974 resultados para yellow fever virus


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Rabies virus was used as the antigen to immunize laying chickens. Anti-rabies virus immunoglobulin Y(IgY) was isolated from yolks of the eggs laid by these chickens using a two-step salt precipitation and one-step gel filtration protocol. The purified IgY was reduced with dithiothreitol, and heavy chains (HC) and light chains (LC) were obtained. In addition, the purified IgY was digested with pepsin and the fragment with specific antigen binding properties (Fab) was produced. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS), the average molecular weights of IgY, HC, LC, and Fab were determined as 167 250, 65 105, 18 660, and 45,359 Da, respectively. IgY has two structural differences compared with mammalian IgGs. First, the molecular weight of the heavy chain of IgY is larger than that of its mammalian counterpart, while the molecular weight of the light chain of IgY is smaller. Second, upon pepsin digestion, anti-rabies virus IgY is degraded into Feb, in contrast to mammalian IgG, which has been reported to be degraded into F(ab')(2) under the same conditions. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Various borates, vanadates, niobates, antimonates, titanates, zirconates and CaS doped with Dy3+ were prepared. Factors which have an effect on the yellow-to-blue intensity ratio (Y/B) of Dy3+ emission are reported. Y/B increases with decreasing Z/r or electronegativity of the next-neighbour element M in the complex oxides Dy-O-M. The greater the degree of covalency between Dy3+ and O2-, the greater Y/B is. When Dy3+ is located at a site with an inverse centre and high symmetry, Dy3+ displays no luminescence. It seems that Y/B of Dy3+ located at a site deviated from an inverse centre is greater than that of Dy3+ located at a site without an inverse centre. Y/B does not vary much with the variation in concentration of Dy3+ when Dy3+ is substituted for an element with the same valency, but it does depend on the concentration of Dy3+ when Dy3+ is substituted for an element with a different valency in the matrix, because defects are formed in this case.


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The worldwide shrimp culture is beset with diseases mainly caused by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and suffered huge economic losses, which bring out an urgent need to develop the novel strategies to better protect shrimps against WSSV. In the present study, CpG-rich plasmid pUC57-CpG, plasmid pUC57 and PBS were employed to pretreat shrimps comparatively to evaluate the protective effects of CpG ODNs on shrimps against WSSV. The survival rates, WSSV copy numbers, and antiviral associated factors (Dicer, Argonaute, STAT and ROS) were detected in Litopenaeus vannamei. There were higher survival proportion, lower WSSV copy numbers, and higher mRNA expression of Dicer and STAT in pUC57-CpG-pretreatment shrimps than those in pUC57- and PBS-pretreatment shrimps after WSSV infection. The Argonaute mRNA expression in pUC57-CpG-, pUC57- and PBS-pretreatment shrimps after WSSV infection was significantly higher than that of shrimps post PBS stimulation on the first day. The ROS levels in pUC57-CpG-pretreatment shrimps post secondary stimulation of PBS were significantly higher than those post WSSV infection on the first day. These results together demonstrated that pUC57-CpG induced partial protective immunity in shrimps against WSSV via intermediation of virus replication indirectly and could be used as a potential candidate in the development of therapeutic agents for disease control of WSSV in L. vannamei. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A total of 45 microsatellite loci from yellow perch, Perca flavescens, were isolated and characterized. Among the 45 microsatellite loci, 32 had more than two alleles. A wild population of P. flavescens (n = 48) was used to examine the allele range of the microsatellite loci. Mendelian inheritance of alleles was confirmed by examining the amplified products in pair-mated families. The number of alleles for the 32 polymorphic loci varied from two to 16, and observed heterozygosity ranged between 0.024 (YP79) and 0.979 (YP60). Cross-species polymorphic amplification in four other Percidae species was successful for 22 loci.


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P>In the Yellow Sea of China, large-scale green tides have broken out for three consecutive years from 2007 to 2009. As part of the efforts to localize the algal source, two cruises were conducted in the early stage and the outbreak stage of the bloom in 2009. We analyzed the morphological and genetic diversity of drifting Ulva specimens and culture-derived isolates from seawater sampled in different localities. For phylogenetic analyses, the nuclear encoded ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS nrDNA) and the plastid encoded large subunit of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxgenase gene (rbcL) were used. Our molecular and morphological data indicate that the dominant free-floating Ulva species in 2008 and 2009 possibly belonged to a single strain of the U. linza-procera-prolifera (LPP) clade. The ITS sequences from bloom-forming algal samples with dense branches were identical to those from U. linza-like specimens without branches derived from the Yellow Sea. Microscopic individuals of the dominant Ulva strain were detected in eight stations, revealing that spore dispersal in the water helped to enlarge biomass in the water during the outbreak stage of green tide in the Yellow Sea.


