996 resultados para Alberti, Leon Battista, 1404-1472.


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BACKGROUND: Information on the age structure within populations of an endangered species can facilitate effective management. The Blue Mountains Water Skink (Eulamprus leuraensis) is a viviparous scincid lizard that is restricted to < 40 isolated montane swamps in south-eastern Australia. We used skeletochronology of phalanges (corroborated by mark-recapture data) to estimate ages of 222 individuals from 13 populations. RESULTS: These lizards grow rapidly, from neonatal size (30 mm snout-vent length) to adult size (about 70 mm SVL) within two to three years. Fecundity is low (mean 2.9 offspring per litter) and is affected by maternal body length and age. Offspring quality may decline with maternal age, based upon captive-born neonates (older females gave birth to slower offspring). In contrast to its broadly sympatric (and abundant) congener E. tympanum, E. leuraensis is short-lived (maximum 6 years, vs 15 years for E. tympanum). Litter size and offspring size are similar in the two species, but female E. leuraensis reproduce annually whereas many E. tympanum produce litters biennially. Thus, a low survival rate (rather than delayed maturation or low annual fecundity) is the key reason why E. leuraensis is endangered. Our 13 populations exhibited similar growth rates and population age structures despite substantial variation in elevation, geographic location and swamp size. However, larger populations (based on a genetic estimate of effective population size) contained older lizards, and thus a wider variance in ages. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that low adult survival rates, as well as specialisation on a rare and fragmented habitat type (montane swamps) contribute to the endangered status of the Blue Mountains Water Skink.


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La prévalence du diabète peut être estimée entre 20 et 30% parmi les patients en hôpital aigu. Il a été démontré que l'hyperglycémie, même modérée, est associée à une augmentation de la morbi-mortalité hospitalière, tandis que le contrôle glycémique efficace a un impact favorable sur celle-ci. La prise en charge de l'hyperglycémie demeure pourtant largement inefficace hors des soins intensifs, en raison de la persistance d'une pratique inadaptée. Nous développons actuellement un projet de soins destiné à faire changer les pratiques. Pour un contrôle glycémique efficace, une formation des soignants à une gestion basée sur le concept de couverture des besoins en insuline du patient est nécessaire. La démarche doit être intégrée à une approche de type systémique, prenant en compte le contexte dans lequel les soignants évoluent. The hospital inpatient prevalence of diabetes mellitus can be estimated between 20 and 30%. Even moderate hyperglycemia is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in the acute care setting, whereas efficient glycemic control has been shown to improve both of them significantly. Glycemic control however remains largely inefficient outside of the intensive care unit due to the persistance of an inadequate glycemic management practice. We are currently developing a clinical care project aimed at changing this practice. For an efficient glycemic control, a training programme for health care professionals based on the concept of covering the insulin needs of the patient is mandatory. This programme needs to be integrated in a systemic approach, which takes the professionals' context in account.


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[Le moret (latin). 1472-1475 ca]


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Introduction: Prior clozapine studies indicated no effects, mild inhibition or induction of valproic acid (VPA) on clozapine metabolism. The hypotheses that (i) VPA is a net inducer of clozapine metabolism, and (ii) smoking modifies this inductive effect were tested in a therapeutic drug monitoring study. Methods: After excluding strong inhibitors and inducers, 353 steady-state total clozapine (clozapine plus norclozapine) concentrations provided by 151 patients were analyzed using a random intercept linear model. Results: VPA appeared to be an inducer of clozapine metabolism since total plasma clozapine concentrations in subjects taking VPA were significantly lower (27% lower; 95% confidence interval, 14-39%) after controlling for confounding variables including smoking (35% lower, 28-56%). Discussion: Prospective studies are needed to definitively establish that VPA may (i) be an inducer of clozapine metabolism when induction prevails over competitive inhibition, and (ii) be an inducer even in smokers who are under the influence of smoking inductive effects on clozapine metabolism.


