945 resultados para Aorta reactivity


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Studies of the reaction of metal chlorides, MCl2 (M = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) with PPHF at room temperature have shown that Mn, Co and Zn form the corresponding metal fluorides, MF2, while Ni and Cu form their dipyridine metal(II) dichloride complexes. Nickel and copper complexes further undergo fluorination and complexation by potassium hydrogen fluoride in PPHF to form KNiF3 and KCuF3.


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With construction of a thermochemical energy conversion prototype system to store solar heat, thermal dissociation of pellets of Ca(OH)2 and hydration of CaO have been investigated in some detail for its application to the system. The inorganic substance is very attractive as a material for long term heat storage, but molar density changes associated with the reaction are fairly large. Therefore, this factor has been taken into account in the kinetic equation. The importance of additives and pellet size has been discussed considering reactivity and strength of pellets. An analysis has been attempted when chemical reaction is important. The deformation of pellets was observed during hydration.


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We had earlier identified a 60 kDa nuclear lamin protein (lamin(g)) unique to the germ cells of rat testis which was subsequently shown to be antigenically conserved in germ cells of grasshopper, rooster, frog and plants. We have now obtained eight monoclonal antibodies in mouse against this lamin(g) antigen. While all the eight Mabs reacted with lamin(g) antigen in an immunoblot analysis, only three Mabs (A(11)C(7), A(11)D(4), C1F7) showed strong reactivity in the immunofluorescence analysis of the germ cells. The Mabs A(11)C(7) and A(11)D(4) showed a slight cross-reactivity with rat liver lamin B. Indirect immunofluorescence analysis of pre-meiotic, meiotic and post-meiotic germ cells with Mabs have shown that while the lamin(g) is localized in the lamina structures of spermatogonia and round spermatids, it is localized to the phase dense regions of pachytene spermatocytes which is in conformity with our previous observations using rabbit polyclonal antibodies. The localization of the antigen in the germ cells was also confirmed by immunohistochemical staining of the thin sections of seminiferous tubules. By immunostaining the surface spread pachytene spermatocytes, the antigen was further localized to the telomeric ends of the paired homologous chromosomes. Using anti-somatic lamin B antibodies, we have also demonstrated the absence of somatic lamins in meiotic and post-meiotic germ cells. The lamina structure of pre-meiotic spermatogonial nucleus contains both somatic lamin B and lamin(g) as evidenced by immunofluorescence studies with two differently fluorochrome labelled anti-lamin B and anti-lamin(g) antibodies. The selective retention of lamin(g) in the pachytene spermatocytes is probably essential for anchoring the telomeric ends of the paired chromosomes to the inner nuclear membrane.


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Factors contributing to the variations in the Cu(I)-Cu(I) distances in two clusters with identical ligand and coordination geometries have been analyzed. While the hexamer, 4, exhibits metal-metal distances in the range 2.81-3.25 Angstrom, shorter contacts are found in the corresponding tetramer, 3 (2.60-2.77 Angstrom). EHT calculations reveal relatively little attractive interactions in the corresponding Cu-4(4+) and Cu-6(6+) cores. Introduction of the ligands lowers the reduced overlap populations between the metals further. MNDO calculations with model electrophiles have been carried out to determine the bite angle requirements of the ligands. These are satisfactorily met in the structures of both 3 and 4. The key geometric feature distinguishing 3 and 4 is the Cu-S-Cu angle involving the bridging S- unit. In 4, the corresponding angles are about 90 degrees, while the values in 3 are smaller (70-73 degrees). Wider angles are computed to be energetically favored and are characterized by an open three-center bond and a long Cu-Cu distance. The bridging angles are suggested to be primarily constrained by the mode of oligomerization. Implications of these results for the stability and reactivity of these clusters and for short metal-metal distances in d(10) systems in general are discussed.


