993 resultados para 188-1167A


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Se aportan datos morfológicos, químicos y de distribución de seis especies de las familias Baeomycetaceae (Baeomyces) e Icmadophilaceae (Dibaeis, Icmadophila, Thamnolia) presentes en la Península Ibérica. Se publican numerosas nuevas citas de Baeomyces rufus y de Dibaeis baeomyces, que constituyen las especies más frecuentes y abundantes en la península.


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Canna tandilensis is proposed as a species new to science. Plants grow wild terrestrial, in rocky places exposed to solar radiation forming dense colonies whose individuals of small to medium length, produce reduced inflorescences with large and few yellow to bright orange flowers and narrow and reflexed staminodes. The specific epithet refers to the city of Tandil at the south of Buenos Aires Province where the holotype comes from. It is related to other species having reduced inflorescences, narrow leaves and staminodes, and nectar guides in androecium pieces such as C. lineata. A detailed description of the new species is given, along with a study of the morphological vegetative and floral characters. These characters were compared with those from two other species C. glauca and C. lineata. According to these new evidences two groups of similar species of the genus are suggested. The number of species surveyed until now in Argentina rises to sixteen.


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The taxonomic assignment of Prorocentrum species is based on morphological characteristics; however, morphological variability has been found for several taxa isolated from different geographical regions. In this study, we evaluated species boundaries of Prorocentrum hoffmannianum and Prorocentrum belizeanum based on morphological and molecular data. A detailed morphological analysis was done, concentrating on the periflagellar architecture. Molecular analyses were performed on partial Small Sub-Unit (SSU) rDNA, partial Large Sub-Unit (LSU) rDNA, complete Internal Transcribed Spacer Regions (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2), and partial cytochrome b (cob) sequences. We concatenated the SSU-ITS-LSU fragments and constructed a phylogenetic tree using Bayesian Inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods. Morphological analyses indicated that the main characters, such as cell size and number of depressions per valve, normally used to distinguish P. hoffmannianum from P. belizeanum, overlapped. No clear differences were found in the periflagellar area architecture. Prorocentrum hoffmannianum and P. belizeanum were a highly supported monophyletic clade separated into three subclades, which broadly corresponded to the sample collection regions. Subtle morphological overlaps found in cell shape, size, and ornamentation lead us to conclude that P. hoffmanianum and P. belizeanum might be considered conspecific. The molecular data analyses did not separate P. hoffmannianum and P. belizeanum into two morphospecies, and thus, we considered them to be the P. hoffmannianum species complex because their clades are separated by their geographic origin. These geographic and genetically distinct clades could be referred to as ribotypes: (A) Belize, (B) Florida-Cuba, (C1) India, and (C2) Australia.


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Sediment contaminants were monitored in Milford Haven Waterway (MHW) since 1978 (hydrocarbons) and 1982 (metals), with the aim of providing surveillance of environmental quality in one of the UK’s busiest oil and gas ports. This aim is particularly important during and after large-scale investment in liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities. However, methods inevitably have changed over the years, compounding the difficulties of coordinating sampling and analytical programmes. After a review by the MHW Environmental Surveillance Group (MHWESG), sediment hydrocarbon chemistry was investigated in detail in 2010. Natural Resources Wales (NRW) contributed their MHW data for 2007 and 2012, collected to assess the condition of the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) designated under the European Union Habitats Directive. Datasets during 2007-2012 have thus been more comparable. The results showed conclusively that a MHW-wide peak in concentrations of sediment polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), metals and other contaminants occurred in late 2007. This was corroborated by independent annual monitoring at one centrally-located station with peaks in early 2008 and 2011. The spatial and temporal patterns of recovery from the 2007 peak, shown by MHW-wide surveys in 2010 and 2012, indicate several probable causes of contaminant trends, as follows: atmospheric deposition, catchment runoff, sediment resuspension from dredging, and construction of two LNG terminals and a power station. Adverse biological effects predictable in 2007 using international sediment quality guidelines, were independently tested by data from monitoring schemes of more than a decade duration in MHW (starfish, limpets), and in the wider SAC (grey seals). Although not proving cause and effect, many of these potential biological receptors showed a simultaneous negative response to the elevated 2007 contamination following intense dredging activity in 2006. Wetland bird counts were typically at a peak in the winter of 2005-2006 previous to peak dredging. In the following winter 2006-2007, shelduck in Pembroke River showed their lowest winter count, and spring 2007 was the largest ever drop in numbers of broods across MHW between successive breeding seasons. Wigeon counts in Pembroke River were again low in late 2012 after further dredging nearby. These results are strongly supported by PAH data reported previously from invertebrate bioaccumulation studies in MHW 2007-2010, themselves closely reflecting sediment


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En el presente trabajo se ha realizado una revisión del género Seseli L. en la Península Ibérica: en él se incluye una clave para la determinación de los táxones existentes, así como un mapa corológico de los mismos y las localidades estudiadas, pliegos y herbarios consultados. Se proponen dos combinaciones nuevas, S. granatense Will. por S. montanum L. subsp. granatense (Will.) Pardo y S. varyredanum Font Quer por Athamanta vayredana (Font Quer) Pardo, teniendo en cuenta tanto los caracteres morfológicos de la planta como los polínicos y anatómicos de los mericarpos (Pardo inéd.). En el presente trabajo no se incluye el taxon S. farrenyi Molero & Pujadas, debido a que esta nueva especie fue publicada con posterioridad a la realización de nuestro estudio.


