994 resultados para 126-792B


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[ES] En el presente trabajo se estudiaron de forma transversal 235 niños con edades comprendidas entre los 2 y 14,9 años. El 6% de la muestra total presentó bajo peso, y el 17% sobrepeso u obesidad. Por lo que concluimos que los servicios de pediatría deberían tener un papel activo en el control y prevención de las alteraciones del estado nutricional.


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To better understand human diseases, much recent work has focused on proteins to either identify disease targets through proteomics or produce therapeutics via protein engineering. Noncanonical amino acids (ncAAs) are tools for altering the chemical and physical properties of proteins, providing a facile strategy not only to label proteins but also to engineer proteins with novel properties. My thesis research has focused on the development and applications of noncanonical amino acids in identifying, imaging, and engineering proteins for studying human diseases. Chapter 1 introduces the concept of ncAAs and reveals insights to how I chose my thesis projects.

ncAAs have been incorporated to tag and enrich newly synthesized proteins for mass spectrometry through a method termed BONCAT, or bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging. Chapter 2 describes the investigation of the proteomic response of human breast cancer cells to induced expression of tumor suppressor microRNA miR-126 by combining BONCAT with another proteomic method, SILAC or stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture. This proteomic analysis led to the discovery of a direct target of miR-126, shedding new light on its role in suppressing cancer metastasis.

In addition to mass spectrometry, ncAAs can also be utilized to fluorescently label proteins. Chapter 3 details the synthesis of a set of cell-permeant cyclooctyne probes and demonstration of selective labeling of newly synthesized proteins in live mammalian cells using azidohomoalanine. Similar to live cell imaging, the ability to selectively label a particular cell type within a mixed cell population is important to interrogating many biological systems, such as tumor microenvironments. By taking advantage of the metabolic differences between cancer and normal cells, Chapter 5 discusses efforts to develop selective labeling of cancer cells using a glutamine analogue.

Furthermore, Chapter 4 describes the first demonstration of global replacement at polar amino acid positions and its application in developing an alternative PEGylation strategy for therapeutic proteins. Polar amino acids typically occupy solvent-exposed positions on the protein surface, and incorporation of noncanonical amino acids at these positions should allow easier modification and cause less perturbation compared to replacements at the interior positions of proteins.


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250 years ago, in Hamburg a herring polar migration theory was published as part of the "Nachrichten von Island, Grönland und der Straße Davis" from the literary remains of the mayor Dr. Johann Anderson. Based on various sources and capable to answer to the herring questions of the time, this one-stock-migration theory became international hypothesis during the following tenth of years. It still is classified as remarkable because some actual ideas on herring migration were thought already 250 years ago. Abstract DE: In Hamburg wurde vor 250 Jahren eine Polarstamm-Theorie zur Heringswanderung als Teil der Nachrichten von Island, Grönland und der Strasse Davis aus dem Nachlass des Bürgermeisters Dr. Johann Anderson veröffentlicht. Aufbauend auf unterschiedliche Quellen und in der Lage, die damaligen Fragen um den Hering zu beantworten, wurde diese Ein-Stamm-Theorie zur heringswanderung über Jahrzehnte internationale Lehrmeinung. Sie wird auch heute noch als bemerkenswert eingestuft. Denn sie enthielt vor 250 Jahren schon Gedankengänge, die noch aktuell sind.


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Surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) of Rhodamine 6G (R6G) adsorbed on colloidal silver clusters has been studied. Based on the great enhancement of the Raman signal and the quench of the fluorescence, the SERRS spectra of R6G were recorded for the samples of dye colloidal solution with different concentrations. Spectral inhomogeneity behaviours from single molecules in the dried sample films were observed with complementary evidences, such as spectral polarization, spectral diffusion, intensity fluctuation of vibrational lines and even "breathing" of the molecules. Sequential spectra observed from a liquid sample with an average of 0.3 dye molecules in the probed volume exhibited the expected Poisson distribution for actually measuring 0, 1 or 2 molecules. Difference between the SERRS spectra of R6G excited by linearly and circularly polarized light were experimentally measured.


