997 resultados para Agricultura e comércio


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This monograph is part of the works developed in the Scientific Initiation aimed at updating and improving the Atlas of Brazilian Agrarian Question - AQAB. For pioneering and scope of work-matrix, the objective this first part focused on the development of issues related to agricultural production, being drawn maps with data from the Municipal Agricultural Production-PAM 2012; Municipal Livestock Research-PPM 2012; Production of Vegetable Extraction and Forestry-2012, all analyzed from bibliographic review and joint interpretation of tables and graphs. Pari passu, this topic allowed the development of studies on peasant farms, because they are correlated subjects. Peasant farmers produce large portion of the food served to the population. Its features are its mode of production in the field, the way in which the activities take place within the family, the struggle for their social reproduction and by the earth, the practice of polyculture, preservation of the environment and the genetic diversity of species. The surplus production is sold on the market to meet other family demands unmet by production on their properties. We understand that both terms; Peasant or Farmer, refer to the same subject, but with different interpretations of their way of social reproduction and market relations...


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Las ramas de actividades comerciales y de servicios, especialmente aquellos relacionados con el sector industrial y sector agroindustrial, tanto que está a cargo de capital extranjero como aquellos gestionados por capital local, pueden ser considerados como responsables de la reestructuración de la ciudad. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar la localización dinámica de los segmentos de actividades de comercio y servicios de consumo productivo que son relevantes para la comprensión de las nuevas relaciones de consumo. Observar las formas de organización de la comercialización de bienes y servicios, y consumo productivo que son representativos de la época actual, considerando los procesos de descentralización y centralización espacial que marcan las estrategias de las empresas en la ciudades medias


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In this work, we address the informational Density Index (IDI) a methodological Option How To be used on the Research Procedures Analysis of Commerce Geography. The IDI and an indicator of Technological Complexity level of economic activities and a review and made a database from CNEFE / NCEA, where the first signifies the National Register of Establishments for statistical purposes and the second means a National Classification Economic Activities. Elaborated with emphasis on discussion of between center and centrality relations, wish to present a constitution of a data base on level sampling with an analysis elaboration do IDI from the criteria: home-page and e - commerce. This methodology helps us understand how polycentric structures, locational enterprise well as a reflection on the middle cities using a through the analysis on city of São Carlos/SP. Where we see the establishments with greater and lesser content as well as its geographical distribution, noting of according to the criteria listed number of establishments with IDI 0 very relevant. Our analysis as well as such divisions that meet greater index, so, IDI 2 like to financial activities. Also present at methodological level the city of São José do Rio Preto/SP paragraph seizure of care when working there in database


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC


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Hybrids or open pollinated tomato cultivars used for sauces and ketchups production usually has determinate growth habit, while most of the genotypes used in the production to salads (in natura consumption) has indeterminate growth habit. Additionally, growth habit can have influence on culture management, productivity and total soluble solids (TSS) in fruits. The growth habit is mainly controlled by the gene SELF-PRUNING (SP), which is a component of a small gene family which is also part of the gene SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS (SFT), currently considered one of the components so sought after 'florigin'. Understanding the biochemical function and physiological effect of such genes in interaction with the environment and other genes (epistasis), allows the manipulation of parameters such as precocity and TSS. It also provides subsidies to understand the genetic basis of semideterminate growth, which combines the advantages of determinate and indeterminate habit and can be used for plant breeders to development of new cultivars.


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The Brazilian market in the XIX century: an approach through the cabotage commerce. The maritime commerce consisted of the main way of circulation of the goods between the Brazilian provinces until the second half of century XIX. Although the relatively big importance of the flows of commerce with the exterior, we note significant exchange of goods by sea between the Brazilian regions since the colonial period. A part of these exchanges derived from products destined in last instance to the foreigner or imported of the exterior. However, another part elapsed of national goods that had not arrived at be exported to the international market. Many goods for the colonial and imperial consumption had circulated by the Brazilian coasts in expressive sums. From the information raised for the imperial period, especially the decades of 1860 and 1870, we verify that most of the goods commercialized between the provinces consisted of national products destined to the internal consumption.


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Variedades ou híbridos de tomateiro utilizados para produção de molhos e ketchups costumam ter hábito determinado, enquanto a maioria dos genótipos utilizados na produção para mesa (consumo in natura) possuem hábito indeterminado. Além de influenciar no manejo da cultura, o hábito de crescimento pode alterar parâmetros de produtividade, como o teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST) nos frutos. O hábito de crescimento é controlado principalmente pelo gene SELF-PRUNING (SP), que é um dos componentes de uma pequena família gênica da qual faz parte também o gene SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS (SFT), atualmente considerado um dos componentes do tão buscado "florígeno". O entendimento da função bioquímica e o efeito fisiológico de tais genes em interação com o ambiente e outros genes (epistasia) possibilita a manipulação de parâmetros como precocidade e SST. Além disso, fornece subsídios para compreender a base genética do crescimento semideterminado, que combina vantagens do hábito determinado e indeterminado, podendo ser usado pelos melhoristas de plantas para o desenvolvimento de novas cultivares.


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Programa de doctorado: Ingeniería Ambiental y Desalinización.


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[ES] Los líquidos iónicos (LI) son materiales prometedores para la industria química. Sin embargo, para una implementación exitosa, es imprescindible tener datos fiables sobre sus propiedades físicas y conocer su comportamiento en solución con otras sustancias. Por ello, en el laboratorio de Termodinámica y Fisicoquímica de Fluidos de la ULPGC hemos analizado algunas propiedades termofísicas de sustancias puras, como densidades y viscosidades de tres isómeros de un líquido iónico a base de piridinio del que se carece de datos básicos, así como otras propiedades en solución con solventes. Respecto a las últimas, se han determinado los volúmenes de mezcla y las entalpías de mezcla con agua y con una serie de alcoholes. Los resultados para los tres isómeros fueron comparados para deducir información sobre el efecto de la posición de un sustituyente. El conocimiento acumulado permitirá una mejor y más rápida selección del correcto LI para una tarea específica. Estas tareas pueden incluir disolución de azúcares u otros hidratos de carbono para su análisis, purificación o separación.


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