962 resultados para AMINO-ACID-METABOLISM


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The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of amino acids (AA), protein, and energy in six feed ingredients (Brazilian fish meal, soybean meal, corn gluten meal, alcoholic yeast, corn, and wheat bran) we evaluated for pacu juveniles. In general, all ingredients showed high digestibility values for all AA, and differences among ADCs of individual amino acid were detected (P < 0.01). Corn gluten, soybean, and fish meals had the highest ADCs of AA. The ADCs of protein in fish meal, yeast, and corn gluten meal should not be used as AA digestibility indicators, because those showed differences up to 6.7% between the ADCs of protein and AA. All ingredients had lower ADCs of energy than corn gluten meal (P < 0.01). Lysine was the first limiting amino acid in fish meal, corn gluten meal, wheat bran, and corn, and the second limiting amino acid in soybean meal, as methionine was the first limiting amino acid in soybean meal and yeast. However, the soybean meal was the best quality protein source, as it had the highest digestible essential amino acid index. This demonstrated that digestible amino acid values can be used to formulate practical diets for pacu, preventing potential deficiencies or excess that might cause environmental and economic losses.


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Farmers of the Submedio Sao Francisco Region (Brazil) have been spraying amino acids on mango trees with the objective of increasing panicle length and improving fruit retention and quality. This study, done in two experiments, tested the effect of amino acids sprayings at concentrations of 0.0%; 0.02%; 0.04% and 0.06%, on mango plants, 'Tommy Atkins', on the budding phase (panicles with 5 cm), fruit set and fruit growth (5 cm diameter). They were carried out from June to October in 2003, that is the natural period for harvest in the region, and from January to May, in 2004. There were no statistical differences in the first experiment among treatments regarding panicle length and fruit production, probably due to an appropriate management of nutrition, water and plant growth regulators, besides climatic conditions, mainly temperature and solar radiation. In the second experiment, significant increments in the panicle length of 13.37%, 11.70% and 21.4% were observed with amino acids concentrations, compared to the control. Increasing amino acids doses also enhanced the number of fruits per plant, thirty days before the harvest, in 16.17%, 45.32% and 37.38%, respectively, compared to the control, but there were no significant statistical differences. Characteristics of fruit quality during storage, as weight loss, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity and pulp firmness were not significantly affected by amino acids spraying. Changes on those variables were registered as a consequence of fruit ripening. Amino acids sprays lightly delayed the evolution of skin luminosity and Hue of pulp, but the differences could not be visually identified. The concentrations of amino acids were not efficient for improving the natural concentrations of these substances in the leaves, which could be the reason for the non significant effects on the variables analyzed.


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The effect of protein-calorie malnutrition during gestation on the brain amino acids of rat pups was studied following nutritional recovery during lactation. The brain amino acids of rat pups born to dam rats malnourished during gestation were studied after these rat pups received proper nutrition during lactation. Pregnant rats were fed a 1% protein diet with total caloric intake restricted to half that of controls. After birth, the offspring of rats fed on deficient diets were nurtured up to the 28th day postpartum by foster mothers receiving adequate diets. At this time, the offspring were killed. The control group consisted of offspring from pregnant rats fed a diet with adequate protein (21%) and calories during the entire gestation and lactation period. Quantitation of brain amino acids in the pups at 28 days postpartum showed lower concentrations of essential and nonessential amino acids in the rats malnourished during gestation. Concentrations of histidine, glycine, and α-aminobutyric acids were all reduced. These findings demonstrate that the brains of rat pups malnourished during gestation show persistent decreases in specific brain amino acids after adequate postpartum nutrition.


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After up to 21 days without food, adult male quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) lost about 45% of the initial body weight (100-150 g). As in naturally fast-adapted and larger birds, three phases were identified during prolonged fasting in quails. Phase I lasted 2-3 days and was characterized by a rapid decrease in the rate of body weight loss and high fat mobilization. Phase II was longer and characterized by a slow and steady decline in the rates of body weight loss and of nitrogen excretion. The third (critical) period was marked by an abrupt increase in the rates of body weight loss and of nitrogen excretion. Despite their small size, the duration of phase II in quails was relatively long, a clear advantage for the study of the relationships between the several metabolic events that occur during this crucial adaptative period. Also, the beginning of phase III could be precisely determined. Changes in blood glucose, plasma FFA and triacylglycerols levels, as well as in liver and carcass lipid content were similar to those found in other species of birds. Therefore, quails seem to be a suitable model to investigate the biochemical mechanisms involved in the metabolic adjustments to prolonged food deprivation in non fasting-adapted birds. © 1995.


