938 resultados para 27-year Follow-up


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AIMS: The aim of this study was to observe the percentage of thromboembolic and haemorrhagic events over a 2-year follow-up in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) undergoing closure of the left atrial appendage (LAA) with an occlusion device. Observed events and CHADS2 (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age, diabetes, stroke history), CHA2DS2-VASc (also adding: vascular disease and sex) and HAS-BLED (hypertension, abnormal liver/renal function, stroke history, bleeding predisposition, labile international normalised ratios, elderly, drugs/alcohol use)-predicted events were compared. METHODS: LAA closure with an occlusion device was performed in 167 NVAF patients contraindicated for oral anticoagulants and recruited from 12 hospitals between 2009 and 2013. At least two transoesophageal echocardiograms were performed in the first 6 months postimplantation. Antithrombotics included clopidogrel and aspirin. Patients were monitored for death, stroke, major and relevant bleeding and hospitalisation for concomitant conditions. Mean age was 74.68±8.58, median follow-up was 24 months, 5.38% had intraoperative complications and implantation was successful in 94.6% of subjects. Mortality during follow-up was 10.8%, mostly (9.5%) non-cardiac related. Bleeding occurred in 10.1% of subjects, 5.7% major and 4.4% minor though relevant, and 4.4% suffered stroke. Major bleeding and stroke/transient ischaemic attack events within 2 years (annual event rates, 290 patients/year) were less frequent than expected from CHADS2 (2.4% vs 9.6%), CHA2DS2-VASc (2.4% vs 8.3%) and HAS-BLED (3.1% vs 6.6%) risk scores (p<0.001, p=0.003, p=0.047, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: LAA closure with an occlusion device in patients contraindicated for oral anticoagulants is a therapeutic option associated with fewer thromboembolic and haemorrhagic events than expected from risk scores, particularly in the second year postimplantation.


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Objectives: Obesity during adolescence is an increasing health problem in industrial countries. The comorbidities associated with obesity include important metabolic diseases. Methods: To analyze the effect of a weight-loss program, we recruited 12 obese, male adolescents before entering this program. We determined body weight measures at baseline, 6-week and 36-month follow-up. Also, the long-term changes of blood pressure, HbAlc, and CRP were evaluated. Twenty healthy age-matched adolescents served as controls. Results: Within the intervention group ((body mass index [BMI, kg/m²] > 95th percentile for age and sex, age 13-17 years) the BMI and BMI-standard deviation score [SDS] were significantly reduced in the 6-week follow-up after completing the weight loss program. However, the significant weight-reduction effect was not persistent until the 36-month follow-up. Conclusion: The 6-week weight-loss program had beneficial short-term effects on body weight, BMI, and BMI-SDS in obese adolescents, but these effects could not be maintained until the 36-month follow-up.


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A implantação de um pacemaker (PMD) ou de um cardioversor desfibrilhador (CDI) tornou-se num procedimento comum e relativamente simples, como tratamento para disritmias cardíacas. Apesar da implantação não implicar uma alteração importante no estilo de vida, está inerente a algumas preocupações e sentimentos de ansiedade, relacionadas sobretudo com as atividades de vida diária. A equipa de enfermagem do Serviço de Cardiologia do Hospital Fernando Fonseca mantém em funcionamento uma consulta de enfermagem ao portador de PMD e/ou CDI desde 2000. Nos últimos anos foram sendo realizadas algumas alterações no sentido de melhorar a consulta e os cuidados prestados a estes doentes. A consulta é realizada por enfermeiros com treino e experiência na área da aritmologia, ocorrendo 4-6 semanas após a implantação do referido dispositivo. Numa primeira consulta constatamos que muitos doentes, durante este período, limitaram ao máximo as suas atividades de vida aguardando pela consulta para esclarecer as suas dúvidas. De forma a encurtar o tempo entre a implantação do dispositivo e a 1ª consulta, a equipa de enfermagem implementou, em Janeiro de 2016 o follow-up telefónico, encontrando-se em fase de teste. Este follow-up é feito cerca de uma semana após a implantação do dispositivo e tem como objetivos fazer uma breve avaliação do estado do doente, despistar eventuais sinais inflamatórios da sutura operatória, fazer alguns ensinos, esclarecer dúvidas e, em caso de necessidade, encaminhar o doente aos cuidados de saúde, se a situação assim o justificar. A análise preliminar que fazemos foi bastante positivo tendo em conta o feed-back obtido pelos doentes /família. Neste contato telefónico foi possível resolver questões, algumas delas geradoras de ansiedade e, despistar eventuais situações de eventual infecção do local cirúrgico. Futuramente iremos reorganizar a consulta de enfermagem de forma a introduzir esta atividade contribuindo assim para a melhoria da qualidade dos cuidados.


