930 resultados para 2004-08-BS
As novas demandas sociais e as diretrizes curriculares brasileiras para os cursos de odontologia colocam desafios à prática docente nas instituições de educação superior. Nesse contexto, investigam-se as concepções de qualidade de ensino universitário de professores que atuam como coordenadores de graduação nas faculdades de odontologia do Estado de São Paulo que possuem pós-graduação stricto-sensu, para refletir sobre os desafios da formação docente na área. Como instrumentos de levantamento de dados utilizou-se questionário, contendo perguntas abertas e fechadas e entrevista semi-estruturada, organizada para possibilitar o aprofundamento da discussão. Os dados foram descritos e discutidos mediante análise quantitativa e qualitativa, a partir das três dimensões da prática docente analisadas por Cunha (1995): político-estrutural, curricular e pedagógica. Para este artigo, focalizaram-se apenas os aspectos da dimensão pedagógica, na qual os pontos que expressam posturas mais contraditórias referem-se a métodos de ensino-aprendizagem, participação do aluno e tutoria. Os resultados apontam para concepções de ensino-aprendizagem que oscilam entre modelos tradicionais e inovadores, sinalizando pontos de conflito em relação a paradigmas que se articulam diretamente a questões curriculares e político-estruturais.
Esse trabalho visou investigar o efeito da idade de aves sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes da soja integral extrusada (SIE), soja integral tostada à vapor (SITV) e farelo de soja com óleo (FSO) na produção de enzimas digestivas do pâncreas. Cinco ensaios de digestibilidade foram conduzidos com frangos de corte de uma, duas, três, quatro e seis semanas de idade. Foi utilizada a metodologia de coleta total de excretas. A atividade das enzimas amilase e tripsina pancreática aumentou linearmente com a idade das aves, assim como o crescimento alométrico do pâncreas. A maior taxa de crescimento ocorreu na segunda semana, coincidindo com a fase de maior aumento da atividade das enzimas digestivas. Entretanto, para a atividade da lipase, o efeito da idade foi diferente para cada alimento. Para aves alimentadas com SITV, a atividade dessa enzima cresceu linearmente com a idade, enquanto nas alimentadas com SIE, FSO e ração, o efeito foi quadrático. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca e extrato etéreo e os valores de energia metabolizável dos tipos de sojas variaram em proporções diferentes em função da idade. Também, observou-se correlação positiva entre a digestibilidade do extrato etéreo e a atividade de lipase. Os valores de energia metabolizável aparente corrigida (EMAn) e verdadeira corrigida (EMVn) determinados para a SIE apresentaram comportamento quadrático em função da idade, ocorrendo aumento da energia metabolizável (EM) até a 3ª semana de idade e diminuindo a partir da 4ª semana. Entretanto, a em da SITV, FSO e da ração não foi afetada pela idade da ave. O aproveitamento da energia dos alimentos varia com a idade das aves, em função de sua dependência da atividade enzimática.
Foi avaliado o efeito, no desempenho animal, da adição da casca do grão de soja em substituição ao grão de sorgo na fração concentrada da dieta de novilhos confinados na fase de terminação dos 19 aos 23 meses de idade. Os tratamentos foram correspondentes aos diferentes níveis de substituição do grão de sorgo por casca de soja: 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100%. A dieta com relação volumoso:concentrado de 60:40 continha 12% de proteína bruta. Analisando os dados por regressão, verificou-se comportamento quártico para ganho de peso diário e conversão alimentar, com valores de 1,040; 1,242; 1,167; 1,264 e 1,208 kg para ganho e de 8,490; 7,340; 7,611; 7,029 e 7,201 para conversão alimentar, respectivamente, nos níveis 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100% de substituição do sorgo pela casca de soja. Comportamento linear decrescente foi observado para consumo diário de matéria seca por 100 kg de peso vivo, com valores de 2,43; 2,46; 2,40; 2,37 e 2,32%, e por unidade de tamanho metabólico, de 106,5; 107,6; 105,4; 104,4 e 102,2 g, respectivamente. Verificou-se, por intermédio da análise de contrastes, que os animais alimentados com as dietas contendo casca de soja apresentaram melhores ganho de peso e conversão alimentar em relação aos alimentados com a dieta que continha somente sorgo.
