991 resultados para 156-949
为了从分子水平对中国药用石斛及其混伪品进行鉴定,本文选取了核rDNA ITS 序列和叶绿体DNA 的matK 基因序列进行研究。采用改良的CTAB 法提取石斛的基因组DNA,PCR 产物直接测序法对17 种(共32 份)药用石斛的核糖体内转录间隔区ITS 全序列进行测定,克隆测序法对12 种(共22 份)药用石斛的叶绿体的matK 基因序列进行测定,运用BioEd it,MEGA4.0 等生物软件分析了石斛属植物的rDNA ITS 序列及叶绿体的matK 基因序列的特征,比较了石斛属间、种间、种内不同居群(品种)间的序列碱基差异及遗传距离,应用邻接法构建分子系统树。主要研究结果如下: (1)建立了17 种(共32 份)药用石斛rDNA ITS 区碱基全序列数据库,其中,ITS1 的长度为228~234 bp,GC 含量为45.7%~53.0%,变异位点167 个,占总位点67.34%,信息位点106 个,占总位点42.74%,ITS2 长度为241~247 bp,GC含量为44.8%~55.7%,变异位点165 个,占总位点66.27%,信息位点115 个,占总位点46.18%。 (2)建立了12 种(共22 份)药用石斛的叶绿体matK 基因全序列数据库,叶绿体matK 基因长1410 bp,变异位点51 个,信息位点11 个。除了存在碱基替换的遗传变异外,还存在碱基的插入和缺失。 (3)通过ITS 序列比较分析了各材料间的遗传距离和碱基差异,属间的遗传距离为0.295,石斛种间的平均遗传距离为0.142,碱基相差2~156 个,种内各居群间的平均遗传距离为0.002,碱基相差1~2 个。属间的遗传距离大于种间的遗传距离,种间的遗传距离大于种内不同居群(品种)间的遗传距离。 (4)根据分析石斛叶绿体的matK 基因序列得到,外类群(密花石豆兰)与石斛属间最小遗传距离为0.027,石斛种间的平均遗传距离为0.008,种间最大的遗传距离0.014, 最小的遗传距离为0.003,碱基相差8~20 个。种内不同居群(品种)遗传距离为0.001,相差1~5 个碱基。 (5)利用17 种石斛的全序列数据库及遗传分析软件,通过对待检种rDNA I TS区进行序列测定,成功地对10 个待检种进行了鉴定,并且在原植物开花后得到了验证。 (6)运用12 种石斛的matK 基因全序列数据库及遗传分析软件,成功地对4个待检种进行了鉴定,同样在原植物开花后得到了验证。 (7)本文利用石斛的核糖体内转录间隔区ITS 序列和叶绿体的matK 基因序列数据库分别构建了NJ 树,外类群与石斛属间石斛种间以及种内不同居群(品种)间均能在NJ 树中明显分化开来,二者构建的分子系统树一致,为石斛的分子鉴定提供了依据。 In order to identify Chinese Herba Dendrobii and its adulterant species on molecular level, we studied the sequences of rDNA ITS and chloroplast matK gene. Genomic DNA of Dendrobium was extracted using the modified cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) method. The PCR products of the rDNA ITS sequences of Dendrobium (32 materia ls) were purified and then sequenced. The PCR products of chloroplast matK gene of Dendrobium (22 materia ls) were purified, cloned and then sequenced. The characteristic of the sequences and the genetic dista nce were compared between Bulbophyllum odoratissimum and Dendrobium, Dendrobium interspecies, and different populations. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using the NJ method by the biology softwares including BioEd it, MEGA4.0 etc. The ma in results as follows: (1) It was built up that the database of rDNA ITS sequences of 17 species of Herba Dendrobii (32 materia ls). The ITS1 was 228~234 bp, the GC content accounting for 45.7%~53.0%. Its variable sites were 167, accounting for 67.34%. The Parsim-Informative positions were 106, accounting for 42.74%. The ITS2 was 241~247 bp, the GC accounting for 44.8%~55.7%. The variable sites were 165, accounting for 66.27%. The Parsim-Informative positions were 115, accounting for 46.18%. (2) The database of the chloroplast matK gene sequences was built up, which contained 12 species of Herba Dendrobii (22 materia ls). The matK gene sequences were about 1410bp in length. There were 51 variable sites and 11 Parsim-Informative sites. And there were nucleotides insertions and deletions in some species , in addition to the nucleotides substitutions. (3) The rDNA ITS sequences were compared and analyzed by the biology softwares. The genetic dista nce between Bulbophyllum odoratissimum and Dendrobium was 0.295. The avera ge genetic dista nce was 0.142 between Dendrobium species, and there were 2~156 variable nucleotides. The avera ge genetic dista nce between different populations was 0.002, and there were 2~156 variable nucleotides. The genetic dista nce between Bulbophyllum