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We describe three different families of metal oxides, viz., (i) protonated layered perovskites, (ii) framework phosphates of NASICON and KTiOPO4 (KTP) structures and (iii) layered and three-dimensional oxides in the H-V-W-O system, synthesized by 'soft-chemical' routes involving respectively ion-exchange, redox deinteracalation and acid-leaching from appropriate parent oxides. Oxides of the first family, HyA2B3O10(A = La/Ca; B = Ti/Nb), exhibit variable Bronsted acidity and intercalation behaviour that depend on the interlayer structure. V2(PO4)3 prepared by oxidative deintercalation from Na3V2(PO4)3 is a new host material exhibiting reductive insertion of lithium/hydrogen, while K0.5Nb0.5 M0.5OPO4(M = Ti, V) are novel KTP-like materials exhibiting second harmonic generation of 1064 nm radiation. HxVxW1-xO3 for x = 0.125 and 0.33 possessing alpha-MoO3 and hexagonal WO3 structures, prepared by acid-leaching of LiVWO6, represent functionalized oxide materials exhibiting redox and acid-base intercalation reactivity.


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Two new vanadium-tungsten oxide hydrates of the formulas, H0.125V0.125W0.875O3.1.5H2O (I) and Ho.33V0.33W0.67O3.1/3H2O (II), have been synthesized by acid-leaching of LiVWO6 with aqueous HNO3/HCl. While phase I obtained by treatment of LiVWO6 with dilute HNO3/HCl possesses an orthorhombic structure (a = 7.77(3), b = 13.87(6), c = 7.44(3) angstrom) related to WO3.2H2O, phase II, prepared by refluxing LiVWO6 with concentrated HNO3, is isostructural with WO3.1/3H2O. Dehydration of II around 330-degrees-C yields a hexagonal phase (III, a = 7.25(4), c = 7.74(3) angstrom) isotypic with hexagonal WO3. Both land III exhibit redox and acid-base intercalation reactivity characteristic of layered and tunnel structures.


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Telomeric DNA of a variety of vertebrates including humans contains the tandem repeat d(TTAGGG)(n). We have investigated the structural properties of the human telomeric repeat oligonucleotide models d(T(2)AG(3))(4), d(G(3)T(2)A)(3)G(3), and d(G(3)T(2)AG(3)) using CD, gel electrophoresis, and chemical probing techniques. The sequences d(G(3)T(2)A)(3)G(3) and d(T(2)AG(3))(4) assume an antiparallel G quartet structure by intramolecular folding, while the sequence d(G(3)T(2)AG(3)) also adopts an antiparallel G quartet structure but by dimerization of hairpins. In all the above cases, adenines are in the loop. The TTA loops are oriented at the same end of the G tetrad stem in the case of hairpin dimer. Further, the oligonucleotide D(G(3)T(2)AG(3)) forms a higher order structure by the association of two hairpin dimers via stacking of G tetrad planes. Here we show that N-7 of adenine in the hairpin dimer is Hoogsteen hydrogen-bonded. The partial reactivity of loop adenines with DEPC in d(T(2)AG(3))(4) suggests that the intramolecular G quartet structure is highly polymorphic and structures with different loop orientations and topologies are formed in solution. Intra- and interloop hydrogen bonding schemes for the TTA loops are proposed to account for the observed diethyl pyrocarbonate reactivities of adenines. Sodium-induced G quartet structures differ from their potassium-induced counterparts not only in stability but also in loop conformation and interactions. Thus, the overall structure and stability of telomeric sequences are modulated by the cation present, loop sequence, and the number of G tracts, which might be important for the telomere function.


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Pyridinium hexafluorostannate, (C5H5NH)2SnF6, has been prepared by the reaction of stannous chloride or tin metal with pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride), PPHF, and identified by chemical analysis, IR and NMR (H-1, F-19, C-13). Making use of (C5H5NH)2SnF6 as a precursor, the following important hexafluorostannate salts have been synthesized in high yields at room temperature by ionic exchange: M2SnF6 (M = NH4, Na, K, Rb, Cs) and BaSnF6. These salts have been characterised by chemical analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Indexed powder X-ray diffraction data for Na2SnF6, Rb2SnF6 and Cs2SnF6 have been reported.


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(C5H5NH)2MO2F4 (M = Mo and W) and C5H5NHIO2F2 have been synthesized at room temperature by the reaction of molybdic, tungstic or iodic acid, respectively, with pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride). These complexes have been characterized by chemical analyses, H-1 nmr and infrared spectroscopy.


