968 resultados para Adenocarcinoma do pâncreas


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The new technology of combinational chemistry has been introduced to pharmaceutical companies, improving and making more efficient the process of drug discovery. Automated combinatorial chemistry in the solution-phase has been used to prepare a large number of compounds of anti-cancer screening. A library of caffeic acid derivatives has been prepared by the Knoevenagel condensation of aldehyde and active methylene reagents. These products have been screened against two murine adenocarcinoma cell lines (MAC) which are generally refractive to standard cytotoxic agents. The target of anti-proliferative action was the 12- and 15-lipoxygenase enzymes upon which these tumour cell lines have been shown to be dependent for proliferation and metastasis. Compounds were compared to a standard lipoxygenase inhibitor and if found to be active anti-proliferative agents were tested for their general cytotoxicity and lipoxygenase inhibition. A solid-phase bound catalyst, piperazinomethyl polystyrene, was devised and prepared for the improved generation of Knoevenagel condensation products. This piperazinomethyl polystyrene was compared to the traditional liquid catalyst, piperidine, and was found to reduce the amount of by-products formed during reaction and had the advantage of easy removal from the reaction. 13C NMR has been used to determine the E/Z stereochemistry of Knoevenagel condensation products. Soluble polymers have been prepared containing different building blocks pendant to the polymer backbone. Aldehyde building blocks incorporated into the polymer structure have been subjected to the Knoevenagel condensation. Cleavage of the resultant pendant molecules has proved that soluble linear polymers have the potential to generate combinatorial mixtures of known composition for biological testing. Novel catechol derivatives have been prepared by traditional solution-phase chemistry with the intention of transferring their synthesis to a solid-phase support. Catechol derivatives prepared were found to be active inhibitors of lipoxygenase. Soluble linear supports for the preparation of these active compounds were designed and tested. The aim was to develop a support suitable for the automated synthesis of libraries of catechol derivatives for biological screening.


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Cachexia in cancer is characterised by progressive depletion of both adipose tissue stores and skeletal muscle mass. Two catabolic factors produced by cachexia-inducing tumours have the potential for inducing these changes in body composition: (i) proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF) which acts on skeletal muscle to induce both protein degradation and inhibit protein synthesis, (ii) lipid-mobilising factor (LMF), which has been shown to directly induce lipolysis in isolated epididymal murine white adipocytes. Administration of lipid-mobilising factor (LMF) to mice produced a specific reduction in carcass lipid with a tendency to increase non-fat carcass mass. Treatment of murine myoblasts, myotubes and tumour cells with tumour-produced LMF, caused concentration dependent stimulation of protein synthesis, within a 24hr period. It produced an increase in intracellular cyclic AMP levels, which was linearly related to the increase in protein synthesis. The observed effect was attenuated by pretreating cells with the adenylate cyclase inhibitor, MDL12330A and was additive with stimulation produced by forskolin. Both propranolol and a specific 3 adrenergic antagonist SR59230A, significantly reduced the stimulation of protein synthesis induced by LMF. LMF also affected protein degradation in vitro, as demonstrated by a reduction in proteasome activity, a key component of the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway. These effects were opposite to those produced by PIF which caused both a decrease in the rate of protein synthesis and an elevation on protein breakdown when incubated in vitro.Incubation of LMF with a fat cell line produced alterations in the levels of guanine-nucleotide binding proteins (G proteins). This was also evident in adipocyte plasma membranes isolated from mice bearing the tumour model of cachexia, MAC16 adenocarcinoma and from patients with cancer cachexia. Progression through the cachectic state induced an upregulation of stimulatory G proteins paralleled with a downregulation of inhibitory G proteins. These changes would contribute to the increased lipid mobilisation seen in cancer cachexia.


