971 resultados para wastewater


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The management of the ice cream factory concerned in this study strongly felt the importance of undertaking a waste audit of its biggest waste generator, the ice cream plant. Ice cream wastewater constitutes as much as 74% of the total volume of wastewater discharged by the company to the central treatment plant of the Industrial Estate in which the factory is situated. Generation of ice cream wastes is attributed to the high consumptive use of water in the plant for washing and cleaning operations. As a result of waste auditing, methods were proposed to save water and to segregate the waste, and to modify the existing wastewater treatment system of the ice cream plant for better treatment efficiency.


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A case study on the application of cleaner production opportunities for waste minimization in dyeing industry is discussed in this paper which was conduced by Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft (CDG) South East Asia Program Office in collaboration with several Thai institutions. A waste audit was conducted as a first step in a dyeing factory, which leads to propose water reuse and waste segregation in order to implement cleaner production for waste minimization. Further more lab-scale experiments were conducted to find optimum treatment methods for the waste streams.


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This study was carried out to investigate the treatment of various salt solutions and synthetic dye bath liquors by nanofiltration using Nanomax-50 membrane in a stirred cell with 150 mL working volume. Donnan exclusion was compared by filtering salts with monovalent and divalent cations and anions. This was done by comparing three salts including sodium chloride (NaCl), calcium chloride (CaCl2) and sodium sulphate (Na2SO4). The rejection order determined was Na2SO4>NaCl>CaCl2 which is typical of a negatively charged membrane where Donnan and steric exclusion play an important role in separation. Studies on the flux and rejection characteristics of sodium sulphate were undertaken for concentrations ranging from 10 to 40 gl−1 thereby replicating actual dye bath salt concentrations. Synthetic dye bath liquors were prepared using acidic dye (Acid Green 25) at a fixed concentration of 100 mgl−1 with 10 and 15 gl−1 of sodium sulphate solutions. While, the results showed evidence of flux decline due to increased resistance and decreased transmembrane pressure, pore enlargement occurred after the filtration experiments with sodium sulphate solutions greater than 20 gl−1. Pore enlargement was even more prominent in the two synthetic dye bath liquors filtered. Pore enlargement was determined by observing the pure water flux before and after filtering sodium sulphate solutions or dye bath liquors. An increase in pore diameter of 58 and 94 %was estimated when dye bath liquors containing 10 and 15 gl−1 of sodium sulphate, respectively were filtered through the membrane. The following equation was derived in estimating the pore enlargement, where de1 and de2 are the apparent diameter of membrane pore sizes before and after filtration of salt solutions or dye bath liquors and Rm1 and Rm2 are the membrane resistance of pure water flux before and after filtration of salt solutions or dye bath liquors. These results have important implications for the application of nanofiltration technology to textile wastewater treatment and reuse.


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This study investigates and compares the performance of two different types of ultrafiltration (UF) membranes in the recovery of water from secondary treated wastewater. Filtration experiments were carried out on a pilot scale cross-flow unit using synthetic wastewater similar to the quality of secondary treated wastewater by varying the operating parameters such as transmembrane pressure (TMP), feed composition and membrane configuration. The filtration experiments demonstrated that the flux recovery through spiral polymeric UF membrane was more sensitive to the variation in TMP compared to the tubular ceramic UF membrane over the range of TMP studied. The resistance in series model was used for the evaluation of the resistance to the permeate flux. The fouling resistance, particularly irreversible resistance compared to reversible resistance plays a major role in the total resistance for the tubular ceramic membrane. In contrast clean membrane resistance is the major contributor for the total resistance of the spiral polymeric membrane. Finally, the effectiveness of the filtration treatment was determined by evaluating the rejection coefficients for various pollution indices of the wastewater. Significant differences in the performance of the membrane types were observed which are likely to impact on the selection, operation and maintenance of the membrane system.