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The mechanisms involved in the absorption of amino acids and oligopeptides are reviewed regarding their implications in human feedings. Brush border and basolateral membranes are crossed by amino acids and di-tripeptides by passive (facilitated or simple diffusion) or active (Na + or H + co-transporters) pathways. Active Na +-dependent system occurs mainly at brush border and simple diffusion at basolateral, both membranes have the passive facilitated transport. Free-amino acids use either passive or active transport systems whereas di-tripeptides do mainly active (H + co-transporter). Brush border have distinctive transport system for amino acids and di-tripeptides. The former occurs mainly by active Na + dependency whereas the later is active H +-dependent with little affinity for tetra or higher peptides. Free amino acids are transported at different speed by saturable, competitive carriers with specificity for basic, acidic or neutral amino acids. Di and tripeptides have at least two carriers both electrogenic and H +-dependent. The basolateral membrane transport of amino acids is mostly by facilitated diffusion while for di-tripeptides it is an active anion exchange associated process. The main regulation of amino acids and di-tripeptide transport is the presence o substrate at the mucosal membrane with higher the substrate higher the absorption. Di and tripeptides are more efficiently absorbed than free amino acids which in turns are better absorbed than oligopeptides. So di-tripeptides result in better N-retention and is particularly useful in cases of lower intestinal absorption capacity. The non-absorbed peptides are digested and fermented by colonic bacteria resulting short-chain fatty acids, dicarboxylic acids, phenolic compounds and ammonia. Short-chain fatty acid provides energy for colonocytes and bacteria and the ammonia not fixed by bacteria returns to the liver for ureagenesis.


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This review aims to report the major control mechanisms of protein and peptides digestion of special interest in human patients. Regarding protein assimilation its digestive process begins at the stomach with some not so indispensable actions comparatively to those of duodenal/jejunal lumen. However even the intestine processes are partially under gastric secretion control. Proteolytic enzyme activities are related to protein structure and amino acid constituents, tertiary and quartenary structures need HCl - denaturation prior to enzymatic hydrolysis. Thereafter the exopeptidases are guided by either NH 2 (aminopeptidases) or COOH (carboxypeptidases) terminals of the molecule while endopeptidases are oriented by the specific amino acids constituents of the peptide. Both dietary and luminal secreted proteins and polypeptides undergo to either limited or complete proteolysis resulting basic or neutral free-amino acids (40%) or dioctapeptides. The brush border peptidases continue to degrade oligopeptide to di-tripeptides and neutral free-amino acids. Some peptides are uptaked by the enterocytes whose cytosolic peptidases complete the hydrolysis. Hence the digestive products flowing in the portal vein are mainly free-amino acids from either luminal or cytosolic hydrolysis and some di-tripeptides intactly absorbed. Both mechanical and chemical processes of digestion are under neural (vagal), neuroendocrinal(acetilcholine),endocrinal(gastrin, secretin and cholecystokinin) or paracrinal (histamine) controls. The gastric phase (hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen secretions) is activated by gastrin, histamine and acetilcholine which respond to both dietary-amino acids (tryptophan and phenylalanine) and mechanic distention of stomach. The pancreatic secretion is stimulated by either cephalic or gastric phases and has influence on the intestinal phase of digestion. The intestinal types of cells S and I release secretin and cholecystokinin respectively in response of acid quimo (cells S) or amino acids and peptides (cells I) in the lumen. Secretin stimulates the releasing of water, bicarbonate and enteropeptidases whereas cholecystokinin acts on pancreatic enzymes.


