982 resultados para 860[899]-31.09


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Water works and sewage plants 31.12.1974.


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Water utilities 31.12.1972


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Water supply and sewer systems 31.12.1974.


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Mahahaava on hyvin yleinen ongelma hevosilla; sen prevalenssi vaihtelee 48-100 % välillä. Mahahaava johtuu epätasapainosta mahalaukkua suojaavien tekijöiden ja mahalaukun limakalvoa ärsyttävien tekijöiden välillä. Tarkkaa syytä mahahaavan syntymiselle ei tunneta ja tietoa altistavista tekijöistä ja niiden merkityksestä on melko vähän. Liikunnan, ruokinnan ja stressin epäillään vaikuttavan mahahaavan syntyyn. Tutkimuksessa tähystettiin 45 Yliopistolliseen Hevossairaalaan mahahaavaan viittaavien oireiden vuoksi tutkittavaksi tullutta hevosta. Hevosilta tutkittiin mahalaukun eri alueet ja mikäli mahdollista, myös duodenum. Haavaumat pisteytettiin niiden syvyyden, laajuuden ja limakalvon ärtyneisyyden perusteella 0-4 asteikolla. Hevosista kerättiin perustiedot ja omistajia haastateltiin kyselykaavakkeen avulla hevosten elintavoista ja olosuhteista. Hevoset olivat iältään 1-22 vuotiaita ja mukana oli tammoja, ruunia ja oreja. Suurin osa hevosista oli puoliverisiä (47%), mutta mukana oli myös suomenhevosia, lämminverisiä ja poneja. Käyttötarkoitukseltaan hevoset olivat ratsuja, ravureita tai levossa olevia hevosia. Hevosista 29% oli kilpahevosia. 31% hevosista oli aiemmin hoidettu mahahaavan vuoksi. Kaikilta hevosilta yhtä lukuunottamatta löytyi mahahaava. Haavaumien vakavuus vaihteli 1. - 3. asteen välillä. Suurin osa haavaumista sijaitsi pyloruksessa ja siellä oli myös eniten vakavia haavaumia. Lievimmät muutokset olivat muulla rauhasalueella; siellä todettiin määrällisesti vähiten haavaumia ja suurin osa todetuista haavaumista oli lieviä. Yllättävän monelta (60%) hevoselta löytyi haavauma duodenumista. Antrumin ja pyloruksen välillä todettiin korrelaatio; mikäli antrumissa oli haavauma, löytyi haavauma todennäköisesti myös pyloruksesta. Samanlainen korrelaatio todettiin muun rauhasalueen ja duodenumin välillä; mikäli muulla rauhasalueella todettiin haavauma, niin myös duodenumista löytyi haavauma. Vakavuusasteen ja altistavien tekijöiden, kuten korsirehumäärän, ruokintakertojen tai ulkoilun välillä ei todettu yhteyttä, Tutkimuksen perusteella ei siis voida arvioida, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat mahahaavan syntyyn. Myöskään oireiden ja haavaumien välillä ei todettu yhteyttä. Mikään tietty oire ei siis kerro haavauman sijainnista tai vakavuusasteesta. Tutkimuksen aineisto oli hyvin valikoitunutta; kaikilla hevosilla oli indikaatio tulla tähystykseen. Tutkimuksessa ei ollut mukana oireetonta vertailuryhmää. Lisäksi aineisto oli useiden ominaisuuksien suhteen hyvin monimuotoinen. Tarvitaan lisää tutkimuksia, jotta mahahaavaan liitetyistä altistavista tekijöistä tai oireista voitaisiin tehdä tarkempia johtopäätöksiä.


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A biorthogonal series method is developed to solve Oseen type flow problems. The theory leads to a new set of eigenfunctions for a specific class of linear non-selfadjoint operators containing the biharmonic one. These eigenfunctions differ from those given earlier in the literature for the biharmonic operator. The method is applied to the problem of thermocapillary flow in a cylindrical liquid bridge of finite length with axial through flow. Flow and temperature distributions are obtained at leading order of an expansion for small surface tension Reynolds number and Prandtl number. Another related problem considered is that of cylindrical cavity flow. Solutions for both cases are presented in terms of biorthogonal series. The effect of axial through flow on velocity and temperature fields is discussed by numerical evaluation of the truncated analytical series. The presence of axial through flow not only convectively shifts the vortices induced by surface forces in the direction of the through flow, but also moves their centers toward the outer cylindrical boundary. This process can lead to significantly asymmetric flow structures.