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F. 1-52v. Recueil de textes de piété, en italien sauf le premier. « Confiteor Deo omnipotenti Patri et Filio et Spiritui sancto (...) martiribus tuis Grisanto et Darie, confessoribus tuis Prospero et Venerio atque beato Francisco... - ... eternam amen » (1). — [Rubrique :] « Quisti son li X comandam. de la leze ». « Primo non adorare altro che uno solo dio et per questo commandamento se veta le idole... - ... non e » (1v-3v). — [Rubrique :] « Quisti son li XII articoli de la fede ». « Credo in Dio padre omnipotente creatore del celo et de la terra. 1. S. Petro. Et in Yesu... - ... alli boni. 11. S. Thadeo. 12. S. Mathia » (3v). — [Rubrique :] « Quisti son li septe peccati mortali. Lo primo Elatio ». « Superbia cio e reputare de havere bene per propria virtu et non da Dio... - ... tante fiade pecca mortalmente » (3v-10). — [Rubriques :] « Quisti son li dexe comandamenti soto brevita » (...) « Quisti sono li septe sacramenti » (...) « Que son le VII opere de la misericordia temporale » (...) « Queste son le spirituale » (...) « Questi son li setti peccati mortali » (...) « Circha de sopra in li dexe comandamenti. Quista sun li V sentimenti de lo corpo » (...) « Quisti sono li septi doni del Spirito sancto che sono contra li VII peccati mortali » (...) « Queste sono le III virtu theologie » (...) « Quatuor sono le cardinale » (...) « Queste son le conditione de la confessione » (...) « Quisti son li casi de la papa sive papali » (...) « Casus exclusi » (...) « Quisti sun li cassi de lo episcopo sive episcopali » (...) (10-12). — [NICOLAUS DE AUXIMO, O. F. M. (Nicolò da Osimo), Compendio de salute], cf. Umberto Picciafuoco, Fr. Nicolò da Osimo: vita, opera, spiritualità, 1980 ; « Per dare breve introductione delle cose necessarie ad la salute ad ciaschuno simplice lo quale desidera de salvarse, me sono studiato de redirre le dicte cose sotto breve compendio, retracto de uno libro dicto Quadriga spirituale... - ... molto cose secondo li doctori » (12-52v).F. 53-139v. Actes pontificaux et varia. EUGENIUS IV papa, Bulla [ad Jacobum de Primadiciis de Bononia, O. F. M. (Giacomo Primadizzi) ?], de communione pascali, [07/07/1446], cf. Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 21, 1928, p. 270 n. 1, 282-283 « Eugenius papa IIIIus. Dilecte fili salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Fidedigna relatione percepimus in civitate Licii non parvam... - ... VIII kal. julii 1446, po. no. anno XVI° » (éd. ibid., p. 282-283, avec une date corrigée) (53-54). — [PAULUS II papa], Bulla, 14/04/1469 « I ». [Rubrique :] « Bulla que quotannis in cena Domini publicari per summum pontificem consuevit ». « Dilecti filii salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Consueverunt predecessores nostri romani pontifices annis singulis in die cene Domini sedentes...-... die XIIII° aprilis 1469 p. n. anno quinto. L. Dathus » (55-56). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 30/03/1469 « 2. Bulla. Paulus (...). Consueverunt sancte memorie romani pontifices predecessoris [sic] nostri ad retinendam puritatem... - ... tertio kal. aprilis, p. n. anno quinto. De curia. Signata A. Ingherannus, L. Dathus » (56v-64). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 06/06/1469 « 3. Paulus (...). Decet romanum pontificem sic in suis fore gratiis liberalem quod in ecclesiarum... - ... octavo id. junii, p. n. anno quinto. De curia, B. Lunensis » (64v-67). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 02/07/1469 « Paulus papa II. 4. [Rubrique :] Presidenti monasteriorum Sancte Justine de Padua ». « Dilecte fili salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Bullam presentibus alligatam constitutionis et decreti nostri circa annexa et juncta beneficia... - ... die IIa julii M° CCCC LXVIIII p. n. anno quinto. L. Dathus » (67v-68). