996 resultados para 340-U1401D
Aims: The utility of p53 as a prognostic assay has been elusive. The aims of this study were to describe a novel, reproducible scoring system and assess the relationship between differential p53 immunohistochemistry (IHC) expression patterns, TP53 mutation status and patient outcomes in breast cancer.
Methods and Results: Tissue microarrays were used to study p53 IHC expression patterns: expression was defined as extreme positive (EP), extreme negative (EN), and non-extreme (NE; intermediate patterns). Overall survival (OS) was used to define patient outcome. A representative subgroup (n = 30) showing the various p53 immunophenotypes was analysed for TP53 hotspot mutation status (exons 4-9). Extreme expression of any type occurred in 176 of 288 (61%) cases. As compared with NE expression, EP expression was significantly associated (P = 0.039) with poorer OS. In addition, as compared with NE expression, EN expression was associated (P = 0.059) with poorer OS. Combining cases showing either EP or EN expression better predicted OS than either pattern alone (P = 0.028). This combination immunophenotype was significant in univariate but not multivariate analysis. In subgroup analysis, six substitution exon mutations were detected, all corresponding to extreme IHC phenotypes. Five missense mutations corresponded to EP staining, and the nonsense mutation corresponded to EN staining. No mutations were detected in the NE group.
Conclusions: Patients with extreme p53 IHC expression have a worse OS than those with NE expression. Accounting for EN as well as EP expression improves the prognostic impact. Extreme expression positively correlates with nodal stage and histological grade, and negatively with hormone receptor status. Extreme expression may relate to specific mutational status.
The general practitioner (GP) is in a pivotal position to initiate and adapt care for their patients living with dementia. This study aimed to elicit GPs' perceptions of the potential barriers and solutions to the provision of good-quality palliative care in dementia in their practices. A postal survey of GPs across Northern Ireland was conducted with open-ended items soliciting for barriers in their practices and possible solutions; 40.6% (138/340) were returned completed. Barriers to palliative care in dementia were perceived to be a dementia knowledge deficit for healthcare staff and the public, a resource shortfall within the GP practice and community, poor team coordination alongside inappropriate dementia care provision, and disagreements from and within families. These findings have significant implications for educators and clinicians as enhanced dementia education and training were highlighted as a strong agenda for GPs with the suggestions of dementia awareness programmes for the public.
Two mechanisms of conduction were identified from temperature dependent (120 K-340 K) DC electrical resistivity measurements of composites of poly(c-caprolactone) (PCL) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). Activation of variable range hopping (VRH) occurred at lower temperatures than that for temperature fluctuation induced tunneling (TFIT). Experimental data was in good agreement with the VRH model in contrast to the TFIT model, where broadening of tunnel junctions and increasing electrical resistivity at T > T-g is a consequence of a large difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion of PCL and MWCNTs. A numerical model was developed to explain this behavior accounting for a thermal expansion effect by supposing the large increase in electrical resistivity corresponds to the larger relative deformation due to thermal expansion associated with disintegration of the conductive MWCNT network. MWCNTs had a significant nucleating effect on PCL resulting in increased PCL crystallinity and an electrically insulating layer between MWCNTs. The onset of rheological percolation at similar to 0.18 vol% MWCNTs was clearly evident as storage modulus, G' and complex viscosity, vertical bar eta*vertical bar increased by several orders of magnitude. From Cole-Cole and Van Gurp-Palmen plots, and extraction of crossover points (G(c)) from overlaying plots of G' and G '' as a function of frequency, the onset of rheological percolation at 0.18 vol% MWCNTs was confirmed, a similar MWCNT loading to that determined for electrical percolation.
Laves phase has been widely accepted to cause the impact brittleness of 9–12Cr martensitic heat-resistant steels after long time aging at elevated temperatures. However, in the present research, the impact toughness of the already brittle P92 steel aged at 600 °C for 2035 h could be restored to the original level by reheating at 700 °C for 1 h, with Laves phase barely changed. This interesting result strongly indicated that the presence of Laves phase might not be the real reason for the impact brittleness.
