997 resultados para Actinocyclus normanii forma subsalsus


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El trabajo se centra en las lecturas críticas y en las reescrituras de tres autores argentinos que, por su opción estética más señalada, su opción genérica o su ubicación cronológica, no se relacionan, en principio, con el soneto. Se focaliza la atención en sus lecturas del soneto del Siglo de Oro español, especialmente de Quevedo y Garcilaso. Por otro lado, se estudia con especial atención los lugares de enunciación que construyen los escritores en cuanto críticos y las relaciones que establecen entre soneto y literatura.


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El neoliberalismo fue un proceso de reestructuración de la sociedad capitalista iniciado a mediados de los años setenta. Fue un proceso global que con modalidades diversas avanzó por todo el globo acentuando la integración capitalista de las sociedades y la conformación de un capitalismo transnacionalizado. En Argentina tuvo sus primeros destellos en el año 1975, iniciándose violentamente durante la última dictadura militar, atravesando la "primavera democrática" alfonsinista y alcanzando su pináculo, su etapa de consolidación y crisis en los años de Menem y la convertibilidad. La crisis de la convertibilidad dio lugar a una nueva etapa en el desarrollo capitalista en Argentina. La misma puede ser caracterizada como posneoliberal en tanto se monta sobre los resultados del proceso político anterior y constituye una nueva forma estabilizada de desarrollo capitalista periférico. Entender la etapa actual iniciada en 2002 como posneoliberal implica reconocer las fuertes continuidades estructurales que se manifiestan en el patrón de acumulación capitalista en Argentina a pesar de los cambios sustantivos que también pueden observarse. En tal sentido el proyecto neoliberal es un medio para la restauración y consolidación del poder de clase de los sectores dominantes ha sido un éxito. Estamos ante el fin de ciclo del neoliberalismo y el inicio de una nueva etapa que puede denominarse posneoliberal. El objetivo de este trabajo es doble. Por un lado, dar cuenta del carácter posneoliberal de la etapa iniciada en 2002. Por otro, señalar los rasgos novedosos y las contradicciones, barreras y límites de este nuevo proceso que tentativamente denominamos neodesarrollista.


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El presente trabajo examina cómo se articulan algunas de las problemáticas derivadas de la postulación y el entramado del discurso crítico de Héctor Libertella. Se centra, sobre todo, en Las sagradas escrituras (1993) y La Librería Argentina (2003a). En el marco del análisis de la singular poética del autor, algunos de los ejes del trabajo son la noción de crítica que sus textos ponen en juego; las estrategias discursivas con que el autor incide en la tradición literaria argentina; los efectos que sus postulados tienen en relación a la concepción de la literatura nacional


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The stratigraphic ranges and relative abundances of selected diatoms and silicoflagellates are presented from three Neogene sedimentary sequences from the subantarctic South Atlantic. These data were compiled from Hole 699A in the southwest South Atlantic and Holes 704A and 704B in the southeast South Atlantic. Thirty-five samples were examined from a 67.5-m section of Hole 699A, which is mostly late Miocene or younger in age. A total of 225 samples was examined from the upper 569.1-m lower Miocene to Quaternary section in Holes 704A and 704B. Although the partial census of the Site 704 sequences is only preliminary, it reveals that the Neogene is remarkably complete and serves as a reference for further detailed examination of an important biostratigraphic-magnetostratigraphic reference section for the Neogene record of the Southern Ocean.


