984 resultados para Albrecht III, Duke of Austria, 1349-1395.
Bd.4 (1913)
Bd.5 (1914)
I - Short description of the species. II - Analytic key of the trees. III - List of the species collected with register number and author's number. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES - This section includes a short morphological analysis of the species and the study of their geographic distribution, locality, habitat and regional zonation. ANALYTIC KEY OF THE TREES - The author was obliged to make a morphological key for his use on account of the great difficulty met in identifying the species in the field. LIST OF SPECIES COLLECTED WITH REGISTER AND COLLECTOR'S NUMBERS - As the majority of the species from Ilheus are paratypes of the types described in "Flora Brasiliensis" it was decided to publish this list. The author's chief objective was to call the attention of specialists tothe undetermined material with a view to interesting them in studying it.
There is a widespread consensus in the literature that, as consequence of the demographic transition, the current Spanish pension system will become unsustainable in the next decades. In this article we evaluate the sustainability of the contributory pensions' sub-system, taking into account the demographic projections by the Spanish Statistical Office (INE). A baseline scenario is projected as well as several reforms are simulated, focusing on: (i) selective immigration policy, (ii) changes in the way of setting the pensions and (iii) increase of the legal age of retirement up to 68. The main results are the following. The current system would not incur deficits until 2018, from then deficits will begin to be accumulated. The expenditure in pensions practically would double (from 8.3 % in 2005 to 17.2 % in 2050). A selective immigration policy -towards foreign young people- would help, but does not solve the long-term sustainability of the current system. A policy that combines a pensions' growth at a pace lower than productivity growth and extends the legal age of retirement up to 68 would give solvency to the system beyond 2029
It has been recently established that Klotho coreceptors associate with fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor tyrosine kinases (FGFRs) to enable signaling by endocrine-acting FGFs. However, the molecular interactions leading to FGF-FGFR-Klotho ternary complex formation remain incompletely understood. Here, we show that in contrast to αKlotho, βKlotho binds its cognate endocrine FGF ligand (FGF19 or FGF21) and FGFR independently through two distinct binding sites. FGF19 and FGF21 use their respective C-terminal tails to bind to a common binding site on βKlotho. Importantly, we also show that Klotho coreceptors engage a conserved hydrophobic groove in the immunoglobulin-like domain III (D3) of the "c" splice isoform of FGFR. Intriguingly, this hydrophobic groove is also used by ligands of the paracrine-acting FGF8 subfamily for receptor binding. Based on this binding site overlap, we conclude that while Klotho coreceptors enhance binding affinity of FGFR for endocrine FGFs, they actively suppress binding of FGF8 subfamily ligands to FGFR.
The recent advances in sequencing technologies have given all microbiology laboratories access to whole genome sequencing. Providing that tools for the automated analysis of sequence data and databases for associated meta-data are developed, whole genome sequencing will become a routine tool for large clinical microbiology laboratories. Indeed, the continuing reduction in sequencing costs and the shortening of the 'time to result' makes it an attractive strategy in both research and diagnostics. Here, we review how high-throughput sequencing is revolutionizing clinical microbiology and the promise that it still holds. We discuss major applications, which include: (i) identification of target DNA sequences and antigens to rapidly develop diagnostic tools; (ii) precise strain identification for epidemiological typing and pathogen monitoring during outbreaks; and (iii) investigation of strain properties, such as the presence of antibiotic resistance or virulence factors. In addition, recent developments in comparative metagenomics and single-cell sequencing offer the prospect of a better understanding of complex microbial communities at the global and individual levels, providing a new perspective for understanding host-pathogen interactions. Being a high-resolution tool, high-throughput sequencing will increasingly influence diagnostics, epidemiology, risk management, and patient care.
Anaplastic astrocytoma is an uncommon disease in the adult population. Prognosis is influenced by age, symptom duration, mental status and Karnofsky performance status. A truly complete resection, which is a recognized independent prognostic factor, is not possible and recurrence in the surgical cavity is common. Based on randomized data available, chemotherapy has consistently failed to improve the outcome of patients with anaplastic astrocytoma, while a meta-analysis showed a small, but significant improvement in survival favouring the use of chemotherapy. Outside a clinical trial, postoperative radiotherapy (30 x 2 Gy) remains the standard adjuvant therapy for most patients. For elderly patients, the application of treatment is usually based on performance status and neurological function. In recurrent disease, chemotherapy with temozolomide has been proven to be active and well-tolerated in phase II trials, but no comparative phase III trials of other cytotoxic drugs have been conducted.
