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The 11 April 2012 earthquakes (M-w 8.6 and M-w 8.2) were sourced within the Northern Wharton Basin in the northeastern part of the Indo-Australian diffuse plate boundary. This unusually active oceanic intraplate region has generated many large earthquakes in the past, most of which are believed to have occurred by strike-slip motion, triggered by the NW-SE oriented compressional stresses acting across the Indian and Australian plates. In the aftermath of the 2004 megathrust earthquake along the nearby Sunda Trench, increased seismicity in the Northern Wharton Basin is attributed to the stress transfer from the Sumatra-Andaman plate boundary. Models proposed for the April 2012 earthquakes differ somewhat in details but partly attribute their complex rupture to the reactivation of pre-existing structures. These structures include previously mapped N-S trending fracture zones within the Northern Wharton Basin and E-W lineations across the Ninetyeast Ridge. In this paper, we review the regional tectonics and past seismicity on the Indo-Australian Plate in order to understand the seismotectonic setting of the April 2012 Indian Ocean earthquakes. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study reports characteristics of inertia-gravity waves (IGWs) in the atmospheric boundary layer during the passage of Tropical Cylone-03B, using the Doppler Sound Detection and Ranging (SODAR) observations at the Indian tropical station of Gadanki (13.45 degrees N, 79.2 degrees E; near the east coast of India). Wavelet analysis of horizontal winds indicates significant wave motion (60h) near the characteristic inertial period. The hodograph analysis of the filtered winds shows an anti-cyclonic turning of horizontal wind with height and time, indicating the presence of IGW. This study finds important implications in boundary layer dynamics during the passage of tropical cyclones.


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A green colored nano-pigment Y2BaCuO5 with impressive near infra-red (NIR) reflectance (61% at 1100 nm) was synthesized by a nano-emulsion method. The developed nano-crystalline powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and CIE-L*a*b* 1976 color scales. The XRD and Rietveld analyses of the designed pigment powders reveal the orthorhombic crystal structure for Y2BaCuO5, where yttrium is coordinated by seven oxygen atoms with the local symmetry of a distorted trigonal prism, barium is coordinated by eleven oxygen atoms, and the coordination polyhedron of copper is a distorted square pyramid CuO5]. The UV-vis spectrum of the nano-pigment exhibits an intense d-d transition associated with CuO5 chromophore between 2.1 and 2.5 eV in the visible domain. Therefore, a green color has been displayed by the developed nano-pigment. The potential utility of the nano-pigments as ``Cool Pigments'' was demonstrated by coating on to a building roofing material like cement slab and PVC coatings. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Yeast Rpb4, a subunit of RNA pol II is not essential for viability but is involved in multiple cellular phenotypes such as temperature sensitivity, enhanced pseudohyphal morphology, and decreased sporulation. Both in vivo and in vitro studies strongly support involvement of Rpb4 in transcription initiation, while its role in transcription elongation is not entirely consistent. Here we show that Rpb4 is not required for recruitment of RNA pol II on the coding region of YLR454w, a representative long gene. Yet we find strong genetic interaction of rpb4 Delta with mutants in many transcription elongation factors such as Paf1, Spt4, Dst1, Elp3 and Rpb9. We demonstrate that, Rpb4 interacts functionally with Paf1 to affect the transcription elongation of the FKS1 gene. Our results suggest that while Rpb4 is not required for general transcription elongation, it could support transcription elongation for specific of class of genes by interaction with other elongation factors. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As-prepared graphene oxide (GO) contains oxidative debris which can be washed using basic solutions. We present the isolation and characterization of these debris. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is used to monitor the separation of the debris in various solvents in the presence of different protic and aprotic alkylamino bases. The study reveals that the debris are rich in carbonyl functional groups and water is an essential component for separation and removal of the debris from GO under oxidative reaction conditions.


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Many theories and mechanisms have been proposed to explain the phenomenon of clear-air turbulence (CAT), and some of them have been successful in predicting light, moderate and, in some cases, severe turbulence. It is only recently that skill in the forecasting of the severe form of CAT, which could lead to injuries to passengers and damage to aircraft, has improved. Recent observations and simulations suggest that some severe to extreme turbulence could be caused by horizontal vortex tubes resulting from secondary instabilities of regions of high shear in the atmosphere. We have conducted direct numerical simulations to understand the scale relationship between primary structures (larger-scale structures related to one of the causes mentioned above) and secondary structures (smaller-sized, shear structures of the size of aircraft). From shear layer simulations, we find that the ratio of sizes of primary and secondary vortices is of the right order to generate aircraft-scale vortex tubes from typical atmospheric shear layers. We have also conducted simulations with a mesoscale atmospheric model, to understand possible causes of turbulence experienced by a flight off the west coast of India. Our simulations show the occurrence of primary flow structures related to synoptic conditions around the time of the incident. The evidence presented for this mechanism also has implications for possible methods of detection and avoidance of severe CAT.


