985 resultados para 1099


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Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods are used in this paper to predict the power production from entire wind farms in complex terrain and to shed some light into the wake flow patterns. Two full three-dimensional Navier–Stokes solvers for incompressible fluid flow, employing k − ϵ and k − ω turbulence closures, are used. The wind turbines are modeled as momentum absorbers by means of their thrust coefficient through the actuator disk approach. Alternative methods for estimating the reference wind speed in the calculation of the thrust are tested. The work presented in this paper is part of the work being undertaken within the UpWind Integrated Project that aims to develop the design tools for next generation of large wind turbines. In this part of UpWind, the performance of wind farm and wake models is being examined in complex terrain environment where there are few pre-existing relevant measurements. The focus of the work being carried out is to evaluate the performance of CFD models in large wind farm applications in complex terrain and to examine the development of the wakes in a complex terrain environment.


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The well-known Noether theorem in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics associates symmetries in the evolution equations of a mechanical system with conserved quantities. In this work, we extend this classical idea to problems of non-equilibrium thermodynamics formulated within the GENERIC (General Equations for Non-Equilibrium Reversible-Irreversible Coupling) framework. The geometric meaning of symmetry is reviewed in this formal setting and then utilized to identify possible conserved quantities and the conditions that guarantee their strict conservation. Examples are provided that demonstrate the validity of the proposed definition in the context of finite and infinite dimensional thermoelastic problems.


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The degradation observed on a 7-kWp Si-x photovoltaic array after 17 years of exposure on the roof of the Solar Energy Institute of the Polytechnic University of Madrid is presented. The mean peak power degradation has been 9% over this time, or an equivalent to 0.53% per year, whereas peak power standard deviation has remained constant. The main visual defects are backsheet delamination at the polyester/polyvinyl fluoride outer interface and cracks in the terminal boxes and at the joint between the frame and the laminate. Insulation resistance complies well with the requirements of the International Electrotechnical Commission 61215 tests.


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This paper describes the design of an original twin capacitive load that is able of tracing simultaneously the I?V characteristics of two photovoltaic modules. Besides, an example of the application of this dual system to the outdoor rating of photovoltaic modules is presented, whose results have shown a good degree of repeatability.


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This paper presents the measurement of the I-V curve of a 500-kW PV generator by means of an own-made capacitive load. It is shown that I-V curve analysis can also be applied to big PV generators and that when measuring the operation conditions with reference modules and taking some precautions (especially regarding the operation cell temperature), it is still a useful tool for characterizing them and therefore can be incorporated into maintenance procedures. As far as we know, this is the largest I-V curve measured so far.


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Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: Manifestacion iuridica sobre el derecho de inmunidad y sagrado de las iglesias y monasterios, paraque [sic] no se hagá extracciones viole>tas de los refugiados à ellas por la Iusticia secular.. (XVII/42).


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A methodology is presented to determine both the short-term and the long-term influence of the spectral variations on the performance of Multi-Junction (MJ) solar cells and Concentrating "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: R. Núñez, C. Domínguez, S. Askins, M. Victoria, R. Herrero, I. Antón, and G. Sala, “Determination of spectral variations by means of component cells useful for CPV rating and design,” Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl., 2015., which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pip.2715/full. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving [http://olabout.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-820227.html#terms]." Photovoltaic (CPV) modules. Component cells with the same optical behavior as MJ solar cells are used to characterize the spectrum. A set of parameters, namely Spectral Matching Ratios (SMRs), is used to characterize spectrally a particular Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) by comparison to the reference spectrum (AM1.5D-ASTM-G173-03). Furthermore, the spectrally corrected DNI for a given MJ solar cell technology is defined providing a way to estimate the losses associated to the spectral variations. The last section analyzes how the spectrum evolves throughout a year in a given place and the set of SMRs representative for that location are calculated. This information can be used to maximize the energy harvested by the MJ solar cell throughout the year. As an example, three years of data recorded in Madrid shows that losses lower than 5% are expected due to current mismatch for state-of-the-art MJ solar cells.


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El conjunto endokárstico de La Galiana (Cañón del río Lobos, Cordillera Ibérica, provincia de Soria) está formado por tres niveles de galerías horizontales (La Galiana Alta, La Galiana Baja y Cueva del Lago) localizadas a 1099, 966 y 953 m s.n.m. respectivamente. Representan niveles de estabilización de la superficie freática y su nivel de base fluvial. El contexto geomorfológico y los datos paleomagnéticos indican que coladas estalagmítica de La Galiana Alta son anteriores a los 3,596 Ma. Por otro lado, la edad U/Th más antigua obtenida en espeleotemas de La Galiana Baja es de 224 ka. Las diferencias altimétricas entre galerías (133 y 13 m) y edades obtenida permiten calcular tasas máximas de encajamiento fluvial entre 39 y 58 mm/ka.


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Peer reviewed


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© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Funded by Natural Environment Research Council PRECIP and PATAGON


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Virtual and remote laboratories(VRLs) are e-learning resources which enhance the accessibility of experimental setups providing a distance teaching framework which meets the student's hands-on learning needs. In addition, online collaborative communication represents a practical and a constructivist method to transmit the knowledge and experience from the teacher to students, overcoming physical distance and isolation. Thus, the integration of learning environments in the form of VRLs inside collaborative learning spaces is strongly desired. Considering these facts, the authors of this document present an original approach which enables user to share practical experiences while they work collaboratively through the Internet. This practical experimentation is based on VRLs, which have been integrated inside a synchronous collaborative e-learning framework. This article describes the main features of this system and its successful application for science and engineering subjects.


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Complex systems in causal relationships are known to be circular rather than linear; this means that a particular result is not produced by a single cause, but rather that both positive and negative feedback processes are involved. However, although interpreting systemic interrelationships requires a language formed by circles, this has only been developed at the diagram level, and not from an axiomatic point of view. The first difficulty encountered when analysing any complex system is that usually the only data available relate to the various variables, so the first objective was to transform these data into cause-and-effect relationships. Once this initial step was taken, our discrete chaos theory could be applied by finding the causal circles that will form part of the system attractor and allow their behavior to be interpreted. As an application of the technique presented, we analyzed the system associated with the transcription factors of inflammatory diseases.


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This article presents an interactive Java software platform which enables any user to easily create advanced virtual laboratories (VLs) for Robotics. This novel tool provides both support for developing applications with full 3D interactive graphical interface and a complete functional framework for modelling and simulation of arbitrary serial-link manipulators. In addition, its software architecture contains a high number of functionalities included as high-level tools, with the advantage of allowing any user to easily develop complex interactive robotic simulations with a minimum of programming. In order to show the features of the platform, the article describes, step-by-step, the implementation methodology of a complete VL for Robotics education using the presented approach. Finally, some educational results about the experience of implementing this approach are reported.


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Palladium-catalyzed Heck alkynylation cross-coupling reactions between terminal alkynes and deactivated aryl chlorides and aryl bromides can be performed in the absence of copper cocatalyst with water as solvent at 130 °C under microwave irradiation. An oxime-derived chloro-bridged palladacycle is an efficient precatalyst for this transformation with 2-dicyclohexylphosphanyl-2′,4′,6′-triisopropylbiphenyl (XPhos) as ancillary ligand, pyrrolidine as base, and SBDS as surfactant. All of the reactions can be performed under air and with reagent-grade chemicals under low loading conditions (0.1–1 mol-% Pd).