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The treatment efficiency of a wetland system requires a balance between pollutant loading rate and hydraulic retention time (HRT), hydraulic loading rate (HLR) and the suitable substrate to be used. The aim of this study was to investigate the treatment efficiency of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland planted with phragmites australis and scirpus maritimus containing three different substrates to treat agricultural wastewater under short term operation. Alum sludge and zeolite were used as substrates and gravel was used as a control for a laboratory-scale horizontal flow constructed wetland (CW) units that were made of high-density Polyethylene. The units were operated under 2, 3 and 4 days of HRTs and at different HLR for each substrate. Each beds received 0.012 m3/d to 0.08 m3/d of synthetic wastewater corresponding to a HLR of 0.035 to 0.243 m/d and a COD loading rate of 0.0148 kg COD (m2.d)-1 to 0.026 kg COD (m2.d)-1. The relationships between the substrate, retention time and removal efficiency, especially of organic matter and nutrient removal were investigated. All units showed relatively stable removal for COD during the entire operational period. The COD removal for all units and HRT were in ranged from 67% to 93%. The zeolite unit achieved significantly higher removal of TN, NH4-N and TSS compared to alum sludge and gravel unit at all HRT. The unit with zeolite was highly effective in removing TN (54 to 96%), NH4-N (50 to 99%) and TSS (91 to 96%) respectively, at 2, 3 and 4 days of HRT. Meanwhile, alum sludge was highly effective in removing phosphate. The removal of phosphate from alum sludge unit was ranged from 94 to 97% for all HRT. Compared to gravel CW unit, zeolite and alum sludge CW were proved to be tolerant to high organic loadings and nutrients, suggesting these substrates as viable options for biological treatment of agricultural wastewater.


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Agro-industries are a life-line for sustainable future of human kind. However, the wastewater generated by agro-industries poses direct threat to the same sustainable future by polluting the freshwater sources when discharged into those freshwater sources. Thus, we need both advanced treatment technologies to treat those wastewater streams generated and better reuse practices for the treated effluents. Reverse osmosis (RO) is one of the advanced treatments to treat dissolved solids that are present in agricultural wastewater streams. But, RO is very sensitive to suspended solids (SS) present in the wastewater streams. Those SS can foul the RO membrane and make it ineffective in producing treated effluent at desired rates. Therefore, suitable pre-treatment scheme is necessary to treat the agro-wastewater streams before passing through RO. This study focuses on the qualitative and quantitative ranking of the available conventional and modern pre-treatment technologies as pre-treatment for RO. This study considers wastewater that has been treated through a secondary treatment system for example activated sludge process as the target water that needs pre-treatment. Based on qualitative ranking of conventional pre-treatment options, the Lime clarification/Granular Media filtration (GMF) option is ranked as the best; whereas finescreens/ micro-screens option ranked as the least preferred option based on the scores they attained in treating the water quality parameters that are considered essential. Based on the quantitative ranking, the low pressure membrane technology such as ultra-filtration (UF) stood first and microfiltration (MF) stood last.


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This sub-collection is the result of an investigation into the mechanism of organic fouling in membrane filtration processes. In this experiment, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes were used to filter two types of organic foulants, protein and yeast with a concentration of 50mg/l and 20 mg/l, respectively, from suspension in a dead-end filtration cell. These model foulants were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration. This dataset contains a stack of images of the fouling layer on the PVDF membrane surface captured by a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and its associated acquisition software. This dataset would be useful to researchers who are investigating the membrane organic fouling mechanism so that new membrane materials and new anti-fouling surface treatment technologies can be developed for water and wastewater industry in the future.


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This sub-collection is the result of an investigation into the mechanism of organic fouling in membrane filtration processes. In this experiment, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes were used to filter two types of organic foulants, protein and sodium alginate with a concentration of 50mg/l and 40 mg/l, respectively, from suspension in a dead-end filtration cell. These model foulants were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration. This dataset contains a stack of images of the fouling layer on the PVDF membrane surface captured by a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and its associated acquisition software. This dataset would be useful to researchers who are investigating the membrane organic fouling mechanism so that new membrane materials and new anti-fouling surface treatment technologies can be developed for water and wastewater industry in the future.


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This sub-collection is the result of an investigation into the mechanism of organic fouling in membrane filtration processes. In this experiment, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes were used to filter three types of organic foulants, yeast, protein and sodium alginate with a concentration of 50mg/l, 40mg/l and 20 mg/l, respectively, from suspension in a dead-end filtration cell. These model foulants were stained with fluorescent dyes before filtration. This dataset contains a stack of images of the fouling layer on the PVDF membrane surface captured by a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and its associated acquisition software. This dataset would be useful to researchers who are investigating the membrane organic fouling mechanism so that new membrane materials and new anti-fouling surface treatment technologies can be developed for water and wastewater industry in the future .


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A hybrid MBR/UV/GAC treatment system was researched to remove Ametryn, which is a commonly used herbicide in Australian farmlands, from wastewater. The research revealed that the hybrid system could be successfully used for 100% removal of Ametryn. Two mathematical models were developed to predict the frequency of chemical cleaning of MBR-membrane and the mechanism of fouling of membrane.