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Two experiments were conducted to compare broiler chicken responses to methionine and betaine supplements when fed diets with low protein and relatively high metabolizable energy levels (17%, 3.3 kcal/g) or moderate protein and lower metabolizable energy levels (24%, 3.0 kcal/g), resulting in different levels of carcass fat. In Experiment 1, the basal diets were formulated with corn, soybean meal, poultry by-product meal, and poultry oil. In Experiment 2, glucose monohydrate was also added, so that identical amino acid profiles could be maintained in the 17 and 24% protein diets. On average, feeding the 17 vs. 24% protein diet decreased 21-d body weight gain by 20%, increased feed conversion ratio (FCR) by 13%, and increased abdominal fat pad weight by 104%. Methionine and betaine supplements improved the performance of chicks fed the 24% protein diet in both experiments, as indicated by body weight gain and FCR. Only supplementary methionine increased performance of chicks fed 17% protein diets, and then only in Experiment 2. Neither methionine nor betaine decreased abdominal fat pad size in either experiment. Methionine supplementation decreased relative liver size and increased breast muscle protein. Both methionine and betaine increased sample feather weight, but when expressed as a percentage of body weight, no significant differences were detected. It is concluded that increasing carcass fat by manipulating percentage dietary protein level or amino acid balance does not influence betaine's activity as a lipotropic agent.


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Trypsin activity increases in the midgut of Anopheles aquasalis, Anopheles albitarsis, and Anopheles darlingi after a bloodmeal. The activity returns to basal levels at the time the blood is completely digested. Affinity chromatography, reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) were used to sequentially purify the mosquito trypsins found in the midguts at 24 h after feeding. Amino-terminal sequencing of the purified trypsins showed the occurrence of two distinct trypsins in the midgut of each of the mosquitoes studied. The sequences obtained are similar to those of the trypsins of other hematophagous insects.


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Pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase (PPi-PFK) has been detected in several types of plant cells, but the gene has not been reported in sugar cane. Using Citrux paradixi PPi-PFK gene (AF095520 and AF095521) sequences to search the sugar cane EST database, we have identified both the α and β subunits of this enzyme. The deduced amino acid sequences showed 76 and 80% similarity with the corresponding α and β subunits of C. paradisi. A high degree of similarity was also observed among the PFK β subunits when the alignment of the sugar cane sequences was compared to those of Ricinus communis and Solanum tuberosum, it appears that α and β are two distinct subunits; they were found at different concentrations in several sugar cane tissues. It remains to be determined if the different gene expression levels have some physiological importance and how they affect sucrose synthesis, export, and storage in vacuoles. A comparison between the amino acid sequences of β PFKs from a variety of organisms allowed us to identify the two critical Asp residues typical of this enzyme's activity site and the other binding sites; these residues are tightly conserved in all members of this protein family. Apparently, there are catalytic residues on the β subunit of the pyrophosphate-dependent enzyme.


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Type-1 diabetic patients experience hyperketonemia caused by an increase in fatty acid metabolism. Thus, the aim of this study was to measure the effect of ketone bodies as suppressors of oxidizing species produced by stimulated neutrophils. Both acetoacetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate have suppressive effect on the respiratory burst measured by luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence. Through measurements of hypochlorous acid production, using neutrophils or the myeloperoxidase/H2O2/Cl- system, it was found that acetoacetate but not 3-hydroxybutyrate is able to inhibit the generation of this antimicrobial oxidant. The superoxide anion scavenging properties were confirmed by ferricytochrome C reduction and lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence assays. However, ketone bodies did not alter the rate of oxygen uptake by stimulated neutrophils, measured with an oxygen electrode. A strong inhibition of the expression of the cytokine IL-8 by cultured neutrophils was also observed; this is discussed with reference to the antioxidant-like property of acetoacetate. © 2004 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.


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The aim of the present work was to carry out experimental comparison between humic substances (HS) and representative α-amino acids (methionine, methionine sulfoxide and cysteine hydrochloride) in relation to the complexation of biologically active trace elements (Al, Cu, Pb, Mn, Zn, Cd and Ni). A mobile time-controlled tangential-flow UF technique was applied to differentiate between HS-metal and α-aminoacids-metal complexes. Metal determinations were conventionally carried out using a ICP-OES. The results showed that HS may be considered as a selective complexing agents with higher metal bonding capability in relation to Al, Cu and Pb, the fact that may be clinically important.


