991 resultados para 109
O desequilíbrio nutricional no início da vida leva ao desenvolvimento da obesidade, diabetes e doenças cardiovasculares na idade adulta. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os efeitos a longo prazo da hiperalimentação na lactação por meio do modelo de redução da ninhada na hemodinâmica e bioenergética cardíaca. Vinte e quatro camundongos machos Swiss adultos foram divididos em dois grupos (controle e hiperalimentado) submetidos a duas condições (linha de base e isquemia/reperfusão) formando quatro grupos no total: grupo controle linha de base (GCLB), grupo controle isquemia/reperfusão (GCIR), grupo hiperalimentado linha de base (GHLB) e o grupo hiperalimentado isquemia/reperfusão (GHIR), todos com seis camundongos/grupo. As alterações cardíacas foram analisadas por meio da hemodinâmica cardíaca, da respiração mitocondrial e da biologia molecular. Os parâmetros hemodinâmicos analisados foram a velocidade de contração (Max dP/dt), a velocidade de relaxamento (Min dP/dt), o tempo de relaxamento cardíaco isovolumétrico (Tau) e os batimentos por minuto (BPM). A respiração mitocondrial foi avaliada por meio da razão do controle respiratório (RCR) na oxidação de carboidratos e ácidos gordos, e finalmente, a biologia molecular, através de proteínas-chave como a proteína quinase B (AKT), a proteína quinase ativada por adenosina monofosfato (AMPK), a carnitina palmitoil transferase 1 (CPT-1), a proteína desacopladora 2 (UCP2), o 4-hidroxinonenal (4-HNE) e a gliceraldeído-3-fosfato desidrogenase (GAPDH). Os camundongos do GH desenvolveram maior peso corporal (30,95%, P<0,001), gordura epididimal (68,64%, P<0,001), gordura retroperitoneal (109,38%, P<0,01) e glicemia de jejum (19,52%, P<0,05) comparados aos do GC. Os parâmetros Max dP/dt e BPM apresentaram diminuição no GHIR quando comparado ao GHLB (P<0,001 e P<0,05). O parâmetro Min dP/dt apresentou-se reduzido no GCIR e GHIR quando comparado aos grupos GCLB e GCLB (P<0,05; P<0,0001 respectivamente). Camundongos do GHIR apresentaram redução do Tau quando comparado aos grupos GCIR e GHLB (P<0,0001). Estes desequilíbrios na hemodinâmica cardíaca foram associados a função mitocondrial, uma vez que, o GHLB apresenta a RCR reduzida para oxidação de ácidos graxos e carboidratos (P<0,05 e P<0,01, respectivamente) e o GHIR apenas na oxidação dos ácidos graxos (P<0,01). Além disso, o GHIR apresentou diversas alterações nas proteínas-chave do metabolismo energético cardíaco, como diminuição do conteúdo de AKT (P<0,05) e aumento do conteúdo de CPT-1 (P<0,05), 4-HNE (P<0,05) e GAPDH (P<0,05) quando comparado ao CGIR. Finalmente, a expressão do mRNA para CPT1, GAPDH e UCP2 foi aumentada no GHIR quando comparado aos GCIR (P<0,05) e GHLB (P<0,05). A expressão de mRNA para UCP2 e CPT-1 foi reduzida no GCIR quando comparado ao GCLB (P<0,01 e P<0,05, respectivamente). O estudo apresenta resultados consistentes, demonstrando efeitos deletérios sobre o metabolismo cardíaco adulto resultante de alterações nutricionais durante a lactação.
Sources of wastes in fishing operations mainly include bycatch discards; processing wastes where catch is processed onboard; plastic wastes due to abandoned, lost and discarded fishing gear; bilges and other wastes from the vessel operations. Fishing systems in general have an associated catch of nontargeted organisms known as bycatch. Non-selective fishing gear that is not modified or equipped to exclude non-targeted organisms, may take a significant quantity of bycatch of non-targeted finfish, juvenile fish, benthic animals, marine mammals, marine birds and vulnerable or endangered species that are often discarded. Average annual global discards, has been estimated to be 7.3 million t, based on a weighted discard rate of 8%, during 1992-2001 period. Trawl fisheries for shrimp and demersal finfish account for over 50% of the total estimated global discards. Plastic materials are extensively used in fisheries, owing to their durability and other desirable properties, contributing to the efficiency and catchability of the fishing gear. However, plastics biodegrade at an extremely slow rate compared to other organic materials. Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) and related marine debris have been recognized as a critical problem in the marine environment and for living marine resources. Prevention of excess fishing capacity by appropriate management measures could lead to enormous savings in terms of fuel consumption, emissions and bycatch discards from the excess fishing fleet, capital and operational investments and labour deployment in capture fisheries, with significant economic gains. In this paper, wastes originating from fishing operations are reviewed, along with their environmental impacts and possible mitigation measures
Assessment of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the eastern Bering Sea is complicated because the species is semi-pelagic in habit. Annual bottom trawl surveys provide estimates of demersal abundance on the eastern Bering Sea shelf. Every third year (starting in 1979), an extended area of the shelf and slope is surveyed and an echo integration-midwater trawl survey provides estimates of pollock abundance in midwater. Overall age-specific population and biomass estimates are obtained by summing the demersal and midwater results, assuming that the bottom trawl samples only pollock inhabiting the lower 3 m of the water column. Total population estimates have ranged from 134 x 109 fish in 1979 to 27 x 109 fish in 1988. The very high abundance observed in 1979 reflects the appearance of the unusually large 1978 year class. Changes in age-specific abundance estimates have documented the passage of strong (1978, 1982, and 1984) and weak year classes through the fishery. In general, older fish are more demersally oriented and younger fish are more abundant in midwater, but this trend was not always evident in the patterns of abundance of 1- and 2-year-old fish. As the average age of the population has increased, so has the relative proportion of pollock estimated by the demersal surveys. Consequently, it is unlikely that either technique can be used independently to monitor changes in abundance and age composition. Midwater assessment depends on pelagic trawl samples for size and age composition estimates, so both surveys are subject to biases resulting from gear performance and interactions between fish and gear. In this review, we discuss survey methodology and evaluate assumptions regarding catchability and availability as they relate to demersal, midwater, and overall assessment.
Domestic fisheries in American Samoa landed 587,000 lb of fish and invertebrates in 1991 worth $993,000. Most of the catch (78%) and value (80%) was taken by the shoreline subsistence fishery that occurs on the coral reefs surrounding the islands. Artisanal fisheries for offshore pelagic fishes (primarily skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis; and yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares) and bottomfishes (snappers, emperors, groupers) accounted for 16% and 3%, respectively, of the domestic catch. Recreational tournament catches for pelagic fishes represented the remainder (3%). While sportfishing is becoming increasingly important, other domestic fisheries have declined in recent years. The shoreline subsistence fishery has dropped by about 25% over the past decade owing to socioeconomic factors and possibly overexploitation. Artisanal fisheries have also declined precipitously in recent years owing to hurricane-related damages, attrition of fishermen, and competition with imports. Artisanal fisheries show some potential for growth, but may be constrained by marketing issues, vessel capabilities, and limited stock sizes (for bottomfish) or local availability of high-value (pelagic) fishes. In contrast to the small-scale domestic fisheries, American Samoa is also homeport to a distant-water fleet of large purse seiners and longliners that fish beyond the EEZ and deliver about 160,000-220,000 short tons of tuna per year to local canneries.
From the Conquest to Ecotourism: Environmental Consequences of Human Activities in Coastal Argentina