948 resultados para Affective valence


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An experimental investigation of the stabilization of the turquoise-colored chrornophore (Mn5+O4) in various oxide hosts, viz., A(3)(VO4)(2) (A = Ba, Sr, Ca), YVO4, and Ba2MO4 (M = Ti, Si), has been carried out. The results reveal that substitution of Mn5+O4 occurs in Ba-3(VO4)(2) forming the entire solid solution series Ba-3(V1-x MnxO4)(2) (0 < x <= 1.0), while with the corresponding strontium derivative, only up to about 10% of Mn5+O4 substitution is possible. Ca-3(VO4)(2) and YVO4 do not stabilize Mn5+O4 at all. With Ba2MO4 (M = Ti, Si), we could prepare only partially substituted materials, Ba2M1-xMn5+O4+x/2 for x up to 0.15, that are turquoise-colored. We rationalize the results that a large stabilization of the O 2p-valence band states occurs in the presence of the electropositive barium that renders the Mn5+ oxidation state accessible in oxoanion compounds containing PO43-, VO43-, etc. By way of proof-of-concept, we synthesized new turquoise-colored Mn5+O4 materials, Ba-5(BO3)(MnO4)(2)Cl and Ba-5(BO3)(PO4)(MnO4)Cl, based on the apatite-Ba-5(PO4)(3)Cl-structure.


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Using in situ Raman scattering from phosphorene channel in an electrochemically top-gated field effect transistor, we show that phonons with A(g) symmetry depend much more strongly on concentration of electrons than that of holes, wheras phonons with B-g symmetry are insensitive to doping. With first-principles theoretical analysis, we show that the observed electon-hole asymmetry arises from the radically different constitution of its conduction and valence bands involving pi and sigma bonding states respectively, whose symmetry permits coupling with only the phonons that preserve the lattice symmetry. Thus, Raman spectroscopy is a non-invasive tool for measuring electron concentration in phosphorene-based nanoelectronic devices.


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The electronic structure of SrBi2Ta2O9 and related oxides such as SrBi2Nb2O9, Bi2WO6 and Bi3Ti4O12 have been calculated by the tight-binding method. In each case, the band gap is about 4.1 eV and the band edge states occur on the Bi-O layers and consist of mixed O p/Bi s states at the top of the valence band and Bi p states at the bottom of the conduction band. The main difference between the compounds is that Nb 5d and Ti 4d states in the Nb and Ti compounds lie lower than the Ta 6d states in the conduction band. The surface pinning levels are found to pin Schottky barriers 0.8 eV below the conduction band edge.


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The band structure of the Bi layered perovskite SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) has been calculated by the tight binding method. We find both the valence and conduction band edges to consist of states primarily derived from the Bi-O layer rather than the perovskite Sr-Ta-O block. The valence band maximum arises from O p and some Bi s states, while the conduction band minimum consists of Bi p states, with a band gap of 5.1 eV. It is argued that the Bi-O layers largely control the electronic response of SBT while the ferroelectric response originates from the perovskite Sr-Ta-O block. Bi and Ta centered traps are calculated to be shallow, which may account in part for the excellent fatigue properties of SBT.


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The band structure of the layered perovskite SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) was calculated by tight binding and the valence band density of states was measured by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. We find both the valence and conduction band edges to consist of states primarily derived from the Bi-O layer rather than the perovskite Sr-Ta-O blocks. The valence band maximum arises from O p and some Bi s states, while the conduction band minimum consists of Bi p states, with a wide band gap of 5.1 eV. It is argued that the Bi-O layers largely control the electronic response whereas the ferroelectric response originates mainly from the perovskite Sr-Ta-O block. Bi and Ta centered traps are calculated to be shallow, which may account in part for its excellent fatigue properties. © 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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Resumen: Santa Gertrudis se ubica en el punto de inflexión en que la unidad tradicional entre teología y vida espiritual comienza a debilitarse. Contemporánea al desarrollo de la escolástica, pertenece sin embargo al mundo monástico, donde la integración entre la vida y la teología, se cultiva y se defiende. Su vida se nos presenta como la de aquélla en quien se cumple la finalidad teológica que subyace a toda vida cristiana: la comprensión vital del misterio por la experiencia de íntima comunión con lo divino. Su doctrina ilumina el núcleo de la fe a partir de las fuentes de la liturgia, la revelación y la tradición patrística, asimiladas a través de su experiencia espiritual. Esta se expresa en la originalidad y precisión teológica de sus visiones y oraciones, vertidas en un lenguaje afectivo y simbólico, en el equilibrio de su doctrina espiritual y en su hondo sentido de Iglesia. Su experiencia constituye una mística dogmática, eclesial y esponsal, cuya universalidad y actualidad la hacen apta y atractiva al público creyente y no creyente de hoy


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La autora expone en el presente artículo algunos conceptos sobre sexualidad y las consideraciones que se deben tener en cuenta a la hora de educar a varones y a mujeres en el tema, teniendo en cuenta sus diferencias y peculiaridades corporales, psicoafectivas, espirituales y sociales. El objetivo para con los jóvenes es brindarles una visión integradora de la sexualidad, integrándola con el amor.


