983 resultados para Air Diffusion Layer


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Establishment of the water layer in an irrigated rice crop leads to consumption of free oxygen in the soil which enters in a chemical reduction process mediated by anaerobic microorganisms, changing the crop environment. To maintain optimal growth in an environment without O2, rice plants develop pore spaces (aerenchyma) that allow O2 transport from air to the roots. Carrying capacity is determined by the rice genome and it may vary among cultivars. Plants that have higher capacity for formation of aerenchyma should theoretically carry more O2 to the roots. However, part of the O2 that reaches the roots is lost due to permeability of the roots and the O2 gradient created between the soil and roots. The O2 that is lost to the outside medium can react with chemically reduced elements present in the soil; one of them is iron, which reacts with oxygen and forms an iron plaque on the outer root surface. Therefore, evaluation of the iron plaque and of the formation of pore spaces on the root can serve as a parameter to differentiate rice cultivars in regard to the volume of O2 transported via aerenchyma. An experiment was thus carried out in a greenhouse with the aim of comparing aerenchyma and iron plaque formation in 13 rice cultivars grown in flooded soils to their formation under growing conditions similar to a normal field, without free oxygen. The results indicated significant differences in the volume of pore spaces in the roots among cultivars and along the root segment in each cultivar, indicating that under flooded conditions the genetic potential of the plant is crucial in induction of cell death and formation of aerenchyma in response to lack of O2. In addition, the amount of Fe accumulated on the root surface was different among genotypes and along the roots. Thus, we concluded that the rice genotypes exhibit different responses for aerenchyma formation, oxygen release by the roots and iron plaque formation, and that there is a direct relationship between porosity and the amount of iron oxidized on the root surface.


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A computer-aided method to improve the thickness uniformity attainable when coating multiple substrates inside a thermal evaporation physical vapor deposition unit is presented. The study is developed for the classical spherical (dome-shaped) calotte and also for a plane sector reversible holder setup. This second arrangement is very useful for coating both sides of the substrate, such as antireflection multilayers on lenses. The design of static correcting shutters for both kinds of configurations is also discussed. Some results of using the method are presented as an illustration.


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Soil can be either source or sink of methane (CH4), depending on the balance between methanogenesis and methanotrophy, which are determined by pedological, climatic and management factors. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of drainage of a highland Haplic Histosol on CH4 fluxes. Field research was carried out in Ponta Grossa (Paraná, Brazil) based on the measurement of CH4 fluxes by the static chamber method in natural and drained Histosol, over one year (17 sampling events). The natural Histosol showed net CH4 eflux, with rates varying from 238 µg m-2 h-1 CH4, in cool/cold periods, to 2,850 µg m-2 h-1 CH4, in warm/hot periods, resulting a cumulative emission of 116 kg ha-1 yr-1 CH4. In the opposite, the drained Histosol showed net influx of CH4 (-39 to -146 µg m-2 h-1), which resulted in a net consumption of 9 kg ha-1 yr-1 CH4. The main driving factors of CH4 consumption in the drained soil were the lowering of the water-table (on average -57 cm, vs -7 cm in natural soil) and the lower water content in the 0-10 cm layer (average of 5.5 kg kg-1, vs 9.9 kg kg-1 in natural soil). Although waterlogged Histosols of highland areas are regarded as CH4 sources, they fulfill fundamental functions in the ecosystem, such as the accumulation of organic carbon (581 Mg ha-1 C to a depth of 1 m) and water (8.6 million L ha-1 = 860 mm to a depth of 1 m). For this reason, these soils must not be drained as an alternative to mitigate CH4 emission, but effectively preserved.


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We investigated the influence of a hydrogenated disordered carbon (a-C:H) layer on the nucleation of diamond. Substrates c-Si<100>, SiAlON, and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite {0001} were used in this study. The substrate surfaces were characterized with Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) while diamond growth was followed with Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that on silicon and SiAlON substrates the presence of the a-C:H layer enabled diamond to grow readily without any polishing treatment. Moreover, more continuous diamond films could be grown when the substrate was polished with diamond powder prior to the deposition of the a-C:H layer. This important result suggests that the nucleation of diamond occurs readily on disordered carbon surfaces, and that the formation of this type of layer is indeed one step in the diamond nucleation mechanism. Altogether, the data refute the argument that silicon defects play a direct role in the nucleation process. Auger spectra revealed that for short deposition times and untreated silicon surfaces, the deposited layer corresponds to an amorphous carbon layer. In these cases, the subsequent diamond nucleation was found to be limited. However, when the diamond nucleation density was found to be high; i.e., after lengthy deposits of a¿C:H or after diamond polishing, the Auger spectra suggested diamondlike carbon layers.


