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Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da redução dos níveis nutricionais de dietas para poedeiras marrons em pico de postura sobre o desempenho das aves, a qualidade dos ovos e os parâmetros ósseos. No total foram avaliadas oito dietas, cada uma com cinco repetições de oito aves: 1. controle: formulada para suprir as exigências das aves; 2) controle + 0,03% ou 600 FTU; 3) 15% PB; 2.800 kcal de EM; 3,8% Ca e 0,28% Pd; 4) dieta 3 + 0,03% ou 600 FTU; 5) 14% PB; 2.750 kcal de EM; 3,4% Ca e 0,23% Pd; 6) dieta 5 + 0,03% ou 600 FTU; 7) 13% PB; 2.700 kcal de EM; 3,0% Ca e 0,18% Pd; e 8) dieta 7 + 0,03% ou 600 FTU. A redução dos níveis nutricionais prejudicou o desempenho das aves, principalmente a produção e massa de ovos, que melhorou com a inclusão de fitase nas dietas. Os parâmetros de qualidade dos ovos, no entanto, não se alteraram com a redução até o nível de 15% de PB; 2.800 kcal de EM/kg; 3,80% Ca e 0,280% Pd, o que não se repetiu nos níveis com menor densidade nutricional. Não houve efeito da redução dos níveis nutricionais sobre os parâmetros ósseos avaliados, exceto a resistência, que melhorou com a suplementação de fitase no nível de 600 FTU. A redução nos níveis nutricionais da dieta para 15% de PB, 2.800 kcal/kg de EM, 3,8% de Ca e 0,280% de Pd com a adição de 600 FTU não prejudica a produção nem a massa de ovos e melhora a saúde óssea das aves.


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Background. Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is still widely used for acute renal failure (ARF) in developing countries despite concerns about its inadequacy. Continuous PD has been evaluated in ARF by analyzing the resolution of metabolic abnormality and normalization of plasma pH, bicarbonate, and potassium.Methodology: A prospective study was performed on 30 ARF patients who were assigned to high-dose continuous PD (Kt/V = 0.65 per session) via a flexible catheter (Tenckhoff) and automated PD with a cycler. Fluid removal, pH and metabolic control, protein Loss, and patient outcome were evaluated.Results: Patients received 236 continuous PD sessions; 76% were admitted to ICUs. APACHE II score was 32.2 +/- 8.65. BUN concentrations stabilized after 3 sessions, creatinine after 4, and bicarbonate and pH after 2. Fluid removal was 2.1 +/- 0.62 L/day. Creatinine and urea clearances were 15.8 +/- 4.16 and 17.3 +/- 5.01 mL/minute respectively. Normalized creatinine clearance and urea Kt/V values were 110.6 +/- 22.5 L/week/1.73 m(2) body surface area and 3.8 +/- 0.6 respectively. Solute reduction index was 41% +/- 6.5% per session. Serum albumin values remained stable in spite of considerable protein tosses (median 21.7 g/day, interquartile range 9.1 - 29.8 g/day). Regarding ARF outcome, 23% of patients presented renal function recovery, 13% remained on dialysis after 30 days of follow-up, and 57% died.Conclusion: High-dose continuous PD by flexible catheter and cycler was an effective treatment for ARF. It provided high solute removal, allowing appropriate metabolic and pH control, and adequate dialysis dose and fluid removal. Continuous PD can therefore be considered an alternative to other forms of renal replacement therapy in ARF.


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We determined the effects of two classical angiotensin II (ANG II) antagonists, [Sar(1), Ala(8)]-ANG II and [Sar(1), Thr(8)]-ANG II, and losartan (a nonpeptide and selective antagonist for the AT 1 angiotensin receptors) on diuresis, natriuresis, kaliuresis and arterial blood pressure induced by ANG II administration into the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) of male Holtzman rats weighing 250-300 g. Urine was collected in rats submitted to a water load (5% body weight) by gastric gavage, followed by a second water load (5% body weight) 1 h later. The volume of the drug solutions injected was 0.5 mu l over 10-15 s. Pre-treatment with [Sar(1), Ala(8)]-ANG II (12 rats) and [Sar(1), Thr(8)]-ANG II (9 rats), at the dose of 60 ng reduced (13.7 +/- 1.0 vs 11.0 +/- 1.0 and 10.7 +/- 1.2, respectively), whereas losartan (14 rats) at the dose of 160 ng totally blocked (13.7 +/- 1.0 vs 7.6 +/- 1.5) the urine excretion induced by injection of 12 ng of ANG II (14 rats). [Sar(1), Ala(8)]-ANG II impaired Na+ excretion (193 +/- 16 vs 120 +/- 19): whereas [Sar(1), Thr(8)]-ANG II and losartan blocked Na+ excretion (193 +/- 16 vs 77 +/- 15 and 100 +/- 12, respectively) induced by ANG II. Similar effects induced by ANG II on K+ excretion were observed with [Sar(1), Ala(8)]-ANG II, [Sar(1), Thr(8)]-ANG II, and losartan pretreatment (133 +/- 18 vs 108 +/- 11, 80 +/- 12, and 82 +/- 15, respectively). The same doses as above of [Sar(1), Ala(8)]-ANG II (8 rats), [Sar(1), Thr(8)]-ANG II (8 rats). and losartan (9 rats) blocked the increase in the arterial blood pressure induced by 12 ng of ANG II (12 rats) (32 +/- 4 ru 4 +/- 2, 3.5 +/- 1, and 2 +/- 1: respectively. The results indicate that the AT1 receptor subtype participates in the increases of diuresis, natriuresis. kaliuresis and arterial blood pressure induced by the administration of ANG II into the MnPO.