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A transplantable colon adenocarcinoma of the mouse (MAC16) was utilized as a model of human cancer cachexia. The MAC16 tumour produced extensive weight loss in the host at small tumour burdens and without a reduction in either food or fluid intake. The weight loss was characterised by a decrease in both carcass fat and muscle mass which were directly proportional to the weight of the tumour. The weight loss has been correlated with the production of circulatory catabolic factors by the tumour, which degrade host muscle and adipose tissue in vitro. These factors were further characterised and have been shown to be distinct and separable by gel exclusion chromatography. The proteolytic factors (molecular weight > 150k daltons) were distinguishable from the lipolytic factors which appeared related with molecular weights of approximately 3.0, 1.5 and 0.7k daltons. Lipolytic factors of the same molecular weights were identified in other tumour models and in the body fluids of tumour-bearing animals and cancer patients. These factors were not present in healthy individuals or in patients with other weight-losing conditions. Various temperatures studied reversed the weight loss seen in the cachexia induced by the MAC16 adenocarcinoma in vivo. The effects of these treatments could be linked in vitro to the inhibition of the catabolic factors produced by the tumour. These results suggest that these factors may be responsible for the cachexia the tumour confers on its host. These factors may be useful in the understanding and therapy of cancer cachexia.


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The aim of this work was to use extremely low concentrations of free radical generating compounds as a 'catalyst' to trigger endogenous free radical chain reactions in the host and to selectively eliminate neoplastic cells in the host. To test the hypothesis, a number of free radical generating compounds were screened on several malignant cell lines in vitro to select model compounds that were used against tumour models in vivo. 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and its derivatives were selected at the model compounds for in vivo experiments in view of their high cytotoxic potency against several malignant cell lines in vitro. The water soluble derivative, 2,2-diphenyl-1-(2', 4'-dinitro-6'-sulphophenyl) hydrazyl (DDSH) given by subcutaneous injections demonstrated significant antitumour activities against the MAC 16 murine colon adenocarcinoma implanted subcutaneously in male NMRI mice at nanomolar concentration range. 40-60% of long term survival of over 60 days was achieved (compared with control survival of 20 days) with total tumour elimination. This compound was also active against both P388 leukaemia in male BDF1 mice and TLX5 lymphoid tumour in male CBA/CA mice at a similar concentration range. However, some of these animals died suddenly after treatment with no evidence of disease present at post mortem. The cause of death was unknown but thought to be related to the treatment. There was significant increase in serum level of malondialdehyde (MDA) following treatment, but did not correlate to the antitumour activities of these compounds. Induction of supcroxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) occurred around day 8 after the administration of DDSH. Histological sections of MAC16 tumours showed areas of extensive massive haemorrhagic necrosis and vascular collapse associated with perivascular cell death following the administration of nanomolar concentration of DDSH which was probably compatible with the effects of free radicals. It was concluded that the antitumour activities of these compounds may be related to free radical and cytokine production.


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The effect of cancer cachexia on host metabolism has been studied in mice transplanted with either the MAC16 adenocarcinoma which induces profound loss of host body weight and depletion of lipid stores or, the MAC13 adenocarcinoma which is of the same histological type, but which grows without an effect on host body weight. Oxidation of D-[U-14C]glucose was elevated in both tumour-bearing states irrespective of cachexia, when compared with non tumour-bearing controls. Both the MAC16 and MAC13 tumours in vivo utilised glucose at the expense of the brain, where its use was partially replaced by 3-hydroxybutyrate, a ketone body. Oxidation of both [U-14C]palmitic acid and [1-14C]triolein was significantly increased in MAC16 tumour-bearing animals and decreased in MAC13 tumour-bearing animals when compared with non tumour-bearing controls, suggesting that in cachectic tumour-bearing animals, mobilisation of body lipids is accompanied by an increased utilisation by the host. Weight loss in MAC16 tumour-bearing animals is associated with the production of a lipolytic factor. Injection of this partially purified lipolytic factor induced weight loss in recipient animals which could be maintained over time in tumour-bearing animals. This suggests that the tumour acts as a sink for the free fatty acids liberated as a result of the mobilisatation of adipose stores. Lipids are important as an energy source in cachectic animals because of their high calorific value and because glucose is being diverted away from host tissues to support tumour growth. Their importance is further demonstrated by the evidence of a MAC16 tumour-associated lipolytic factor. This lipolytic factor is the key to understanding the alterations in host metabolism that occur in tumour-induced cachexia, and may provide future alternatives for the reversal of cachexia and the treatment of cancer itself.