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Two passive methods in the assessment of intradomiciliary infestation by Rhodnius ecuadoriensis were tested: (i) the Gomes Nuñez sensor box (GN), (ii) sheets of white typing paper and (iii) one active timed manual method. The study was carried out in the Alto Chicama River Valley, Province of Gran Chimú, Department of La Libertad. The study design consisted of an initial searching of triatomines inside of the domestic environment by the manual capture active procedure (man/hour) covering all the studied houses. Then, matched pairs of GN boxes and paper sheets were simultaneously installed in the bedrooms of 207 households distributed in 19 localities. A comparative prospective trial of these passive detection devices were monitored at 2, 4 and, finally 6 months follow-up. Parasitological Trypanosoma rangeli and/or T. cruzi infections were investigated in two houses with high level of infestation by R. ecuadoriensis.16.9% of the 207 households investigated by an initial active manual method were infested with R. ecuadoriensis. The proportion of infested houses fluctuated from 6.2 to 55.5% amongst the 19 localities investigated. T. rangeli natural infection was detected in R.ecuadoriensis specimens collected in two households. Parasite rates in the bugs ranged from 16.6 to 21.7% respectively. The most striking fact was an average rate of salivary gland infection ranging from 7.4 to 8.3%. At the end of the sixth month period, a cumulative incidence of 31.4% of positive GN boxes against 15.9% for paper sheets was recorded. All three methods combined detected domestic infestation in 129 (62.3%) of the 207 houses studied in the 19 localities. The range of houses infested varies from 6.7% to 92.9%. In areas with low bug density infestation rates, the methodology experienced in our studies, seems to be the best choice for investigations on domestic R. ecuadoriensis populations.


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Over the last few decades, the importance of ophthalmic examination in neurodegenerative diseases of the CNS has reportedly increased. The retina is an extension of the CNS and thus should not be surprising to find abnormal results in both the test exploring visual processing and those examining the retina of patients with CNS degeneration. Current in vivo imaging techniques are allowing ophthalmologists to detect and quantify data consistent with the histopathological findings described in the retinas of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and may help to reveal unsuspected retinal and optic‐nerve repercussions of other CNS diseases. In this chapter, we perform an analysis of the physiological changes in ocular and cerebral ageing. We analyse the ocular manifestations in CNS disorders such as stroke, AD and Parkinson’s disease. In addition, the pathophysiology of both the eye and the visual pathway in AD are described. The value of the visual psychophysical tests in AD diagnosis is reviewed as well as the main findings of the optical coherence tomography as a contribution to the diagnosis and monitoring of the disease. Finally, we examine the association of two neurodegenerative diseases, AD and glaucoma, as mere coincidence or possible role in the progression of the neurodegeneration.


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Introduction: Infantile hemangiomas of the airway are diagnosed at bronchoscopy as part of the investigation of stridor or other respiratory symptoms. Here, we present three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT)/bronchoscopy findings of submucosal subglottic hemangioma missed at bronchoscopy. Case Presentation: We report on the clinical usefulness of 3D-CT/bronchoscopy as the primary diagnostic tool and follow-up method in the evaluation of suspected airway infantile hemangiomas, especially when the hemangioma is the submucosal type. Conclusions: 3D-CT/bronchoscopy will reduce the need for invasive laryngoscopic studies and help to diagnose submucosal hemangiomas undetected on laryngoscope. Additionally, 3D-CT/bronchoscopy will help evaluating the extent of the lesion, degree of airway narrowing, and treatment response.