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A subduction complex composed of ocean floor material mixed with arc-derived metasediments crops out in the Elephant Island group and at Smith Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, with metamorphic ages of 120-80 Ma and 58-47 Ma? respectively. Seven metamorphic zones (I-VII) mapped on Elephant Island delineate a gradual increase in metamorphic grade from the pumpellyite-actinolite facies, through the crossite-epidote blueschist facies, to the lower amphibolite facies. Geothermometry in garnet-amphibole and garnet-biotite pairs yields temperatures of about 350 degrees C in zone III to about 525 degrees C in zone VII. Pressures were estimated on the basis of Si content in white mica, Al2O3 content in alkali amphibole, Na-M4/Al-IV in sodic-calcic and calcic amphibole, Al-VI/Si in calcic amphibole, and jadeite content in clinopyroxene. Mean values vary from about 6-7.5 kbar in zone II to about 5 kbar in zone VII. Results from the other islands of the Elephant Island group are comparable to those from the main island; Smith Island yielded slightly higher pressures, up to 8 kbar, with temperatures estimated between 300 and 350 degrees C. Zoned minerals and other textural indications locally enable inference of P-T-t trajectories, all with a clockwise evolution. A reconstruction in space and time of these P-T-t paths allows an estimate of the thermal structure in the upper crust during the two ductile deformation phases (D-1 & D-2) that affected the area. This thermal structure is in good agreement with the one expected for a subduction zone. The arrival and collision of thickened oceanic crust may have caused the accretion and preservation of the subduction complex. In this model, D-1 represents the subduction movements expressed by the first vector of the clockwise P-T-t path, D-2 reflects the collision corresponding to the second vector with increasing temperature and decreasing pressure, and D-3 corresponds to isostatic uplift accompanied by erosion, under circumstances of decreasing temperature and pressure.


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We report the identification of a potential pheromone for Gnathotrichus materiarius (Fitch) (Col., Scolytidae). The population sex ratio is close to 1:1, and males initiate attacks on host trees. Headspace and hindgut samples from single males showed the presence of the putative pheromone 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol, sulcatol. Unmated males released sulcatol for at least 12 days, and ceased producing the pheromone after 20 days. The peak sulcatol release occurred after 2 days. Males cease production of sulcatol 24 h after being paired with females. Single females were unable to initiate galleries, and no sulcatol was detected from their headspace and hindgut samples. The chiral ratio of the pheromone, observed from headspace samples, was 31% (S)-(+)- and 69% (R)-(-)-sulcatol.


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An experiment was conducted to study the in vitro digestibility of dry matter (IVDMD) and gross energy (IVGED) of hydrolyzed sugarcane bagasse with different storage times and two periods of adaptation of the bovine to the diet. A completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications was used. Treatments A,B,C, and D which corresponded to the times of 0, 15, 30, and 45 days of storage time period of the bagasse, respectively. Each treatment was studied at 7 and 45 after adaptation of the bovine ruminal donor to the diet. After 30 days storage, the bagasse IVDMD was inpaired for both 7 and 45 days of adaptation. Averages values of 25.8; 25.9; 23.1 and 23.3% were obtained for IVDMD with seven days of adaptation, and 25.04; 21.6; 12.5 and 11.4% with 45 days of adaptation for storage periods of 0; 15; 30 and 45 days, respectively. For IVGED, the averages obtained were 33.4; 27.8; 30.9; and 27.2% with seven days, and 30; 26.6; 20.6 and 14.5% with 45 days of adaptation for storage periods of 0, 15, 30 and 45 days, respectively.