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PKC-mediated signalling pathways are important in cell growth and differentiation, and aberrations in these pathways are implicated in tumourigenesis. The objective of this project was to clarify the link between cell growth inhibition and PKC modulation.The PKC activators bryostatin 1 and 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) inhibited growth in A549 and MCF-7 adenocarcinoma cells with great potency, and induced HL-60 leukaemia cell differentiation. Bistratene A affected these cells similarly. Experiments were conducted to test the hypotheses that bistratene A exerts its effects via PKC modulation and that characteristics of cytostasis induced by bryostatin 1 and TPA depend upon PKC isozyme-specific events. After incubation of A549 cells with TPA or bistratene A, 2D phosphoprotein electrophoretograrns revealed three proteins phosphorylated by both agents. However, bistratene A was unable to induce the formation of cellular networks on the basement membrane substitute Matrigel, and staurosporine was unable to reverse bistratene A-induced [3H]thymidine uptake inhibition, unlike TPA. Bistratene A did not induce PKC translocation or downregulation, activate or inhibit A549 and MCF-7 cell cytosolic PKC or compete for phorbol ester receptors. Western blot analysis and hydroxylapatite chromatography identified PKC α, ε and ζ in these cells. Bistratene A was unable to activate any of these isoforms. Therefore the agent does not exert its antiproliferative effects by modulation of PKC activity. The abilities of bryostatin 1 and TPA (10nM-1μM) to induce PKC isoform translocation and downregulation were compared with antiproliferative effects. Both agents induced dose-dependent downregulation and translocation of PKC α and ε to particulate and nuclear cell fractions. PKC ζ was translocated to the particulate fraction by both agents in MCF-7 cells. The similarity of PKC isoform redistribution by these agents did not explain their divergent effects on cell growth, and the role of nuclear translocation of PKC in cytostasis was not confirmed by these studies. Alternative factors governing the characteristics of growth inhibition induced by these agents are discussed.


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A transplantable murine colon adenocarcinoma (MAC16) was utilised as a model of human cancer cachexia. This tumour has been found to produce extensive weight loss, characterised by depletion of host body protein and lipid stores at a small tumour burden. This weight loss has been found to be associated with production by the tumour of a lipolytic factor, activity of which was inhibited in vitro by the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). EPA has also been shown to possess anti-tumour and anti-cachectic activity in vivo, leading to the hypothesis that fatty acids mobilised by the lipolytic factor supply a growth requirement of the MAC16 tumour. In this study mobilisation and sequestration of fatty acids by the tumour was found to be non-specific, although a relationship between weight loss and arachidonic acid (AA) concentration was found in both tumour-bearing mice, and human cancer patients. The anti-tumour effect of EPA, which was found to be associated with an increase in cell loss, but not its anti-cachectic activity, was reversed by the administration of the PUFAs oleic acid (OA) and linoleic acid (LA). LA was also found to be capable of stimulating tumour growth. Inhibition of either the cyclooxygenase or lipoxygenase pathways was found to result in reduction of tumour growth, leading to the implication of one of the metabolites of LA or AA in tumour growth and cachexia. The ethyl ester of EPA was found to be inactive against the growth and cachexia of the MAC16 tumour, due to its retarded uptake compared with the free acid. The anti-proliferative agent 5-fluorouracil was found to cause tumour growth inhibition, and when given in combination with EPA, reduced the phase of tumour regrowth observed after 4 to 5 days of treatment with EPA.


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The effect of cancer cachexia on protein metabolism has been studied in mice transplanted with the MAC16 adenocarcinoma. The progressive cachexia induced by the MAC16 tumour was characterised by a reduction in carcass nitrogen between 16-30% weight loss and a reciprocal increase in tumour nitrogen content. Carcass nitrogen loss was accompanied by a concomitant decrease in gastrocnemius muscle weight and nitrogen content and also by a decrease in liver nitrogen content. The loss of gastrocnemius muscle throughout the progression of cachexia was attributable to a 60% decrease in the rate of protein synthesis and a 240% increase in the rate of protein degradation. The loss of skeletal muscle protein that may be partially mediated by an increased rate of protein degradation has been correlated with a circulatory catabolic factor present only in cachectic tumour-bearing animals, that degrades host muscle in vitro. The proteolysis-inducing factor was found to be heat stable, not a serine protease and was inhibited by indomethacin and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in a dose-related manner. The proteolytic factor induced prostaglandin E2 formation in the gastrocnemius muscle of non tumour-bearing animals and this effect was inhibited by indomethacin and EPA. In vivo studies show EPA (2.0g/kg-1 by gavage) to effectively reverse the decrease in body weight in animals bearing the MAC16 tumour with a concomitant reduction in tumour growth. Muscle from animals treated with EPA showed a decrease (60%) in protein degradation without an effect on protein synthesis. In vivo studies show branched chain amino acid treatment to be ineffective in moderating the cachectic effect of the MAC16 tumour. The action of the factor was largely mimicked by triarachidonin and trilinoleia. The increased serum levels of arachidonic acid in cachectic tumour-bearing animals may thus be responsible for increased protein degradation through prostanoid metabolism. The understanding of protein metabolism and catabolic factors in the cachectic animal may provide future avenues for the reversal of cachexia and the treatment of cancer.metabolism and catabolicmetabolism and cat