Na ´ultima d´ecada emergiu uma linha de investiga¸c˜ao muito activa em term´ometros n˜ao invasivos e precisos que possam determinar temperatura `a escala nanom´etrica. Esta investiga¸c˜ao foi fortemente estimulada pelas numerosas solicita¸c˜oes da nanotecnologia e da biomedicina, por exemplo. Uma das abordagens mais promissoras prop˜oe o uso de i˜oes trivalentes de lantan´ıdeos que apresenta propriedades fotoluminescentes que dependem da temperatura. Neste trabalho demonstra-se que esta t´ecnica combina as vantagens de te um limite de detec¸c˜ao de 0.5 graus com sensibilidade at´e 4.5 % · K−1. Este term´ometro molecular pode ser processado em filmes finos ou nanopart´ıculas, abrindo os campos de aplica¸c˜ao a diferentes utiliza¸c˜oes. As nanopart´ıculas de s´ılica produzidas s˜ao caracterizadas na presen¸ca e na ausˆencia de i˜oes lantan´ıdeos. Sem o metal, as nanopart´ıculas de APTES/TEOS demonstram ser luminescentes sob excita¸c˜ao UV sem necessidade de utilizar qualquer tratamento t´ermico. O rendimento quˆantico de emiss˜ao depende apenas da propor¸c˜ao dos silanos e pode atingir o valor de 0.15 ± 0.02. A co-dopagem destas nanopart´ıculas com Eu3+ e Tb3+ permite obter sondas com resposta raciom´etrica, com a possibilidade de ajustar a gama de temperaturas de opera¸c˜ao e a sensibilidade, via desenho inteligente da matriz de suporte e dos ligandos de β-dicetona que est˜ao coordenados ao i˜ao met´alico. Quando processados como filmes, este term´ometro permite o mapeamento de temperaturas com resolu¸c˜ao espacial 1.8 μm. A racionaliza¸c˜ao da dependˆencia de temperatura ´e uma ferramenta ´util para desenvolver term´ometros que operam em gamas de temperatura espec´ıficos (e.g. gama de temperatura fisiol´ogica, 290-340 K) com sensibilidade acima de 0.5 % · K−1. A combina¸c˜ao de esfor¸cos de um grande n´umero de diversas disciplinas ir´a previsivelmente permitir o surgimento de term´ometros moleculares novos e sofisticados, preenchendo os principais requisitos das nanociencias.
It is necessary to transform the educative experiences into the classrooms so that they favor the development of intellectual abilities of children and teenagers. We must take advantage of the new opportunities that offer information technologies to organize learning environments which they favor those experiences. We considered that to arm and to program robots, of the type of LEGO Mind Storms or the so called “crickets”, developed by M. Resnik from MIT, like means so that they children them and young people live experiences that favor the development of their intellectual abilities, is a powerful alternative to the traditional educative systems. They are these three tasks those that require a reflective work from pedagogy and epistemology urgently. Robotics could become in the proper instrument for the development of intelligence because it works like a mirror for the intellectual processes of each individual, its abilities like epistemologist and, therefore, is useful to favor those processes in the classroom.
Empirical studies concerning face recognition suggest that faces may be stored in memory by a few canonical representations. Models of visual perception are based on image representations in cortical area V1 and beyond, which contain many cell layers for feature extraction. Simple, complex and end-stopped cells provide input for line, edge and keypoint detection. Detected events provide a rich, multi-scale object representation, and this representation can be stored in memory in order to identify objects. In this paper, the above context is applied to face recognition. The multi-scale line/edge representation is explored in conjunction with keypoint-based saliency maps for Focus-of-Attention. Recognition rates of up to 96% were achieved by combining frontal and 3/4 views, and recognition was quite robust against partial occlusions.
