996 resultados para AK22-1956
back row: Michael Buchanan, manager Richard Brown, Bernard Hanna, G. Richard Dunnigan, Robert Schiller, Neil McDonald, coach Victor Heyliger, Thomas Rendall, trainer Carl Isaacson, Donald McIntosh, Wallace Maxwell, Robert Pitts
front row: Lorne Howes, Jerry Karpinka, Edward Switzer, captain William MacFarland, Neil Buchanan, Jay Gould
[L-R: Ath. Director Fritz Crisler, Head Coach Bennie Oosterbaan; assistant coaches Pete Kenyon, Don Robinson, Don Dufek, Jack Blott, Matt Patanelli]
[Appended caption reads: "Wolverines ballet master Jim Pace leapt his own right end and fell one yard short of a TD in the second quarter. On the next play John Herrnstein drove over the goal line for the score."]
Back Row: coach William Murphy, captain Barry MacKay, Mark Jaffe, Larry Brown, student mngrr. Russ Wells
Front Row: Dick Cohen, Dick Potter, John Harris