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[Es] Una de las consecuencias del creciente paso de estudiantes por múltiples universidades europeas gracias al programa Erasmus (unos 700 anuales desde la UPV/EHU hacia más de trescientos centros) es el acercamiento de la propia universidad hacia otros modelos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Así desde el convenciemiento de que la vivencia personal en Erasmus puede y debe convertirse en conocimiento significativo compartido entre discentes y docentes, hemos desarrollado una experiencia de investigación con un grupo de veinte estudiantes de nuestra universidad durante su curso en un centro extranjero. Para ello hemos utilizado la plataforma virtual moodle, la cual ha permitido poner en comunicación a este grupo, disperso por toda Europa, y a los responsables del proyecto. Asimismo hemos realizado un análisis cualitativo de los debates surgidos en la plataforma, utilizando el software NVivo7, que nos ha permitido extraer las conclusiones. Algunas de ellas ilustran diferentes modelos pedagógicos entre las universidades del norte y del sur europeos, así como la valoración que las y los estudiantes hacen de ellos. Otras van más allá de los objetivos inicialmente planteados y nos hablan de las necesidades de comunicación de estas y estos estudiantes durante el periplo (administrativas, afectivas, vivenciales o de construcción de sentido de lo que están viviendo), así como de la ideoneidad de instrumentos como moodle para hacerlas frente.


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[ES] El objetivo de este artículo es presentar evidencias empíricas sobre dos cuestiones aún abiertas en la investigación sobre el compromiso organizativo: la existencia de varios tipos de compromiso de continuidad, y la existencia de relaciones no lineales entre el compromiso, ciertos comportamientos organizativos y algunos indicadores clásicos de éstos como la intención de abandonar la organización. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio empírico en el que participaron 241 informantes, que permitió testear las hipótesis mediante el uso de regresión lineal jerárquica.


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[ES] Este trabajo aborda el estudio de la formación de la insatisfacción, desde la perspectiva cognitiva y afectiva, y de sus consecuencias en forma de intenciones de comportamientos de queja. El objetivo es investigar la influencia directa e indirecta, a través de los afectos negativos, que ejerce la desconfirmación de expectativas sobre la insatisfacción, y analizar la contribución de estos juicios sobre las intenciones de respuestas de queja, a terceras partes y privadas. A partir de una muestra de clientes insatisfechos con restaurantes que manifiestan distintos niveles de atribución externa, se ha construido un modelo causal para estudiar las relaciones.


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We identify an intriguing feature of the electron-vibrational dynamics of molecular systems via a computational examination of trans-polyacetylene oligomers. Here, via the vibronic interactions, the decay of an electron in the conduction band resonantly excites an electron in the valence band, and vice versa, leading to oscillatory exchange of electronic population between two distinct electronic states that lives for up to tens of picoseconds. The oscillatory structure is reminiscent of beating patterns between quantum states and is strongly suggestive of the presence of long-lived molecular electronic coherence. Significantly, however, a detailed analysis of the electronic coherence properties shows that the oscillatory structure arises from a purely incoherent process. These results were obtained by propagating the coupled dynamics of electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom in a mixed quantum-classical study of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Hamiltonian for polyacetylene. The incoherent process is shown to occur between degenerate electronic states with distinct electronic configurations that are indirectly coupled via a third auxiliary state by vibronic interactions. A discussion of how to construct electronic superposition states in molecules that are truly robust to decoherence is also presented


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The material presented in this thesis concerns the growth and characterization of III-V semiconductor heterostructures. Studies of the interactions between bound states in coupled quantum wells and between well and barrier bound states in AlAs/GaAs heterostructures are presented. We also demonstrate the broad array of novel tunnel structures realizable in the InAs/GaSb/AlSb material system. Because of the unique broken-gap band alignment of InAs/GaSb these structures involve transport between the conduction- and valence-bands of adjacent layers. These devices possess a wide range of electrical properties and are fundamentally different from conventional AlAs/GaAs tunnel devices. We report on the fabrication of a novel tunnel transistor with the largest reported room temperature current gains. We also present time-resolved studies of the growth fronts of InAs/GainSb strained layer superlattices and investigations of surface anion exchange reactions.

Chapter 2 covers tunneling studies of conventional AlAs/GaAs RTD's. The results of two studies are presented: (i) A test of coherent vs. sequential tunneling in triple barrier heterostructures, (ii) An optical measurement of the effect of barrier X-point states on Γ-point well states. In the first it was found if two quantum wells are separated by a sufficiently thin barrier, then the eigenstates of the system extend coherently across both wells and the central barriers. For thicker barriers between the wells, the electrons become localized in the individual wells and transport is best described by the electrons hopping between the wells. In the second, it was found that Γ-point well states and X-point barrier states interact strongly. The barrier X-point states modify the energies of the well states and increase the escape rate for carriers in the quantum well.

