998 resultados para ALKALI PROMOTION


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A study was conducted to assess the role and effectiveness of community organisers in supporting the development of people’s organisations in achieving community-based forest management objectives in Leyte Province Philippines. Community organisers were found to be effective in forming people’s organisations (POs), motivating people to participate in voluntary activities organised by POs and encouraging cohesiveness among PO members. Community organisers manage to raise the level of environmental awareness and knowledge of members of people’s organisations, develop leadership interest and skills, create various livelihood opportunities and provide direction and facilitate the establishment of large tree plantations. However, the short duration of community organisers’ contracts (typically two years) is insufficient to establish mature and cohesive POs prepared to assume management on their own, including the management of tree plantations. Further, lack of training and funding support, low wages, delayed payment of salaries and limited time to work with people’s organisations, as well as the pressure to produce tangible outputs such the establishment of large tree plantations, prevents them from placing greater emphasis on the development and empowerment of the people.


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Eye injuries in squash have the potential to be severe. Although these injuries can be prevented through the use of protective eyewear, few players wear such eyewear. The aim of this paper is, to outline the behavioural principles guiding the design of a squash eyewear promotion initiative, the Protective Eyewear Promotion (PEP). Ecological principles of behaviour change were used to provide a comprehensive perspective on intrapersonal factors, policies and physical environmental influences of protective eyewear use. Results of baseline player surveys and venue manager inter-views were used to provide relevant and specific intervention content. At baseline, protective eyewear was not found to be readily available, and players' behaviours, knowledge and attitudes did not favour its use. The main components of PEP involved informing and educating both players and squash venue operators of the risk of eye injury and of appropriate protective eyewear, as well as assisting with the availability of the eyewear and offering incentives for players to use it. A structural strength of PEP was the strong collaborative links with the researchers of different disciplines, the squash governing body, eyewear manufacturers, squash venue personnel, as well as players. Attempts were made within the project structure to make provision for the future dissemination and sustainability of more widespread eye injury prevention measures in the sport of squash.


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In this paper, we report data drawn from a larger project on the functioning of the Queensland community service delivery system, particularly that providing services to people with disabilities. Our reasoning for focusing at this level is that, from the service user's perspective, support is derived from the service delivery system, not just individual service providers. Defining the service delivery system as formal services and informal support networks, we undertook interviews and focus groups with service providers in six areas in Queensland: inner urban, outer urban, rural and remote. The period on which we report is one in which considerable reform activity had been undertaken by funding bodies of the Commonwealth and State governments. We report on those factors we identified which promote the integrated functioning of the service delivery system, as well as those factors that disrupt it. We conclude with a brief evaluative analysis of the current status of the system.


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Slit is a secreted protein known to repulse the growth cones of commissural neurons. By contrast, Slit also promotes elongation and branching of axons of sensory neurons. The reason why different neurons respond to Slit in different ways is largely unknown. Islet2 is a LIM/homeodomaintype transcription factor that specifically regulates elongation and branching of the peripheral axons of the primary sensory neurons in zebrafish embryos. We found that PlexinA4, a transmembrane protein known to be a coreceptor for class III semaphorins, acts downstream of Islet2 to promote branching of the peripheral axons of the primary sensory neurons. Intriguingly, repression of PlexinA4 function by injection of the antisense morpholino oligonucleotide specific to PlexinA4 or by overexpression of the dominant-negative variant of PlexinA4 counteracted the effects of overexpression of Slit2 to induce branching of the peripheral axons of the primary sensory neurons in zebrafish embryos, suggesting involvement of PlexinA4 in the Slit signaling cascades for promotion of axonal branching of the sensory neurons. Colocalized expression of Robo, a receptor for Slit2, and PlexinA4 is observed not only in the primary sensory neurons of zebrafish embryos but also in the dendrites of the pyramidal neurons of the cortex of the mammals, and may be important for promoting the branching of either axons or dendrites in response to Slit, as opposed to the growth cone collapse.


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The Pan-African (640 Ma) Chengannoor granite intrudes the NW margin of the Neoproterozoic high-grade metamorphic terrain of the Trivandrum Block (TB), southern India, and is spatially associated with the Cardamom hills igneous charnockite massif (CM). Geochemical features characterize the Chengannoor granite as high-K alkali-calcic I-type granite. Within the constraints imposed by the high temperature, anhydrous, K-rich nature of the magmas, comparison with recent experimental studies on various granitold source compositions, and trace- and rare-earth-element modelling, the distinctive features of the Chengannoor granite reflect a source rock of igneous charnockitic nature. A petrogenetic model is proposed whereby there was a period of basaltic underplating; the partial melting of this basaltic lower crust formed the CM charnockites. The Chengannoor granite was produced by the partial melting of the charnoenderbites from the CM, with subsequent fractionation dominated by feldspars. In a regional context, the Chengannoor I-type granite is considered as a possible heat source for the near-UHT nature of metamorphism in the northern part of the TB. This is different from previous studies, which favoured CM charnockite as the major heat source. The Occurrence of incipient charnockites (both large scale as well as small scale) adjacent to the granite as well as pegmatites (which contain CO2, CO2-H2O, F and other volatiles), suggests that the fluids expelled from the alkaline magma upon solidification generated incipient charnockites through fluid-induced lowering of water activity. Thus the granite and associated alkaline pegmatites acted as conduits for the transfer of heat and volatiles in the Achankovil Shear Zone area, causing pervasive as well as patchy charnockite formation. The transport Of CO2 by felsic melts through the southern Indian middle crust is suggested to be part of a crustal-scale fluid system that linked mantle heat and CO2 input with upward migration of crustally derived felsic melts and incipient charnockite formation, resulting in an igneous charnockite - I-type granite - incipient charnockite association.