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, de casibus reservatis, [03/03/1470] cf. Cesare Censi, Manoscritti francescani della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, 2 vol., 1971 (Spicilegium bonaventurianum, VII-VIII), t. I, p. 222, qui renvoie au ms. Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale, V H 33 (n° 125 a de la liste de Cenci) ; incomplet de la fin « 5. [Rubrique :] Bulla pro casibus reservatis ». « Paulus (...). Etsi dominici gregis saluti semper intenti singulis cum humilitate poscentibus ea benigne... - ... omnipotentis Dei et beatorum » [Petri et Pauli...] (68v-70). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 23/11/1464 « 6. [Rubrique :] Contra symoniacos ». « Paulus (...). Cum detestabile scelus simoniace pravitates tam divinorum quam sacrorum canonum... - ... nono kal. decembres, p. n. anno primo » (70v-72). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, [01/03/1468], cf. C. Censi, op. cit., ms. Napoli, Bibl. Naz., I H 43 et V H 33 (n° 50 ap et 125 d) « 7. [Rubrique :] Bulla prohibens ne bona ecclesiarum et Dei alienari possint ultra triennium ». « Paulus (...). Ambitiose perversorum cupiditati illorum precipue qui divinis et humanis legibus affectata... - ... M° CCCC LXVII kalendis martii p. n. anno quarto » (72v-74). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 31/01/1468 « 8. [Rubrique :] De celebratione dierum festorum in terris ecclesie ». « Paulus (...). Perniciosa consuetudo aut verius corruptela que in gravem divine majestatis ac sanctorum... - ... M° CCCC LXVII pridie kal. febr. anno p. n. IIII° » (74v-76v). — Exemplum de Raymundo cardinale nepote Honorii pape et beata Maria virgine et Annunciatione ejus. [Rubrique :] « Pro jejunio domine nostre ». « Honorius summus pontifex habuit ex sorore nepotem Raymundum nomine tituli sanctorum Johannis et Pauli cardinalem libidini ita deditum... - ... regna migravit » (77-79). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, de jubilaeo, 19/04/1470 « 10 ( ?). [Rubrique :] De publicatione anni jubilei redacti ad M CCCC LXXV ». « Paulus (...). Ineffabilis providentia summi patris qui pro redemptione humani generis ejusque reconcilianda natura... - ... tertiodecimo kalendas maii p. n. anno sexto » (79-85). — PAULUS II papa, Breve, ad episcopum Cumanensem, 22/04/1471 « Breve pontificis ad episcopum Cumanensem. Paulus II. Venerabilis frater (...). Expositum fuit nobis nonnullos istius civitatis Cumane ejusque diocesis existere qui contra libertatem... - ... XXII aprilis 1471 p. n. anno septimo » (86-86v). — PAULUS II papa, Breve, ad episcopum Cumanensem, 07/06/1471 « Suprascriptum breve non habuit locum sed reformatum fuit in formam infrascriptam : Paulus II. Ven. (...). Expositum nobis fuit pro parte dilecti filii nobilis viri Galeaz Marie ducis Mediolani nonnullos istius civitatis Cumane... - ... 7° junii 1471 p. n. anno 7° » (86v-87v). — PAULUS II papa, Breve, [ad Galeazzum Mariam Sforza ducem Mediolanensem], 31/05/1471 « Dilecte fili (...). Diligenter exposuit nobis dilectus filius Augustinus de Rubeis eques et doctor Parmensis consiliarius et orator ad nos tuus... - ... ultimo maii 1471, p. n. anno septimo » (87v-88v). — NICODEMUS [TRANCHEDINI], Littera ad Galeazzum Mariam Sforza ducem Mediolanensem, 13/05/1471, cf. Paola Sverzelatti, « Per la biografia di Nicodemo Tranchedini [1413-1481] di Pontremoli, ambasciatore sforzesco », Aevum, 1998, LXII, 485-557 [4° Z 4794] « Littere Nicodemi ad illustrissimum d. ducem. El papa me ha dicto questa sera che heri sera deputo et immediate hebbe ad se li inferri... - ... Johachinus et Franciscus de Padua advocati consistoriales ». « Suprascriptis videnda commissa fuit bulla pontificis » (89-89v). — AUGUSTINUS DE RUBEIS (Agostino de’Rossi) et NICODEMUS [TRANCHEDINI], Littera ad Galeazzum Mariam Sforza ducem Mediolanensem, 25/05/1471 « Littere d. Augustini et Nicodemi ad principem. Illustrissimo (...). Questi xi sonno mo