Per a determinar la dinàmica espai-temporal completa d’un sistema quàntic tridimensional de N partícules cal integrar l’equació d’Schrödinger en 3N dimensions. La capacitat dels ordinadors actuals permet fer-ho com a molt en 3 dimensions. Amb l’objectiu de disminuir el temps de càlcul necessari per a integrar l’equació d’Schrödinger multidimensional, es realitzen usualment una sèrie d’aproximacions, com l’aproximació de Born–Oppenheimer o la de camp mig. En general, el preu que es paga en realitzar aquestes aproximacions és la pèrdua de les correlacions quàntiques (o entrellaçament). Per tant, és necessari desenvolupar mètodes numèrics que permetin integrar i estudiar la dinàmica de sistemes mesoscòpics (sistemes d’entre tres i unes deu partícules) i en els que es tinguin en compte, encara que sigui de forma aproximada, les correlacions quàntiques entre partícules. Recentment, en el context de la propagació d’electrons per efecte túnel en materials semiconductors, X. Oriols ha desenvolupat un nou mètode [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 066803 (2007)] per al tractament de les correlacions quàntiques en sistemes mesoscòpics. Aquesta nova proposta es fonamenta en la formulació de la mecànica quàntica de de Broglie– Bohm. Així, volem fer notar que l’enfoc del problema que realitza X. Oriols i que pretenem aquí seguir no es realitza a fi de comptar amb una eina interpretativa, sinó per a obtenir una eina de càlcul numèric amb la que integrar de manera més eficient l’equació d’Schrödinger corresponent a sistemes quàntics de poques partícules. En el marc del present projecte de tesi doctoral es pretén estendre els algorismes desenvolupats per X. Oriols a sistemes quàntics constituïts tant per fermions com per bosons, i aplicar aquests algorismes a diferents sistemes quàntics mesoscòpics on les correlacions quàntiques juguen un paper important. De forma específica, els problemes a estudiar són els següents: (i) Fotoionització de l’àtom d’heli i de l’àtom de liti mitjançant un làser intens. (ii) Estudi de la relació entre la formulació de X. Oriols amb la aproximació de Born–Oppenheimer. (iii) Estudi de les correlacions quàntiques en sistemes bi- i tripartits en l’espai de configuració de les partícules mitjançant la formulació de de Broglie–Bohm.
Mi proyecto de tesis se basaba en el estudio del papel de profilina 1 en la formación de lamelas, para ello generamos una proteína recombinante y transducible, con el objetivo de poder modificar los niveles endógenos de profilina. Objetivos: i-caracterización bioquímica los tres sitios de union conocidos de la proteína de transducción, el sitio de unión a fosfo-inocitoles (PIP), el de unión a actina (Ac) y el de unión a poli-prolinas (PLP). ii-estudio de la polimerización in-vitro de actina - PTD4-Profilina1 iii-estudio de las proteínas componentes de lamelas inducidas por PTD4-Profilina1. Plan de trabajo: i-Para comprobar la funcionalidad los 3 sitios de unión fueron necesarias las primeras 6 semanas, ya que en primer lugar había que expresar y purificar el peptido Srv2, necesario para el ensayo de PLP. En segundo lugar, se obtuvieron los datos de las concentraciones adecuadas de lípidos para el ensayo de fosfo-inocitoles y por ultimo, se purifico la actina necesaria para el ensayo de unión a actina. Una vez establecida la funcionalidad de la proteína, se procedió a: ii-el estudio de polimerización in-vitro, que llevo 2 semanas. Demostrando que in-vitro era capaz de inhibir la polimerización de una manera similar a la endógena. Una vez terminados estos ensayos, se procedio a: iii-la caracterización inmunohistoquímica de las proteínas componentes de la lamela que fue llevado a cabo en 4 semanas. Para ello se usaron anticuerpos contra: alfa-actinina, talina, vinculina, ENA/Vasp y paxillina. Conclusiones: i-las propiedades bioquímicas de la PTD4-Profilina1 son similares a las de la profilina endógena. ii-los estudios de polimerización indican que la polimerización se produce de manera similar a la endogena. iii-los ensayos de inmunohistoquímica sugieren que, talina esta ausente y que las demás están presentes aunque en menor concentración y con otra distribución comparadas con los controles.
