with aptamer, antibody, lectin and enzymes receptors were used for the direct isolation of analytes of biomedical interest, including proteins and whole cells, among others. A target protein was also isolated from a complex sample by using an antigen-functionalized microengine navigating into the reservoirs of a lab-on-a-chip device. The new nanomotorbased target biomarkers detection strategy not only offers highly sensitive, rapid, simple and low cost alternative for the isolation and transport of target molecules, but also represents a new dimension of analytical information based on motion. The recognition events can be easily visualized by optical microscope (without any sophisticated analytical instrument) to reveal the target presence and concentration. The use of artificial nanomachines has shown not only to be useful for (bio)recognition and (bio)transport but also for detection of environmental contamination and remediation. In this context, micromotors modified with superhydrophobic layer demonstrated that effectively interacted, captured, transported and removed oil droplets from oil contaminated samples. Finally, a unique micromotor-based strategy for water-quality testing, that mimics live-fish water-quality testing, based on changes in the propulsion behavior of artificial biocatalytic microswimmers in the presence of aquatic pollutants was also developed. The attractive features of the new micromachine-based target isolation and signal transduction protocols developed in this project offer numerous potential applications in biomedical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and forensic analysis.
Summary : Mining activities produce enormous amounts of waste material known as tailings which are composed of fine to medium size particles. These tailings often contain sulfides, which oxidation can lead to acid and metal contamination of water; therefore they need to be remediated. In this work a tailings bioremediation approach was investigated by an interdisciplinary study including geochemistry, mineralogy and microbiology. The aim of the work was to study the effect of the implementation of wetland above oxidizing tailings on the hydrogeology and the biogeochemical element cycles, and to assess the system evolution over time. To reach these goals, biogeochemical processes occurring in a marine shore tailings deposit were investigated. The studied tailings deposit is located at the Bahìa de Ite, Pacific Ocean, southern Peru, where between 1940 and 1996 the tailings were discharged from the two porphyry copper mines Cuajone and Toquepala. After the end of deposition, a remediation approach was initiated in 1997 with a wetland implementation above the oxidizing tailings. Around 90% of the tailings deposits (total 16 km2) were thus remediated, except the central delta area and some areas close to the shoreline. The multi-stable isotope study showed that the tailings were saturated with fresh water in spite of the marine setting, due to the high hydraulic gradient resulting from the wetland implementation. Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) was the major source of SO4 2-, C1-, Na+, Fe2+, and Mn2+ input into the tailings at the original shelf-seawater interface. The geochemical study (aquatic geochemistry and X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and sequential extractions from the solid fraction) showed that iron and sulfur oxidation were the main processes in the non-remediated tailings, which showed a top a low-pH oxidation zone with strong accumulation of efflorescent salts at the surface due to capillary upward transport of heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cd, Co, and Ni) in the arid climate. The study showed also that the implementation of the wetland resulted in very low concentrations of heavy metals in solution (mainly under the detection limit) due to the near neutral pH and more reducing conditions (100-150 mV). The heavy metals, which were taken from solution, precipitated as hydroxides and sulfides or were bound to organic matter. The bacterial community composition analysis by Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) and cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes combined with a detailed statistical analysis revealed a high correlation between the bacterial distribution and the geochemical variables. Acidophilic autotrophic oxidizing bacteria were dominating the oxidizing tailings, whereas neutrophilic and heterotrophic reducing bacteria were driving the biogeochemical processes in the remediated tailings below the wetland. At the subsurface of the remediated tailings, an iron cycling was highlighted with oxidation and reduction processes due to micro-aerophilic niches provided by the plant rhizosphere in this overall reducing environment. The in situ bioremediation experiment showed that the main parameter to take into account for the effectiveness was the water table and chemistry which controls the system. The constructed remediation cells were more efficient and rapid in metal removal when saturation conditions were available. This study showed that the bioremediation by wetland implementation could be an effective and rapid treatment for some sulfidic mine tailings deposits. However, the water saturation of the tailings has to be managed on a long-term basis in order to guarantee stability. Résumé : L'activité minière produit d'énormes quantités de déchets géologiques connus sous le nom de « tailings » composées de particules de taille fine à moyenne. Ces déchets contiennent souvent des sulfures dont l'oxydation conduit à la formation d'effluents acides contaminés en métaux, d'où la nécessité d'effectuer une remédiation des sites de stockage concernés. Le but de ce travail est dans un premier temps d'étudier l'effet de la bio-remédiation d'un dépôt