989 resultados para 162-980


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An understanding of carbonaceous matter in primitive extraterrestrial materials is an essential component of studies on dust evolution in the interstellar medium and the early history of the Solar System. We have suggested previously that a record of graphitization is preserved in chondritic porous (CP) aggregates and carbonaceous chondrites1,2 and that the detailed mineralogy of CP aggregates can place boundary conditions on the nature of both physical and chemical processes which occurred at the time of their formation2,3. Here, we report further analytical electron microscope (AEM) studies on carbonaceous material in two CP aggregates which suggest that a record of hydrocarbon carbonization may also be preserved in these materials. This suggestion is, based upon the presence of well-ordered carbon-2H (lonsdaleite) in CP aggregates W7029*A and W7010*A2. This carbon is a metastable phase resulting from hydrous pyrolysis below 300-350°C and may be a precursor to poorly graphitized carbons (PGCs) in primitive extraterrestrial materials2. © 1987 Nature Publishing Group.


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Shared services are increasingly prevalent in practice, their introduction potentially entailing substantive and highly consequential organizational redesign. Yet, attention to the structural arrangements of shared services has been limited. This study explores types of structural arrangements for shared services that are observed in practice, and the salient dimensions along which those types can be usefully differentiated. Through inductive attention to the shared services literature, and content analysis of 36 secondary case studies of shared services in the higher education sector, three salient dimensions emerged: (1) the existence or not of a separate organizational entity, (2) an intra- or inter-organizational sharing boundary, and (3) involvement or not of a third party. Each dimension being dichotomous yields 23 combinations, or eight shared services structural arrangement types. Each of the eight structural arrangement types is defined and demonstrated through case examples. The typology offers clarity around shared services structural arrangements. It can serve as a useful analytical tool for researchers investigating the phenomenon further, and for practitioners considering the introduction or further development of shared services arrangements. Important follow on research is suggested too.


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Selected chrysocolla mineral samples from different origins have been studied by using PXRD, SEM, EDX and XPS. The XRD patterns show that the chrysocolla mineral samples are non-diffracting and no other phases are present in the minerals, thus showing the chrysocolla samples are pure. SEM analyses show the chrysocolla surfaces are featureless. EDX analyses enable the formulae of the chrysocolla samples to be calculated. The thermal decomposition of the mineral chrysocolla has been studied using a combination of thermogravimetric analysis and derivative thermogravimetric analysis. Five thermal decomposition mass loss steps are observed for the chrysocolla from Arizona (a) at 125 ◦C with the loss of water, (b) at 340 ◦C with the loss of hydroxyl units, (c) at 468.5 ◦C with a further loss of hydroxyls, (d) at 821 ◦C with oxygen loss and (e) at 895 ◦C with a further loss of oxygen. The thermal analysis of the chrysocolla from Congo shows mass losses at 125, 275.3, 805.6 and 877.4 ◦C and for the Nevada chrysocolla, mass loss steps at 268, 333, 463, 786.0 and 817.7 ◦C are observed. The thermal analysis of spertiniite is very different from that of chrysocolla and thermally decomposes at around 160 ◦C. XPS shows that there are two different copper species present, one which is bonded to oxygen and one to a hydroxyl unit. The O 1s is broad and very symmetrical suggesting two O species of equal number. The bond energy of 102.9 eV for the Si 2p suggests that it is in the form of a silicate. The bond energy is much higher for silicas around ∼103.5 eV. The reported value for silica gel has Si 2p at 103.4 eV. The combination of TG, PXRD, EDX and XPS adds to our fundamental knowledge of the structure of chrysocolla.


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Michel Foucault: The unconscious of history and culture The French thinker, Michel Foucault (1926–84), is noted for his extensive and controversial forays into the historical disciplines. When his work first began to circulate in the 1950s and 1960s, historians did not quite know what to make of it and philosophers resented the appearance of what they saw as the importation of the tedium of concrete events into the pure untainted realm of ideas. If these responses to his work remain alive and well decades after Foucault's death, the uptake of his work has become far more complex. To restrict ourselves to the discipline of history here: if one very visible and vocal camp of historians remains deeply ambivalent about his work, this merely disguises the fact that a far larger contingent of historians of all kinds – not just those located in history departments – use his ideas quite unremarkably ...


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Purpose – The aim of this paper is to establish a linkage between negative global media news towards Grameen Bank (GB), the largest microfinance organisation in the developing world, and the extent and type of annual report social performance disclosures by GB, over the nine-year period 1997-2005. Design/methodology/approach – Content analysis instruments are utilised to analyse GB annual report social disclosure. Findings – The study finds that GB's community poverty alleviation disclosures account for the highest proportion of total social disclosures in the period 1997-2005. The results of this study are particularly significant in relation to poverty alleviation – the issue attracting severe criticism from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ?) late in 2001. The community poverty alleviation disclosures by GB are significantly greater over the four years following the negative news in the WSJ than in the four years before. The results suggest that GB responds to a negative media story or legitimacy threatening news via annual report social disclosures in an attempt to re-establish its legitimacy. Originality/value – This paper contributes to the literature because in the past there has been no research published linking global media attention to the social disclosure practices of major organisations in developing countries