stati piu volte insieme et col papa anchora et heri se fece el consistorio... - ... XXV maii 1471. Augustinus et Nicodemus » (89v-91). — Iidem ad eumdem, 27/05/1471 « Eorundem. Illustrissimo (...). Credace la vestra signoria per cosa se havesse ad agitar. qua postquam questo nostro sancto patre fu facto papa... - ... XXVII maii 1471 » (91-94v). — [EUGENIUS IV papa, Gratiae concessae Francisco de Platea de Bononia, O. F. M., 01/1440], cf. Cesare Censi, Manoscritti francescani della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, 2 vol., 1971 (Spicilegium bonaventurianum, VII-VIII), t. II, p. 1060, qui renvoie à deux exemplaires du texte, mss. Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale, cod. VII G 50 et VII G 66 [n° 371 et 383 de la liste de Cenci] « Copia. Ego frater Franciscus de Bononia frater venerabilis viri fratris Jacobi de Primidiciis de Bononia Florentiam accessi... - ... M CCCC XL die III et die decima januarii » (95-98v). — PAULUS II papa, Breve ( ?), ad Julium Cesari de Varano domicellum, incomplet de la fin « Paulus episcopus (...) dilecto filio nobili viro Julio Cesari de Varano domicello civitatis nostre Camerini et pro nobis (...) gubernatori (...). Inter cura multiplices quibus assidue permimur illa precipue sollicitat mentem nostram... - ... merito commendari » (100-106v). — NICOLAUS V papa, Breve ( ?), ad Franciscum Sforza, 24/07/1447 « Nicolaus (...) dilecto filio nobili viro Francisco Sfortie vicecomiti, comiti et marchioni (...). Sedes apostolica pia mater recurrentibus ad eam cum humilitate filiis post excessum libenter... - ... nono kal. augusti, p. n. anno primo. Pe. de Noxeto » (107-111v). — FRANCISCUS PHILELPHUS ( ?), [De Sacerdotio Christi (extractum et translatum e graeco Souda), versio italica], cf. Giovanni Mercati, Ultimi contributi alla storia degli Umanistici, 1939, I, p. 74-76 (4° Z 1722 (90)) « Tractatello traducto per messere Francescho Philelpho singularissimo poetha de greco in latino per luy trovato presso autentici et antiqui autori, reducto in volgare ad contemplatione d’alcuni devoti cortesani del illustrissimo signiore duca di Milano, ad confirmatione de la fede nostra et confusione de Judei. Regnando Justiniano imperatore clementissimo fo uno homo principe de Judei chiamato Theodosio... - ... teneva occulto » (112-118v). — « Electi beneficii et superni doni data ad quella anima che oldira la sancta messa integramente monifestati per li sancti doctori... - ... ligno de la vita » (118v-119). — MARTINUS V papa, Bulla, de excommunicatione hereticorum, [28/03/1426 ?], incomplète de la fin ; cf. C. Censi, op. cit., I, p. 501-502 (n° 304 f) « 1. Excommunicationes plures contente in processu qui fit annuatim in curia in cena Domini. Martinus (...). Excommunicamus et anathematizamus ex parte omnipotentis Dei Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti auctoritate Petri... - ... incursurum. Datum Rome etc » (120-122v). — « Item excommunicamus et anathematizamus omnes illos qui per se vel per alium vel alios directe vel indirecte... - ... cautione prestitis » (122v-123v). — PAULUS II papa, Bulla, 11/04/1471 « 2. Paulus (...). Consueverunt sancte memorie romani pontifices predecessores nostri ad retinendam puritatem... - ... tertio idus aprilis, p. n. anno VII° » (124-130v). — SIXTUS IV papa, Bulla, de excommunicatione hereticorum, 26/03/1472 « 2. Sixtus (...). Excommunicamus et anathematizamus ex parte omnipotentis Dei Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti auctoritate quoque beatorum... - ... septimo kal. aprilis etc. anno primo » (131-134v). — SIXTUS IV papa, Breve ( ?), ad Ferdinandum I regem Sicilie, 01/03/1472 « 4. Sixtus (...) carissimo in Christo filio Ferdinando regi Sicilie illustri (...). Dum eximie fidelitatis devotionis atque prudentie tue ceterasque tibi a Domino traditas virtutes...-... kalendis martiis [sic] p. n. anno primo. M. Milinus » (135-139v).