The results of several experimental studies of a novel class of tunnel devices realized in the InAs/GaSb/AlSb material system are presented in Chapter 3. These interband tunnel structures involve transport between conduction- and valence-band states in adjacent material layers. These devices are compared and contrasted with the conventional AlAs/GaAs structures discussed in Chapter 2 and experimental results are presented for both resonant and nonresonant devices. These results are compared with theoretical simulations and necessary extensions to the theoretical models are discussed.

In chapter 4 experimental results from a novel tunnel transistor are reported. The measured current gains in this transistor exceed 100 at room temperature. This is the highest reported gain at room temperature for any tunnel transistor. The device is analyzed and the current conduction and gain mechanisms are discussed.

Chapters 5 and 6 are studies of the growth of structures involving layers with different anions. Chapter 5 covers the growth of InAs/GainSb superlattices for far infrared detectors and time resolved, in-situ studies of their growth fronts. It was found that the bandgap of superlattices with identical layer thicknesses and compositions varied by as much as 40 meV depending on how their internal interfaces are formed. The absorption lengths in superlattices with identical bandgaps but whose interfaces were formed in different ways varied by as much as a factor of two. First the superlattice is discussed including an explanation of the device and the complications involved in its growth. The experimental technique of reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) is reviewed, and the results of RHEED studies of the growth of these complicated structures are presented. The development of a time resolved, in-situ characterization of the internal interfaces of these superlattices is described. Chapter 6 describes the result of a detailed study of some of the phenomena described in chapter 5. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies of anion exchange reactions on the growth fronts of these superlattices are reported. Concurrent RHEED studies of the same physical systems studied with XPS are presented. Using the RHEED and XPS results, a real-time, indirect measurement of surface exchange reactions was developed.


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We have applied the Schwinger Multichannel Method(SMC) to the study of electronically inelastic, low energy electron-molecule collisions. The focus of these studies has been the assessment of the importance of multichannel coupling to the dynamics of these excitation processes. It has transpired that the promising quality of results realized in early SMC work on such inelastic scattering processes has been far more difficult to obtain in these more sophisticated studies.

We have attempted to understand the sources of instability of the SMC method which are evident in these multichannel studies. Particular instances of such instability have been considered in detail, which indicate that linear dependence, failure of the separable potential approximation, and difficulties in converging matrix elements involving recorrelation or Q-space terms all conspire to complicate application of the SMC method to these studies. A method involving singular value decomposition(SVD) has been developed to, if not resolve these problems, at least mitigate their deleterious effects on the computation of electronically inelastic cross sections.

In conjunction with this SVD procedure, the SMC method has been applied to the study of the H_2 , H_2O, and N_2 molecules. Rydberg excitations of the first two molecules were found to be most sensitive to multichannel coupling near threshold. The (3σ_g → 1π_g ) and (1π_u → 1π_g) valence excitations of the N_2 molecule were found to be strongly influenced by the choice of channel coupling scheme at all collision energies considered in these studies.


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Intramolecular electron transfer in partially reduced cytochrome c oxidase has been studied by means of perturbed equilibrium techniques. We have prepared a three electron reduced, CO inhibited form of the enzyme in which cytochrome a and copper A are partially reduced an in intramolecular redox equilibrium. When these samples were photolyzed using a nitrogen laser (0.6 µs, 1.0 mJ pulses) changes in absorbance at 598 nm and 830 nm were observed which are consistent with a fast electron from cytochrome a to copper A. The absorbance changes at 598 nm have an apparent rate of 17,200 ± 1,700 s^(-1) (1σ), at pH 7.0 and 25.5 °C. These changes were not observed in either the CO mixed valence or CO inhibited fully reduced forms of the enzyme. The rate is fastest at about pH 8.0, and falls off in either direction, and there is a small, but clear temperature dependence. The process was also observed in the cytochrome c -- cytochrome c oxidase high affinity complex.

This rate is far faster than any rate measured or inferred previously for the cytochrome a -- copper A electron equilibration, but the interpretation of these results is hampered by the fact that the relaxation could only be followed during the time before CO became rebound to the oxygen binding site. The meaning of our our measured rate is discussed, along with other reported rates for this process. In addition, a temperature-jump experiment on the same system is discussed.

We have also prepared a partially reduced, cyanide inhibited form of the enzyme in which cytochrome a, copper A and copper B are partially reduced and in redox equilibrium. Warming these samples produced absorbance changes at 605 nm which indicate that cytochrome a was becoming more oxidized, but there were no parallel changes in absorbance at 830 nm as would be expected if copper A was becoming reduced. We concluded that electrons were being redistributed from cytochrome a to copper B. The kinetics of the absorbance changes at 605 nm were investigated by temperature-jump methods. Although a rate could not be resolved, we concluded that the process must occur with an (apparent) rate larger than 10,000 s^(-1).

During the course of the temperature-jump experiments, we also found that non-redox related, temperature dependent absorbance changes in fully reduced CO inhibited cytochrome c oxidase, and in the cyanide mixed valence enzyme, took place with an (apparent) rate faster that 30,000 s^(-1).