de tailings oxydés sur l'hydrogéologie du système et les cycles biogéochimiques des éléments et en second lieu, d'évaluer l'évolution du processus de remédiation dans le temps. Le site étudié dans ce travail est situé dans la Bahía de Ite, au sud du Pérou, au bord de l'Océan Pacifique. Les déchets miniers en question sont déposés dans un environnement marin. De 1940 à 1996, les déchets de deux mines de porphyre cuprifère - Cuajone et Toquepala - ont été acheminés sur le site via la rivière Locumba. En 1997, une première remédiation a été initiée avec la construction d'une zone humide sur les tailings. Depuis, environ 90% de la surface du dépôt (16 km2) a été traité, les parties restantes étant la zone centrale du delta du Locumba et certaines zones proches de la plage. Malgré la proximité de l'océan, les études isotopiques menées dans le cadre de ce travail ont montré que les tailings étaient saturés en eau douce. Cette saturation est due à la pression hydraulique résultant de la mise en place des zones humides. Un écoulement d'eau souterrain sous-marin a été à détecté à l'interface entre les résidus et l'ancien fond marin. En raison de la géologie locale, il constitue une source d'entrée de SO4 2-, Cl-, Na+, FeZ+, et Mn2+ dans le système. L'analyse de la géochimie aquatique, la Diffraction aux Rayons X (XRD) et l'extraction séquentielle ont montré que l'oxydation du fer et .des sulfures est le principal processus se produisant dans les déchets non remédiés. Ceci a entraîné le développement d'une zone d'oxydation à pH bas induisant une forte accumulation des sels efflorescents, conséquence de la migration capillaire des métaux lourds (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cd, Co et Ni) de la solution vers la surface dans ce climat aride. Cette étude a montré également que la construction de la zone humide a eu comme résultats une précipitation des métaux dans des phases minérales en raison du pH neutre et des conditions réductrices (100-150mV). Les métaux lourds ont précipité sous la forme d'hydroxydes et de sulfures ou sont adsorbés à la matière organique. L'analyse de la composition de la communauté bactérienne à l'aide la technique T-RFLP (Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) et par le clonage/séquençage des gènes de l'ARNr 16S a été combinée à une statistique détaillée. Cette dernière a révélé une forte corrélation entre la distribution de bactéries spécifiques et la géochimie : Les bactéries autotrophes acidophiles dominent dans les déchets oxydés non remédiés, tandis que des bactéries hétérotrophes neutrophiles ont mené les processus microbiens dans les déchets remédiés sous la zone humide. Sous la surface de la zone humide, nos analyses ont également mis en évidence un cycle du fer par des processus d'oxydoréduction rendus possibles par la présence de niches micro-aérées par la rhizosphère dans cet environnement réducteur. L'expérience de bio-remédiation in situ a montré que les paramètres clés qui contrôlent l'efficacité du traitement sont le niveau de la nappe aquifère et la chimie de l'eau. Les cellules de remédiation se sont montrées plus efficaces et plus rapides lorsque le système a pu être saturé en eau. Finalement, cette étude a montré que la bio-remédiation de déchets miniers par la construction de zones humides est un moyen de traitement efficace, rapide et peu coûteux. Cependant, la saturation en eau du système doit être gérée sur le long terme afin de garantir la stabilité de l'ensemble du système.
The TMDL and Water Quality Assessment Section of the Iowa DNR Environmental Services Division have released the report entitled, “Biological Assessment of Iowa’s Wadeable Streams.” The report describes a framework for conducting stream bioassessments and how it is used to evaluate the biological condition of Iowa’s wadeable rivers and streams. The document also serves as a foundation for developing biological water quality standards for the protection of designated aquatic life uses and measuring progress toward the achievement of Federal Clean Water Act goals.
When back-calculating fish length from scale measurements, the choice of the body-scale relationship is a fundamental step. Using data from the arctic charrSalvelinus alpinus (L.) of Lake Geneva (Switzerland) we show the need for a curvilinear model, on both statistical and biological grounds. From several 2-parameters models, the log-linear relationship appears to provide the best fit. A 3-parameters, Bertalanffy model did not improve the fit. We show moreover that using the proportional model would lead to important misinterpretations of the data.
Many regions of the world, including inland lakes, present with suboptimal conditions for the remotely sensed retrieval of optical signals, thus challenging the limits of available satellite data-processing tools, such as atmospheric correction models (ACM) and water constituent-retrieval (WCR) algorithms. Working in such regions, however, can improve our understanding of remote-sensing tools and their applicabil- ity in new contexts, in addition to potentially offering useful information about aquatic ecology. Here, we assess and compare 32 combinations of two ACMs, two WCRs, and three binary categories of data quality standards to optimize a remotely sensed proxy of plankton biomass in Lake Kivu. Each parameter set is compared against the available ground-truth match-ups using Spearman's right-tailed ρ. Focusing on the best sets from each ACM-WCR combination, their performances are discussed with regard to data distribution, sample size, spatial completeness, and seasonality. The results of this study may be of interest both for ecological studies on Lake Kivu and for epidemio- logical studies of disease, such as cholera, the dynamics of which has been associated with plankton biomass in other regions of the world.