L'objectiu del projecte ha estat la millora de la qualitat docent de l'assignatura Estructura de Computadors I, impartida a la Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (UPC) dins els estudis d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Sistemes i Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Gestió. S'ha treballat en quatre línies d'actuació: (i) aplicació de tècniques d'aprenentatge actiu a les classes; (ii) aplicació de tècniques d'aprenentage cooperatiu no presencials; (iii) implantació de noves TIC i adaptació de les ja emprades per tal d'habilitar mecanismes d'autoavaluació i de realimentació de la informació referent a l'avaluació; i (iv) difusió de les experiències derivades de les diferents actuacions. Referent a les dues primeres mesures s'avalua l'impacte de metodologies docents que afavoreixen l'aprenentatge actiu tant de forma presencial com no presencial, obtenint-se clares millores en el rendiment respecte a altres metodologies utilitzades anteriorment enfocades a la realització de classes del tipus magistral, en què únicament es posa a l'abast dels alumnes la documentació de l'assignatura per a què puguin treballar de forma responsable. Les noves metodologies fan especial èmfasi en el treball en grup a classe i la compartició de les experiències fora de classe a través de fòrums de participació. La mesura que ha requerit més esforç en aquest projecte és la tercera, amb el desenvolupament d'un entorn d'interfície web orientat a la correcció automàtica de programes escrits en llenguatge assemblador. Aquest entorn permet l'autoavaluació per part dels alumnes dels exercicis realitzats a l'assignatura, amb obtenció d'informació detallada sobre les errades comeses. El treball realitzat dins d'aquest projecte s'ha publicat en congressos rellevants en l'àrea docent tant a nivell estatal com internacional. El codi font de l'entorn esmentat anteriorment es posa a disposició pública a través d'un enllaç a la web.
This paper presents the Juste-Neige system for predicting the snow height on the ski runs of a resort using a multi-agent simulation software. Its aim is to facilitate snow cover management in order to i) reduce the production cost of artificial snow and to improve the profit margin for the companies managing the ski resorts; and ii) to reduce the water and energy consumption, and thus to reduce the environmental impact, by producing only the snow needed for a good skiing experience. The software provides maps with the predicted snow heights for up to 13 days. On these maps, the areas most exposed to snow erosion are highlighted. The software proceeds in three steps: i) interpolation of snow height measurements with a neural network; ii) local meteorological forecasts for every ski resort; iii) simulation of the impact caused by skiers using a multi-agent system. The software has been evaluated in the Swiss ski resort of Verbier and provides useful predictions.
A community-based random survey was conducted in a southern Brazilian Amazonian county aiming to investigate hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection prevalence and the association of demographic variables and lifestyle behaviours. Seven hundred eighty individuals were serologically screened with a third generation enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect anti-HCV antibodies between 1994/1995. Positive samples were retested for confirmation with a line immunoassay (LIA, Inno-LIA HCV Ab III). Most of these subjects were low income and came from southern Brazilian states (65.8). Two point four percent (IC 95% 1.2%- 4.6%) of the subjects had LIA-confirmed anti-HCV antibodies reactivity. The age-specific prevalence of HCV antibodies slightly increased with age, with the highest prevalence after the age of 40 years. The results of multivariate analysis indicate a strong association between HCV antibodies and previous surgery and history of intravenous drug use. There were no apparent association with gender, hepatitis B virus markers, blood transfusion, and sexual activity. Mean time living in Amazon did not differ between confirmed and negative anti-HCV individuals. The present data point out an intermediate endemicity of HCV infection among this immigrant community to the Amazon region and that few HCV infected participants presented known risk factors.
The MyHits web server (http://myhits.isb-sib.ch) is a new integrated service dedicated to the annotation of protein sequences and to the analysis of their domains and signatures. Guest users can use the system anonymously, with full access to (i) standard bioinformatics programs (e.g. PSI-BLAST, ClustalW, T-Coffee, Jalview); (ii) a large number of protein sequence databases, including standard (Swiss-Prot, TrEMBL) and locally developed databases (splice variants); (iii) databases of protein motifs (Prosite, Interpro); (iv) a precomputed list of matches ('hits') between the sequence and motif databases. All databases are updated on a weekly basis and the hit list is kept up to date incrementally. The MyHits server also includes a new collection of tools to generate graphical representations of pairwise and multiple sequence alignments including their annotated features. Free registration enables users to upload their own sequences and motifs to private databases. These are then made available through the same web interface and the same set of analytical tools. Registered users can manage their own sequences and annotations using only web tools and freeze their data in their private database for publication purposes.
OBJECTIVE Delusional disorder has been traditionally considered a psychotic syndrome that does not evolve to cognitive deterioration. However, to date, very little empirical research has been done to explore cognitive executive components and memory processes in Delusional Disorder patients. This study will investigate whether patients with delusional disorder are intact in both executive function components (such as flexibility, impulsivity and updating components) and memory processes (such as immediate, short term and long term recall, learning and recognition). METHODS A large sample of patients with delusional disorder (n = 86) and a group of healthy controls (n = 343) were compared with regard to their performance in a broad battery of neuropsychological tests including Trail Making Test, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Colour-Word Stroop Test, and Complutense Verbal Learning Test (TAVEC). RESULTS When compared to controls, cases of delusional disorder showed a significantly poorer performance in most cognitive tests. Thus, we demonstrate deficits in flexibility, impulsivity and updating components of executive functions as well as in memory processes. These findings held significant after taking into account sex, age, educational level and premorbid IQ. CONCLUSIONS Our results do not support the traditional notion of patients with delusional disorder being cognitively intact.