957 resultados para AMINO-ACID SUBSTITUTION


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Multidrug resistance protein MRP1 mediates the ATP-dependent efflux of many chemotherapeutic agents and organic anions. MRP1 has two nucleotide binding sites (NBSs) and three membrane spanning domains (MSDs) containing 17 transmembrane helices linked by extracellular and cytoplasmic loops (CL). Homology models suggest that CL7 (amino acids 1141-1195) is in a position where it could participate in signaling between the MSDs and NBSs during the transport process. We have individually replaced eight charged residues in CL7 with Ala, and in some cases, an amino acid with the same charge, and then investigated the effects on MRP1 expression, transport activity, and nucleotide and substrate interactions. A triple mutant in which Glu(1169), Glu(1170), and Glu(1172) were all replaced with Ala was also examined. The properties of R1173A and E1184A were comparable with those of wild-type MRP1, whereas the remaining mutants were either poorly expressed (R1166A, D1183A) or exhibited reduced transport of one or more organic anions (E1144A, D1179A, K1181A, (1169)AAQA). Same charge mutant D1183E was also not expressed, whereas expression and activity of R1166K were similar to wild-type MRP1. The moderate substrate-selective changes in transport activity displayed by mutants E1144A, D1179A, K1181A, and (1169)AAQA were accompanied by changes in orthovanadate-induced trapping of [alpha-(32)P]azidoADP by NBS2 indicating changes in ATP hydrolysis or release of ADP. In the case of E1144A, estradiol glucuronide no longer inhibited trapping of azidoADP. Together, our results demonstrate the extreme sensitivity of CL7 to mutation, consistent with its critical and complex dual role in both the proper folding and transport activity of MRP1.


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Anterior gradient-2 protein was identified using proteomic technologies as a p53 inhibitor which is overexpressed in human cancers, and this protein presents a novel pro-oncogenic target with which to develop diagnostic assays for biomarker detection in clinical tissue. Combinatorial phage-peptide libraries were used to select 12 amino acid polypeptide aptamers toward anterior gradient-2 to determine whether methods can be developed to affinity purify the protein from clinical biopsies. Selecting phage aptamers through four rounds of screening on recombinant human anterior gradient-2 protein identified two classes of peptide ligand that bind to distinct epitopes on anterior gradient-2 protein in an immunoblot. Synthetic biotinylated peptide aptamers bound in an ELISA format to anterior gradient-2, and substitution mutagenesis further minimized one polypeptide aptamer to a hexapeptide core. Aptamers containing this latter consensus sequence could be used to affinity purify to homogeneity human anterior gradient-2 protein from a single clinical biopsy. The spotting of a panel of peptide aptamers onto a protein microarray matrix could be used to quantify anterior gradient-2 protein from crude clinical biopsy lysates, providing a format for quantitative screening. These data highlight the utility of peptide combinatorial libraries to acquire rapidly a high-affinity ligand that can selectively bind a target protein from a clinical biopsy and provide a technological approach for clinical biomarker assay development in an aptamer microarray format.