History has taken its toll on Muchakinock Creek. A number of problems over the years have led to the stream’s current state, one that’s landed it on Iowa’s list of impaired waters. However, the stream is also full of opportunity. The opportunity to improve water quality not only for the aquatic life and wildlife that live there, but also to pass along clean water to future generations of Iowans. But to act on this opportunity, we need your help.
More than 200 lakes, streams and rivers are on Iowa’s impaired waters list. Pollutants prevent these waters from supporting aquatic life, or from being used for drinking water or for full body recreational contact, like swimming. While improving Iowa’s water quality may seem a daunting task, two southern Iowa lakes show that it can be done.
While the quality of water in Brushy Creek Lake is currently adequate, a number of factors in the watershed (the surrounding area that drains into the lake) could put that water quality at risk. Sediment from the large watershed could fill in the lake and affect water clarity. Nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorus, could cause algae blooms and other problems. Without preventative measures, potential manure and chemical spills could harm aquatic life in the lake. Using conservation farming practices and building structures like wetlands will work to maintain and even improve the lake’s water quality. Taking steps now to implement these critical practices will help prevent water quality problems, preserving water quality for future generations.
1 Insect pests, biological invasions and climate change are considered to representmajor threats to biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, agriculture and forestry.Deriving hypothesis of contemporary and/or future potential distributions of insectpests and invasive species is becoming an important tool for predicting the spatialstructure of potential threats.2 The western corn rootworm (WCR) Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte is apest of maize in North America that has invaded Europe in recent years, resultingin economic costs in terms of maize yields in both continents. The present studyaimed to estimate the dynamics of potential areas of invasion by the WCR under aclimate change scenario in the Northern Hemisphere. The areas at risk under thisscenario were assessed by comparing, using complementary approaches, the spatialprojections of current and future areas of climatic favourability of the WCR. Spatialhypothesis were generated with respect to the presence records in the native rangeof the WCR and physiological thresholds from previous empirical studies.3 We used a previously developed protocol specifically designed to estimatethe climatic favourability of the WCR. We selected the most biologicallyrelevant climatic predictors and then used multidimensional envelope (MDE) andMahalanobis distances (MD) approaches to derive potential distributions for currentand future climatic conditions.4 The results obtained showed a northward advancement of the upper physiologicallimit as a result of climate change, which might increase the strength of outbreaksat higher latitudes. In addition, both MDE and MD outputs predict the stability ofclimatic favourability for the WCR in the core of the already invaded area in Europe,which suggests that this zone would continue to experience damage from this pestin Europe.
The values of the life history parameters expressed in the Lotka's equation were measured in the experimental conditions (20ºC, food ad libitum) for the aquatic pumonate Physa acuta. The estimated fitness value allows the population to double in about 4 weeks. The life cycle is very short (about 3 times shorter than for Lymnaea peregra in similar conditions) because of the important relative size of the eggs, a very high growth rate and an early maturity. This kind of strategy seems adaptive in eutrophic and temporary pools, where the adult mortality is important and density-independant. While the longevity shows very poor correlations with all other parameters, adult size, age at maturity and fecundity are strongly correlated. Structural and functionnal interpetations of these correlations are proposed. A mixed strategy seems a good hypothesis for this usually bivoltine species: the little-size, early-maturity and high-fecondity strategy may be selected during the summer, and the big-size, delayed-maturity and poor fecundity strategy during the winter
O tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum) é uma das principais hortícolas produzidas na Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde. Com o objectivo de se identificar as principais pragas associadas a esta cultura e de se acompanhar a evolução ao longo do ciclo fenológico, instalaram-se parcelas experimentais em São Jorge dos Órgãos, São Domingos e Tarrafal. No presente trabalho caracterizou-se a agricultura cabo-verdiana e ilustrou-se a importância do sector hortícola na agricultura. Descreveu-se sucintamente a cultura do tomate e as variedades utilizadas. Apresentou-se uma revisão bibliográfica para as pragas referenciadas neste país e para as potenciais, incidindo-se principalmente nos meios de protecção. Para a concretização dos objectivos propostos realizaram-se amostragens semanais nas parcelas instaladas. Identificaram-se algumas espécies anteriormente referenciadas como pragas e outras que foram observadas a infestar a cultura: Aphis sp., Brachycaudus sp., cicadelídeo, Megalurothrips sp. e Tuta absoluta. Acompanhou-se a evolução da incidência e da população de tripes, mosquinhas-brancas, lagartas, minas de larvas mineiras, afídeos e mirídeos no período de observação e analisou-se a sua distribuição vertical na planta. Identificou-se Tuta absoluta em campos de agricultores e avaliaram-se os estragos provocados por esta praga, através da realização de inquéritos por questionário aos agricultores afectados.