Objetivou-se avaliar, por meio do desempenho animal, silagens de três híbridos de milho (Zea mays, L.): Agroceres AG-5011, Braskalb XL-344 e Cargill C-806. Foram utilizados 27 machos, não-castrados, mestiços Nelore x Charolês, com idade média de 10 meses e peso médio inicial de 252 kg, confinados durante 84 dias, subdivididos em quatro períodos de 21 dias. As silagens dos híbridos testados corresponderam a 70% da matéria seca ofertada. Não houve interação do híbrido de milho testado com o período de avaliação em confinamento, para os parâmetros estudados. A dieta que incluiu a silagem do híbrido AG-5011 resultou em maior consumo voluntário médio diário de matéria seca, expresso por 100 kg de peso vivo e tamanho metabólico, e maior consumo médio diário de fibra em detergente ácido, expresso nas diferentes formas, em relação aos híbridos XL-344 e C-806, que, por sua vez, foram semelhantes entre si. As dietas que incluíram silagens dos híbridos AG-5011, XL-344 e C-806 apresentaram semelhanças quanto ao consumo voluntário de matéria seca, expresso em kg/animal/dia (6,73; 6,05; e 6,19), consumo médio diário de FDN, em kg/dia (3,054; 2,837; e 2,836), e energia digestível, expressa nas diferentes formas, ganho de peso médio diário, em kg/dia (1,283; 1,219; e 1,249), ganho em estado corporal, conversão alimentar (5,26; 4,98; e 4,97) e eficiência energética (14,02; 13,68; e 13,21). Os três híbridos são indicados como materiais genéticos de muito boa qualidade para produção de silagem, promovendo ganhos de peso diário superior a 1,2 kg/animal/dia, quando utilizados em dietas com relação volumoso:concentrado de 70:30.
The cell bodies of 5-HT containing neurons that innervate the limbic forebrain are mainly found in the dorsal raphe nucleus and in the median raphe nucleus (MRN). To assess the role of the median raphe nucleus in anxiety, rats bearing either electrolytic or 5-HT-selective neurotoxic lesion of the MRN were tested in the elevated T-maze. This apparatus consists of two opposed open arms perpendicular to one enclosed arm. Two tasks are performed in succession by the same rat in one experimental session, namely inhibitory avoidance of the open arm, taken as a measure of conditioned anxiety and one-way escape from the open arm, considered as a measure of unconditioned fear. The test was performed 7 days after the electrolytic lesion (3 mA, 10 s) or 14 days after the neurotoxic lesion (5,7-DHT, 8 mug/1 mul). The results showed that while the electrolytic lesion impaired both inhibitory avoidance and one-way escape, the neurotoxic lesion impaired only inhibitory avoidance. Therefore, serotonergic pathways originating in the MRN seem to participate in the modulation of conditioned anxiety but not unconditioned fear. Other neurotransmitter systems that either originate in or pass through the MRN may regulate unconditioned fear. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of antibodies against T gondii and N. caninum in captive maned wolves from Brazil, considering that little information is available at the literature about infections by these parasites in this wild animal. Serum samples were obtained from 59 maned wolves originated from six zoos and from one ecological reserve of the southeastern and midwestern regions of Brazil. To detect IgG antibodies against T gondii, an ELISA protocol was used and the results were expressed as ELISA reactivity indexes (131). Serology for N. caninum was carried out by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and cut-off titers were established at 1:25 dilution. From the total of the analyzed samples, 44 (74.6%) were seropositive for T gondii and only 5 (8.5%) for N. caninum. Seropositivity for T gondii ranged from 0 to 100% in the seven different origin locals, with rates over 50% among the six zoos, whereas no positivity was found in the samples from ecological reserve. For N. caninum, seroprevalence varied from 0 to 50% in the different locals, with the highest rates also detected in zoos. Seroprevalence for T gondii was strongly related with age, with rates significantly higher among adult wolves (91.7%) when compared to newborn or young animals. Seropositive samples for N. caninum were found predominantly in adult wolves. For both parasites, seroprevalence did not show a significant distinction in relation to gender. Although seroprevalence for T gondii was significantly higher when compared to N. caninum in the Brazilian captive maned wolves tested, these findings reflect the great exposure of this species to T gondii and, in lower extension, to N. caninum. Also, the present study demonstrated for the first time the presence of antibodies to N. caninum in wild life from South America. