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This article focuses on the studies and discourses of mostly British scholars of the early colonial period belonging to two schools of thought. It shows how the studies of both schools – European orientalism and utilitarianism – were intricately connected to the political development of the emerging British paramountcy over the South Asian sub-continent, as both were looking for means of establishing and/or strengthening colonial rule. Nevertheless, the debate was not just a continuation of discussions in Europe. Whereas the ideas of the European Enlightenment had some influence, the transformation of the Mughal Empire and especially the idea of a decline of Muslim rule offered ample opportunities for understanding the early history of India either as some sort of “Golden Age,” as the orientalists and their indigenous supporters did, or as something static and degenerate, as the utilitarians did, and from which the population of sub-continent had to be saved by colonial rule and colonial values. Fearing the spread of the ideas of the French Revolution, the first group of British scholars sought to persuade the native elites of South Asia to take the lessons of their past for the future development of their homeland. Just as the classicists back in Europe, these scholars were convinced that large-scale explanations of the past could also teach political and moral lessons for the present although it was important to deal with the distant past in an empirical manner. The utilitarians on the other hand believed that India had to be saved from its own depravity through the English language and Western values, which amounted to nothing less than the modern transformation of the true Classical Age.


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OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) nasal colonization in hemodialysis patients and to analyze the cost-effectiveness of our screening approach compared with an alternative strategy. DESIGN Screening study and cost-effectiveness analysis. METHODS Analysis of twice-yearly MRSA prevalence studies conducted in the hemodialysis unit of a 950-bed tertiary care hospital from January 1, 2004, through December 31, 2013. For this purpose, nasal swab samples were cultured on MRSA screening agar (mannitol-oxacillin biplate). RESULTS There were 20 mass screenings during the 10-year study period. We identified 415 patients participating in at least 1 screening, with an average of 4.5 screenings per patient. Of 415 screened patients, 15 (3.6%) were found to be MRSA carriers. The first mass screening in 2004 yielded the highest percentage of MRSA (6/101 [6%]). Only 7 subsequent screenings revealed new MRSA carriers, whereas 4 screenings confirmed previously known carriers, and 8 remained negative. None of the carriers developed MRSA bacteremia during the study period. The total cost of our screening approach, that is, screening and isolation costs, was US $93,930. The total cost of an alternative strategy (ie, no mass screening administered) would be equivalent to costs of isolation of index cases and contact tracing was estimated to be US $5,382 (difference, US $88,548). CONCLUSIONS In an area of low MRSA endemicity (<5%), regular nasal screenings of a high-risk population yielded a low rate of MRSA carriers. Twice-yearly MRSA screening of dialysis patients is unlikely to be cost-effective if MRSA prevalence is low. Infect. Control Hosp. Epidemiol. 2015;00(0):1-4.


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Archäologie in den Hochalpen: Vom Rückgang der Gletscher sind auch archäologische Objekte betroffen. Über Jahrtausende hinweg haben sie im Eis überdauert, nun kommen sie zum Vorschein. Im Hitzesommer 2003 fand eine Wanderin am Schnidejoch ein fremdartiges Objekt aus Birkenrinde. Es erwies sich als Teil eines 4800 Jahre alten Bogenfutterals. In den Jahren 2004 bis 2011 unternahm der Archäologische Dienst des Kantons Bern über 30 Begehungen der Nordseite und – zusammen mit der Walliser Kantonsarchäologie – auch der Südseite des Schnidejochs. Zahlreiche weitere Funde aus Holz, Leder und Metall konnten geborgen und wissenschaftlich untersucht werden. Einzigartige Funde Zu den spektakulärsten Funden vom Schnidejoch zählt das Bogenfutteral aus Birkenrinde. Weiter stechen aus den rund 900 Funden ein Pfeilbogen, mehrere vollständige Pfeile und Fragmente einer Schale aus Ulmenholz hervor. Es handelt sich dabei um das älteste Holzgefäss der Schweiz. Weitere herausragende Funde sind ein bronzezeitliches Holzgefäss aus Birkenrinde, eine bronzezeitliche Gewandnadel sowie Bekleidung und Schuhe aus Leder. Archéologie dans les Alpes bernoises Le recul des glaciers a aussi un impact sur les découvertes archéologiques. Il fait réapparaître des objets préservés dans les glaces depuis des millénaires. Pendant l’été caniculaire de 2003, une randonneuse a découvert un objet singulier en écorce de bouleau, qui s’est avéré être un morceau de carquois vieux de 4800 ans. De 2004 à 2011, le Service archéologique du canton de Berne s’est rendu plus de trente fois sur le versant nord du Schnidejoch et, en collaboration avec le Service d’archéologie du canton du Valais, sur le versant sud de ce col. De nombreux autres objets en bois, cuir et métal ont pu être mis au jour et étudiés scientifiquement. Des découvertes uniques Le carquois en écorce de bouleau constitue l’une des découvertes les plus sensationnelles du Schnidejoch. Parmi les quelque 900 objets mis au jour figurent un arc, plusieurs flèches complètes et les fragments d’un bol en bois d’orme. Ce bol est le plus ancien récipient en bois de Suisse. D’autres trouvailles spectaculaires ont été faites, notamment un récipient en écorce de bouleau et une épingle à vêtements datant de l’Âge du Bronze ainsi que des vêtements et des chaussures en cuir.


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First indications of prehistoric sites in lakes of Switzerland go back more than 200 years and in 1854 Ferdinand Keller (1800-1881) published his famous book The Celtic Pile Dwellings in Swiss Lakes. Since these times, large-scale rescue excavations as well as survey and research projects have extended our knowledge about Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements in lakes, bogs and rivers around the European Alps. In 2011 a representative choice of 111 sites out of nearly 1000 in six countries around the Alps (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland) were recognized by the UNESCO World Heritage committee as serial World Heritage. The lecture will give a general overview on prehistoric lake dwellings around the Alps (distribution, types of lakes/bogs and environment of sites, chronology/cultural units in the time scale 5300 to 800 BC) and present examples of well-documented settlement structures. The intense use of dendrochronological dating allowed the building up of a well-fixed chronological framework. In some cases dendrochronology is the basis for year-by-year reconstructions of prehistoric village biographies and detailed insights in the life cycle of early agrarian settlements. Beside these local events the grouped repartition of lake dwelling remains on the time scale makes a more global correlation between Holocene lake levels and the preservation of archaeological layers likely.