Parachlamydia acanthamoebae is a Chlamydia-like organism that easily grows within Acanthamoeba spp. Thus, it probably uses these widespread free-living amoebae as a replicative niche, a cosmopolite aquatic reservoir and a vector. A potential role of P. acanthamoebae as an agent of lower respiratory tract infection was initially suggested by its isolation within an Acanthamoeba sp. recovered from the water of a humidifier during the investigation of an outbreak of fever. Additional serological and molecular-based investigations further supported its pathogenic role, mainly in bronchiolitis, bronchitis, aspiration pneumonia and community-acquired pneumonia. P. acanthamoebae was shown to survive and replicate within human macrophages, lung fibroblasts and pneumocytes. Moreover, this strict intracellular bacterium also causes severe pneumonia in experimentally infected mice, thus fulfilling the third and fourth Koch criteria for a pathogenic role. Consequently, new tools have been developed for the diagnosis of parachlamydial infections. It will be important to routinely search for this emerging agent of pneumonia, as P. acanthamoebae is apparently resistant to quinolones, which are antibiotics often used for the empirical treatment of atypical pneumonia. Other Chlamydia-related bacteria, including Protochlamydia naegleriophila, Simkania negevensis and Waddlia chondrophila, might also cause lung infections. Moreover, several additional novel chlamydiae, e.g. Criblamydia sequanensis and Rhabdochlamydia crassificans, have been discovered and are now being investigated for their human pathogenicity.
Evaluation of insect-pest infestation associated to potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under effect of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and the accumulated amount of free aminoacids in Achat and Monalisa cultivars. The objective of this work was to evaluate the occurence of insect-pests on potato plants influenced by dosages of nitrogen and potassium accumulated in plant organs. A total of 169 plants of the Achat and Monalisa cultivars were evaluated to determine the presence-absence of Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 and Agrotis ipsilon Hüfnagel, 1767. The experiment was carried out and executed at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, and the delineation was complete randomized block design, with four replication and nine treatments, using three fertilization level (0; 75 and 150 Kg/ha) with N-urea + KCl. The aminoacid levels were adjusted by the Leucine standard-curve (µg/l), using the Ninhydrin method, at 570 nm. The results showed that the tubercles of Monalisa accumulated high free aminoacid levels with 7,95% in the treatment N1K2 and 7,75% in the N2K1.These treatments, induced the infestation by D. speciosa larvae in 27,03%, when the aminoacid level was 2,01 ± 0,58% (X ± EP), with probability of 0,0196
Fecundity and longevity of Aphis gossypii Glover, 1877 (Hemiptera, Aphididae) at different temperatures and commercial chrysanthemum cultivars (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev). The aphid A. gossypii is one of the main pests in a number of crops both under field and protected conditions. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the fecundity and longevity of A. gossypii under different temperatures and commercial chrysanthemum cultivars (Yellow Snowdon, White Reagan and Dark Splendid Reagan) with different trichomes densities (11.3; 16.6 and 21.6 trichome/mm² of the leaf, respectively) The trials were carried out in climatic chambers, at four temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30 ±1 °C), 70 ± 10% RH and photophase 10h. The reproductive period significantly decreased with increase of temperature in the three cultivars. In Yellow Snowdon cultivar average duration of the reproductive period was 14.3 days at 25 °C. The maximum fecundity was obtained at the temperature of 25 ºC with 3,1; 2,8 and 3,6 nymphs/female/day in the Yellow Snowdon, White Reagan and Dark S. Reagan cultivars, respectively. The total fecundity was reduced by extreme temperatures (15 and 30 °C), and was obtained at 25 °C with 35,9 nymphs/female. Females maintained in Yellow Snowdon cultivar significantly showed superiority (30,7 nymphs/female) in total fecundity in relation to White Reagan (22,1 nymphs/female) and Dark S. Reagan (22,9 nymphs/female). The Yellow Snowdon cultivar (with a lower trichome density) had a significant influence in daily and total capacity of nymphs production, showing a higher fecundity of A. gossypii females. The aphid's longevity was affected by cultivars and temperature, and this longevity decreased whit increase of temperature. The results showed that there was an interaction between the temperature and host plant on reproductive parameters of A. gossypii.