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Examination of 40 time series of multidisciplinary environmental variables from the Pacific Ocean and the Americas, collected in 1968 to 1984, demonstrated the remarkable consistency of a major climate-related, step-like change in 1976. To combine the 40 variables (e.g., air and water temperatures, Southern Oscillation, chlorophyll, geese, salmon, crabs, glaciers, atmospheric dust, coral, carbon dioxide, winds, ice cover, Bering Strait transport) into a single time series, standard variants of individual annual values (subtracting the mean and dividing by a standard deviation) were averaged. Analysis of the resulting time series showed that the single step in 1976, separating the 1968-1975 period from the 1977-1984 period, accounted for 89% of variance within the composite time series. Apparently, one of the Earth's large ecosystems occasionally undergoes large abrupt shifts.


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Research laboratories in the Burrishoole catchment have been the focus of salmonid research since 1955. One aspect of the research has been to monitor the number of salmon and sea trout migrating to sea as smolts and returning to the catchment as adults. In the early 1990s it became clear that the smolt output from the catchment had declined over the previous two decades. At about the same time the presence of fine particles of peat silt in the hatchery became increasingly apparent and led to a higher incidence of mortality of young fry. These observations and management difficulties led to a study of silt transport in the surface waters of the catchment, which is described in this article. The authors describe geology, soils, climate and hydrology of Burrishoole before examining the sediment deposition in Lough Feeagh.


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Dormancy has been observed in several species of Cyclops. Animals in dormancy are characterised by almost complete inactivity of the main appendages and sluggish intestinal peristalsis. In Cyclops vicinus dormancy can take place in copepod stages III (19%), IV (78%) and V (3%) but one and the same animal only in one developmental stage. The author gives his own results between frequency of dormancy and photoperiod (20 C, 1000 lux). He concludes that dormancy in C. vicinus can be influenced by day length and can be ended prematurely by short day length.


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This thesis presents investigations in four areas of theoretical astrophysics: the production of sterile neutrino dark matter in the early Universe, the evolution of small-scale baryon perturbations during the epoch of cosmological recombination, the effect of primordial magnetic fields on the redshifted 21-cm emission from the pre-reionization era, and the nonlinear stability of tidally deformed neutron stars.

In the first part of the thesis, we study the asymmetry-driven resonant production of 7 keV-scale sterile neutrino dark matter in the primordial Universe at temperatures T >~ 100 MeV. We report final DM phase space densities that are robust to uncertainties in the nature of the quark-hadron transition. We give transfer functions for cosmological density fluctuations that are useful for N-body simulations. We also provide a public code for the production calculation.

In the second part of the thesis, we study the instability of small-scale baryon pressure sound waves during cosmological recombination. We show that for relevant wavenumbers, inhomogenous recombination is driven by the transport of ionizing continuum and Lyman-alpha photons. We find a maximum growth factor less than ≈ 1.2 in 107 random realizations of initial conditions. The low growth factors are due to the relatively short duration of the recombination epoch.

In the third part of the thesis, we propose a method of measuring weak magnetic fields, of order 10-19 G (or 10-21 G if scaled to the present day), with large coherence lengths in the inter galactic medium prior to and during the epoch of cosmic reionization. The method utilizes the Larmor precession of spin-polarized neutral hydrogen in the triplet state of the hyperfine transition. We perform detailed calculations of the microphysics behind this effect, and take into account all the processes that affect the hyperfine transition, including radiative decays, collisions, and optical pumping by Lyman-alpha photons.

In the final part of the thesis, we study the non-linear effects of tidal deformations of neutron stars (NS) in a compact binary. We compute the largest three- and four-mode couplings among the tidal mode and high-order p- and g-modes of similar radial wavenumber. We demonstrate the near-exact cancellation of their effects, and resolve the question of the stability of the tidally deformed NS to leading order. This result is significant for the extraction of binary parameters from gravitational wave observations.