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The plant metabolism consists of a complex network of physical and chemical events resulting in photosynthesis, respiration, synthesis and degradation of organic compounds. This is only possible due to the different kinds of responses to many environmental variations that a plant could be subject through evolution, leading also to conquering new surroundings. The glyoxylate cycle is a metabolic pathway found in glyoxysomes plant, which has unique role in the seedling establishment. Considered as a variation of the citric acid cycle, it uses an acetyl coenzyme A molecule, derived from lipids beta-oxidation to synthesize compounds which are used in carbohydrate synthesis. The Malate synthase (MLS) and Isocitrate lyase (ICL) enzyme of this cycle are unique and essential in regulating the biosynthesis of carbohydrates. Because of the absence of decarboxylation steps as rate-limiting steps, detailed studies of molecular phylogeny and evolution of these proteins enables the elucidation of the effects of this route presence in the evolutionary processes involved in their distribution across the genome from different plant species. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish a relationship between the molecular evolution of the characteristics of enzymes from the glyoxylate cycle (isocitrate lyase and malate synthase) and their molecular phylogeny, among green plants (Viridiplantae). For this, amino acid and nucleotide sequences were used, from online repositories as UniProt and Genbank. Sequences were aligned and then subjected to an analysis of the best-fit substitution models. The phylogeny was rebuilt by distance methods (neighbor-joining) and discrete methods (maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and Bayesian analysis). The identification of structural patterns in the evolution of the enzymes was made through homology modeling and structure prediction from protein sequences. Based on comparative analyzes of in silico models and from the results of phylogenetic inferences, both enzymes show significant structure conservation and their topologies in agreement with two processes of selection and specialization of the genes. Thus, confirming the relevance of new studies to elucidate the plant metabolism from an evolutionary perspective


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A number of studies have shown that methanogens are active in the presence of sulfate under some conditions. This phenomenon is especially exemplified in carbonate sediments of the southern Australian continental margin. Three sites cored during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 182 in the Great Australian Bight have high concentrations of microbially-generated methane and hydrogen sulfide throughout almost 500 m of sediments. In these cores, the sulfate-reducing and methanogenic zones overlap completely; that is, the usual sulfate-methane transition zone is absent. Amino acid racemization data show that the gassy sediments consist of younger carbonates than the low-gas sites. High concentrations of the reduced gases also occur in two ODP sites on the margin of the Bahamas platform, both of which have similar sedimentary conditions to those of the high-gas sites of Leg 182. Co-generation of these reduced gases results from an unusual combination of conditions, including: (1) a thick Quaternary sequence of iron-poor carbonate sediments, (2) a sub-seafloor brine, and (3) moderate amounts of organic carbon. The probable explanation for the co-generation of hydrogen sulfide and methane in all these sites, as well as in other reported environments, is that methanogens are utilizing non-competitive substrates to produce methane within the sulfate-reducing zone. Taken together, these results form the basis of a new model for sulfate reduction and methanogenesis in marine sediments. The biogeochemical end-members of the model are: (1) minimal sulfate reduction, (2) complete sulfate reduction followed by methanogenesis, and (3) overlapping sulfate reduction and methanogenesis with no transition zone.


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A Pliocene (2.6-3.5 Ma) age is determined from glacial sediments studied in a 20m long, 4 m deep trench excavated in Heidemann Valley, Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica. The age determination is based on a combined study of amino acid racemization, diatoms, foraminifera, and magnetic polarity, and supports earlier estimates of the age of the sedimentary section; all are beyond 14C range. Four till units are recognized and documented, and 16 subunits are identified. All are ascribed to deposition during a Late Pliocene glaciation that was probably the last time the entire Vestfold Hills was covered by an enlarged East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). Evidence for other more recent glacial events of the 'Vestfold Glaciation' may have been due to lateral expansion of the Sorsdal Glacier and limited expansion of the icesheet margin during the Last Glacial Maximum rather than a major expansion of the EAIS. The deposit appears to correlate with a marine deposition event recorded in Ocean Drilling Program Site 1166 in Prydz Bay, possibly with the Bardin Bluffs Formation of the Prince Charles Mountains and with part of the time represented in the ANDRILL AND-1B core in the Ross Sea.


