957 resultados para Aerial photogrammetry
提出一种新颖的基于MIT规则的自适应Unscented卡尔曼滤波(Unscented Kalman filter,UKF)算法,用来进行参数以及状态的联合估计。针对旋翼飞行机器人执行器提出一种执行器健康因子(Actuator health coefficients,AHCs)的故障模型结构,应用自适应UKF对AHCs参数进行在线估计,将联合估计的状态以及故障参数引入基于模型的反馈线性化控制结构,组成完整的容错控制系统。提出的自适应UKF算法以及容错控制结构经过中科院沈阳自动化研究所ServoHeli-20旋翼无人智能平台数学模型进行仿真试验验证,效果良好。
On the issue of geological hazard evaluation(GHE), taking remote sensing and GIS systems as experimental environment, assisting with some programming development, this thesis combines multi-knowledges of geo-hazard mechanism, statistic learning, remote sensing (RS), high-spectral recognition, spatial analysis, digital photogrammetry as well as mineralogy, and selects geo-hazard samples from Hong Kong and Three Parallel River region as experimental data, to study two kinds of core questions of GHE, geo-hazard information acquiring and evaluation model. In the aspect of landslide information acquiring by RS, three detailed topics are presented, image enhance for visual interpretation, automatic recognition of landslide as well as quantitative mineral mapping. As to the evaluation model, the latest and powerful data mining method, support vector machine (SVM), is introduced to GHE field, and a serious of comparing experiments are carried out to verify its feasibility and efficiency. Furthermore, this paper proposes a method to forecast the distribution of landslides if rainfall in future is known baseing on historical rainfall and corresponding landslide susceptibility map. The details are as following: (a) Remote sensing image enhancing methods for geo-hazard visual interpretation. The effect of visual interpretation is determined by RS data and image enhancing method, for which the most effective and regular technique is image merge between high-spatial image and multi-spectral image, but there are few researches concerning the merging methods of geo-hazard recognition. By the comparing experimental of six mainstream merging methods and combination of different remote sensing data source, this thesis presents merits of each method ,and qualitatively analyzes the effect of spatial resolution, spectral resolution and time phase on merging image. (b) Automatic recognition of shallow landslide by RS image. The inventory of landslide is the base of landslide forecast and landslide study. If persistent collecting of landslide events, updating the geo-hazard inventory in time, and promoting prediction model incessantly, the accuracy of forecast would be boosted step by step. RS technique is a feasible method to obtain landslide information, which is determined by the feature of geo-hazard distribution. An automatic hierarchical approach is proposed to identify shallow landslides in vegetable region by the combination of multi-spectral RS imagery and DEM derivatives, and the experiment is also drilled to inspect its efficiency. (c) Hazard-causing factors obtaining. Accurate environmental factors are the key to analyze and predict the risk of regional geological hazard. As to predict huge debris flow, the main challenge is still to determine the startup material and its volume in debris flow source region. Exerting the merits of various RS technique, this thesis presents the methods to obtain two important hazard-causing factors, DEM and alteration mineral, and through spatial analysis, finds the relationship between hydrothermal clay alteration minerals and geo-hazards in the arid-hot valleys of Three Parallel Rivers region. (d) Applying support vector machine (SVM) to landslide susceptibility mapping. Introduce the latest and powerful statistical learning theory, SVM, to RGHE. SVM that proved an efficient statistic learning method can deal with two-class and one-class samples, with feature avoiding produce ‘pseudo’ samples. 55 years historical samples in a natural terrain of Hong Kong are used to assess this method, whose susceptibility maps obtained by one-class SVM and two-class SVM are compared to that obtained by logistic regression method. It can conclude that two-class SVM possesses better prediction efficiency than logistic regression and one-class SVM. However, one-class SVM, only requires failed cases, has an advantage over the other two methods as only "failed" case information is usually available in landslide susceptibility mapping. (e) Predicting the distribution of rainfall-induced landslides by time-series analysis. Rainfall is the most dominating factor to bring in landslides. More than 90% losing and casualty by landslides is introduced by rainfall, so predicting landslide sites under certain rainfall is an important geological evaluating issue. With full considering the contribution of stable factors (landslide susceptibility map) and dynamic factors (rainfall), the time-series linear regression analysis between rainfall and landslide risk mapis presented, and experiments based on true samples prove that this method is perfect in natural region of Hong Kong. The following 4 practicable or original findings are obtained: 1) The RS ways to enhance geo-hazards image, automatic recognize shallow landslides, obtain DEM and mineral are studied, and the detailed operating steps are given through examples. The conclusion is practical strongly. 2) The explorative researching about relationship between geo-hazards and alteration mineral in arid-hot valley of Jinshajiang river is presented. Based on standard USGS mineral spectrum, the distribution of hydrothermal alteration mineral is mapped by SAM method. Through statistic analysis between debris flows and hazard-causing factors, the strong correlation between debris flows and clay minerals is found and validated. 3) Applying SVM theory (especially one-class SVM theory) to the landslide susceptibility mapping and system evaluation for its performance is also carried out, which proves that advantages of SVM in this field. 4) Establishing time-serial prediction method for rainfall induced landslide distribution. In a natural study area, the distribution of landslides induced by a storm is predicted successfully under a real maximum 24h rainfall based on the regression between 4 historical storms and corresponding landslides.