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Fundamentando-se na Teoria Crítica da Sociedade, analisa-se como o discurso em prol da formação para a autonomia se consubstancia em propostas de prática pedagógica para os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Foram analisados cinco livros para o 5º ano do ensino fundamental, de diferentes áreas. Observou-se que, para formar sujeitos autônomos, contraditoriamente, as propostas diluem a autoridade do professor e a obrigatoriedade da transmissão do conhecimento; visando a formar para a convivência pacífica, priorizam-se trabalhos em grupos; para formar cidadãos participativos, os alunos devem propor soluções para problemas da comunidade. Tais propostas concorrem para a falsa autonomia e a falsa criticidade, expressão da pseudoformação a que todos estão submetidos na sociedade atual.


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This report presents the results of work zone field data analyzed on interstate highways in Missouri to determine the mean breakdown and queue-discharge flow rates as measures of capacity. Several days of traffic data collected at a work zone near Pacific, Missouri with a speed limit of 50 mph were analyzed in both the eastbound and westbound directions. As a result, a total of eleven breakdown events were identified using average speed profiles. The traffic flows prior to and after the onset of congestion were studied. Breakdown flow rates ranged between 1194 to 1404 vphpl, with an average of 1295 vphpl, and a mean queue discharge rate of 1072 vphpl was determined. Mean queue discharge, as used by the Highway Capacity Manual 2000 (HCM), in terms of pcphpl was found to be 1199, well below the HCM’s average capacity of 1600 pcphpl. This reduced capacity found at the site is attributable mainly to narrower lane width and higher percentage of heavy vehicles, around 25%, in the traffic stream. The difference found between mean breakdown flow (1295 vphpl) and queue-discharge flow (1072 vphpl) has been observed widely, and is due to reduced traffic flow once traffic breaks down and queues start to form. The Missouri DOT currently uses a spreadsheet for work zone planning applications that assumes the same values of breakdown and mean queue discharge flow rates. This study proposes that breakdown flow rates should be used to forecast the onset of congestion, whereas mean queue discharge flow rates should be used to estimate delays under congested conditions. Hence, it is recommended that the spreadsheet be refined accordingly.