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Plumbogummite PbAl3(PO4)2(OH,H2O)6 is a mineral of environmental significance and is a member of the alunite-jarosite supergroup. The molecular structure of the mineral has been investigated by Raman spectroscopy. The spectra of different plumbogummite specimens differ although there are many common features. The Raman spectra prove the spectral profile consisting of overlapping bands and shoulders. Raman bands and shoulders observed at 971, 980, 1002 and 1023 cm−1 (China sample) and 913, 981, 996 and 1026 cm−1 (Czech sample) are assigned to the ν1 symmetric stretching modes of the (PO4)3−, at 1002 and 1023 cm−1 (China) and 996 and 1026 cm−1 to the ν1 symmetric stretching vibrations of the (O3POH)2− units, and those at 1057, 1106 and 1182 (China) and at 1102, 1104 and 1179 cm−1 (Czech) to the ν3 (PO4)3− and ν3 (PO3) antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Raman bands and shoulders at 634, 613 and 579 cm−1 (China) and 611 and 596 cm−1 (Czech) are attributed to the ν4 (δ) (PO4)3− bending vibrations and those at 507, 494 and 464 cm−1 (China) and 505 and 464 cm−1 (Czech) to the ν2 (δ) (PO4)3− bending vibrations. The Raman spectrum of the OH stretching region is complex. Raman bands and shoulders are identified at 2824, 3121, 3249, 3372, 3479 and 3602 cm−1 for plumbogummite from China, and at 3077, 3227, 3362, 3480, 3518 and 3601 cm−1 for the Czech Republic sample. These bands are assigned to the ν OH stretching modes of water molecules and hydrogen ions. Approximate O–H⋯O hydrogen bond lengths inferred from the Raman spectra vary in the range >3.2–2.62 Å (China) and >3.2–2.67 Å (Czech). The minority presence of some carbonate ions in the plumbogummite (China sample) is connected with distinctive intensity increasing of the Raman band at 1106 cm−1, in which may participate the ν1 (CO3)2− symmetric stretching vibration overlapped with phosphate stretching vibrations.


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Measuring wellness among adolescents is an emerging trend among professionals and researchers endeavouring to influence youth as they establish lifestyle patterns in this critical period of life. This discussion highlights instruments used to measure wellness among adolescents, and considers the empirical data supporting their validity and reliability amongst adolescents. In summary, Adolescent wellness is an important indicator of future health and lifestyle habits. There are a number of tools available to measure wellness, each with its own focus, depending on the definition or model from which it was developed. This may cause debate regarding the appropriateness of some instruments for evaluating wellness. The majority of wellness evaluation approaches reported among adolescents have less than ideal validation. A ‘gold standard’ definition could lead to the standardisation of a theoretical model against which wellness instruments could be validated. The absence of peer reviewed studies reporting psychometric testing for wellness evaluation instruments among adolescents is concerning given their growing popularity and highlights a priority area for future research in this field.


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The tertiary sector is an important employer and its growth is well above average. The Texo project’s aim is to support this development by making services tradable. The composition of new or value-added services is a cornerstone of the proposed architecture. It is, however, intended to cater for build-time. Yet, at run-time unforseen exceptions may occur and user’s requirements may change. Varying circumstances require immediate sensemaking of the situation’s context and call for prompt extensions of existing services. Lightweight composition technology provided by the RoofTop project enables domain experts to create simple widget-like applications, also termed enterprise mashups, without extensive methodological skills. In this way RoofTop can assist and extend the idea of service delivery through the Texo platform and is a further step towards a next generation internet of services.


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Background: Measurement accuracy is critical for biomechanical gait assessment. Very few studies have determined the accuracy of common clinical rearfoot variables between cameras with different collection frequencies. Research question: What is the measurement error for common rearfoot gait parameters when using a standard 30Hz digital camera compared to 100Hz camera? Type of study: Descriptive. Methods: 100 footfalls were recorded from 10 subjects ( 10 footfalls per subject) running on a treadmill at 2.68m/s. A high-speed digital timer, accurate within 1ms served as an external reference. Markers were placed along the vertical axis of the heel counter and the long axis of the shank. 2D coordinates for the four markers were determined from heel strike to heel lift. Variables of interest included time of heel strike (THS), time of heel lift (THL), time to maximum eversion (TMax), and maximum rearfoot eversion angle (EvMax). Results: THS difference was 29.77ms (+/- 8.77), THL difference was 35.64ms (+/- 6.85), and TMax difference was 16.50ms (+/- 2.54). These temporal values represent a difference equal to 11.9%, 14.3%, and 6.6% of the stance phase of running gait, respectively. EvMax difference was 1.02 degrees (+/- 0.46). Conclusions: A 30Hz camera is accurate, compared to a high-frequency camera, in determining TMax and EvMax during a clinical gait analysis. However, relatively large differences, in excess of 12% of the stance phase of gait, for THS and THL variables were measured.