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The precociously sexual maturation in large yellow crocker Pseudosciaena crocea has become a serious problem. In an attempt to solve this problem, the production of sterile triploids could be an effective strategy. In this study, triploid P. crocea was obtained by subjecting fertilized eggs to pressure shock. Flow-cytometry analysis was used to assess ploidy level. In terms of triploid rate and hatching rate, the optimal conditions of pressure shock for triploidy induction in P. crocea were 7500 psi for 3 min shock at 3 min after fertilization at 20 degrees C. With the application of these parameters, 100% triploid fish were produced. During the first rearing year, triploid P. crocea had a similar growth performance compared with its diploid counterpart before the age of 8 months and showed a significant advantage at the age of 10 and 12 months in body weight and body length (P < 0.05). At the age of 12 months, the carcass weight of triploids was markedly higher than that of diploid control, and gonadal somatic index was significantly lower than that of their diploid control. During the first rearing year, survival in triploid group was 76.44%, inferior to its diploid control (83.21%).


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To understand the systematic status of Larimichthys crocea in the Percoidei, we determined the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome sequence using 454 sequencing-by-synthesis technology. The complete mt genome is 16,466 bp in length including the typical structure of 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs, 13 protein-coding genes and the noncoding control region (CR). Further sequencing for the complete CR was performed using the primers Cyt b-F and 12S-R on six L crocea individuals and two L polyactis individuals. Interestingly, all seven CR sequences from L crocea were identical while the three sequences from L polyactis were distinct (including one from GenBank). Although the conserved blocks such as TAS and CSB-1, -2, and -3 are readily identifiable in the control regions of the two species, the typical central conserved blocks CSB-D, -E, and -F could not be detected, while they are found in Cynoscion acoupa of Sciaenidae and other Percoidei species. Phylogenetic analysis shows that L crocea is a relatively recently emerged species in Sciaenidae and this family is closely related to family Pomacanthidae within the Percoidei. L crocea, as the first species of Sciaenidae with complete mitochondrial genome available, will provide important information on the molecular evolution of the group. Moreover, the genus-specific pair of primers designed in this study for amplifying the complete mt control region will be very useful in studies on the population genetics and conservation biology of Larimichthys. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Uranium isotopes were measured in waters and suspended particulate matters (SPM) of the main channel of Yellow River, China that were sampled during four field trips between August 2005 and July 2006. The results show that the concentration of dissolved U (2.04-7.83 mu g/l) and the activity ratio of U-234/U-238 (1.36-1.67) are much higher than the average U concentrations and activity ratios of global major rivers. Mass balance calculations using the results of simulated experiments and measurement data show that the section of the Yellow River between Lanzhou and Sanmenxia has its dissolved U derived from two sources: suspended sediments (68%) and groundwater/runoff from loess deposits (32%). Both sources are related to the heavy erosion of the Chinese Loess Plateau. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a major shrimp pathogen that has a widespread negative affect on shrimp production in Asia and the Americas. It is known that WSSV infects shrimp cells through viral attachment proteins (VAP) that bind with shrimp cell receptors. However, the identity of both WSSV VAP and shrimp cell receptors remains unclear. We used digoxigenin (DIG)labeled shrimp hemocyte and gill cell membranes to bind to WSSV proteins immobilized on nitrocellulose membranes, and 4 putative WSSV VAP (37 kDa, 39 kDa and 2 above 97 kDa) were identified. Mass spectrometric analysis identified the 37 kDa putative VAP as the product of WSSV gene VP281.


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White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) was specifically detected by PCR in Penaeus merguiensis hemocytes, hemolymph and plasma. This suggested a close association between the shrimp hemolymph and the virus. Three types of hemocyte from shrimp were isolated using flow cytometry. Dynamic changes of the hemocyte subpopulations in P. merguiensis at different times after infection were observed, indicating that the WSSV infection selectively affected specific subpopulations. Immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and a Wright-Giemsa double staining study of hemocyte types further confirmed the cellular localization of the virus in the infected hemocytes. Electron microscopy revealed virus particles in both vacuoles and the nucleus of the semigranular cells (SGC), as well as in the vacuoles of the granular cells (GC). However, no virus could be detected in the hyaline cells (HC). Our results suggest that the virus infects 2 types of shrimp hemocytes-GCs and SGCs. The SGC type contains higher virus loads and exhibits faster infection rates, and is apparently more susceptible to WSSV infection.


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MicroRNAs (miRNA) that are around 22 nucleotides long non-protein-coding RNAs, play key regulatory roles in plants. Recent research findings show that miRNAs are involved in plant defense and viral offense systems. Advances in understanding the mechanism of miRNA biogenesis and evolution are useful for elucidating the complicated roles they play in viral infection networks. In this paper a brief summary of evolution of plant anti-virus defense is given and the function of miRNAs involved in plant-virus competition is highlighted. It is believed that miRNAs have several advantages over homology-dependent and siRNA-mediated gene silencing when they are applied biotechnologically to promote plant anti-virus defense. miRNA-mediated anti-virus pathway is an ancient mechanism with a promising future. However, using miRNAs as a powerful anti-virus tool will be better realized only if miRNA genomics and functions in plant viral infection are fully understood.