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The encrustation of Paleozoic rhynchonelliform brachiopods has been studied for decades, but modern brachiopods have not received similar scrutiny. The discovery of abundant subtropical brachiopods from the Southeast Brazilian Bight provides an unprecedented opportunity to assess epibiont abundance, diversity, and encrustation patterns in modern brachiopod assemblages. Across the outer shelf, encrustation frequencies vary among taxa, from mean values of 0.45% for Platidia to 9.3% for Argyrotheca. Encrustation frequencies for Bouchardia increase from 1.6% on the outer shelf to 84% on the inner shelf Larger valves are encrusted more frequently, and epibionts preferentially colonize valve interiors. Increased encrustation on the inner shelf may reflect the greater surface area of larger hosts, longer exposure of dead shells, water-mass characteristics, sedimentation rates, productivity, or other factors that vary with depth. Inner-shelf brachiopods exhibit encrustation frequencies comparable to those reported for epifaunal bivalves. The epibiont fauna is dominated by bryozoans and serpulids, with minor roles played by spirorbids, bivalves, barnacles, foraminifera, algae, and other taxa. Epibiont abundance at each site is highly variable, but sites are similar in rank importance of epibiont taxa. A different suite of epibionts colonized Paleozoic brachiopods, but similar patterns of encrustation have been observed, including preferential settlement according to valve morphology. These results provide a baseline for evaluating the encrustation of modern bivalves and ancient brachiopods, and may elucidate the macroevolutionary history of epibionts and their relationship to their hosts.
In an area of tropical seasonal semideciduous forest, the soil characteristics, floristic composition, physiognomic structure, and the distribution of three regeneration and three dispersal guilds were studied for four stands within the forest that had documented histories of varying degrees of human disturbance. The aim was to study forest regeneration in areas of preserved forest and secondary forest, with parts of both types of forest experiencing either 'intensive' or 'occasional' cattle trampling. The study was carried out in the Sebastiao Aleixo da Silva Ecological Station, Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil. Two stands were called 'secondary' because they corresponded to forest tracts that were felled and occupied by crops and pastures in the past and then abandoned to forest regeneration ca. 40 years before this study. The other two stands, called 'preserved', corresponded to areas of the fragment where the forest has been maintained with only minor human impacts. The arboreal component of the tree community (diameter at breast height or dbh greater than or equal to 5 cm) was sampled in 20 plots of 40 m x 40 m, and the subarboreal component (diameter at the base of the stem or dbs < 5 cm and height greater than or equal to 0.5 m) in subplots of 40 m x 2 m. Physiognomic features, such as canopy height and density of climbing plants, were registered all over a 5 m x 5 m gridline laid on the sample plots. Soil bulk samples were collected for chemical and textural analyses. Most detected differences contrasted the secondary to the preserved forest stands. The soils of the secondary stands showed higher proportions of sand and lower levels of mineral nutrients and organic matter than those of the preserved stands, probably due to higher losses by leaching and erosion. Compared to the secondary stands, the preserved ones had higher proportions of tall trees, higher mean canopy height, lower species diversity, higher abundance of autochorous and shade-tolerant climax species, and lower abundance of pioneer and light-demanding climax species. Despite the high proportion of species shared by the preserved and secondary stands (108 out of 139), they differed consistently in terms of density of the most abundant species. on the other hand, the secondary and preserved stands held similar values for tree density and basal area, suggesting that 40 years were enough to restore these features. Effects of cattle trampling on the vegetation were detected for the frequency of trees of anemochorous and zoochorous species, which were higher in the stands under occasional and intensive cattle trampling, respectively. The density of thin climbers was lower in the stands with intensive trampling. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We analyze the dynamics of a driven vortex lattice moving in a thin Superconducting stripe. The two dimensional stripe is assumed to be finite in the longitudinal direction, where we take into account the Surface effects, and infinite in the transversal direction. The numerical simulations are performed using the Langevin dynamics, including the vortex-vortex interaction, interaction of vortices with the surface current, vortex images, transport current and randomly distributed pinning centers. We show results for the differential resistivity and the vortex trajectories as a function of the external force. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