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In this chapter, we will report on the amino acids in the total acid hydrolysate of eight sediment samples from Leg 68 Site 502. This site was located on a topographic high at a depth of 3051 meters in the Colombian Basin of the western Caribbean Sea. Four holes were cored at the site by means of the hydraulic piston corer to a maximum sediment depth of 218 meters. The composite section is a virtually continuous, undisturbed sediment record covering almost 8 million years from the Holocene to late Miocene. Age estimates for the section are based on excellent magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic records. Four lithostratigraphic units (A, B, C, and D) were recognized, based on differences in color and content of clay, ash, foraminifers, and siliceous microfossils (Prell, Gardner, et al., 1980): A, yellowish brown to light brownish gray foraminifer-bearing (> 10%) nannofossil marl; B, gray to olive gray foraminifer-bearing nannofossil marl with occasional ash beds; C, light gray to dark greenish gray calcareous clay and foraminifer-bearing (< 10%) nannofossil marl; D, pale green to grayish green calcareous, ash-bearing clay with siliceous microfossils. The calcium carbonate content of these sediments increases from about 27 to about 49% from late Miocene to middle Pliocene (about 3.6 Ma) and remains uniform at about 48 to 50% from that time throughout the Quaternary. The eight sediment samples for amino acid analyses came from the third (502B) and fourth (502C) holes at Site 502. Samples ranged in sub-bottom depth from 4.3 to 225 meters spanning time from 0.3 to 7.7 Ma.


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Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia in the elderly; it is characterized by early deficits in learning and memory formation and ultimately leads to a generalised loss of higher cognitive functions. While amyloid beta (Aβ) and tau are traditionally associated with the development of Alzheimer disease, recent studies suggest that other factors, like the intracellular domain (APP-ICD) of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), could play a role. In this study, we investigated whether APP-ICD could affect synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, which is involved in learning and memory processes. Our results indicated that overexpression of APP-ICD in hippocampal CA1 neurons leads to a decrease in evoked AMPA-receptor and NMDA-receptor dependent synaptic transmission. Our study demonstrated that this effect is specific for APP-ICD since its closest homologue APLP2-ICD did not reproduce this effect. In addition, APP-ICD blocks the induction of long term potentiation (LTP) and leads to increased of expression and facilitated induction of long term depression (LTD), while APLP2-ICD shows neither of these effects. Our study showed that this difference observed in synaptic transmission and plasticity between the two intracellular domains resides in the difference of one alanine in the APP-ICD versus a proline in the APLP2-ICD. Exchanging this critical amino-acid through point-mutation, we observed that APP(PAV)-ICD had no longer an effect on synaptic plasticity. We also demonstrated that APLP2(AAV)-ICD mimic the effect of APP-ICD in regards of facilitated LTD. Next we showed that the full length APP-APLP2-APP (APP with a substitution of the Aβ component for its homologous APLP2 part) had no effect on synaptic transmission or synaptic plasticity when compared to the APP-ICD. However, by activating caspase cleavage prior to induction of LTD or LTP, we observed an LTD facilitation and a block of LTP with APP-APLP2-APP, effects that were not seen with the full length APLP2 protein. APP is phosphorylated at threonine 668 (Thr668), which is localized directly after the aforementioned critical alanine and the caspase cleavage site in APP-APLP2-APP. Mutating this Thr668 for an alanine abolishes the effects on LTD and restores LTP induction. Finally, we showed that the facilitation of LTD with APP-APLP2-APP involves ryanodine receptor dependent calcium release from intracellular stores. Taken together, we propose the emergence of a new APP intracellular domain, which plays a critical role in the regulation of synaptic plasticity and by extension, could play a role in the development of memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease.


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1. RNA was isolated from crude nuclear preparations and from ribosomes derived from rat brain and liver. Nuclear RNA was obtained by lysis of the nuclei with sodium dodecyl sulphate, followed by denaturation and removal of DNA and protein with hot phenol. 2. Base composition analyses indicated that the cerebral nuclear RNA preparation contained a higher proportion of non-ribosomal RNA than the analogous hepatic preparation. 3. Sucrose-density-gradient analyses revealed a heterogeneous profile for each nuclear RNA preparation, with two major peaks possessing the sedimentation properties of ribosomal RNA (18s and 28s). 4. Template activities of both preparations were widely distributed through the sucrose density gradients. 5. The cerebral nuclear RNA preparation was more active than the hepatic nuclear RNA preparation in promoting amino acid incorporation in cell-free systems from Escherichia coli and rat brain. 6. Cerebral nuclear RNA stimulated amino acid incorporation in a cerebral ribosomal system even in the presence of an excess of purified E. coli transfer RNA. 7. It is concluded that a significant proportion of cerebral nuclear RNA has the characteristics of messenger RNA.