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The MAC16 tumour produces a factor which exhibits lipid-mobilizing activity in vitro in addition to causing extensive depletion of host lipid stores. The mechanism of the anti-lipolytic effect of two anti-cachectic agents, eicosapentaenoic acid, an ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), and N-(3-phenoxycinnamyl)acetohydroxamic acid (BW A4C), a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, has been investigated. These two agents reduce tumour growth and reverse the weight loss which accompanies transplantation of the MAC16 murine colon adenocarcinoma into NMRI mice. Mice transplanted with the MAC16 tumour exhibited weight loss which was directly proportional to the serum lipolytic activity measured in vitro up to a weight loss corresponding to 16% of the original body weight. After this time, an inverse relationship between weight loss and lipolytic activity was observed. Body composition analysis revealed a large decrease in body fat relative to other body compartments. The anti-tumour/anti-cachectic effect of EPA did not appear to be due to its ability to inhibit the production of prostaglandin E2. The MAC16 lipolytic factor increased adenylate cyclase activity in adipocyte plasma membranes in a concentration-dependent manner. EPA inhibited the production of cAMP attributed to this lipid-mobilizing factor. EPA produced alterations in Gi , the guanine nucleotide binding protein which mediates hormonal inhibition of adenylate cyclase, in addition to altering cAMP production in adipocyte plasma membranes in response to hormonal stimulation. The alterations in adenylate cyclase activity were complex and not specific to EPA. EPA stimulated adenylate cyclase activity when in a relatively high fatty acid : membrane ratio and inhibited activity when this ratio was lowered. The inhibitory effect of EPA on adenylate cyclase activity may be the underlying mechanism which explains its anti-lipolytic and anti-cachectic effect. The inability of the related ω-3 PUFA, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), to inhibit cachexia may be due to a difference in the metabolic fates of these two fatty acids. BW A4C inhibited lipolysis in isolated adipocytes which suggests that this compound may possess the potential for an anti-cachectic effect which is independent of its inhibitory effect on tumour growth.


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Cancer cachexia is characterised by selective depletion of skeletal muscle protein reserves. The ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway has been shown to be responsible for muscle wasting in a range of cachectic conditions including cancer cachexia. To establish the importance of this pathway in muscle wasting during cancer (and sepsis), a quantitative competitive RT-PCR (QcRT-PCR) method was developed to measure the mRNA levels of the proteasome sub units C2a and C5ß and the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E214k. Western blotting was also used to measure the 20S proteasome and E214k protein expression. In vivo studies in mice bearing a cachexia inducing murine colon adenocarcinoma (MAC16) demonstrated the effect of progressive weight loss on the mRNA and protein expression for 20S proteasome subunits, as well as the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, E214k, in gastrocnemius and pectoral muscles. QcRT-PCR measurements showed a good correlation between expression of the proteasome subunits (C2 and CS) and the E214k enzyme mRNA and weight loss in gastrocnemius muscle, where expression increased with increasing weight loss followed by a decrease in expression at higher weight losses (25-27%). Similar results were obtained in pectoral muscles, but with the expression being several fold lower in comparison to that in gastrocnemius muscle, reflecting the different degrees of protein degradation in the two muscles during the process of cancer cachexia. Western blot analysis of 20S and E214k protein expression followed a similar pattern with respect to weight loss as that found with mRNA. In addition, mRNA and protein expression of the 20S proteasome subunits and E214k enzyme was measured in biopsies from cachectic cancer patients, which also showed a good correlation between weight loss and proteasome expression, demonstrating a progressive increase in expression of the proteasome subunits and E214k mRNA and protein in cachectic patients with progressively increasing weight loss.The effect of the cachexia-inducing tumour product PIF (proteolysis inducing factor) and 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE), the arachidoinic acid metabolite (thought to be the intracellular transducer of PIF action) has also been determined. Using a surrogate model system for skeletal muscle, C2C12 myotubes in vitro, it was shown that both PIF and 15-HETE increased proteasome subunit expression (C2a and C5ß) as well as the E214k enzyme. This increase gene expression was attenuated by preincubation with EPA or the 15-lipoxygenase inhibitor CV-6504; immunoblotting also confirmed these findings. Similarly, in sepsis-induced cachexia in NMRI mice there was increased mRNA and protein expression of the 20S proteasome subunits and the E214k enzyme, which was inhibited by EPA treatment. These results suggest that 15-HETE is the intracellular mediator for PIF induced protein degradation in skeletal muscle, and that elevated muscle catabolism is accomplished through upregulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome-proteolytic pathway. Furthermore, both EPA and CV -6504 have shown anti-cachectic properties, which could be used in the future for the treatment of cancer cachexia and other similar catabolic conditions.