One of the most studied ceramic superconductors for application has been, undoubtedly, Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta. Although being a multiphasic material, it has proved to have great advantages compared to other ceramic systems. Measurements of the elastic energy loss and modulus (anelastic spectroscopy) as a function of temperature call distinguish among different atomic jumps that occur inside the various phases or at different local ordering. In this paper, mechanical loss spectra of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta bar shaped samples, made by a conventional method, have been measured between 80 and 600 K, using a torsion pendulum operating in frequencies below 50 Hz, for samples annealed in vacuum up to 600 K. Possible relaxation mechanisms are proposed to explain the origin of the mechanical-loss peaks observed 300 and 500 K. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Se1-yTey and Ge1-ySnySe2.5 glasses, with compositions Y less than or equal to 0.5 and Y less than or equal to 0.6 respectively, are investigated. These glasses show a glass transition temperature (T-g) above the stability limit, indicated by the Adiabatic Nucleation Model (ANM). This effect has to be so because, other-wise, when cooled, these undercooled liquids would crystallize by generalized nucleation near the stability limit and no T-g could be observed. This shows that Se1-yTey glasses for Y < 0.5 are structurally stable. Limiting cases are pure Te and Se50Te50, which have T'(g)'s on the stability limit. Pure amorphous Te has to be obtained by fast quenching techniques, where the effective (fast quenching) T-g(*) is higher and Se50Te50 tends to crystallize easily. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pt-modified RuO2 was prepared by a sol-gel procedure on titanium substrates in the form of thin films of similar to2-mum thickness. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses showed that these films actually consist of Pt nanoparticles dispersed in RuO2 and that neither metallic Ru nor Pt-Ru alloy are present on the surface. Electrodes with different Pt:Ru nominal compositions were prepared and their electrocatalytic activity for the oxidation of methanol was investigated by potential sweeps and chronoamperometry. The results obtained show an enhancement effect for methanol oxidation that can be interpreted as associated to the formation of hydrous oxides on the RuO2 surface.
The accumulation and microdistribution of uranium in the bone and marrow of Beagle dogs were determined by both neutron activation and neutron-fission analysis. The experiment started immediately after the weaning period, lasting till maturity. Two animal groups were fed daily with uranyl nitrate at concentrations of 20 and 100 mug(-1) food. of the two measuring techniques, uranium accumulated along the marrow as much as in the bone, contrary to the results obtained with single, acute doses. The role played by this finding for the evaluation of radiobiological long-term risks is discussed. It was demonstrated, by means of a biokinetical approach, that the long-term accumulation of uranium in bone and marrow could be described by a piling up of single dose daily incorporation.
The thermal behavior of simple and mixed pyrazolyl complexes [PdCl2(phmPz)(2)] (1),[Pd(N-3)(2)(phmPz)(2)] (2), [Pd(SCN)(2)(phmPz)(2)] (3), and [Pd(N-3)(SCN)(phmPz)(2)] (4) (phmPz: 1-phenyl-3-methylpyrazole) has been investigated by means of thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). From the initial decomposition temperatures, the thermal stability of the complexes can be ordered in the sequence: 4 < 2 < 3 < 1. The final products of the thermal decompositions were characterized as metallic palladium (Pd-0). (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Monofilamentary tapes (150 pm thickness) were prepared by swaging and rolling silver tubes containing the Bi:2212 ceramic (granulation below 20 mum) and the silver powder (about 0.8 mum). The study has been made, among other samples, on tapes with nominal proportions of 0, 10 and 20 wt.% of silver. The samples were characterized by SEM, and by electrical measurements under varying applied magnetic field. The measurements of J(c) showed that the addition of 10 wt.% silver powder is very beneficent to this property, doubling the obtained values at 60 K, while the 20 wt.% tape presented very low J(c). The tape with no silver content showed to have a J(c) as high as 2.2 x 10(5) A/cm(2), at 4.2 K, zero applied magnetic field. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.