994 resultados para 630301 Fisheries-commercial


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Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804) é uma das principais espécies de lagosta no Atlântico, sendo um dos maiores recursos pesqueiros do Atlântico Ocidental, onde apresenta um alto valor comercial. A forte explotação da espécie resulta em uma grande pressão sobre suas populações. Recentemente, foi descoberto que sob o binômio P. argus estão contidas duas espécies crípticas que ocorrem em alopatria, uma na região do Caribe e outra na costa brasileira. Esta tese tem como objetivo estudar como se estruturam geneticamente as populações dessas duas espécies, com o propósito de fornecer mais informações para a determinação de estoques e um correto manejo das espécies, e analisar os processos históricos evolutivos que moldaram suas histórias demográficas. Para tal, foram estudados dois marcadores mitocondriais (região controle e o gene da Citocromo Oxidase I) e loci de microssatélites de indivíduos de 7 regiões do Caribe (Florida, Bahamas, Turks e Caicos, Porto Rico, Cuba, Colômbia e Venezuela) e 11 estados do Brasil (Pará, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo). Dentro de cada espécie foram observadas duas linhagens mitocondriais diferentes, que co-ocorriam, de maneira homogênea, ao longo de suas distribuições. Hipotetiso que essas linhagens foram formadas a partir de um evento de vicariância com contato secundário ou como consequência de um efeito gargalo seguido de expansão. As duas linhagens são evidentes nas sequências da região controle mitocondrial, mas no gene da COI foram evidentes apenas em P. cf. argus do Caribe. As linhagens do Brasil se separaram há aproximadamente 233 - 288 mil anos e cada uma sofreu expansão em tempos diferentes, a primeira se expandiu há 100 mil anos e a segunda linhagem há 50 mil anos. As linhagens do Caribe se separaram cerca de 1 milhão de anos atrás e possuem o mesmo tempo de expansão, 50 mil anos. Os microssatélites não revelaram subdivisão populacional para nenhuma das duas espécies, porém os marcadores, juntos, sugeriram um fluxo gênico diferenciado entre localidades expostas a diferentes correntes marítimas. Considerando que essas lagostas são intensamente explotadas, é importante ser cuidadoso no momento de definir estoques pesqueiros. Para a espécie do Brasil, dois estoques pesqueiros foram sugeridos, o primeiro do Pará à Bahia e o segundo do sul da Bahia a São Paulo. Para a espécie do Caribe, foi mantida e reforçada a hipótese de quatro estoques sugerida pela FAO (Norte, Sul, Centro-Norte e Centro-Sul).


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Fisheries and aquaculture play important roles in providing food and income in many developing countries, either as a stand-alone activity or in association with crop agriculture and livestock rearing. The aim of this paper is to identify how these contributions of fisheries and aquaculture to poverty reduction and food security can be enhanced while also addressing the need for a sustainability transition in over-exploited and over-capitalized capture fisheries, and for improved environmental performance and distributive justice in a rapidly growing aquaculture sector. The focus of the paper is on the poverty and food security concerns of developing countries, with an emphasis on the least developed. The emphasis is on food security rather than poverty reduction policies and strategies, although the two are of course related. The food security agenda is very much to the fore at present; fish prices rose along with other food prices in 2007-8 and as fish provide important nutritional benefits to the poor, food security has become a primary concern for sector policy.


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This work reflects the activities of line and trap fishing in Southern Mozambique in 2000. The catch in line fishing has been estimated at 441 mt, according to the DNAP records. The same sources indicated that 1767 days were spent at sea and the estimated catch rate was 250 Kg per boaticlay. Most of the line fishing effort shifted away from Maputo and moved to Inhambane region. The monthly analysis of fishing vessels, stricter controls over catch and effort data submission, development of long-term research programme and the continuation of the on board sampling to improve the data collection are the recommendation for line fishing. The catch of trap vessels increases from 30mt in 1997 to 172 mt in 2000, during which the total number of traps increased from 25 to 300. During this time the number of fishing days has remained relatively constant, as well the soak time. These data sets are thus not compatible with each other, reflecting an increase in daily catch from 243 Kg to 791 kg. The species composition is mainly dominated by P. coeruleopunctatus, C. puniceus, C. nufar and E. andersoni.


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During 1993, a comprehensive data set of scale readings, length and weight measurements was established for migratory salmonids on the River Lune. This information was collected using three methods of fish capture: 1. The Lune estuary commercial nets. 2. River Lune Forge weir fish trap. 3. River Lune rod catch scale returns. Additional information was contributed by the Kent, Leven and Duddon rod and commercial fisheries. The data shows that the salmon stock in 1993 was dominated by two year old smolts. This varies from year to year. The sea trout population displays a normal population curve in terms of numbers of fish in each age and weight class. The growth rate of salmon and sea trout is very similar even though salmon have the benefit of high sea feeding.


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This paper summarizes current information on the American shad, Alosa sapidissima, and describes the species and its fishery. Emphasis is placed on (1) life history of the fish, (2) condition of the fishery by State and water areas in 1960 compared to 1896 when the last comprehensive description was made, (3) factors responsible for decline in abundance, and (4) management measures. The shad fishery has changed little over the past three-quarters of a century, except in magnitude of yield. Types of shad-fishing gear have remained relatively unchanged, but many improvements have been made in fishing techniques, mostly to achieve economy. In 1896 the estimated catch was more than 50 million pounds. New Jersey ranked first in production with about 14 million pounds, and Virginia second with 11 million pounds. In 1960 the estimated catch was slightly more than 8 million pounds. Maryland ranked first in production with slightly more than 1.5 million pounds, Virginia second with slightly less than 1.4 million pounds, and North Carolina third with about 1.3 million pounds. Biological and economic factors blamed for the decline in shad abundance, such as physical changes in the environment, construction of dams, pollution, over-fishing, and natural cycles of abundance, are discussed. Also discussed are methods used for the rehabilitation and management of the fishery, such as artificial propagation, installation of fish-passage facilities at impoundments, and fishing regulations. With our present knowledge, we can manage individual shad populations; but, we probably cannot restore the shad to its former peak of abundance.