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Large yellow croaker, Pseudosciaena crocea, exhibit sexually dimorphic growth, with females growing faster and reaching larger adult sizes than males. Thus, development of techniques for preferentially producing females is necessary to optimize production of these species. We have established a protocol to produce all-female croaker P. crocea through induction of meiotic gynogenesis with homologous sperm. The first set of experiments investigated the ultra-violet (UV) irradiation on sperm motility and duration of sperm activity to determine the optimal UV dosage for genetic inactivation of sperm, yet retaining adequate motility for activation of eggs. Milt from several males was diluted 1: 100 with Ringer's solution and UV irradiated with doses ranging from 0-150 J cm (-2). The results indicated that motility and duration of activity generally decreased with increased UV doses. At UV doses greater than 105 J cm(-2), after fertilization, motility was < 10% and fertilization rates were significantly lower. Highest hatching rate was obtained at 75 J cm -2. A second set of experiments was carried out to determine appropriate conditions of cold shock for retention of the 2nd polar body in P. crocea eggs after fertilization with UV-inactivated sperm by altering the timing, temperature and duration of shock. At 208 degrees C, shock applied at 3 min after fertilization resulted in higher survival rate of larvae at 6 h after hatching. Results of different combinations of three shock temperatures ( 28 degrees C, 38 degrees C or 48 degrees C) and five shock durations ( 4 min, 8 min, 12 min, 16 min or 20 min) at 3 min after fertilization demonstrated that shocks of 12 min gave highest production of diploid gynogens. Statistical analysis revealed that maximum production of diploid gynogens (44.55 +/- 2.99%) were obtained at 38 degrees C. The results of this study indicate that the use of UV-irradiated homologous sperm for activation of P. crocea eggs and cold shock for polar body retention is an effective method for producing gynogenetic offspring.


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The pyrolytic and kinetic characteristics of Enteromorpha prolifera from the Yellow Sea were evaluated at heating rates of 10, 20 and 50 degrees C min(-1), respectively. The results indicated that three stages appeared during pyrolysis; dehydration, primary devolatilization and residual decomposition. Differences in the heating rates resulted in considerable differences in the pyrolysis of E. prolifera. Specifically, the increase of heating rates resulted in shifting of the initial temperature, peak temperature and the maximum weight loss to a higher value. The average activation energy of E. prolifera was 228.1 kJ mol(-1), the pre-exponential factors ranged from 49.93 to 63.29 and the reaction orders ranged from 2.2 to 3.7. In addition, there were kinetic compensation effects between the pre-exponential factors and the activation energy. Finally, the minimum activation energy was obtained when a heating rate of 20 degrees C min(-1) was used. (C) 2009 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Zhikong Scallop, Chlamys farreri, is one of the most Important bivalve mollusks cultured in northern China However, mass mortality of the cultured C farreri has posed a serious threat to the maricultural Industry in recent years. Acute Viral Necrobiotic Virus (AVNV) is believed as an important etiological agent causing the scallop mass mortalities To understand the mechanism behind the AVNV associated scallop disease and mortality, we assessed the physiological and immune responses of C farreri to the virus infection using oxygen consumption rate, ammonium-nitrogen excretion rate, hemocyte copper, zinc superoxide dismutase gene expression, and plasma superoxide dismutase activity and alkaline phosphatase activity as indicators Scallops challenged by AVNV at 25 C developed typical disease signs 2 days after virus injection Before the disease manifested, scallop oxygen consumption and NH4+-N excretion rates rose and then fell back. Real-time PCR revealed that the hemocyte cytosol Cu, Zn SOD gene expression was upregulated followed by recovery The plasma SOD activity, however, augmented consistently following virus injection Moreover, plasma AKP activity first lowered and then elevated gradually to the highest level at 24 h post virus injection Scallops challenged by AVNV at 17 degrees C neither developed notable disease nor showed obvious responses that could be associated with the virus infection. While the results suggested a correlation between the elevated seawater temperature and the AVNV infection associated C farreri mortalities, they also indicated that the viral infection provoked multiple physiological and immune responses in the host scallops (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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The region of Qingdao, China, experienced the world's largest green tide from May to July 2008. More than one million tons of fresh algal biomass of the green alga Ulva prolifera was harvested, while more was suspected to have sunk to the bottom. The original source of this seaweed was suspected to be from the south as revealed by satellite images. The floating biomass drifted with the water current northward and flourished in nearshore waters around Qingdao. However, direct biological evidence for "seed" source is lacking. It is still unclear whether this alga could survive the Qingdao local coastal environment and pose future danger of potential blooming. Systematic and seasonal sampling of waters in the intertidal zone at six collection sites along the Qingdao coast was conducted from December 2008 to April 2009. Forty-eight water samples were analyzed. From these, nine different morphotypes of Ulva were grown in the laboratory under standard temperature and light regimes. Growth of Ulva was observed in all water samples. However, molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that the dominant U. prolifera strain of the 2008 bloom was absent in all the water-derived cultures during the sampling period. These results provide evidence that the dominant bloom-forming alga was unlikely able to survive the coastal waters (the minimal surface water temperature in February is 2A degrees C) in winter conditions in Qingdao, even though all the sampling locations were heavily covered by this alga in June 2008.