923 resultados para 28s Rdna


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Molecular characterisation of Bursaphelenchus cocophilus, the causal agent of ‘red ring disease’, is imperative for efficient identification procedures in Brazil and Colombia, because quarantine species such as B. xylophilus and B. mucronatus are already listed in both countries. ITS-1/2 region and D2-D3 segment of LSU rDNA were used to characterise isolates of B. cocophilus obtained from coconut plantations in Brazil and Colombia. Results from ITS-1/2 and LSU rDNA regions showed that all isolates of B. cocophilus from Brazil and Colombia formed a monophyletic group. The LSU rDNA region indicated that all isolates formed a single monophyletic group with high Bayesian posterior probability (100%). This is the first study on ITS-1/2 for the characterisation of B. cocophilus populations. A species-specific primer was designed for identification of B. cocophilus.


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Monochamus beetles are the dispersing vectors of the nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the causative agent of pine wilt disease (PWD). PWD inflicts significant damages in Eurasian pine forests. Symbiotic microorganisms have a large influence in insect survival. The aim of this study was to characterize the bacterial community associated to PWD vectors in Europe and East Asia using a culture-independent approach. Twenty-three Monochamus galloprovincialiswere collected in Portugal (two different locations); twelve Monochamus alternatus were collected in Japan. DNA was extracted from the insects’ tracheas for 16S rDNA analysis through denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and barcoded pyrosequencing. Enterobacteriales, Pseudomonadales, Vibrionales and Oceanospirilales were present in all samples. Enterobacteriaceae was represented by 52.2% of the total number of reads. Twenty-three OTUs were present in all locations. Significant differences existed between the microbiomes of the two insect species while for M. galloprovincialis there were no significant differences between samples from different Portuguese locations. This study presents a detailed description of the bacterial community colonizing the Monochamus insects’ tracheas. Several of the identified bacterial groups were described previously in association with pine trees and B. xylophilus, and their previously described functions suggest that they may play a relevant role in PWD.


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The genus Passiflora L. consists of approximately 530 widely distributed species, including Passiflora edulis, which has drawn interest because of its commercial and agronomic value. Passiflora cincinnata is another important species owing to its long flowering period and resistance or tolerance to diseases and pests. In the present study, the meiotic segregation and pollen viability of an interspecific hybrid (P. edulis x P. cincinnata) and its parents were analyzed. The genomic contents were characterized using chromomycin A3 (CMA3)/40-60-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining, fluorescent in situ hybridization with 5S/45S ribosomal DNA (rDNA), genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The results indicated the diploid chromosome number for the parents and interspecific hybrid was 2n = 18. We also observed regular meiosis, one pair of S rDNA sites, and two pairs of 45S rDNA sites that colocalized with two pairs of CMA3 /DAPI- bands. The GISH data revealed three distinct chromosomal groups in the hybrid. The genetic origins of the interspecific hybrid, and its relationship with its parents were also confirmed using ISSR markers.


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Mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) are major pests of a wide range of crops and ornamental plants worldwide. Their high degree of morphological similarity makes them difficult to identify and limits their study and management. We aimed to identify a set of markers for the genetic characterization and identification of complexes of taxa in the Pseudococcidae. We surveyed and tested the genetic markers used in previous studies and then identified new markers for particularly relevant genomic regions for which no satisfactory markers were available. We tested all markers on a subset of four taxa distributed worldwide. Five markers were retained after this first screening: two regions of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene, 28S-D2, the entire internal transcriber space 2 locus and the rpS15-16S region of the primary mealybug endosymbiont Tremblaya princeps. We then assessed the utility of these markers for the characterization and identification of 239 samples from 43 sites in France and Brazil. The five markers studied (i) successfully distinguished all species identified by morphological examination, (ii) disentangled complexes of species by revealing intraspecific genetic variation and identified a set of closely related taxa for which taxonomic status requires clarification through further studies, and (iii) facilitated the inference of phylogenetic relationships between the characterized taxa.