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[ES]Este trabajo de fin de grado se basa en el diseño de un circuito neumático para una máquina conformadora. El diseño se efectúa con el programa Fluidsim. Primeramente se define un esquema de los movimientos básicos que se realiza en la conformación. Para el diseño del circuito se desarrollan dos posibles soluciones. Más tarde, se verifica su funcionamiento en el panel del Laboratorio de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Bilbao y se dimensionarán los elementos del circuito para un caso concreto. Por último, se extraerán las conclusiones pertinentes de cada circuito ensayado.


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A influência da dieta e da hereditariedade nas características dentofaciais foi avaliada através do exame de duas populações indígenas amazônicas divididas por um processo de fissão linear. Os indígenas que constituem a aldeia Arara-Iriri são descendentes de um único casal expulso da aldeia Arara-Laranjal. O crescimento da aldeia Iriri ocorreu pelo acasalamento de parentes próximos, ratificado por um alto coeficiente de consanguinidade (F=0,25, p<0,001). A epidemiologia da má oclusão e das características da face foi analisada nos indivíduos entre dois e 22 anos, das aldeias Iriri (n=46) e Laranjal (n=130). A biometria da dentição e da face foi obtida em 55 indígenas em dentição permanente sem perdas dentárias, através da fotogrametria facial e dos modelos de gesso. O desgaste dentário foi examinado em 126 indivíduos através da análise de regressão múltipla. Os resultados revelaram uma determinação significativa da idade no desgaste dos dentes (R2=87,6, p<0,0001), que se mostrou semelhante entre as aldeias (R2=0,027, p=0,0935). Por outro lado, diferenças marcantes foram observadas nas características dentofaciais. Revelou-se uma face mais vertical (dolicofacial) entre os índios Iriri e o predomínio do tipo braquifacial nos indígenas da aldeia original, corroborado pela fotogrametria. Uma face sagitalmente normal foi observada em 97,7% da aldeia Laranjal, enquanto faces convexas (26,1%, RR-16,96) e côncavas (15,2%, RR=19,78) eram mais prevalentes na aldeia Iriri (p<0,001). A biprotrusão, com consequente redução do ângulo nasolabial, era uma característica comum entre os Arara, porém com maior prevalência no grupo Iriri (RP=1,52, p=0,0002). A prevalência da má oclusão foi significativamente mais alta na aldeia Iriri (RP= 1,75, p=0,0007). A maioria da população da aldeia original (83,8%) apresentou uma relação normal entre os arcos dentários, contudo, na aldeia resultante (Iriri), 34,6% dos indivíduos era Classe III (RP=6,01, p<0,001) e 21,7% era Classe II (RP=2,02, p=0,05). Enquanto nenhum caso de apinhamento e de sobremordida foi observado na aldeia Iriri, a razão da prevalência era 2,64 vezes maior para a mordida aberta anterior (p=0,003), 2,83 vezes (p<0,001) para a mordida cruzada anterior, 3,93 (p=0,03) para a sobressaliência aumentada, e de 4,71 (p=0,02) para a mordida cruzada posterior. Observou-se uma alta prevalência das perdas dentárias, sem diferença entre as aldeias (RP=1,46, p=0,11). O exame dos modelos revelou uma tendência de incisivos maiores e pré-molares e caninos menores na aldeia Iriri, delineando uma semelhança na massa dentária total entre as aldeias, que, aliada a arcadas dentárias maiores, justificaram o menor índice de irregularidade dos incisivos entre esses indígenas. Esses resultados minimizam a influência do desgaste dentário, uma evidência direta de como um indivíduo se alimentou no passado, no desenvolvimento dentofacial e enfatizam o predomínio da hereditariedade, através da endogamia, na etiologia da variação anormal da oclusão dentária e da morfologia da face.