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Health promotion activities consume a growing proportion of health sector spending in most developed countries. Yet, there is still considerable debate in the non-economic literature about exactly what health promotion constitutes and precisely how its role is to be conceived. This paper provides one economic answer to such questions. It sets out an argument that health promotion may be viewed, through the lens of traditional welfare economics, as a response to problems of market failure. A Grossman-type health investment model is invoked to analyse individual deviations from equilibrium and the possible instruments and targets of health promotion policy. The paper concludes by suggesting some of the alternative conceptual approaches that might be brought to bear, as well as some ideas for empirical research.


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Objective: To evaluate the protective eyewear promotion ( PEP) project, which was a comprehensive educational strategy to increase the use of appropriate protective eyewear by squash players. Methods: An ecological study design was used. Four squash venues in one playing association were randomly chosen to receive PEP and four in another association maintained usual practice and hence formed a control group. The primary evaluation measurements were surveys of cross sectional samples of players carried out before and after the intervention. The surveys investigated players' knowledge, behaviours, and attitudes associated with the use of protective eyewear. The survey carried out after the intervention also determined players' exposure to PEP. Univariate and multivariate analyses were undertaken to describe differences at PEP venues from pre- to post-intervention and to compare these with the control venues. Results: The PEP players had 2.4 times the odds (95% confidence interval, 1.3 to 4.2) of wearing appropriate eyewear compared with control group players post-intervention, relative to the groups' preintervention baselines. Components of PEP, such as stickers and posters and the availability and prominent positioning of the project eyewear, were found to contribute to players adopting favourable eyewear behaviours. Conclusions: Components of the PEP intervention were shown to be effective. The true success will be the sustainability and dissemination of the project, favourable eyewear behaviours, and evidence of the prevention of eye injuries long into the future.


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A randomised controlled trial was conducted to determine if physicians' advice to promote physical activity to patients was more effective if the advice was tailored to the management of hypertension, compared with more general health promotion advice. Participants included inactive 40- to 70-year-old patients visiting the physicians' during study recruitment period. Physicians provided verbal physical activity advice and written materials, both tailored to either general health promotion messages or specifically as a means for treating or managing hypertension. Seventy-five physicians and 98% (767/780) of screened eligible patients participated in the study. Differences between intervention and control groups self-reported physical activity were assessed over 6 months. Follow-up response rates were 92 and 84% at the 2- and 6-month assessments. There were no consistent, significant differences between groups at the 2- or 6-month assessments. Thus, neither intervention strategy resulted in significant changes in patients self-reported physical activity, regardless of the whether the advice was tailored to hypertension management or general health promotion advice. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the different adsorption properties of H and alkali metal atoms on the basal plane of graphite are studied and compared using a density functional method on the same model chemistry level. The results show that H prefers the on-top site while alkali metals favor the middle hollow site of graphite basal plane due to the unique electronic structures of H, alkali metals, and graphite. H has a higher electronegativity than carbon, preferring to form a covalent bond with C atoms, whereas alkaline metals have lower electronegativity, tending to adsorb on the highest electrostatic potential sites. During adsorption, there are more charges transferred from alkali metal to graphite than from H to graphite.


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The mechanism of pectin gelation depends on the degree of methoxylation. High methoxyl pectin gels due to hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonding between pectin molecules. Low methoxyl pectin forms gels in the presence of di- and polyvalent cations which cross link and neutralise the negative charges of the pectin molecule. Monovalent cations normally do not lead to gel formation with high methoxyl pectin solutions free of divalent cations, especially Ca. The present study found that alkali (NaOH or KOH) added to high methoxyl pectin leads to gel formation in a concentration-depended manner. It was also found that monovalent cations (Na and K) induce gelation of low methoxyl pectin and the time required for gel formation (setting time) depends on the cation concentration. The results indicate that a combined char-e neutralisation and ionic strength effect is responsible for the monovalent cation-induced gelation of pectin. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A recent editorial raised several issues about the role of exercise physiologists in the fight against physical inactivity in Australia. This opinion piece argues that we must strive to work together in multidisciplinary groups to improve our understanding of the mechanisms which link PA and health and the ways to persuade people to become more active. Prescription of specific exercise programs supported by exercise physiologists is one strategy for helping to activate Australians, but it is unlikely that that this atone will have a significant impact on population health. If we are to activate the 10,000,000 Australians who are currently insufficiently active for health benefit, we will need the combined efforts of governments, NGOs, teachers, planners, marketing experts, veterinarians, and ALL our health professionals, to combine forces to activate Australia. (c) 2006 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.