As a typical geological and environmental hazard, landslide has been causing more and more property and life losses. However, to predict its accurate occurring time is very difficult or even impossible due to landslide's complex nature. It has been realized that it is not a good solution to spend a lot of money to treat with and prevent landslide. The research trend is to study landslide's spatial distribution and predict its potential hazard zone under certain region and certain conditions. GIS(Geographical Information System) is a power tools for data management, spatial analysis based on reasonable spatial models and visualization. It is new and potential study field to do landslide hazard analysis and prediction based on GIS. This paper systematically studies the theory and methods for GIS based landslide hazard analysis. On the basis of project "Mountainous hazard study-landslide and debris flows" supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences and the former study foundation, this paper carries out model research, application, verification and model result analysis. The occurrence of landslide has its triggering factors. Landslide has its special landform and topographical feature which can be identify from field work and remote sensing image (aerial photo). Historical record of landslide is the key to predict the future behaviors of landslide. These are bases for landslide spatial data base construction. Based on the plenty of literatures reviews, the concept framework of model integration and unit combinations is formed. Two types of model, CF multiple regression model and landslide stability and hydrological distribution coupled model are bought forward. CF multiple regression model comes form statistics and possibility theory based on data. Data itself contains the uncertainty and random nature of landslide hazard, so it can be seen as a good method to study and understand landslide's complex feature and mechanics. CF multiple regression model integrates CF (landslide Certainty Factor) and multiple regression prediction model. CF can easily treat with the problems of data quantifying and combination of heteroecious data types. The combination of CF can assist to determine key landslide triggering factors which are then inputted into multiple regression model. CF regression model can provide better prediction results than traditional model. The process of landslide can be described and modeled by suitable physical and mechanical model. Landslide stability and hydrological distribution coupled model is such a physical deterministic model that can be easily used for landslide hazard analysis and prediction. It couples the general limit equilibrium method and hydrological distribution model based on DEM, and can be used as a effective approach to predict the occurrence of landslide under different precipitation conditions as well as landslide mechanics research. It can not only explain pre-existed landslides, but also predict the potential hazard region with environmental conditions changes. Finally, this paper carries out landslide hazard analysis and prediction in Yunnan Xiaojiang watershed, including landslide hazard sensitivity analysis and regression prediction model based on selected key factors, determining the relationship between landslide occurrence possibility and triggering factors. The result of landslide hazard analysis and prediction by coupled model is discussed in details. On the basis of model verification and validation, the modeling results are showing high accuracy and good applying potential in landslide research.
This year, as the finale to the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory's annual Winter Olympics, the Lab staged an AI Fair ??night devoted to displaying the wide variety of talents and interests within the laboratory. The Fair provided an outlet for creativity and fun in a carnival-like atmosphere. Students organized events from robot boat races to face-recognition vision contests. Research groups came together to make posters and booths explaining their work. The robots rolled down out of the labs, networks were turned over to aerial combat computer games and walls were decorated with posters of zany ideas for the future. Everyone pitched in, and this photograph album is a pictorial account of the fun that night at the AI Fair.
A inviabilidade economica da ensilagem de milho na regiao dos cerrados, devido aos custos muito elevados de insumos necessarios para a sua producao, leva os pecuaristas a ensilar outras forragens. Durante as forragens mais empregadas para ensilagem na regiao, destaca-se o capim-elefante (Pennisetum pupureum Shum) por ser uma graminea de porte grande, de boa producao de massa verde por hectare e bem difundida no meio rural.
Access to the remote sensing data was increasing in Poland since 1989. This procccess had stimulating impact on scientific research in the scope of changes in the environment. Special attention should be given to the thermal imagery methods because of its information potential. Presented paper discusses the possibilities of using information from thermal images for detecting of places of illegal dumping of animal waste in the ground. On the basis of earlier survey and gathered data draft fl ight plan was created, covering the sorroundings of Śmiłowo (around 30 sq km). Theoretical thesis for the subject was an assumption that all disturbances of the ground and soil structure should give visible representation in both thermal and visible images. Moreover the process of decay of animal tissues should be the source of heat, which can be observed through thermal sensor. Several places of potential dumping of animal waste were selected. For detailed ground verifi cation eight of them were chosen. In these location geological drillings were performed and than analysis of the samples. Thermovision is a method with great potential for the monitoing of the environment, but its effectiveness depends on the access to another sources of geoinformation.