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Fireflies emit flashes in the green-yellow region of the spectrum for the purpose of sexual attraction. The bioluminescence color is determined by the luciferases. It is well known that the in vitro bioluminescence color of firefly luciferases can be shifted toward the red by lower pH and higher temperature; for this reason they are classified as pH-sensitive luciferases. However, the mechanism and structural origin of pH sensitivity in fireflies remains unknown. Here we report the cloning of a new luciferase from the Brazilian twilight active firefly Macrolampis sp2, which displays an unusual bimodal spectrum. The recombinant luciferase displays a sensitive spectrum with the peak at 569 nm and a shoulder in the red region. Comparison of the bioluminescence spectra of Macrolampis, Photinus and Cratomorphus firefly luciferases shows that the distinct colors are determined by the ratio between green and red emitters under luciferase influence. Comparison of Macrolampis luciferase with the highly similar North American Photinus pyralis luciferase (91%) showed few substitutions potentially involved with the higher spectral sensitivity in Macrolampis luciferase. Site-directed mutagenesis showed that the natural substitution E354N determines the appearance of the shoulder in the red region of Macrolampis luciferase bioluminescence spectrum, helping to identify important interactions and residues involved in the pH-sensing mechanism in firefly luciferases. © 2005 American Society for Photobiology.


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In most strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae the mitochondrial gene COX1, for subunit 1 of cytochrome oxidase, contains multiple exons and introns. Processing of COX1 primary transcript requires accessory proteins factors, some of which are encoded by nuclear genes and others by reading frames residing in some of the introns of the COX1 and COB genes. Here we show that the low molecular weight protein product of open reading frame YLR204W, for which we propose the name COX24, is also involved in processing of COX1 RNA intermediates. The growth defect of cox24 mutants is partially rescued in strains harboring mitochondrial DNA lacking introns. Northern blot analyses of mitochondrial transcripts indicate cox24 null mutants to be blocked in processing of introns aI2 and aI3. The dependence of intron aI3 excision on Cox24p is also supported by the growth properties of the cox24 mutant harboring mitochondrial DNA with different intron compositions. The intermediate phenotype of the cox24 mutant in the background of intronless mitochondrial DNA, however, suggests that in addition to its role in splicing of the COX1 pre-mRNA, Cox24p still has another function. Based on the analysis of a cox14-cox24 double mutant, we propose that the other function of Cox24p is related to translation of the COX1 mRNA. © 2006 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.


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The simultaneous existence of alternative oxidases and uncoupling proteins in plants has raised the question as to why plants need two energy-dissipating systems with apparently similar physiological functions. A probably complete plant uncoupling protein gene family is described and the expression profiles of this family compared with the multigene family of alternative oxidases in Arabidopsis thaliana and sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) employed as dicot and monocot models, respectively. In total, six uncoupling protein genes, AtPUMP1-6, were recognized within the Arabidopsis genome and five (SsPUMP1-5) in a sugarcane EST database. The recombinant AtPUMP5 protein displayed similar biochemical properties as AtPUMP1. Sugarcane possessed four Arabidopsis AOx1-type orthologues (SsAOx1a-1d); no sugarcane orthologue corresponding to Arabidopsis AOx2-type genes was identified. Phylogenetic and expression analyses suggested that AtAOx1d does not belong to the AOx1-type family but forms a new (AOx3-type) family. Tissue-enriched expression profiling revealed that uncoupling protein genes were expressed more ubiquitously than the alternative oxidase genes. Distinct expression patterns among gene family members were observed between monocots and dicots and during chilling stress. These findings suggest that the members of each energy-dissipating system are subject to different cell or tissue/organ transcriptional regulation. As a result, plants may respond more flexibly to adverse biotic and abiotic conditions, in which oxidative stress is involved. © The Author [2006]. Published by Oxford University Press [on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology]. All rights reserved.


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Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) are specialized mitochondrial transporter proteins that uncouple respiration from ATP synthesis. In this study, cDNA encoding maize uncoupling protein (ZmPUMP) was expressed in Escherichia coli and recombinant ZmPUMP reconstituted in liposomes. ZmPUMP activity was associated with a linoleic acid (LA)-mediated H+ efflux with Km of 56.36 ± 0.27 μM and Vmax of 66.9 μmol H+ min-1 (mg prot)-1. LA-mediated H+ fluxes were sensitive to ATP inhibition with Ki of 2.61 ± 0.36 mM (at pH 7.2), a value similar to those for dicot UCPs. ZmPUMP was also used to investigate the importance of a histidine pair present in the second matrix loop of mammalian UCP1 and absent in plant UCPs. ZmPUMP with introduced His pair (Lys155His and Ala157His) displayed a 1.55-fold increase in LA-affinity while its activity remained unchanged. Our data indicate conserved properties of plant UCPs and suggest an enhancing but not essential role of the histidine pair in proton transport mechanism. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.