Dissertação mest., Gerontologia Social, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Mit der Analyse des Kostenverlaufes in der Abteilung „Milchtrocknung“ wird die Aktualisierung der Modellabteilungsrechnung fortgeführt. In fünf Unterabteilungen - Vorstapelung, Eindampfung, Trocknung, Absackung und Lager - wird verursachungsgerecht untersucht, welche Kosten bei der Herstellung von Sprühmagermilchpulver, abgefüllt in 25-kg-Säcken, auf Abteilungsebene entstehen. Die Bestimmung der Abteilungs- und Stückkosten erfolgt in drei Modellgrößen, deren Kapazitäten entsprechend der Leistung des Verdampfers für Verarbeitungsmengen zwischen 10.800 und 55.000 kg Magermilch/Stunde ausgelegt sind. In Abhängigkeit vom Beschäftigungsgrad, der für Werte zwischen 15 und 100 % simuliert wird, lassen sich Kosten für Produktionsmengen zwischen 1.000 und 35.300 t Magermilchpulver/Jahr ermitteln. Die in Ansatz gebrachten Investitionen betragen im Modell 1 8,1 Mio. DM, die sich im Modell 3 auf 20,3 Mio. DM erhöhen. Bezogen auf die jeweilige Outputmenge ergeben sich aus den Investitionssummen spezifische Investitionen, die mit zunehmender Modellgröße von 1.177 DM auf 576 DM/t Magermilchpulver abfallen. Bei einer Beschäftigung von 100 % mit 340 Produktionstagen im Jahr errechnen sich in den Modellkalkulationen modellspezifische Gesamtkosten in Höhe von 371,28 Pf im Modell 1,358,74 Pf im Modell 2 und 351,06 Pf im Modell 3 je kg Magermilchpulver. Kostenanalysen bei einem Beschäftigungsgrad von 80 % mit 280 Produktionstagen im Jahr zeigen, daß die modellspezifischen Gesamtkosten zu 86 % (Modell 1) bis 92 % (Modell 3) von den Rohstoffkosten bestimmt werden. 3 - 6 % entfallen auf die Anlagekosten, 1 - 3 % auf die Personalkosten, und mit 4 % sind die Kosten für Energie und Betriebsstoffe an den modellspezifischen Gesamtkosten beteiligt. Die Verpackungskosten werden in allen Modellen mit einem Anteil von 1 % an den Gesamtkosten ausgewiesen. Unter dem Einfluß von Kapazitätsauslastung und Kapazitätsgröße lassen sich auffallende Kostendegressionseffekte erzielen, die durch Simulationsrechnungen für verschiedene Variationen von Beschäftigungen, Produktionstagen und -Zeiten belegt werden. Die Kostenanalyse zeigt deutlich, daß mit zunehmender Modellgröße und steigender Produktionsmenge erhebliche Stückkostendegressionen zu erzielen sind, wobei der Einfluß des Beschäftigungsgrades auf die Kostendesgression merklich höher ist als derjenige der Modellgröße.
Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Pediatria), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2013
The relevance of the relationship between evaluation and learning is widely acknowledged; as well as the importance of this learning process to support policy decision making and to judge the value of “what was done”, “how” and “with what results”. Although the activity of evaluation is not something new, but a field of knowledge with its own theories and practices, it is important to notice that there is great variability in the tradition and cultures of evaluation between countries. This paper presents and compares different conceptual and methodological frameworks created for the assessment of the European initiative Urban II, including the one that was used by the author in the context of an academic evaluation in the city of Porto. The comparative analysis of the results leads us to the recommendation for more democratic processes of evaluation and intervention, in order to improve their quality and accountability and promote the important goal of learning with this type of experimental initiatives.
In IP networks, most of packets, that have been dropped, are recovered after the expiration of retransmission timeouts. These can result in unnecessary retransmissions and needless reduction of congestion window. An inappropriate retransmission timeout has a huge impact on TCP performance. In this paper we have proved that CSMA/CA mechanism can cause TCP retransmissions due to CSMA/CA effects. For this we have observed three wireless connections that use CSMA/CA: with good link quality, poor link quality and in presence of cross traffic. The measurements have been performed using real devices. Through tracking of each transmitted packet it is possible to analyze the relation between one-way delay and packet loss probability and the cumulative distribution of distances between peaks of OWDs. The distribution of OWDs and the distances between peaks of OWDs are the most important parameters of tuning TCP retransmission timeout on CSMA/CA networks. A new perspective through investigating the dynamical relation between one-way delay and packet loss ratio depending on the link quality to enhance the TCP performance has been provided.