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Three new molecular compounds, Ni-5(bta)(6)(CO)(4)], I, Ni-9(bta)(12)(CO)(6)], II, Ni-9(bta)(12)(CO)(6)]. 2(C3H7NO), III, (bta = benzotriazole) were prepared employing solvothermal reactions. Of these, I have pentanuclear nickel, whereas II and III have nonanuclear nickel species. The structures are formed by the connectivity between the nickel and benzotriazole giving rise to the 5- and 9-membered nickel clusters. The structures are stabilised by extensive pi aEuro broken vertical bar pi and C-H... pi interactions. Compound II and III are solvotamorphs as they have the same 9-membered nickel clusters and have different solvent molecules. To the best of our knowledge, the compounds I-III represent the first examples of the same transition element existing in two distinct coordination environment in this class of compounds. The studies reveal that compound I is reactive and could be an intermediate in the preparation of II and III. Thermal studies indicate that the compounds are stable upto 350(a similar to)C and at higher temperatures (similar to 800(a similar to)C) the compounds decompose into NiO. Magnetic studies reveal that II is anti-ferromagnetic.


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We update the constraints on two-Higgs-doublet models (2HDMs) focusing on the parameter space relevant to explain the present muon g - 2 anomaly, Delta alpha(mu), in four different types of models, type I, II, ``lepton specific'' (or X) and ``flipped'' (or Y). We show that the strong constraints provided by the electroweak precision data on the mass of the pseudoscalar Higgs, whose contribution may account for Delta alpha(mu), are evaded in regions where the charged scalar is degenerate with the heavy neutral one and the mixing angles alpha and beta satisfy the Standard Model limit beta - alpha approximate to pi/2. We combine theoretical constraints from vacuum stability and perturbativity with direct and indirect bounds arising from collider and B physics. Possible future constraints from the electron g - 2 are also considered. If the 126 GeV resonance discovered at the LHC is interpreted as the light CP-even Higgs boson of the 2HDM, we find that only models of type X can satisfy all the considered theoretical and experimental constraints.


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The problem of delay-constrained, energy-efficient broadcast in cooperative wireless networks is NP-complete. While centralised setting allows some heuristic solutions, designing heuristics in distributed implementation poses significant challenges. This is more so in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) where nodes are deployed randomly and topology changes dynamically due to node failure/join and environment conditions. This paper demonstrates that careful design of network infrastructure can achieve guaranteed delay bounds and energy-efficiency, and even meet quality of service requirements during broadcast. The paper makes three prime contributions. First, we present an optimal lower bound on energy consumption for broadcast that is tighter than what has been previously proposed. Next, iSteiner, a lightweight, distributed and deterministic algorithm for creation of network infrastructure is discussed. iPercolate is the algorithm that exploits this structure to cooperatively broadcast information with guaranteed delivery and delay bounds, while allowing real-time traffic to pass undisturbed.