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The hypothesis of this study was that the absence of soil tillage in long-term no-tillage (NT) systems can be detrimental to soil aeration. The objective was to assess the aeration condition of an Oxisol (Rhodic Ferrasol), very clayey texture (750 g kg-1 of clay; 200 g kg-1 of sand), after 30 years of cultivation under NT. The physical property soil air permeability (Ka) is sensitive to changes in the soil pore system. Aside from Ka, the air-filled porosity (ε a) and indices of pore continuity (K1 and N), derived from the relationship between Ka and εa, were used as indices of soil aeration. From the soil layers 0.0-0.1 and 0.1-0.2 m, 240 undisturbed samples were collected along a transect perpendicular to the crop rows, at three sampling positions: corn plant row (CR); center of the interrow (INT); and the equidistant point between CR and INT (PE). The properties Ka and εa were determined at soil matric potentials (Ψm) of -2, -4, -6, -10, -30, and -50 kPa. Soil bulk density (BD) was also determined. The results confirmed the hypothesis. In the 0.0-0.1 m layer, Ka, K1, N and Ψa were significantly greater and BD significantly lower in CR than at the other sampling positions. At a Ψm of -10 kPa, the Ka of CR was 6.9 and 8.4 times higher than in PE and INT, respectively, in the 0.0-0.1 m layer. The properties Ka, K1 and N were sensitive enough to detect changes in the pore system and their differences between the sampling positions demonstrated the importance of the spatial location for soil sampling. Tilling the crop rows provides better soil aeration under NT.


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Changes in land use and management can affect the dynamic equilibrium of soil systems and induce chemical and mineralogical alterations. This study was based on two long-term experiments (10 and 27 years) to evaluate soil used for no-tillage maize cultivation, with and without poultry litter application (NTPL and NTM), and with grazed native pasture fertilized with cattle droppings (GrP), on the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of a Rhodic Paleudult in Southern Brazil, in comparison with the same soil under native grassland (NGr). In the four treatments, soil was sampled from the 0.0-2.5 and 2.5-5.0 cm layers. In the air-dried fine soil (ADFS) fraction (∅ < 2 mm), chemical characteristics of solid and liquid phases and the specific surface area (SSA) were evaluated. The clay fraction (∅ < 0.002 mm) in the 0.0-2.5 cm layer was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) after treatments for identification and characterization of 2:1 clay minerals. Animal waste application increased the total organic C concentration (COT) and specific surface area (SSA) in the 0.0-2.5 cm layer. In comparison to NGr, poultry litter application (NTPL) increased the concentrations of Ca and CECpH7, while cattle droppings (GrP) increased the P and K concentrations. In the soil solution, the concentration of dissolved organic C was positively related with COT levels. With regard to NGr, the soil use with crops (NTM and NTPL) had practically no effect on the chemical elements in solution. On the other hand, the concentrations of most chemical elements in solution were higher in GrP, especially of Fe, Al and Si. The Fe and Al concentrations in the soil iron oxides were lower, indicating reductive/complexive dissolution of crystalline forms. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of clay in the GrP environment showed a decrease in intensity and reflection area of the 2:1 clay minerals. This fact, along with the intensified Al and Si activity in soil solution indicate dissolution of clay minerals in soil under cattle-grazed pasture fertilized with animal droppings.


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Les températures moyennes mensuelles et annuelles mesurées à 177 endroits de la Suisse ont été ramenées à une même altitude à l'aide d'une formule empirique afin de détecter les influences de la topographie locale sur ce paramètre. Ces calculs ont montré que des accumulations d'air froid influencent fortement les températures moyennes en saison froide au fond de certaines vallées alpines larges et dépressions du Jura sur une épaisseur d'environ 100 mètres. Le déficit thermique dans ces vallées peut atteindre 2 à 3°C à l'échelle annuelle et 5 à 7°C en hiver comparativement aux versants et sommets environnants. Ces accumulations d'air froid n'influencent que peu les températures moyennes dans les vallées étroites et bien ventilées.


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The effective diffusion coefficient for the overdamped Brownian motion in a tilted periodic potential is calculated in closed analytical form. Universality classes and scaling properties for weak thermal noise are identified near the threshold tilt where deterministic running solutions set in. In this regime the diffusion may be greatly enhanced, as compared to free thermal diffusion with, for a realistic experimental setup, an enhancement of up to 14 orders of magnitude.


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We calculate noninteger moments ¿tq¿ of first passage time to trapping, at both ends of an interval (0,L), for some diffusion and dichotomous processes. We find the critical behavior of ¿tq¿, as a function of q, for free processes. We also show that the addition of a potential can destroy criticality.


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We present exact equations and expressions for the first-passage-time statistics of dynamical systems that are a combination of a diffusion process and a random external force modeled as dichotomous Markov noise. We prove that the mean first passage time for this system does not show any resonantlike behavior.


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We study the motion of an unbound particle under the influence of a random force modeled as Gaussian colored noise with an arbitrary correlation function. We derive exact equations for the joint and marginal probability density functions and find the associated solutions. We analyze in detail anomalous diffusion behaviors along with the fractal structure of the trajectories of the particle and explore possible connections between dynamical exponents of the variance and the fractal dimension of the trajectories.


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A simple model of diffusion of innovations in a social network with upgrading costs is introduced. Agents are characterized by a single real variable, their technological level. According to local information, agents decide whether to upgrade their level or not, balancing their possible benefit with the upgrading cost. A critical point where technological avalanches display a power-law behavior is also found. This critical point is characterized by a macroscopic observable that turns out to optimize technological growth in the stationary state. Analytical results supporting our findings are found for the globally coupled case.


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We prove that Brownian market models with random diffusion coefficients provide an exact measure of the leverage effect [J-P. Bouchaud et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 228701 (2001)]. This empirical fact asserts that past returns are anticorrelated with future diffusion coefficient. Several models with random diffusion have been suggested but without a quantitative study of the leverage effect. Our analysis lets us to fully estimate all parameters involved and allows a deeper study of correlated random diffusion models that may have practical implications for many aspects of financial markets.