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The recently published book "Los bosques ibéricos. Una interpretación geobotánica" (The Iberian forests. A geobotanical interpretation) is commented in this paper, mostly about its critical contents on the apportations of the phytosociological school to the knowledge of the composition, ecology, distribution and dynamism of the Iberian forests.


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We present descriptions of a new order (Ranunculo cortusifolii-Geranietalia reuteri and of a new alliance (Stachyo lusitanicae-Cheirolophion sempervirentis) for the herbaceous fringe communities of Macaronesia and of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, respectively. A new alliance, the Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (mesophilous post-cultural grasslands), was introduced for the Peninsular Italy. We further validate and typify the Armerietalia rumelicae (perennial grasslands supported by nutrient-poor on siliceous bedrocks at altitudes characterized by the submediterranean climate of central-southern Balkan Peninsula), the Securigero-Dasypyrion villosae (lawn and fallow-land tall-grass annual vegetation of Italy), and the Cirsio vallis-demoni-Nardion (acidophilous grasslands on siliceous substrates of the Southern Italy). Nomenclatural issues (validity, legitimacy, synonymy, formal corrections) have been discussed and clarified for the following names: Brachypodio-Brometalia, Bromo pannonici-Festucion csikhegyensis, Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae, Heleochloion, Hieracio-Plantaginion radicatae, Nardetea strictae, Nardetalia strictae, Nardo-Callunetea, Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Oligo-Bromion, Paspalo-Heleochloetalia, Plantagini-Corynephorion and Scorzoneret alia villosae. 


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There is growing interest in the mating systems of sharks and their relatives (Class Chondrichthyes) because these ancient fishes occupy a key position in vertebrate phylogeny and are increasingly in need of conservation due to widespread overexploitation. Based on precious few genetic and field observational studies, current speculation is that polyandrous mating strategies and multiple paternity may be common in sharks as they are in most other vertebrates. Here, we test this hypothesis by examining the genetic mating system of the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo, using microsatellite DNA profiling of 22 litters (22 mothers, 188 embryos genotyped at four polymorphic loci) obtained from multiple locations along the west coast of Florida. Contrary to expectations based on the ability of female S. tiburo to store sperm, the social nature of this species and the 100% multiple paternity observed in two other coastal shark species, over 81% of sampled bonnethead females produced litters sired by a single male (i.e. genetic monogamy). When multiple paternity occurred in S. tiburo, there was an indication of increased incidence in larger mothers with bigger litters. Our data suggest that sharks may exhibit complex genetic mating systems with a high degree of interspecific variability, and as a result some species may be more susceptible to loss of genetic variation in the face of escalating fishing pressure. Based on these findings, we suggest that knowledge of elasmobranch mating systems should be an important component of conservation and management programmes for these heavily exploited species.


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Thermoforming processes generally employ sheet temperature monitoring as the primary means of process control. In this paper the development of an alternative system that monitors plug force is described. Tests using a prototype device have shown that the force record over a forming cycle creates a unique map of the process operation. Key process features such as the sheet modulus, sheet sag and the timing of the process stages may be readily observed, and the effects of changes in all of the major processing parameters are easily distinguished. Continuous, cycle-to-cycle tests show that the output is consistent and repeatable over a longer time frame, providing the opportunity for development of an on-line process control system. Further testing of the system is proposed.


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Math-Towers (www.math-towers.ca) is a collaborative mathematics environment for pupils in grades 7 to 9. Using a fantasy adventure game context students are presented with a mathematical challenge, given online tools for working on the problem,and provided with a messaging system by which they may exchange ideas and partial solutions. This paper presents the philosophy behind the design of Math-Towers and work with students that indicates the extent to which we have been successful in meeting our aims. The technical and social problems encountered and revisions made to address these are also described.


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Liquid-liquid equilibria of two ternary mixtures 2M1B-2M1BOH-H[2]O] and 2M2B-2M1BOH-H[2]O were measured at 5, 15 and 25 C. UNIQUAC and NRTL models were fitted to the experimental data using ASPEN PLUS. Both experimental and correlated values of equilibrium compositions were compared with the values predicted by UNIFAC method. The same procedure was extended to the quaternary mixture 2M1B-2M2B-2M 1BOH-H[2]O. The regressed results were in good agreements with experimental data. Original UNIFAC model performed better representation than Dortmund UNIFAC model.