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Human tumors often contain slowly proliferating cancer cells that resist treatment, but we do not know precisely how these cells arise. We show that rapidly proliferating cancer cells can divide asymmetrically to produce slowly proliferating "G0-like" progeny that are enriched following chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. Asymmetric cancer cell division results from asymmetric suppression of AKT/PKB kinase signaling in one daughter cell during telophase of mitosis. Moreover, inhibition of AKT signaling with small-molecule drugs can induce asymmetric cancer cell division and the production of slow proliferators. Cancer cells therefore appear to continuously flux between symmetric and asymmetric division depending on the precise state of their AKT signaling network. This model may have significant implications for understanding how tumors grow, evade treatment, and recur.


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A partir de los datos obtenidos en el estudio bionómico del bentos de la costa catalana, exponemos los correspondientes a la vegetación marina. Se comparan los índices de diversidad de las localidades de muestreo en relación con el espacio, la profundidad y las estaciones del año, relacionándolo con el número de especies de Clorófitos, Feófitos y Rodófitos que se han hallado en las muestras estudiadas. Con los valores de las afinidades entre las especies de mayor frecuencia de aparición se ha confeccionado un diagrama, donde aparecen varios grupos de algas que forman comunidades bastante características en algunas localidades de la costa catalana.


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OBJECTIVES: A straightforward original Chimney Graft (CG) protocol has been developed at our institution in selected cases of juxtarenal aortic aneurysm (JRAA). The aim of this study was to present our clinical experience of consecutive series with use of uncovered self-expanding stent (SES) as "Open Chimney" (OCh) in the endovascular repair (EVAR) of JRAA. METHODS: A standard endograft with suprarenal fixation struts is delivered with its proximal covered edge just below the highest RA in JRAA presenting the ostium of the two renal arteries at a different aortic level and the distance between the highest renal artery and the beginning of the aneurysm (improved landing zone) ≥10 mm. The low-lying renal artery is maintained patent by the OCh graft (standard SES) delivered from left brachial access (6 Fr). All clinical, anatomical, and operative data were prospectively collected and retrieved for the study analysis. RESULTS: From July 2010 to November 2012, OCh EVAR was offered to 22 consecutive patients considered unfit for JRAA open repair. All procedures were technically successful with aneurysm exclusion and patent OCh graft. One small perioperative type Ia endoleak spontaneously disappeared at the 3-month CT control. One patient died because of acute decompensated heart failure. One patient presented a left hemispheric stroke. The median follow-up of 18 months (range 7-35) showed aneurysm exclusion in all patients without type I and III endoleaks, SES stenosis, and/or renal impairment. CONCLUSIONS: OCh-EVAR is a straightforward technique that can be employed in selected cases of JRAA, avoiding the more complex and expensive fenestrated EVAR.


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Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 328


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OBJECTIVES: To measure the proportion of adult non-traumatic cardiac or respiratory arrest among calls for seizure to an emergency medical dispatch centre and to record whether known epileptic patients present cardiac or respiratory arrest together with seizure. METHODS: This 2-year prospective observational investigation involved the collection of tape recordings of all incoming calls to the emergency medical dispatch centre, in which an out-of-hospital non-traumatic seizure was the chief complaint in patients >18 years, in addition to the paramedics' records of all patients who presented with respiratory or cardiac arrest. The authors also recorded whether the bystander spontaneously mentioned to the dispatcher that the victim was known to have epilepsy. RESULTS: During the 24-month period, the call centre received 561 incoming calls for an out-of-hospital non-traumatic seizure in an adult. Twelve cases were classified as cardiac or respiratory arrest by paramedics. In one case, the caller spontaneously mentioned that the victim had a history of epilepsy. The proportion of cardiac or respiratory arrest among calls for seizure was 2.1%. CONCLUSION: Although these cases are rare, dispatchers should closely monitor seizure patients with the help of bystanders to exclude an out-of-hospital cardiac or respiratory arrest, in which case the dispatcher can offer telephone cardiopulmonary resuscitation advice until the paramedics arrive. Whenever the activity of the centre allows it and no new incoming call is on hold, this can be achieved by staying on the line with the caller or by calling back. A history of epilepsy should not modify the type of monitoring performed by the dispatcher as those patients may also have an arrest together with seizure.


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OBJECTIVE: To collect data on the consultation frequency and demographic profile of victims of violence attending an emergency department (ED) in Switzerland. METHODS: We undertook screening of all admitted adult patients (>16 years) in the ED of the CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland, over a 1 month period, using a modified version of the Partner Violence Screen questionnaire. Exclusionary criteria were: life threatening injury (National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics score > or =4), or inability to understand or speak French, to give oral informed consent, or to be questioned without a family member or accompanying person being present. Data were collected on history of physical and/or psychological violence during the previous 12 months, the type of violence experienced by the patient, and if violence was the reason for the current consultation. Sociodemographic data were obtained from the registration documents. RESULTS: The final sample consisted of 1602 patients (participation rate of 77.2%), with a refusal rate of 1.1%. Violence during the past 12 months was reported by 11.4% of patients. Of the total sample, 25% stated that violence was the reason for the current consultation; of these, 95% of patients were confirmed as victims of violence by the ED physicians. Patients reporting violence were more likely to be young and separated from their partner. Men were more likely to be victims of public violence and women more commonly victims of domestic violence. CONCLUSIONS: Based on this monthly prevalence rate, we estimate that over 3000 adults affected by violence consult our ED per annum. This underlines the importance of the problem and the need to address it. Health services organisations should establish measures to improve quality of care for victims. Guidelines and educational programmes for nurses and physicians should be developed in order to enhance providers' skills and basic knowledge of all types of violence, how to recognise and interact appropriately with victims, and where to refer these patients for follow up care in their local networks.