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Background: Complex chronic diseases are a challenge for the current configuration of Health services. Case management is a service frequently provided for people with chronic conditions and despite its effectiveness in many outcomes, such as mortality or readmissions, uncertainty remains about the most effective form of team organization, structures, and the nature of the interventions. Many processes and outcomes of case management for people with complex chronic conditions cannot be addressed with the information provided by electronic clinical records. Registries are frequently used to deal with this weakness. The aim of this study was to generate a registry-based information system of patients receiving case management to identify their clinical characteristics, their context of care, events identified during their follow-up, interventions developed by case managers, and services used. Methods and design: The study was divided into three phases, covering the detection of information needs, the design and its implementation in the healthcare system, using literature review and expert consensus methods to select variables that would be included in the registry. Objective: To describe the essential characteristics of the provision of ca re lo people who receive case management (structure, process and outcomes), with special emphasis on those with complex chronic diseases. Study population: Patients from any District of Primary Care, who initiate the utilization of case management services, to avoid information bias that may occur when including subjects who have already been received the service, and whose outcomes and characteristics could not be properly collected. Results: A total of 102 variables representing structure, processes and outcomes of case management were selected for their inclusion in the registry after the consensus phase. Total sample was composed of 427 patients, of which 211 (49.4%) were women and 216 (50.6%) were men. The average functional level (Barthel lndex) was 36.18 (SD 29.02), cognitive function (Pfeiffer) showed an average of 4.37 {SD 6.57), Chat1son Comorbidity lndex, obtained a mean of 3.03 (SD 2.7) and Social Support (Duke lndex) was 34.2 % (SD 17.57). More than half of patients include in the Registry, correspond lo immobilized or transitional care for patients discharged from hospital (66.5 %). The patient's educational level was low or very low (50.4%). Caregivers overstrain (Caregiver stress index), obtained an average value of 6.09% (SD 3.53). Only 1.2 % of patients had declared their advanced directives, 58.6 had not defined the tutelage and the vast majority lived at home 98.8 %. Regarding the major events recorded at RANGE Registry, 25.8 % of the selected patients died in the first three months, 8.2 % suffered a hospital admission at least once time, 2.3%, two times, and 1.2% three times, 7.5% suffered a fall, 8.7% had pressure ulcer, 4.7% had problems with medication, and 3.3 % were institutionalized. Stroke is the more prevalent health problem recorded (25.1%), followed by hypertension (11.1%) and COPD (11.1%). Patients registered by NCMs had as main processes diabetes (16.8%) and dementia (11.3 %). The most frequent nursing diagnoses referred to the self-care deficit in various activities of daily living. Regarding to nursing interventions, described by the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC), dementia management is the most used intervention, followed by mutual goal setting, caregiver and emotional support. Conclusions: The patient profile who receive case management services is a chronic complex patient with severe dependence, cognitive impairment, normal social support, low educational level, health problems such as stroke, hypertension or COPD, diabetes or dementia, and has an informal caregiver. At the first follow up, mortality was 19.2%, and a discrete rate of readmissions and falls.


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BACKGROUND: The timing of cardiac surgery after stroke in infective endocarditis (IE) remains controversial. We examined the relationship between the timing of surgery after stroke and the incidence of in-hospital and 1-year mortalities. METHODS: Data were obtained from the International Collaboration on Endocarditis-Prospective Cohort Study of 4794 patients with definite IE who were admitted to 64 centers from June 2000 through December 2006. Multivariate logistic regression and Cox regression analyses were performed to estimate the impact of early surgery on hospital and 1-year mortality after adjustments for other significant covariates. RESULTS: Of the 857 patients with IE complicated by ischemic stroke syndromes, 198 who underwent valve replacement surgery poststroke were available for analysis. Overall, 58 (29.3%) patients underwent early surgical treatment vs 140 (70.7%) patients who underwent late surgical treatment. After adjustment for other risk factors, early surgery was not significantly associated with increased in-hospital mortality rates (odds ratio, 2.308; 95% confidence interval [CI], .942-5.652). Overall, probability of death after 1-year follow-up did not differ between 2 treatment groups (27.1% in early surgery and 19.2% in late surgery group, P = .328; adjusted hazard ratio, 1.138; 95% CI, .802-1.650). CONCLUSIONS: There is no apparent survival benefit in delaying surgery when indicated in IE patients after ischemic stroke. Further observational analyses that include detailed pre- and postoperative clinical neurologic findings and advanced imaging data (eg, ischemic stroke size), may allow for more refined recommendations on the optimal timing of valvular surgery in patients with IE and recent stroke syndromes.