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Fishery statistics for 1978 are presented for: (1) total production; (2) effort and landings; (3) gill-net fisheries production landings and purchases; (4) monthly percentage composition of catch for Kariba area; (5) African camp effort statistics: (6) sardine fisheries.


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The Ribble catchment is the largest and most diverse river system within National Rivers Authority (NRA), North West's Central Area. The river is approximately 100km in length and rises in a limestone area west of the Pennines. This report examines changes in the size and composition of the salmon and sea trout catches from the Ribble migratory salmonid fisheries during the years 1937 to 1991. Comparisons are made between the rod and net fisheries for both salmon and sea trout of the Ribble and Hodder. Patterns of catches shown by the Ribble fisheries are compared with those of other individual rivers and with patterns for the North West Region as a whole. An attempt is made to identify if any relationship exists between catch and stock abundance. Catch patterns shown by the Ribble and Hodder salmon fisheries are compared with electronic resistivity counter data from the two rivers. Annual salmon catch patterns and redd count data are compared both locally and regionally. Recommendations for future studies are made in the light of the report's findings.


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The Workinq Party of North West Water Authority and the Annan District Salmon Fishery Board's aims were to identify the current problems relating to the salmon and freshwater fisheries in the Solway Firth and its tributaries (embracing the catchments of the Annan, Kirtle Water, Sark, Esk, Eden, Wampool and Waver - and possibly also the Lochar Water and the Nith) to produce agreed outline solutions, and to consider the financial aspects of the future administration of these fisheries.


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This report seeks to briefly provide geomorphological guidance over the introduction of 'habitat enhancement' features for fisheries improvement which is an expanding area of interest throughout the region. This document is a primary attempt to draw together the salient details from the large quantity of literature published in recent years with reference to boulder introduction and to groyne/deflector placement in NW rivers. Secondly the potential introduction of such features is assessed, with reference to the proposed works at Carhead on the Eden.


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Yorkshire Water Services (YWS) are currently granted a Time Limited Licence (TLL) for abstraction at Kilgram Bridge which is due for renewal in 1999. The Environment. Agency requires information on fish populations with regards to drought conditions and any possible effects that abstraction may have when considering licence renewal. In' order to evaluate any effects of drought and abstraction a three year study was instigated to examine fish populations. Surveys were conducted at nine main River Ure sites and two tributaries in which the triennial rolling programme formed the basis of site selection. Multi-method sampling techniques were carried out at several sites in order to evaluate capture efficiency. High densities of brown trout juveniles were observed in the tributaries with an indication that fish had become crowded as a result of low flows. Recruitment of brown trout in the tributaries was not directly related to flow levels in the main R. Ure. However, it is concluded that salmonids are at risk during drought flows and high temperatures from increased susceptibility to disease, predation, poor water quality and the direct lethal effect of high temperatures in shallow water.


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First experiments to trap the deep sea red crab Geryon quinquedens off Côte d'Ivoire have had good success. The yields obtained are similar to those observed off the northeastern coast of the United States and off Angola, where commercial fisheries have been developed for some years.


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The basis for undertaking this study was to examine factors and potential impacts affecting fish and fishing in relation to low flow drought conditions and what other impacts may arise as a result of further reduced flows resulting from abstraction. The study formed the basis of a three year project to concentrate on effects relating to potable water abstractions at Moor Monkton by YWS. To fully evaluate the possible effects on fisheries the study set out to encompass fish population surveys from fry to adult stock, analysis of angler catch data, reports from anglers and river reports from Environment Agency Fisheries staff. In order to evaluate any effects of drought and abstraction a three year study was instigated to examine fish populations. Fish population surveys were conducted at six sites in which the triennial rolling programme formed the basis of site selection. Multi-method sampling techniques were carried out at several sites in order to evaluate capture efficiency. Roach were prolific above the weir at Linton-on-Ouse, with gudgeon, perch and small bream also well represented. Roach dominated catches on the R.Ouse below Linton, with perch and bleak also relatively abundant. Low flows were not thought to be directly correlated to successful recruitment of coarse fish, rather the associated high temperatures during drought conditions showing a strong positive effect with most species exhibiting growth rates above their long-term average. At this stage in the study there are no clear indications that the drought has caused any deleterious effects to coarse fish populations or marked changes in species composition, with evidence of good recruitment by several species, indicating that the higher temperatures have generally been beneficial to recruitment. However, the indication that dace did not benefit as well as other coarse fish under these conditions may suggest some species are affected more than others. The successful strong recruitment of most coarse fish suggests that, in future, fisheries will be supported by the 1995 year-class.


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This investigation was carried out to provide information on fish stocks and angling activity during 1997 in relation to the drought and, in particular, flows as influenced by Time Limited Licences. These abstractions will be for review in 1999. This report extends and updates the data presented for 1996. Fish population surveys (including eels) were undertaken on the main river and selected tributaries. Angler caught brown trout were examined, angler catch data have been reviewed, and observations by Environment Agency fisheries staff collated. It appeared that in River Wharfe both the fish populations and individual fish appeared to be in good condition and limited changes had occurred since the 1996 survey.