975 resultados para AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM


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Here we present a novel experimental approach to examine the relationship between diversity and ecosystem Function. We develop four null predictive models, with which to differentiate between the 'sampling effect' - the chance inclusion of a highly productive species, and 'species complementarity' - the complementary use of resources by species that differ in their niche or resource use. We investigate the effects of manipulating species and functional richness on ecosystem function in marine benthic system and using empirical data from our own experiments we illustrate the application of these models.


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The focus of this study was to disentangle the effects of multiple stressors on biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and stability. This project examined the effects of anthropogenic increased nutrient loads on the diversity of coastal ecosystems and the effects of loss of species on ecosystem functioning. Specifically, the direct effect of sewage outfalls on benthic communities was assessed using a fully replicated survey that incorporated spatial and temporal variation. In addition, two field experiments examined the effects of loss of species at multiple trophic levels, and tested for potential interactive effects with enhanced nutrient concentration conditions on benthic assemblage structure and ecosystem functioning. This research addressed priority issues outlined in the Biodiversity Knowledge Programme for Ireland (2006) and also aimed to deliver information relevant to European Union (EU) directives (the Water Framework Directive [WFD], the Habitats Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive).


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1. Recent proliferation of hybridisation in response to anthropogenic ecosystem change, coupled with increasing evidence of the importance of ancient hybridisation events in the formation of many species, has moved hybridisation to the forefront of evolutionary theory.

2. In spite of this, the mechanisms (e. g. differences in trophic ecology) by which hybrids co-exist with parental taxa are poorly understood. A unique hybrid zone exists in Irish freshwater systems, whereby hybrid offspring off two non-native cyprinid fishes often outnumber both parental species.

3. Using stable isotope and gut content analyses, we determined the trophic interactions between sympatric populations of roach (Rutilus rutilus), bream (Abramis brama) and their hybrid in lacustrine habitats.

4. The diet of all three groups displayed little variation across the study systems, and dietary overlap was observed between both parental species and hybrids. Hybrids displayed diet, niche breadth and trophic position that were intermediate between the two parental species while also exhibiting greater flexibility in diet across systems.


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Comparison of flow duration curves for a weir draining an undrained raised peat with those generated 20 years previously reveal that more recent curves reflect to be flatter with a lower Q95/Q5 ratio. Comparison of the bog topography for the same period revealed that although marginal drainage/peat reclamation had resulted in desiccation of peat around the bog margin and more frequent intense runoff, the central part of the bog had subsided to form an enclosed basin ,resulting in the creation of newly formed lakes that gave the central part of the bog an improved capacity to store, and more slowly discharge, water. Interrogation of groundwater monitoring data revealed a net decline in groundwater levels of up to three metres in the glacial tills underlying the bog associated with deepening and expansion of a marginal drain network which penetrated the base of the peat. Comparing organic carbon levels in peat the central part of the bog over a ten year period revealed an overall increase, with changes being most marked in deeper fen peat layers. These findings suggest that the decline in groundwater levels in the peat substrate resulted in an increase in effective stress in the peat causing greater subsidence in the central part of the bog due to greater overall thickness. Study results highlight how the hydrology of apparently isolated obotrophic raised bog ecosystems may be influenced by groundwater pressures in deeper deposits, and how marginal drains may have the capacity to impact areas at significant distances.


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We assessed ten trophodynamic indicators of ecosystem status for their sensitivity and specificity to fishing management using a size-resolved multispecies fish community model. The responses of indicators to fishing depended on effort and the size selectivity (sigmoid or Gaussian) of fishing mortality. The highest specificity against sigmoid (trawl-like) size selection was seen from inverse fishing pressure and the large fish indicator, but for Gaussian size selection, the large species indicator was most specific. Biomass, mean trophic level of the community and of the catch, and fishing in balance had the lowest specificity against both size selectivities. Length-based indicators weighted by biomass, rather than abundance, were more sensitive and specific to fishing pressure. Most indicators showed a greater response to sigmoid than Gaussian size selection. Indicators were generally more sensitive at low levels of effort because of nonlinear sensitivity in trophic cascades to fishing mortality. No single indicator emerged as superior in all respects, so given available data, multiple complementary indicators are recommended for community monitoring in the ecosystem approach to fisheries management.


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The influence of liming on rhizosphere microbial biomass C and incorporation of root exudates was studied in the field by in situ pulse labelling of temperate grassland vegetation with (13)CO(2) for a 3-day period. In plots that had been limed (CaCO(3) amended) annually for 3 years, incorporation into shoots and roots was, respectively, greater and lower than in unlimed plots. Analysis of chloroform-labile C demonstrated lower levels of (13)C incorporation into microbial biomass in limed soils compared to unlimed soils. The turnover of the recently assimilated (13)C compounds was faster in microbial biomass from limed than that from unlimed soils, suggesting that liming increases incorporation by microbial communities of root exudates. An exponential decay model of (13)C in total microbial biomass in limed soils indicated that the half-life of the tracer within this carbon pool was 4.7 days. Results are presented and discussed in relation to the absolute values of (13)C fixed and allocated within the plant-soil system.


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White storks (Ciconia ciconia) fed in contaminated waters resulting from the Aznacollar acid mining-sludge spillage into the R. Guadiamar, which feeds the eastern flank of the Guadalquivir marshes (Doñana), S.W. Spain. The sludge was rich in a range of toxic elements, and in organic pollutants such as the aromatic amines. Storks did not exhibit elevated metals in their blood immediately following the accident, but chick blood collected the year following the accident showed genotoxic damage compared to the controls. In this study lead isotope analysis was used to assess if the storks had ingested sludge-derived contaminants. The sludge lead isotope ratio was distinct from that of the Doñana sediments. The stork blood lead isotope ratios exactly matched that of the sludge. It was concluded that the storks had ingested sludge-derived contaminants. A detailed study of the lead contamination along the R. Guadiamar and the R. Guadalquivir (of which the Guadiamar is a tributary) was also conducted to place the white stork colony lead exposure in the context of the spatial contamination of the storks' habitat.


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The European Commission has developed a set of common principles for marine spatial planning in the European Union. A critical examination of these principles in practice is undertaken through an evaluation of the Clyde Marine Spatial Planning Pilot Project. The principles are found to be lacking in specificity and somewhat inconsistent with the ecosystem based approach, which they advocate. Lessons for new marine spatial planning initiatives, relating particularly to stakeholder participation, governance, data requirements, objective setting, and skills and knowledge needs, are derived from the Clyde Pilot. © 2011.