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Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia in the elderly; it is characterized by early deficits in learning and memory formation and ultimately leads to a generalised loss of higher cognitive functions. While amyloid beta (Aβ) and tau are traditionally associated with the development of Alzheimer disease, recent studies suggest that other factors, like the intracellular domain (APP-ICD) of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), could play a role. In this study, we investigated whether APP-ICD could affect synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, which is involved in learning and memory processes. Our results indicated that overexpression of APP-ICD in hippocampal CA1 neurons leads to a decrease in evoked AMPA-receptor and NMDA-receptor dependent synaptic transmission. Our study demonstrated that this effect is specific for APP-ICD since its closest homologue APLP2-ICD did not reproduce this effect. In addition, APP-ICD blocks the induction of long term potentiation (LTP) and leads to increased of expression and facilitated induction of long term depression (LTD), while APLP2-ICD shows neither of these effects. Our study showed that this difference observed in synaptic transmission and plasticity between the two intracellular domains resides in the difference of one alanine in the APP-ICD versus a proline in the APLP2-ICD. Exchanging this critical amino-acid through point-mutation, we observed that APP(PAV)-ICD had no longer an effect on synaptic plasticity. We also demonstrated that APLP2(AAV)-ICD mimic the effect of APP-ICD in regards of facilitated LTD. Next we showed that the full length APP-APLP2-APP (APP with a substitution of the Aβ component for its homologous APLP2 part) had no effect on synaptic transmission or synaptic plasticity when compared to the APP-ICD. However, by activating caspase cleavage prior to induction of LTD or LTP, we observed an LTD facilitation and a block of LTP with APP-APLP2-APP, effects that were not seen with the full length APLP2 protein. APP is phosphorylated at threonine 668 (Thr668), which is localized directly after the aforementioned critical alanine and the caspase cleavage site in APP-APLP2-APP. Mutating this Thr668 for an alanine abolishes the effects on LTD and restores LTP induction. Finally, we showed that the facilitation of LTD with APP-APLP2-APP involves ryanodine receptor dependent calcium release from intracellular stores. Taken together, we propose the emergence of a new APP intracellular domain, which plays a critical role in the regulation of synaptic plasticity and by extension, could play a role in the development of memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease.


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Guarana seeds have the highest caffeine concentration among plants accumulating purine alkaloids, but in contrast with coffee and tea, practically nothing is known about caffeine metabolism in this Amazonian plant. In this study, the levels of purine alkaloids in tissues of five guarana cultivars were determined. Theobromine was the main alkaloid that accumulated in leaves, stems, inflorescences and pericarps of fruit, while caffeine accumulated in the seeds and reached levels from 3.3% to 5.8%. In all tissues analysed, the alkaloid concentration, whether theobromine or caffeine, was higher in young/immature tissues, then decreasing with plant development/maturation. Caffeine synthase activity was highest in seeds of immature fruit. A nucleotide sequence (PcCS) was assembled with sequences retrieved from the EST database REALGENE using sequences of caffeine synthase from coffee and tea, whose expression was also highest in seeds from immature fruit. The PcCS has 1083bp and the protein sequence has greater similarity and identity with the caffeine synthase from cocoa (BTS1) and tea (TCS1). A recombinant PcCS allowed functional characterization of the enzyme as a bifunctional CS, able to catalyse the methylation of 7-methylxanthine to theobromine (3,7-dimethylxanthine), and theobromine to caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine), respectively. Among several substrates tested, PcCS showed higher affinity for theobromine, differing from all other caffeine synthases described so far, which have higher affinity for paraxanthine. When compared to previous knowledge on the protein structure of coffee caffeine synthase, the unique substrate affinity of PcCS is probably explained by the amino acid residues found in the active site of the predicted protein.