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A diatom biostratigraphy is presented for middle Miocene through Quaternary sediments recovered from the Chatham Rise east of New Zealand's South Island. The upper 590 m of the 639.5-m composite-section Site 594 represents approximately 16 m.y. and is characterized by moderately to very poorly preserved diatoms of antarctic to temperate affinity. Pliocene through Quaternary assemblages are poorly preserved and dominated by antarctic-subantarctic species which provide detailed biostratigraphic control. Recognized are 11 of 14 zones of the middle upper Miocene to Quaternary Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zonation (NSD 7-NSD 20) of Ciesielski (1983; this chapter). Four Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zones (NSD 3-NSD 6) are recognized in the lower middle Miocene to middle upper Miocene of Site 594. Assemblages of this interval have a mixed high-latitude and temperate affinity; however, poor preservation limits correlation to high- and temperate-latitude zonal schemes. Neogene North Pacific diatom zones and subzones of NNPD 3 through NNPD 5 (Barron, in press, b) are correlated to Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zones NSD 3 through NSD 7: the upper portions of the Actinocyclus ingens Zone (NNPD 3) is correlative to the upper Nitzschia maleinterpretaria Zone (NSD 3); the Denticulopsis lauta Zone (NNPD 4) and Subzones a and b are correlative to the lower Coscinodiscus lewisianus Zone (NSD 4); and the D. hustedtü-D. lauta Zone (NNPD 5) and its Subzones a through d encompass the upper C. lewisianus Zone (NSD 4), N. grossepunctata Zone (NSD 5), N. denticuloides Zone (NSD 6), and the lower D. hustedtii-D. lauta Zone (NSD 7). A major disconformity spans the late Gilbert to early Gauss Chron (3.9-2.8 Ma). A second disconformity brackets the Miocene/Pliocene boundary; the section missing covers late Chron 5 and the early Gilbert chron (5.5-4.6 Ma). The remainder of the siliceous-fossil-bearing Miocene sediments at Site 594 appear to be correlative to lower paleomagnetic Chronozone 5 through upper Chronozone 16. Uppermost lower Miocene or lowermost middle Miocene sediments in the basal 50 m of Hole 594A are barren of diatoms.


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Als man nach dem ersten Weltkrieg im verkleinerten Deutschland nach der Möglichkeit von Neulandgewinnung suchte, dachte man auch an eineTrockenlegung der ostpreußischen Haffe. Aus diesem Anlaß wurden umfangreiche Bohrungen ausgeführt, um ein möglichst genaues Bild vom Untergrunde der Haffe zu bekommen. Auf Veranlassung der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt wurde ich mit der Untersuchung der Diatomeen in den Bohrproben beauftragt. Die Arbeit wurde 1934 begonnen und Ende 1937 wurde der letzte Arbeitsbericht abgeliefert. Die beabsichtigte Veröffentlichung ist bisher unterblieben, weil die Druckvorlagen später verloren gegangen sind. Seitdem sind über die Haffuntersuchungen mehrere Teilergebnisse veröffentlicht worden, von denen hier schon wegen der Terminologie die pollenanalytischen Arbeiten von L. HEIN (1941) und HUGO GROSS (1941) erwähnt seien, auf die im Abschnitt Il 2e näher eingegangen wird. Bei der geologischen Auswertung war Zurückhaltung geboten; denn es wäre gewagt, allein aus der Perspektive der Diatomeenforschung endgültige Aussagen machen zu wollen. Darum habe ich mich bemüht, das Material so weit aufzuschließen, daß es Geologen später auch bei veränderter Fragestellung auswerten können. "Die Theorien wechseln, aber die Tatsachen bleiben." Der Initiative des Herrn Prof. Dr. K. GRIPP und der finanziellen Hilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ist es zu verdanken, daß die vorliegende Arbeit im Druck erscheinen kann. Zusammenfassung 1. Nur in den alluvialen Schichten des Kurischen Haffs wurden Diatomeen gefunden. 2. Die Diatomeenflora des Kurischen Haffs besteht zur Hauptsache aus Süßwasserformen. 3. Salzwasserformen finden sich in allen Schichten verstreut unter der Süßwasserflora. Wenn sie auch nach Zahl der Arten in manchen Proben einen erheblichen Prozentsatz der Flora ausmachen, so ist doch die Zahl der Individuen stets so gering, daß man nirgends von einer Brackwasserflora sprechen kann. 4. Die Süßwasserflora besteht in den unteren Schichten vorwiegend aus Grundformen; und zwar machen die epiphytischen Bewohner flacher Sumpfgewässer einen großen Teil der Flora aus. 5. In einzelnen Bohrungen kommt in den untersten alluvialen Schichten eine Grundflora mit zahlreichen Mastogloien vor. Dies sind die ältesten diatomeenführenden Schichten, entstanden in isolierten Sumpfgewässern. 6. Die übrigen Schichten mit überwiegender Grundflora sind vermutlich Ablagerungen der Ancyluszeit. 7. Die oberen Schichten, in denen die Planktondiatomeen überwiegen, dürften größtenteils der Litorina-Transgressionszeit angehören, jedoch ist der Transgressions-Kontakt nicht klar zu erkennen. 8. Das Ende der Litorinazeit ist noch weniger erkennbar, da eine grundsätzliche Veränderung der Flora nach oben nicht zu beobachten ist. 9. Die ostbaltischen Charakterformen sind in allen Schichten vertreten.