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Antibodies elicited against guanosine have been reported to bind to single-stranded DNA. Using an avidin-biotin microELISA, we report that these antibodies also bind to double-stranded DNA. The binding is specific and is completely inhibited by the homologous hapten. The cross-reactivity of double-stranded DNA binding antibodies to single-stranded DNA is low. The antibodies are shown to bind to the topoisomers of plasmid DNA as assessed by a gel retardation assay.


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Molecular mechanics calculations have been carried out to quantify the key geometric and strain effects which are likely to control the homo-Diels-Alder reactivity of 1,4-dienes. The criteria considered include C1..C5 and C2..C4 distances in the diene, twist angle of the two pi units, and the magnitude of strain increase as a result of cycloaddition. By first considering these factors in a number of non-conjugated dienes with known reactivity, the ranges of values within which the reaction is favoured are proposed. Calculations are also reported on several substrates which have not been investigated so far. Promising systems for experimental study are suggested which, in addition to being intrinsically interesting, would place the present proposals on a firm basis.


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A specific protein exhibiting immunological cross-reactivity with chicken riboflavin carrier protein has been purified to homogeneity from human amniotic fluid by use of ion-exchange and affinity chromatography. The protein is similar to its avian counterpart in terms of molecular size, distribution of 125I-labelled tryptic peptides during finger printing, and preferential binding to riboflavin. Immunologically, they are homologous since most of the monoclonal antibodies raised against the avian protein cross-react with the purified human vitamin carrier.


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Wear of high carbon low alloy (HCLA) cast steel balls during the grinding of a chalcopyrite ore was evaluated under different experimental conditions. The role of oxygen in enhancing ball wear during wet finding is brought out. The influence of pH on ball wear was also examined from the view point of acid production during grinding and reactivity of sulphides. Contributions from corrosion and abrasion towards ball wear are quantified in terms of ball wear rates as a function of time, particle size and gaseous atmosphere in the mill.


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This paper reports a study on the microstructure of two series of copolyperoxides of alpha-methylstyrene, with styrene and with methylmethacrylate. The copolyperoxides were synthesized by the free radical-initiated oxidative copolymerization of the vinyl monomer pairs. The copolyperoxide compositions obtained from the H-1 and C-13 NMR spectra led to the determination of the reactivity ratios. The product of the reactivity ratios indicates that alpha-methylstyrene forms a block copolyperoxide with styrene and a random copolyperoxide with methylmethacrylate. Microstructural parameters like average sequence length, run number, etc. have been determined for the latter copolyperoxide from analysis of its C-13 NMR spectrum. The aromatic quaternary and carbonyl carbons were found to be sensitive to triad sequences. The end groups of the copolyperoxides have been identified by H-1 NMR as well as FTIR spectroscopic techniques. The thermal degradation of the copolyperoxides has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry, which confirms the alternating peroxide units in the copolyperoxide chain.


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Oxygen reactivity and catalytic activity of the cobalt-containing layered defect perovskites, YBa2Cu2CoO7+delta and LaBa2Cu2CoO7+delta, in comparison with LaBa2Cu3O7-delta have been investigated employing temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) and temperature-programmed surface reactions (TPSR) in the stoichiometric and catalytic mode using carbon monoxide as a probe molecule. TPD studies showed evidence for the presence of two distinct labile oxygen species, one at (0 0 1/2) sites and the other at (0 1/2 0) sites in LaBa2Cu2CoO7+delta against a single labile species at (0 1/2 0) in the case of two other oxides. The activation energies for the catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide by oxygen over LaBa2Cu3O7-delta, YBa2Cu2CoO7+delta, and LaBa2Cu2CoO7+delta have been estimated to be 24.2, 15.9, and 13.6 kcal/mol, respectively. The reactivity and catalytic activity of the oxide systems have been interpreted in terms of the structural changes brought about by substituents, guided by a directing effect of the larger rare earth cation. TPSR profiles, structural analysis, and infrared spectroscopic investigations suggest that the oxygen present at (0 0 1/2) sites in the case of LaBa2Cu2CoO7+delta is accessible to catalytic oxidation of CO through a Mars-Van Krevelen pathway. Catalytic conversion of CO to CO2 over LaBa2Cu2CoO7+delta occurs at 200 degrees C. The enhanced reactivity is explained in terms of changes brought about in the coordination polyhedra around transition metals, enhanced basal plane oxygen diffusivity, and redox potentials of the different transition metal cations.