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Despite the increasing understanding of female reproduction, the molecular diagnosis of primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is seldom obtained. The RNA-binding protein NANOS3 poses as an interesting candidate gene for POI since members of the Nanos family have an evolutionarily conserved function in germ cell development and maintenance by repressing apoptosis. We performed mutational analysis of NANOS3 in a cohort of 85 Brazilian women with familial or isolated POI, presenting with primary or secondary amenorrhea, and in ethnically-matched control women. A homozygous p.Glu120Lys mutation in NANOS3 was identified in two sisters with primary amenorrhea. The substituted amino acid is located within the second C2HC motif in the conserved zinc finger domain of NANOS3 and in silico molecular modelling suggests destabilization of protein-RNA interaction. In vitro analyses of apoptosis through flow cytometry and confocal microscopy show that NANOS3 capacity to prevent apoptosis was impaired by this mutation. The identification of an inactivating missense mutation in NANOS3 suggests a mechanism for POI involving increased primordial germ cells (PGCs) apoptosis during embryonic cell migration and highlights the importance of NANOS proteins in human ovarian biology.


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The epididymis has an important role in the maturation of sperm for fertilization, but little is known about the epididymal molecules involved in sperm modifications during this process. We have previously described the expression pattern for an antigen in epididymal epithelial cells that reacts with the monoclonal antibody (mAb) TRA 54. Immunohistochemical and immunoblotting analyses suggest that the epitope of the epididymal antigen probably involves a sugar moiety that is released into the epididymal lumen in an androgen-dependent manner and subsequently binds to luminal sperm. Using column chromatography, SDS-PAGE with in situ digestion and mass spectrometry, we have identified the protein recognized by mAb TRA 54 in mouse epididymal epithelial cells. The ∼65 kDa protein is part of a high molecular mass complex (∼260 kDa) that is also present in the sperm acrosomal vesicle and is completely released after the acrosomal reaction. The amino acid sequence of the protein corresponded to that of albumin. Immunoprecipitates with anti-albumin antibody contained the antigen recognized by mAb TRA 54, indicating that the epididymal molecule recognized by mAb TRA 54 is albumin. RT-PCR detected albumin mRNA in the epididymis and fertilization assays in vitro showed that the glycoprotein complex containing albumin was involved in the ability of sperm to recognize and penetrate the egg zona pellucida. Together, these results indicate that epididymal-derived albumin participates in the formation of a high molecular mass glycoprotein complex that has an important role in egg fertilization.


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Pyrimidine-5'-nucleotidase type I (P5'NI) deficiency is an autosomal recessive condition that causes nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia, characterized by marked basophilic stippling and pyrimidine nucleotide accumulation in erythrocytes. We herein present two African descendant patients, father and daughter, with P5'N deficiency, both born from first cousins. Investigation of the promoter polymorphism of the uridine diphospho glucuronosyl transferase 1A (UGT1A) gene revealed that the father was homozygous for the allele (TA7) and the daughter heterozygous (TA6/TA7). P5'NI gene (NT5C3) gene sequencing revealed a further change in homozygosity at amino acid position 56 (p.R56G), located in a highly conserved region. Both patients developed gallstones; however the father, who had undergone surgery for the removal of stones, had extremely severe intrahepatic cholestasis and, liver biopsy revealed fibrosis and siderosis grade III, leading us to believe that the homozygosity of the UGT1A polymorphism was responsible for the more severe clinical features in the father. Moreover, our results show how the clinical expression of hemolytic anemia is influenced by epistatic factors and we describe a new mutation in the P5'N gene associated with enzyme deficiency, iron overload, and severe gallstone formation. To our knowledge, this is the first description of P5'N deficiency in South Americans.