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Membrane filtration in municipal wastewater treatment is being increasingly used to improve the quality of water and increase the productivity of existing plants. However, membrane fouling encountered in reclamation of municipal wastewater represents serious design and operational concern. There are several fouling models which are being developed and used as a powerful tool to increase the understanding of the fouling mechanisms and its key characteristics that influence the design of optimal process and operating conditions. This study investigates and compares the fouling mechanisms of three different types of polymeric and ceramic ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF) membranes in the recovery of water from secondary effluent. The result demonstrated that ceramic UF membrane produced very high quality of water compared to polymeric UF and ceramic MF membranes. Out of four fouling models used to fit the experimental flux data, cake filtration and pore narrowing and complete pore blocking models predicted the initial fluxes of polymeric UF membrane more accurately. On the other hand, the cake filtration and pore narrowing models predicted the performance of ceramic UF membrane. Whereas, pore narrowing model predicted the performance of ceramic MF membrane more precisely compared to other three models. Further, the application of unified membrane fouling index (UMFI) was used to assess the fouling potential of the membranes. Good agreement between UMFI and other models was found. © 2013 Copyright Balaban Desalination Publications.


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In this study, permeate from a hollow fiber polyethylene (PE) membrane bio-reactor (MBR) system treating synthetic agricultural wastewater was fed into a cellulose acetate brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO30 2540) membrane system; three different trans-membranes pressures (TMPs) of 1000, 2500, and 4000 kPa were selected to evaluate the system performance in terms of general operating parameters as well as the removal of chosen important potential fouling water quality parameters. The results showed that highest corrected permeate flux rate was at a TMP of 2500 kPa, whereas lowest recorded at a TMP of 4000 kPa. Similar situation prevailed in water recovery rate. But temperature corrected specific fluxes decreased as the applied TMPs increased. In all selected TMPs, more than 96% of salinity was removed. Permeate from MBR as feed to reverse osmosis required frequent chemical cleaning than the microfiltration/ultrafiltration (MF/UF) permeates and granular media filter (GMF) filtered in order to maintain the required rate of product water. One of the reasons for this frequent chemical cleaning is due to higher total organic carbon as well as total nitrogen (TN) in the MBR permeate. This result needs to be further evaluated through field trials.


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In this study, a functionalized zeolites column was developed to remove ammonia nitrogen with a low concentration (50 mg/L) from aqueous solution. The absorption properties and regeneration capacity were investigated. Through breakthrough and elution curve for dynamic adsorption, we found the wastewater with 50 mg/L ammonia nitrogen took 7 h to flow 10 g modified zeolites column with diameters of 24 to 64 meshes at a flow rate of 2 mL/min. The saturated extent of adsorption was up to 7.95 mg/g, and the saturated adsorption time was 22 h. The process of dynamic adsorption could be fitted by the Thomas Model. The regeneration ability was optimized by 0.1 M Na2CO3 as a regenerant. With excellent absorption ability for removing ammonia nitrogen with a low concentration, the functionalized zeolites could be potentially used a high-performance adsorbent for removing ammonia nitrogen.


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A controlled artificial recharge experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of soil aquifer treatment during percolation of secondary and tertiary (ultrafiltered) treated wastewater through the shallow vadoze zone of a newly constructed coastal sandfill. The sandfill is a reclaimed land constructed from marine sand dredged from the seabed. To obtain 1-D flow, a stainless steel column was driven to a depth of 2.5 m, penetrating the phreatic surface. Wastewater was percolated through the column under fully-saturated and unsaturated conditions. Infiltration rates, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ultra-violet absorption (UVA) were monitored. The wastewaters were recharged at similar infiltration rates of approximately 5.5 m/day and 3.5 m/day under fully-saturated and unsaturated conditions, respectively. In both cases, clogging occurred 40 days after the start of recharge, under saturated conditions. For secondary treated wastewater, DOC concentration (mg/l) reduced by 28% and 13% under unsaturated and saturated conditions, respectively. The corresponding UVA reduction was 19.4% and 14.1%. Similar reductions in DOC were observed for the tertiary treated wastewater; however, the reduction in UVA was higher; 28% and 22% under unsaturated and saturated conditions, respectively. On an mass removal (mg/m(2) DOC) basis, DOC reduction appeared to be more significant under unsaturated conditions. This is attributed to the presence of interstitial oxygen.