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Background - Cancer cachexia is the progressive loss of skeletal muscle protein that contributes significantly to cancer morbidity and mortality. Evidence of antioxidant attenuation and the presence of oxidised proteins in patients with cancer cachexia indicate a role for oxidative stress. The level of oxidative stress in tissues is determined by an imbalance between reactive oxygen species production and antioxidant activity. This study aimed to investigate the superoxide generating NADPH oxidase (NOX) enzyme and antioxidant enzyme systems in murine adenocarcinoma tumour-bearing cachectic mice. Methods - Superoxide levels, mRNA levels of NOX enzyme subunits and the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidise (GPx) and catalase was measured in the skeletal muscle of mice with cancer and cancer cachexia. Protein expression levels of NOX enzyme subunits and antioxidant enzyme activity was also measured in the same muscle samples. Results - Superoxide levels increased 1.4-fold in the muscle of mice with cancer cachexia, and this was associated with a decrease in mRNA of NOX enzyme subunits, NOX2, p40phox and p67phox along with the antioxidant enzymes SOD1, SOD2 and GPx. Cancer cachexia was also associated with a 1.3-fold decrease in SOD1 and 2.0-fold decrease in GPx enzyme activity. Conclusion - Despite increased superoxide levels in cachectic skeletal muscle, NOX enzyme subunits, NOX2, p40phox and p67phox, were downregulated along with the expression and activity of the antioxidant enzymes. Therefore, the increased superoxide levels in cachectic skeletal muscle may be attributed to the reduction in the activity of endogenous antioxidant enzymes.


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Objective: Loss of skeletal muscle is the most debilitating feature of cancer cachexia, and there are few treatments available. The aim of this study was to compare the anticatabolic efficacy of L-leucine and the leucine metabolite β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (Ca-HMB) on muscle protein metabolism, both invitro and invivo. Methods: Studies were conducted in mice bearing the cachexia-inducing murine adenocarcinoma 16 tumor, and in murine C2 C12 myotubes exposed to proteolysis-inducing factor, lipopolysaccharide, and angiotensin II. Results: Both leucine and HMB were found to attenuate the increase in protein degradation and the decrease in protein synthesis in murine myotubes induced by proteolysis-inducing factor, lipopolysaccharide, and angiotensin II. However, HMB was more potent than leucine, because HMB at 50 μM produced essentially the same effect as leucine at 1 mM. Both leucine and HMB reduced the activity of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway as measured by the functional (chymotrypsin-like) enzyme activity of the proteasome in muscle lysates, as well as Western blot quantitation of protein levels of the structural/enzymatic proteasome subunits (20 S and 19 S) and the ubiquitin ligases (MuRF1 and MAFbx). Invivo studies in mice bearing the murine adenocarcinoma 16 tumor showed a low dose of Ca-HMB (0.25 g/kg) tobe 60% more effective than leucine (1 g/kg) in attenuating loss of body weight over a 4-d period. Conclusion: These results favor the clinical feasibility of using Ca-HMB over high doses of leucine for the treatment of cancer cachexia. © 2014 Elsevier Inc.