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The effects of the ammoniation of Brachiaria decumbens hay was evaluated. The hay bales were distributed into a complete randomized block design, with four replications and they were submitted to the treatments: untreated or treated with anhydrous ammonia (NH3)(2,0 and 3,0% of the DM) or with urea (3,6 and 5,4% of the DM). All the hays bales remained under plastic cover for 45 days. After three days of aeration, samples were collected for the determination of the chemical composition, nitrogenous compounds fraction and the in vitro dry matter (IVDDM) and organic matter (IVDOM) digestibility. In the metabolic study, Saanen goats breed was used in a 5x5 Latin squares design, where the apparent digestibility, the voluntary intake and the nutritive value index were evaluated. The ammoniation increased the contents of the total N, N ammonia (N-NH3) and non-protein N, with high effect on the levels of 3,0% of NH3 and 5,4% of urea. There were no differences between the level of 3,0% of NH3 and 5,4% of urea for the total N, N-NH3 and NPN. However, the treatment with 3,0% of NH3 allowed a larger fixation of N in ADIN and NDIN forms. The ammoniation increased the IVDMD and IVDMO and reduced the contents of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), hemicellulose, acid detergent fiber (ADF) and lignin, but it did not alter the cellulose and gross energy contents. The ammoniation increased the DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF, hemicellulose, cellulose and gross energy apparent digestibility and as well as the voluntary intake of DM, digestible DM, digestible OM, digestible protein, digestible energy and the nutritive value index. The ammoniation increased the hay nutritive value index, but there were no differences between the levels of NH3 and urea.


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The coumarin antibiotics are potent inhibitors of DNA replication whose target is the enzyme DNA gyrase, an ATP-dependent bacterial type II topoisomerase. The coumarin drugs inhibit gyrase action by competitive binding to the ATP-binding site of DNA gyrase B protein. The production of new biologically active products has stimulated additional studies on coumarin-gyrase interactions. In this regard, a 4.2 kDa peptide mimic of DNA gyrase B protein from Escherichia coli has been designed and synthesized. The peptide sequence includes the natural fragment 131-146 (coumarin resistance-determining region) and a segment containing the gyrase-DNA interaction region (positions 753-770). The peptide mimic binds to novobiocin (K-a = 1.4 +/- 0.3 x 10(5) m(-1)), plasmid (K-a = 1.6 +/- 0.5 x 10(6) m(-1)) and ATP (K-a = 1.9 f 0.4 x 10(3) m(-1)), results previously found with the intact B protein. on the other hand, the binding to novobiocin was reduced when a mutation of Arg-136 to Leu-136 was introduced, a change previously found in the DNA gyrase B protein from several coumarin-resistant clinical isolates of Escherichia coLi. In contrast, the binding to plasmid and to ATP was not altered. These results suggest that synthetic peptides designed in a similar way to that described here could be used as mimics of DNA gyrase in studies which seek a better understanding of the ATP, as well as coumarin, binding to the gyrase and also the mechanism of action of this class of antibacterial drugs. Copyright (C) 2004 European Peptide Society and John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Sodium chloride intake was studied in male Holtzman rats weighing 250-300 g submitted to electrolytic and chemical lesion of the cell bodies, not fibers of the amygdaloid complex. Sodium chloride (1.5%) intake increased in animals with electrolytic lesion of the corticomedial nucleus of the amygdala. Sodium chloride (1.5%) intake increased after ibotenic acid injection into the corticomedial nucleus of the amygdala to a larger extent (26.6 +/- 9.2 to 147.6 +/- 34.6 ml/5 days). The results indicate that sodium intake response can be induced by lesions, which involved only cell bodies. The fibers of passage of the corticomedial nucleus of the amygdala produce a water intake less consistent than that induced by ibotenic acid, which is more acute. The results show that cell bodies of this region of the amygdala are involved in the control of sodium chloride intake.