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Introduction: Lower limb function in hurdling is patently asymmetrical. The lead limb undertakes the preparatory and landing steps while the trail limb contends with the hurdle and recovery steps. Discrete loading profiles of these steps will reflect the asymmetrical function and may provide useful insight into injury mechanisms. A pilot study was undertaken to determine the loading profiles of the hurdle, landing and recovery steps of elite male hurdlers. Equivalent data for steps between hurdles, where the running action is more symmetrical, were used for the purpose of comparison, simultaneously minimising the confounding effect of speed. Methodology: In-shoe pressures were recorded (FScan, 200 Hz) for four elite male hurdlers while they completed a routine hurdle drill at a self-selected fast but sub-race speed. The drill comprised of three consecutive hurdles. Data for the hurdle, landing and recovery steps of the first and second hurdles, along with data for the running steps between hurdles 1 and 2, and 2 and 3, were used for the purpose of analysis. Peak pressures within 1cm2 masks were determined for the hallux, first, central and fifth metatarsals (T1, M1, M2–4 and M5 respectively). Peak pressure (kPa) and loading duration (ms) for the hurdle, landing and recovery steps are reported as a percentage of the respective limb-matched values for between-hurdle steps. Results/discussion: For between-hurdle steps, T1, M1 and M2–4 peak pressures were 312/357, 356/306 and 362/368 kPa, lead/trail limbs respectively. For the hurdle, landing and recovery steps, pressures at T1 and M1 increased. For T1 the increases were in the order of 17%, 36% and 8% (hurdle, landing and recovery steps, respectively) while the corresponding increases at M1 were 7%, 54% and 20%. Pressures at M2–4 were similar for all steps, while M5 loaded erratically. For the between-hurdle steps, the loading durations at T1, M1 and M2–4, were 160/162, 170/142 and 190/191 ms, respectively. For the landing step, loading duration decreased for T1, M1and M2–4 (−8%, −19% and −18%, respectively). In the hurdle step, loading duration decreased for the metatarsals but not for T1. Conclusions: The hurdling action leads to regional pressure increases that act for shorter durations in comparison to the between-hurdle running steps. These changes are most notable at the first metatarsal, a common site of foot injury.


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Objective: To test the impact of oral health education provided to pregnant mothers on subsequent practices within the infant’s family. Research design: A quasi-experimental intervention trial comparing the effectiveness of ‘usual care’ to one, or both, of two oral health education resources: a ‘sample bag’ of information and oral health care products; and/or a nine-minute “Healthy Teeth for Life” video on postnatal oral health issues. Participants: Women attending the midwife clinic at approximately 30 weeks gestation were recruited (n=611) in a public hospital providing free maternity services. Results and Conclusions: Four months after the birth of their infant, relative to the usual care condition, each of the oral health education interventions had independent or combined positive impacts on mother’s knowledge of oral health practices. However young, single, health care card-holder or unemployed mothers were less likely to apply healthy behaviours or to improve knowledge of healthy choices, as a result of these interventions. The video intervention provided the strongest and most consistent positive impact on mothers’ general and infant oral health knowledge. While mothers indicated that the later stage of pregnancy was a good time to receive oral health education, many suggested that this should also be provided after birth at a time when teeth were a priority issue, such as when “baby teeth” start to erupt.


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The pegmatite mineral qingheiite Na2(Mn2+,Mg,Fe2+)2(Al,Fe3+)(PO4)3 has been studied by a combination of SEM and EMP, Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The studied sample was collected from the Santa Ana pegmatite, Argentina. The mineral occurs as a primary mineral in lithium bearing pegmatite, in association with beausite and lithiophilite. The Raman spectrum is characterized by a very sharp intense Raman band at 980 cm�1 assigned to the PO3�4 symmetric stretching mode. Multiple Raman bands are observed in the PO3�4 antisymmetric stretching region, providing evidence for the existence of more than one phosphate unit in the structure of qingheiite and evidence for the reduction in symmetry of the phosphate units. This concept is affirmed by the number of bands in the m4 and m2 bending regions. No intensity was observed in the OH stretching region in the Raman spectrum but significant intensity is found in the infrared spectrum. Infrared bands are observed at 2917, 3195, 3414 and 3498 cm�1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. It is suggested that some water is coordinating the metal cations in the structure of qingheiite.


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The term design thinking is increasingly used to mean the human-centred 'open' problem solving process decision makers use to solve real world 'wicked' problems. Claims have been made that design thinking in this sense can radically improve not only product innovation but also decision making in other fields, such as management, public health, and organizations in general. Many design and management schools in North America and elsewhere now include course offerings in design thinking though little is known about how successful these are with students. The lack of such courses in Australia presents an opportunity to design a curriculum for design thinking, employing design thinking's own practices. This paper describes the development of a design thinking course at Swinburne University taught simultaneously in Melbourne and Hong Kong. Following a pilot of the course in Semester 1, 2011 with 90 enrolled students across the two countries, we describe lessons learned to date and future course considerations as it is being taught in its second iteration.