odoratissimum and Dendrobium was greater tha n that of Denrobium interspecies. Meanwhile, the genetic dista nce between Denrobium species was also greater tha n that of different populations (variaties). (4) The characteristics of the chloroplast matK gene sequences were obtained after analyzing by the biology softwares. The minima l genetic dista nce was 0.027 between Bulbophyllum odoratissimum and Dendrobium . The ma xima l genetic dista nce was 0.014 between Dendrobium species, and there were 20 variable nucleotides. The minima l genetic dista nce between populations was 0.003, and there were 8 variable nucleotides.The genetic dista nce between populations was 0.001, and there were 1~5 variable nucleotides. (5) The molecular Phylogeny tree was constructed on the database of rDNA ITS the sequences of 17 species of Herba Dendrobii using the biology softwares. Then we authenticated 10 materia ls on molecular level. What’s more, they had been proved when these pla nts flowered. (6) The molecular Phylogeny tree was built up on the database of chloroplast matK gene sequences of 12 species of Herba Dendrobii with the biology softwares.Then 4 materia ls were authenticated on molecular level. Moreover, they had also been proved when these pla nts were in flower. (7) The Phylogenetic trees were separately constructed on the sequences of rDNA ITS and chloroplast matK gene B. odoratissimum and Dendrobium all could be distinguished on the Phylogenetic trees. Meanwhile, the Phylogenetic trees based on two groups of sequences were coincident. rDNA ITS and matK gene sequence could be used as molecular markers for authentication of Herba Dendrobii.
This paper describes the technique targets and operation principle of the scanning power supply for the deep tumor therapy facility with heavy ions in Cooler-Storage-Ring of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou(HIRFL-CSR).To ensure the specified accuracy of the current,the hysteresis loop control strategy was adopted,and tracking error was constrained in the specified tolerance.One prototype was designed and installed.And the simulation results and test results were listed in the paper.The results sho...中文摘要:阐述了用于兰州重离子深层治癌装置的扫描电源的技术指标和工作原理,为保证该电源输出电流的精度,采用滞环控制策略,将跟踪误差限制在设计要求的误差范围内。研制了1台扫描电源样机,并给出了电路仿真和测试结果。测试结果显示各项指标均达到了设计要求,表明所选电路结构和滞环控制方案是切实可行的。
主要介绍了兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环CSR控制网的建立及测量分析方法,详细说明了激光跟踪仪转站原理和计算机算法。根据一般大地测量采取的建网原则,首先用全站仪建立了初级控制网,在此基础上加密形成了由168个网点构成的主环控制网;然后运用激光跟踪仪及其配套软件测量了主环控制网,其网点的点位精度可达到0.08 mm。应用2005年3月控制网的测量结果对主环磁铁进行了调节,结果显示四极铁横向就位精度达到0.15 mm,偏转角精度达到0.3 m rad。
通过引入等效普朗克常数 ,将量子系统中基本动力学变量的期望值和经典系统中基本动力学变量的精确值的时间演化行为相比较 ,分析了两者产生差异的因素 ,规则运动主要是和量子效应有关 ,而混沌运动则是和动力学效应有关 ,即与系统的动力学对称性破坏相联系 .在此基础上 ,比较了量子相空间测不准度和李雅谱诺夫指数 ,给出了令人满意的说明
通过介绍麦克斯韦方程的离散过程 ,简单介绍了有限积分理论 ( Finite Integration Theo-ry)。该理论直接以电场强度和磁感应强度为未知量 ,采用两套互相正交的网格 ,将场矢量离散为不同网格点上的一系列分量 ,将矢量积分方程转化为一组线性方程组。通过对 SFC高频腔体模拟的实例 ,可以看出 ,此方法在腔体本征频率、Q值及腔体并联阻抗等腔体参数计算中具有叫高的精度 ,说明了基于FIT的 MAFIA程序在腔体模拟中的可靠性
以很长半衰期 ( 4 2× 1 0 9a)的 β-衰变的 187Re- 187Os核对作为大尺度的宇宙核钟来量度宇宙的年纪 ,是近代天文学与核物理学相结合的又一典范 .这种宇宙时钟是利用裸核 187Re与它的衰变子体 187Os同位素在共生矿中天然含量的比值来测定时间的 .利用 187Re裸核的半衰期通过核物理计算可对中性 187Re的半衰期进行修定
本文研究了重离子12 C6+、16O8+对乙酰甲喹 (MAQO)的作用。结果表明 :重离子16O8+可使其结构改变 1 4%以上。 3 82nm、2 62nm、2 40nm特征峰随其含量的下降而变低平 ,并生成多种辐射产物 ,辐照后其抗菌作用明显增强 ,而毒性基本未发生变化