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We study the problem of minimizing total completion time on single and parallel batch processing machines. A batch processing machine is one which can process up to B jobs simultaneously. The processing time of a batch is equal to the largest processing time among all jobs in the batch. This problem is motivated by burn-in operations in the final testing stage of semiconductor manufacturing and is expected to occur in other production environments. We provide an exact solution procedure for the single-machine problem and heuristic algorithms for both single and parallel machine problems. While the exact algorithms have limited applicability due to high computational requirements, extensive experiments show that the heuristics are capable of consistently obtaining near-optimal solutions in very reasonable CPU times.


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The protective effect of bacteriophage was assessed against experimental Staphylococcus aureus lethal bacteremia in streptozotocin (STZ) induced-diabetic and non-diabetic mice. Intraperitoneal administrations of S. aureus (RCS21) of 2 x 10(8) CFU caused lethal bacteremia in both diabetic and non-diabetic mice. A single administration of a newly isolated lytic phage strain (GRCS) significantly protected diabetic and nondiabetic mice from lethal bacteremia (survival rate 90% and 100% for diabetic and non-diabetic bacteremic groups versus 0% for saline-treated groups). Comparison of phage therapy to oxacillin treatment showed a significant decrease in RCS21 of 5 and 3 log units in diabetic and nondiabetic bacteremic mice, respectively. The same protection efficiency of phage GRCS was attained even when the treatment was delayed up to 4 h in both diabetic and non-diabetic bacteremic mice. Inoculation of mice with a high dose (10(10) PFU) of phage GRCS alone produced no adverse effects attributable to the phage per se. These results suggest that phages could constitute valuable prophylaxis against S. aureus infections, especially in immunocompromised patients. (C) 2010 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Equilibrium of dissolution of sulfur dioxide at ppm levels in aqueous solutions of dilute sulfuric acid is analyzed, and a general expression is derived relating the total concentration of sulfur dioxide in the liquid phase to the partial pressure of SO2 in the gas and to the concentration of sulfuric acid in the solution. The equation is simplified for zero and high concentrations of the acid. Experiments at high concentrations of sulfuric acid have enabled the direct determination of Henry’s constant and its dependency on temperature. Heat of dissolution is -31.47 kJ/mol. Experiments in the absence of sulfuric acid and the related simplified expression have led to the determination of the equilibrium constant of the hydrolysis of aqueous sulfur dioxide and its temperature dependency.The heat of hydrolysis is 15.69 kJ/mol. The model equation with these parameters predicts the experimental data of the present work as well as the reported data very well.


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Recycling plastic waste from water bottles has become one of the major challenges worldwide. The present study provides an approach for the use plastic waste as reinforcement material in soil. The experimental results in the form of stress-strain-pore water pressure response are presented. Based on experimental test results, it is observed that the strength of soil is improved and compressibility reduced significantly with addition of a small percentage of plastic waste to the soil. The use of the improvement in strength and compressibility response due to inclusion of plastic waste can be advantageously used in bearing capacity improvement and settlement reduction in the design of shallow foundations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mononuclear Group 6 metal tetracarbonyl complexes containing a cyclodiphosphazane ligand, [PhNP(OC(6)H(4)Me-p)](2) (L), have been used as synthons to prepare homo- and hetero-bimetallic complexes in which the cyclodiphosphazane bridges the two metal centres in its cis or trans isomeric forms. The dimolybdenum complex [Mo-2(eta(5)-C5H5)(2)(CO)(4)(mu-L)] has also been synthesized. The trends in P-31 NMR chemical shifts and the structural features as revealed by X-ray crystallography are discussed.


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Photoluminescence and Raman scattering experiments have been carried out on single crystals of C70 up to 31 GPa to investigate the effect of pressure on the optical band gap, vibrational modes and stability of the molecule. The photoluminescence band shifts to lower energies and the pressure dependence of the band maxima yields the hydrostatic deformation potential to be 2.15 eV. The slope changes in the pressure dependence of peak positions and linewidths of the Raman modes associated with the intramolecular vibrations at 1 GPa mark the known face-centred cubic-->rhombohedral orientational ordering transition. The reversible amorphization in C70 at P > 20 GPa has been compared with the irreversible amorphization in C60 at P > 22 GPa in terms of carbon-carbon distance between the neighbouring molecules at the threshold transition pressures, in conjunction with the interplay between the intermolecular and intramolecular interactions.