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In the present study, the heat transfer characteristics of thermally developing magnetohydroclynamic flow of nanofluid through microchannel are delineated by following a semi analytical approach. The combined influences of pressure driven flow, electroosmotic transport and magnetic field is taken into account for the analysis of the complex microscale thermal transport processes. Solutions for the normalized temperature distributions and the Nusselt number variations, considering the simultaneous interplay of electrokinetic effects (electroosmosis), magnetic effects, Joule heating and viscous dissipation are obtained, for constant wall temperature condition. Particular attention is paid to assess the role of nanolluids in altering the transport phenomena, through variations in the effective nanoparticle volume fractions, as well as the aggregate structure of the particulate phases. It is observed that magnetohydrodynamic effect reduces advective transport of the liquid resulting in gradual reduction of heat transfer. Increase in nanoparticle volume fraction shows decrease in heat transfer. Similar effects are observed with increase in aggregate sizes of the nanoparticles. The effect of the nanofluids on system irreversibility is also studied through entropy generation analysis due to flow and heat transfer in the microchannel. Total entropy generation is found to be dominant at the thermally developing region of the microchannel, whereas it drops sharply at the thermally developed region. Presence of nanoparticles in the base fluid reduces the total entropy generation in the microchannel, thereby indicating decrease in thermodynamic irreversibility with increasing nanoparticle volume fraction. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Detailed pedofacies characterization along-with lithofacies investigations of the Mio-Pleistocene Siwalik sediments exposed in the Ramnagar sub-basin have been studied so as to elucidate variability in time and space of fluvial processes and the role of intra- and extra-basinal controls on fluvial sedimentation during the evolution of the Himalayan foreland basin (HFB). Dominance of multiple, moderately to strongly developed palaeosol assemblages during deposition of Lower Siwalik (similar to 12-10.8 Ma) sediments suggest that the HFB was marked by Upland set-up of Thomas et al. (2002). Activity of intra-basinal faults on the uplands and deposition of terminal fans at different times caused the development of multiple soils. Further, detailed pedofacies along-with lithofacies studies indicate prevalence of stable tectonic conditions and development of meandering streams with broad floodplains. However, the Middle Siwalik (similar to 10.8-4.92 Ma) sub-group is marked by multistoried sandstones and minor mudstone and mainly weakly developed palaeosols, indicating deposition by large braided rivers in the form of megafans in a Lowland set-up of Thomas et al. (2002). Significant change in nature and size of rivers from the Lower to Middle Siwalik at similar to 10 Ma is found almost throughout of the basin from Kohat Plateau (Pakistan) to Nepal because the Himalayan orogeny witnessed its greatest tectonic upheaval at this time leading to attainment of great heights by the Himalaya, intensification of the monsoon, development of large rivers systems and a high rate of sedimentation, hereby a major change from the Upland set-up to the Lowland set-up over major parts of the HFB. An interesting geomorphic environmental set-up prevailed in the Ramnagar sub-basin during deposition of the studied Upper Siwalik (similar to 4.92 to <1.68 Ma) sediments as observed from the degree of pedogenesis and the type of palaeosols. In general, the Upper Siwalik sub-group in the Ramnagar sub-basin is subdivided from bottom to top into the Purmandal sandstone (4.92-4.49 Ma), Nagrota (4.49-1.68 Ma) and Boulder Conglomerate (<1.68 Ma) formations on the basis of sedimentological characters and change in dominant lithology. Presence of mudstone, a few thin gravel beds and dominant sandstone lithology with weakly to moderately developed palaeosols in the Purmandal sandstone Fm. indicates deposition by shallow braided fluvial streams. The deposition of mudstone dominant Nagrota Fm. with moderately to some well developed palaeosols and a zone of gleyed palaeosols with laminated mudstones and thin sandstones took place in an environment marked by numerous small lakes, water-logged regions and small streams in an environment just south of the Piedmont zone, perhaps similar to what is happening presently in the Upland region/the Upper Gangetic plain. This area is locally called the `Trai region' (Pascoe, 1964). Deposition of Boulder Conglomerate Fm. took place by gravelly braided river system close to the Himalayan Ranges. Activity along the Main Boundary Fault led to progradation of these environments distal-ward and led to development of on the whole a coarsening upward sequence. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Several operational aspects for thermal power plants in general are non-intuitive and involve simultaneous optimization of a number of operational parameters. In the case of solar operated power plants, it is even more difficult due to varying heat source temperatures induced by variability in insolation levels. This paper introduces a quantitative methodology for load regulation of a CO2 based Brayton cycle power plant using the `thermal efficiency and specific work output' coordinate system. The analysis shows that a transcritical CO2 cycle offers more flexibility under part load performance than the supercritical cycle in case of non-solar power plants. However, for concentrated solar power, where efficiency is important, supercritical CO2 cycle fares better than transcritical CO2 cycle. A number of empirical equations relating heat source temperature, high side pressure with efficiency and specific work output are proposed which could assist in generating control algorithms. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Longitudinal relaxation due to cross-correlation between dipolar ((HN-1H alpha)-H-1) and amide-proton chemical shift anisotropy (H-1(N) CSA) has been measured in a model tripeptide Piv-(L)Pro-(L)Pro-(L)Phe-OMe. The peptide bond across diproline segment is known to undergo cis/trans isomerization and only in the cis form does the lone Phe amide-proton become involved in intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The strength of the cross correlated relaxation interference is found to be significantly different between cis and trans forms, and this difference is shown as an influence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding on the amide-proton CSA. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.