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Background: Although numerous studies and metanalysis have shown the beneficial effect of statin therapy in CVD secondary prevention, there is still controversy such the use of statins for primary CVD prevention in patients with DM. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of total major adverse cardio-vascular events (MACE) in a cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes complicated by nephropathy treated with statins, in order to verify real life effect of statin on CVD primary prevention. Methods: We conducted an observational prospective multicenter study on 564 patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy free of cardiovascular disease attending 21 national outpatient diabetes clinics and followed them up for 8 years. 169 of them were treated with statins (group A) while 395 were not on statins (group B). Results: Notably, none of the patients was treated with a high-intensity statin therapy according to last ADA position statement. Total MACE occurred in 32 patients from group A and in 68 patients from group B. Fatal MACE occurred in 13 patients from group A and in 30 from group B; nonfatal MACE occurred in 19 patients from group A and in 38 patients from group B. The analysis of the Kaplan-Meier survival curves showed a not statistically significant difference in the incidence of total (p 0.758), fatal (p 0.474) and nonfatal (p 0.812) MACE between the two groups. HbA1c only showed a significant difference in the incidence of MACE between the two groups (HR 1.201, CI 1.041-1.387, p 0.012). Conclusions: These findings suggest that, in a real clinical setting, moderate-intensity statin treatment is ineffective in cardiovascular primary prevention for patients with diabetic nephropathy.


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Background: Although the negative consequences on health of being obese are well known, most adults gain weight across the lifespan. The general increase in body mass index (BMI) is mainly considered to originate from behavioral and environmental changes; however, few studies have evaluated the influence of these factors on change in BMI in the presence of genetic risk. We aimed to study the influence of multifactorial causes of change in BMI, over 65 years. Methods and Findings: Totally, 6130 participants from TwinGene, who had up to five assessments, and 536 from the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging, who had up to 12 assessments, ranging over 65 years were included. The influence of lifestyle factors, birth cohort, cardiometabolic diseases and an individual obesity genetic risk score (OGRS) based on 32 single nucleotide polymorphisms on change in BMI was evaluated with a growth model. For both sexes, BMI increased from early adulthood to age of 65 years, after which the increase leveled off; BMI declined after age of 80 years. A higher OGRS, birth after 1925 and cardiometabolic diseases were associated with higher average BMI and a steeper increase in BMI prior to 65 years of age. Among men, few factors were identified that influence BMI trajectories in late life, whereas for women type 2 diabetes mellitus and dementia were associated with a steeper decrease in BMI after the age of 65 years. Conclusions: There are two turning points in BMI in late adulthood, one at the age of 65 years and one at the age 80 years. Factors associated with an increase in BMI in midlife were not associated with an increase in BMI after the age of 65 years. These findings indicate that the causes and consequences of change in BMI differ across the lifespan. Current health recommendations need to be adjusted accordingly.


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Introducción: El incremento de pacientes sintomáticos de rodilla y la osteoartrosis en jóvenes con limitadas posibilidades terapéuticas después de una meniscectomía, genera la búsqueda de alternativas terapéuticas. A pesar que es poco utilizado en Colombia, el trasplante meniscal es una propuesta para el manejo sintomático. Según cifras norteamericanas, se practican entre 700.000 a 1.500.000 artroscopias de rodilla anualmente, el 50% termina en meniscectomía y de este un 40% persisten sintomáticos. Métodos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo, con el objetivo de evaluar dolor (Escala Visual Análoga-EVA) y funcionalidad (Escala de Tegner y Lysholm) en los pacientes a quienes se les realizó trasplante meniscal o meniscectomía por segunda vez, entre los años 2007 a 2015. Resultados: A partir de los 6 meses la EVA mostró una tendencia a la mejoría en el grupo de trasplante meniscal, pasando de Moderado a Leve (p: <0.000). La Escala de Tegner y Lysholm cambió de Pobre a Bueno en el grupo de segunda meniscectomía (p= 0.008) y de Bueno a Excelente en el grupo trasplantado (p=0.225). La calificación promedio de la EVA en el grupo de trasplante presentó mejoría (p=<0.000), a diferencia del grupo de segunda meniscectomía (p=0.591). La escala de Tegner y Lysholm, mostró significancia estadística con tendencia a la mejoría en el grupo de segunda meniscectomía. Discusión: Los resultados muestran que con trasplante meniscal hay mejoría del dolor y la funcionalidad versus un segunda meniscectomía. Para fortalecer la evidencia de este tratamiento son necesarios estudios prospectivos complementarios.