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Background: Esophageal cancer is the eighth most common cancer seen worldwide and is the sixth most common cause of death from cancer. The UK alone has over 8,000 new cases of esophageal cancer every year. Epidemiological studies have shown that low-dose daily intake of aspirin can decrease the incidence of esophageal cancer. However, its use as an anti-cancer drug has been restrained because of its side effects exerted through inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes. In our study, we have investigated the effects of a number of novel aspirin analogs on esophageal cancer cell lines. Methods: The effects of aspirin and its analogs on the viability of esophageal cancer cell lines were tested using the MTT assay. ApoSense and flow cytometric analysis were performed to examine whether aspirin analog-mediated tumor cell death is due to apoptosis or necrosis. Colorimetric assays measuring peroxidase component of cyclooxygenases were employed to screen aspirin analogs for COX inhibition. Results: Our data suggests that the anti-proliferative property of certain aspirin analogs is greater than that of aspirin itself. Benzoylsalicylates and fumaroyl diaspirin were more effective than aspirin against the oe21 squamous cell carcinoma cells and oe33 esophageal adenocarcinoma cells. Flo-1 esophageal adenocarcinoma cells showed resistance to aspirin and most of the aspirin analogs other than the benzoylsalicylates. Both diaspirin and benzoylsalicylates inhibited metabolic activity in all these esophageal cells. However, apoptosis was induced in only a small proportion. We have also shown that these aspirin analogs do not appear to inhibit COX enzymes. Conclusion: We have synthesized and characterized a number of novel aspirin analogs that are more effective against esophageal cancer cell lines than aspirin. These compounds do not exert their anti-proliferative effect through induction of apoptosis. Moreover, these analogs inability to inhibit COX enzymes suggests that they may cause fewer or no side effects compared to aspirin.


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Gemcitabine (2', 2'-difluoro-2'-deoxycytidine or dFdC) has become a standard chemotherapeutic agent in the treatment of several cellular and solid tumor- related malignancies. Gemcitabine's anti-cancer activity has been attributed to its inhibitory effects on the cell's DNA synthetic machinery resulting in the induction of cell arrest and apoptosis. Despite its broad application, treatment capacity with this drug is limited due to complicated administration schedules stemming from low bioavailability and tumor resistance associated with its rampant intracellular enzymatic inactivation. The aim of this study is to characterize the anti-cancer activity of novel designed and synthesized gemcitabine analogues, that were modified with long alkyl chains at the 4-amino group of the cytosine ring. This study proposes the use of these alternative derivatives of gemcitabine that not only uphold current drug standards for potency, but additionally confer chemical stability against enzymatic inactivation. During screening conducted to identifY prospective gem-analogue candidates, I observed the potent anticancer properties ofthree 4-N modified compounds on MCF-7 breast adenocarcinoma cells. Experiments described here with these compounds referred to as LCO, LCAO, and Gvaldo, evaluate their cytotoxicity on MCF-7 cells at the concentrations of 25flM and 2.5flM, and assess their inhibitory effects on DNA synthesis and cell cycle progression using sulphorhodamine B and bromodeoxyuridine assays as well as flow cytometric analyses, respectively. Among the compounds tested, LCO was shown to be most active inhibitor of DNA synthesis (a=.05; p<.OOl) as reflected as a distinct GO/Gl versus S-phase arrest in the 25flM and 2.5flM treatments, respectively. Together, these experiments provide preliminary evidence for the clinical application of LCO-like gemcitabine derivatives as a novel treatment for breast cancer.


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Red marine algae of the genus Gracilaria synthesize sulfated polysaccharides (PS) bioactive. But many of these PS were not properly assessed, as is the case of PS synthesized by edible seaweed Gracilaria birdiae. Previous studies showed that sulfated galactans this alga has anti-inflammatory effect. In this work, a galactan (GB) of G. birdiae was obtained and evaluated by different tests. GB showed anticoagulant activity in APTT assay. GB showed no toxicity to normal cells (3T3), but inhibited the survival of cells of adenocarcinoma of the cervix (HeLa) and human pancreatic cancer (Panc-1) 80% (1.5 mg / ml). GB was not able to hijack the OH radical or the superoxide radical. However, showed activity electron donor in two different tests and presented iron chelator activity (70% and 1.0 mg / ml) and Copper (70% at 0.5 mg / ml). The presence of a higher GB promotes formation of crystals of calcium oxalate dihydrate small size, which is less aggressive, because GB is able to interact with and stabilize the crystal that form. Furthermore, GB (2.0 mg / mL) was not cytotoxic to human renal cells (HEK-293). The data lead us to propose that GB has a great potential for the treatment of urolithiasis