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The caprine oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve has not been previously defined. Blood from 10 healthy goats was equilibrated in a tonometer with calibrated gas mixtures of oxygen at concentrations of 95%, 21%, 13%, 12%, 10%, 9%, 8%, 5%, 4% and 2.5%, 5% carbon dioxide, balance nitrogen. The pH, partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2), total hemoglobin, oxyhemoglobin saturation, carboxyhemoglobin, methemoglobin, and oxygen content were measured. The PO2/oxyhemoglobin and the PO2/oxygen content relationships were graphed with curve-fitting software and a formula for calculating oxyhemoglobin from PO2 was generated. The maximum oxygen content per gram of hemoglobin was 1.29 ml of oxygen per gram of hemoglobin. The PO2 at which hemoglobin was 50% saturated (P-50) from the PO2/oxyhemoglobin relationship was 28.6 +/- 1.5 mmHg and that from the PO2/oxygen content relationships was 29.1 +/- 1.6 mmHg. The Hill coefficient for the PO2/oxyhemoglobin data was 3.0 +/- 0.4. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives. This study evaluated the effect of two different surface conditioning methods on the repair bond strength of a bis-GMA-adduct/bis-EMA/TEGDMA based resin composite after three aging conditions.Methods. Thirty-six composite resin blocks (Esthet X, Dentsply) were prepared (5 mm x 6 mm x 6 mm) and randomly assigned into three groups for aging process: (a) immersion in citric acid (pH 3.0 at 37 degrees C, 1 week) (CA); (b) boiling in water for 8h (BW) and (c) thermocycling (x5000, 5-55 degrees C, dwell time: 30s) (TC). After aging, the blocks were assigned to one of the following surface conditioning methods: (1) silica coating (30 mu m SiOx) (CoJet, 3M ESPE) + silane (ESPE-Sil) (CJ), (2) phosphoric acid + adhesive resin (Single Bond, 3M ESPE) (PA). Resin composite (Esthet.X (R)) was bonded to the conditioned substrates incrementally and light polymerized. The experimental groups formed were as follows: Gr1:CA + PA; Gr2:CA + CJ Gr3:BW + PA; Gr4: BW + CJ; Gr5:TC + PA; Gr6: TC + CJ. The specimens were sectioned in two axes (x and y) with a diamond disc under coolant irrigation in order to obtain non-trimmed bar specimens (sticks, 10 mm x 1 mm x 1 mm) with 1 mm(2) of bonding area. The microtensile test was accomplished in a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 0.5 mm min(-1)).Results. The means and standard deviations of bond strength (MPa +/- S.D.) per group were as follows: Gr1: 25.5 +/- 10.3; Gr2: 46.3 +/- 10.1; Gr3: 21.7 +/- 7.1; Gr4: 52.3 +/- 15.1; GrS: 16.1 +/- 5.1; Gr6, 49.6 +/- 13.5. The silica coated groups showed significantly higher mean bond values after all three aging conditions (p < 0.0001) (two-way ANOVA and Tukey tests, alpha = 0.05). The interaction effect revealed significant influence of TC aging on both silica coated and acid etched groups compared to the other aging methods (p < 0.032). Citric acid was the least aggressive aging medium.Significance. Chairside silica coating and silanization provided higher resin-resin bond strength values compared to acid etching with phosphoric acid followed by adhesive resin applications. Thermocycling the composite substrates resulted in the lowest repair bond strength compared to citric acid challenge or boiling in water. (C) 2006 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Statement of problem. Ceramic surface treatment is crucial for bonding to resin. High crystalline ceramics are poorly conditioned using traditional procedures.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of silica coating on a densely sintered alumina ceramic relative to its bond strength to composite, using a resin luting agent.Material and methods. Blocks (6 X 6 X 5 mm) of ceramic and composite were made. The ceramic (Procera AllCeram) surfaces were polished, and the blocks were divided into 3 groups (n = 5): SB, airborne-particle abrasion with 110-mu m Al(2)O(3); RS, silica coating using Rocatec System; and CS, silica coating using CoJet System. The treated ceramic blocks were luted to the composite (W3D Master) blocks using a resin luting agent (Panavia F). Specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 degrees C for 7 days and then Cut in 2 axes, x and y, to obtain specimens with a bonding area of approximately 0.6 mm(2) (n = 30). The specimens were loaded to failure in tension in a universal testing machine, and data were statistically analyzed using a randomized complete block design analysis of variance and Tukey's test (alpha=.05). Fractured surfaces were examined using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to determine the type of failure. Energy-dispersive spectroscopy was used for surface compositional analysis.Results. Mean bond strength values (MPa) of Groups RS (17.1 +/- 3.9) (P = .00015) and CS (18.5 +/- 4.7) (P=.00012) were significantly higher than the values of Group SB (12.7 +/- 2.6). There was no statistical difference between Groups RS and CS. All failures occurred at the adhesive zone.Conclusion. Tribochemical silica coating systems increased the tensile bond strength values between Panavia F and Procera AllCeram ceramic.


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A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the determination of acetaldehyde in fuel ethanol was developed. Acetaldehyde was derivatized with 0.900 mL 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPHi) reagent and 50 mu L phosphoric acid 1 mol L-1 at a controlled room temperature of 15 degrees C for 20 min. The separation of acetaldehyde- DNPH (ADNPH) was carried out on a Shimadzu Shim-pack C-18 column, using methanol/LiCl(aq) 1.0 mM (80/20, v/v) as a mobile phase under isocratic elution and UV-Vis detection at 365 nm. The standard curve of ADNPH was linear in the range 3-300 amg L-1 per injection (20 mu L) and the limit of detection (LOD) for acetaldehyde was 2.03 mu g L-1, with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.999 and a precision (relative standard deviation, RSD) of 5.6% (n=5). Recovery studies were performed by fortifying fuel samples with acetaldehyde at various concentrations and the results were in the range 98.7-102%, with a coefficient of variation (CV) from 0.2% to 7.2%. Several fuel samples collected from various gas stations were analyzed and the method was successfully applied to the analysis of acetaldehyde in fuel ethanol samples.