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We examined diatom assemblages in a series of remarkable laminated diatomaceous ooze (LDO) horizons in the marine sediments from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1304 to reconstruct the middle-to-late Pleistocene paleoceanographic evolution of the northern North Atlantic Ocean. Four confirmed diatom biohorizons combined with calcareous nannofossil and paleomagnetic stratigraphies established the chronological framework for the material. The planktonic, araphid, needle-like species Thalassiothrix longissima was the greatest contributor to the LDO facies. From the results of a principal component analysis using the percent abundances of 65 significant (p = 5%) diatom taxa, except for Tx. longissima, which was extremely dominant in almost all horizons observed, we identified two principal component (PC) axes. Taxa probably associated with the stratigraphic distribution of the major zonal marker Neodenticula seminae (ranging from 1.26 to 0.84 Ma in this ocean) loaded on PC1 with a high value. PC2 was related to the ocean surface temperature. The stratigraphic variability of the PC2 score indicated that switching between warm- and cold-water assemblages occurred concurrently with LDO deposition (or extreme Tx. longissima dominance) episodes in several horizons (particularly after 0.84 Ma), suggesting that the Subarctic Convergence (SAC) oceanic front passed over Site U1304 during Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles. Our floral evidence supports the model of nearly monospecific LDO formation caused by the enhanced physical accumulation of particular diatoms such as Tx. longissima. On the other hand, Nd. seminae, which probably contributes to spring phytoplankton blooms in the modern ocean, was present only between 1.26 and 0.84 Ma in this area. Thus, we infer that the main contributor of export flux in the regional annual primary production cycle would have shifted drastically from one of a spring phytoplankton bloom leader (Nd. seminae) to minor but mass dump assemblages (Tx. longissima etc.) in the mid-Pleistocene.


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Completion of studies on material collected during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199 at Site 1220 in the equatorial Pacific allows calibration of the ranges of >35 stratigraphically important diatoms to paleomagnetic stratigraphy for the Oligocene and earliest Miocene (~33.5-21.5 Ma). The taxonomy of these taxa is reviewed, and age estimates of their first and last occurrences are compiled. The diatom zonation for the Oligocene and earliest Miocene of the equatorial Pacific is revised and correlated with paleomagnetic stratigraphy. This biostratigraphy is likely to be applicable throughout the low-latitude regions of the world's oceans.


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Late Neogene biostratigraphy of diatoms has been investigated from two sites occupied during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 186 off the coast of northeast Japan. A unique aspect of ODP Leg 186 was the installation of two permanent borehole geophysical observatories at the deep-sea terrace along the Japan Trench. The Neogene subsidence history of the forearc was documented from both Sites 1150 and 1151, and Quaternary to middle Miocene (16 Ma) sediments represent a nearly continuous stratigraphic sequence including numerous ash records, especially during the past 9 m.y. Diatoms are found in most samples in variable abundance and in a moderately well preserved state throughout the sequence. The assemblages are characterized consistently by age-diagnostic species of Denticulopsis and Neodenticula found in regions of high surface water productivity typical of middle to high latitudes. The Neogene North Pacific diatom zonation divides the Miocene to Quaternary sequences fundamentally well, except that the latest Miocene through early Pliocene Thalassiosira oestrupii Subzone is not applicable. Miocene and late Pliocene through Pleistocene diatom datum levels that have been proven to be of great stratigraphic utility in the North Pacific Ocean appear to be nearly isochronous within the level of resolution constrained by core catcher sample spacing. The taxonomy and stratigraphy of previously described species determined to be useful across the Miocene/Pliocene boundary have been investigated on the basis of the evolutionary changes within the Thalassiosira trifulta group. The biostratigraphically important forms belonging to the genus Thalassiosira have been illustrated with scanning electron micrographs.