Herbs of the Ericaceae family are commonly found in Algeria and used in traditional medicine as anti- septic, diuretic, astringent, depurative, and to treat scalds and wounds. The methanolic extracts of three species, Arbutus unedo L. (A. unedo, leaves), Erica arborea L. (E. arborea, flowered aerial parts), and Erica multiflora L. (E. multiflora, flowered aerial parts), were compared regarding their content in pheno- lic compounds, their antioxidant, and antibacterial activities. A. unedo harbors the highest content in total phenolics and flavonoids, followed by E. arborea E. multiflora. The contents in total phenolics and flavonoids showed a correlation with the measured antioxidant (hydrogen-donating) activities; this was particularly the case for flavonoids content. The A. unedo extract showed antibacterial activity against all the tested strains (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, S. aureus C100459, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027); however, the E. arborea and E. multiflora extracts showed antibacterial activity only against Gram positive bacteria. Some polyphenols were identified in the three herbs by thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array and mass spectrometry detection; from these, caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, naringin, quercetin and kaempferol are reported for the first time in E. multiflora.
En los últimos años la suba de los precios de los principales granos, y sobre todo de la soja, junto con el aumento del valor del capital tierra, ha despertado en los productores del mundo y del Uruguay la necesidad de producir cada vez más eficientemente, y obtener la mayor producción posible por superficie. Al mismo tiempo, tanto la preocupación por la sustentabilidad de los sistemas productivos, como por la contaminación ambiental impulsa a los empresarios rurales a buscar tecnologías, que maximicen la eficiencia de uso de los insumos en general, preservando el medio ambiente La agricultura por ambientes o de precisión parece ofrecer soluciones a esta problemática. El manejo de cultivos diferenciando por las características del ambiente de producción, tiene como objetivos reducir costos, aumentar la productividad y hacer un uso más eficiente de los insumos (Bongiovanni, 2004). Mediante el conocimiento de la forma en que varían los rendimientos y el modo en que se relacionan con características intra-chacra, sería posible modificar el actual manejo uniforme de los cultivos hacia uno que considere los requerimientos específicos de cada sitio del campo. Así se realizaría lo necesario en el lugar y momento correctos, en la forma adecuada, lográndose mejorar los beneficios económicos y/o reducir el impacto en el ambiente (Plant, 2001). En este marco el manejo de nutrientes y limitantes químicas de suelo toma un papel prioritario al ser los fertilizantes y enmiendas los principales costos de producción agrícolas, y por los potenciales riesgos de contaminación asociados a ellos. Una de las limitantes de la producción de cultivos es la presencia de sodio (Na) en cantidades relativamente altas. Excepto en el cultivo de arroz, el Na es considerado un nutriente beneficioso para los cultivos, dentro de ciertos rangos. Hay especies adaptadas a la presencia de Na. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los cultivos de secano presentan cierto grado de susceptibilidad a este elemento. Muchos trabajos muestran la efectividad de la aplicación de yeso para disminuir los efectos del problema de Na en el complejo de intercambio de cationes de los suelos Costa y Godz (1999). En Uruguay existen escasos estudios que relacionen el nivel del sodio en el suelo con el rendimiento de los cultivos. Dada la superficie ocupada por este elemento en algunos de los suelos predominantes en la zona agrícola de Uruguay se planteó este trabajo, con el objetivo de realizar una caracterización y diferenciación de ambientes, y evaluar el impacto de la aplicación sitio-especifica de yeso agrícola en los ambientes afectados por sodicidad. Las hipótesis planteadas en este trabajo experimental fueron: Hipótesis 1: la utilización de herramientas de agricultura de precisión (ejemplo, análisis de imágenes satelitales; monitores de rendimiento; relevamiento plani-altimétrico; sensores remotos montados en aviones no tripulados (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle o UAV), entre otros permite diferenciar ambientes en base a su potencial de productividad. Hipótesis 2: la aplicación de yeso agrícola en ambientes de bajo potencial, donde existen suelos con elevados niveles de Na intercambiable, pueden ser mejorados en su condición química (reducción del PSI). El objetivo de este trabajo fue reducir los niveles de Na intercambiable en el suelo mediante la aplicación de yeso.
A modelling scheme is described which uses satellite retrieved sea-surface temperature and chlorophyll-a to derive monthly zooplankton biomass estimates in the eastern North Atlantic; this forms part of a bio-physical model of inter-annual variations in the growth and survival of larvae and post-larvae of mackerel (Scomber scombrus). The temperature and chlorophyll data are incorporated first to model copepod (Calanus) egg production rates. Egg production is then converted to available food using distribution data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey, observed population biomass per unit daily egg production and the proportion of the larval mackerel diet comprising Calanus. Results are validated in comparison with field observations of zooplankton biomass. The principal benefit of the modelling scheme is the ability to use the combination of broad scale coverage and fine scale temporal and spatial variability of satellite data as driving forces in the model; weaknesses are the simplicity of the egg production model and the broad-scale generalizations assumed in the raising factors to convert egg production to biomass.
1. Aerial rate of oxygen consumption by Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis is 4–17% of the aquatic rate. 2. For Cardium edule and Modiolus demissus the aerial rate of oxygen uptake is between 28 and 78% of the aquatic rate. 3. These species differences are related to the degree of shell gape during air exposure. 4. All species show an apparent oxygen debt after exposure to air, the extent of which is not simply related to either the level of aerobic respiration or the degree of anaerobiosis during exposure. 5. Anaerobic end-products accumulate in the tissues of Mytilus during aerial exposure, but not in Cardium. 6. The relative energy yields by aerobic and anaerobic means in M. edulis are discussed.