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The European brown hare (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) is an important game species, distributed across Europe and introduced in other regions. Recently, a geographically isolated population, closely related to an ancestral lineage of Lepus europaeus meridiei, was found on Pianosa Island, off the coast of Tuscany, Italy (Mengoni et al., 2018). Thus, the unique opportunity to explore the evolution and genetic structure of its helminth parasites was added to its exceptional isolation condition. Various lungworm species within the genus Protostrongylus (Nematoda: Protostrongylidae) are described in European brown hares. Our aim was to analyze the parasite population through morphological and molecular approaches in order to study the biogeography of the European brown hares (L. e. meridiei) population from Pianosa Island. Moreover, we investigated the morphology of a monospecific genus, i.e. Orthostrongylus, considering its quite intrigant descriptive history and its still unclear and debated classification. Nuclear and mitochondrial markers were used based on their resolution power and expected polymorphism; the whole Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 and 2 (ITS), including the 5.8S rRNA sequence and the Large Subunit (28S) were used, as nuclear genes, for confirmation of the species identification. Conversely, the cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) was used, as mithocondrial genes, to assess interspecific genetic relationships. Molecular analysis corroborated the morphological identification since all the generated ITS and LSU sequences were 100% consistent with the species Protostrongylus oryctolagi and Orthostrongylus macrotis. The paucity of molecular data existent about this genus of parasites underlines the need for more insight’s studies. An in-depth analysis of broncho-pulmonary parasites and the host-parasites relationships along with the improvement of the use of mitochondrial genes, as well as the assessment of new polymorphic markers could contribute to an extensive understanding of parasites fauna and taxonomy, as well as their relationship with wild mammals’ hosts.


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La Policitemia Vera (PV) è una neoplasia mieloproliferativa con un aumentato rischio di trombosi e di progressione verso la Mielofibrosi. L'infiammazione cronica è comunemente osservata nelle neoplasie mieloproliferative, compresa la PV. La rete infiammatoria, tra le varie componenti, comprende le vescicole extracellulari (EVs), che svolgono un ruolo nella comunicazione cellula-cellula. Inoltre, le componenti microbiche circolanti sono state recentemente indicate come potenziali modificatori dell'infiammazione, della coagulazione e dell’emopoiesi in generale. Qui abbiamo studiato il DNA microbico delle EVs circolanti attraverso. Sangue periferico e feci sono stati raccolti da pazienti con PV (n=38) e da donatori sani (n=30). Le EVs circolanti derivate da megacariociti (MK) e piastrine (PLT) sono state analizzate mediante citometria a flusso. Dopo l'estrazione del DNA microbico dalle feci e dalle EV isolate, è stata sequenziata la regione V3-V4 del 16S rDNA. La percentuale di EVs di MK era ridotta nei pazienti con PV rispetto ai donatori sani. Al contrario, la proporzione di EVs di PLT era aumentata. La PV è stata associata anche a una firma del DNA microbico delle EVs isolate con una maggiore diversità e una composizione microbica distinta rispetto alla controparte sana. Nei pazienti con PV c’è una maggiore proporzione di EVs associate al lipopolisaccaride. Il profilo del microbioma intestinale non differiva tra PV e doantori. Inoltre, l'aumento della proporzione di EVs di MK e la riduzione di EVs di piastre identificavano i pazienti con pregressa trombosi. Le EVs dei pazienti con trombosi erano impoverite di DNA di Staphylococcus ma arricchite di DNA di Actinobacteria e Anaerococcus. Inoltre, questi pazienti avevano livelli più bassi di EVs associate al lipopolisaccaride. I pazienti con fibrosi midollare avevano una maggiore proporzione di PE-EV ed erano arricchite in DNA di Collinsella e Flavobacterium. Questi dati possono contribuire a perfezionare la prognosi della PV e a identificare nuovi bersagli farmacologici.


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Panorama geral sobre os cânceres que mais afetam as mulheres, estatísticas. Aborda as políticas públicas e publicitárias do câncer de mama e cércvico-uterino, incidência no Brasil, exames de prevenção e tratamento. Estudos que comprovam o benefício das atividades físicas e alimentação correta nesses casos, o atendimendo nas unidades de saúde etc.