995 resultados para venom glands


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Lymphoscintigraphy is the technique of choice for sentinel lymph node detection in women with early breast cancer, but there is limited information evaluating the value of this technique in animals. We investigated mammary lymphatic drainage in 25 young female mongrel dogs by intramammary injection of 18.5 MBq of Tc-99m-dextran (70,000 Da). Lymph node anatomical referencing was obtained using an external marker, bone scintigraphy, or scintiscanning the body contour. Cranial and caudal thoracic mammary glands drained into the cranial sternal lymph node and axillary lymph center. The cranial thoracic mammary gland also drained into the superficial cervical lymph node in two of five animals. The cranial abdominal gland was drained by the axillary lymph center. The caudal abdominal mammary gland was drained by the superficial inguinal lymph node in all animals and simultaneously by medial iliac lymph nodes in four of five animals. In one dog, this mammary gland was also drained by the mediastinal and the superficial cervical lymph nodes. The inguinal mammary gland was drained by superficial inguinal lymph nodes and simultaneously via the medial iliac lymph node in one animal. Lymphatic communications between lymph nodes were identified in 11 of 25 (44%) animals. Tc-99m-dextran mammary lymphoscintigraphy was easy and rapid to perform and may provide valuable information for further studies.


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The morphological characteristics of the oviduct of 12 sexually mature rheas (Rhea americana) were studied. Only the left oviduct is developed as a long tube with a length of 122 +/- 23.1 cm, and is subdivided into infundibulum (15.2 +/- 4.0 cm), magnum (63.3 +/- 9.4 cm), isthmus (5.6 +/- 3.1 cm), uterus (16.0 +/- 4.2 cm) and vagina (11.5 +/- 1.4 cm). The mucous membrane of the oviduct, as a whole, possesses luminal folds covered by ciliated columnar epithelium with secretory cells. The infundibulum part presents a cranial opening with thin and long fimbriae with few tubular glands in caudal tubular portion. In the magnum, the largest portion of the oviduct, the folds are thicker and are filled with tubular glands. The isthmus is short and presents less bulky folds and a few tubular glands. A bag-shaped uterus in the cranial area shows thin folds, and in the caudal region (shell gland) more ramified folds with few tubular glands. The vagina has long luminal folds and a thick muscular tunic; no glands with sperm-storage characteristics have been observed. In conclusion, the oviduct in sexually mature rhea has morphological similarities with the other species of birds already described; however it presents its own characteristics to produce a big egg.


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Following the discovery of the melatonin by Lerner et al. (1958), new research and perspectives were developed in order to improve the knowledge regarding the pineal gland. This hormone is not only related to the circadian control but also influences other behavioral functions such as the reproductive cycle and thermoregulation. In this study the morphology of the pineal gland (epiphysis cerebri) from 20 dogs were analyzed by means of macroscopic and microscopic evaluation. The shape of the gland ranged from conic to ""tongue-like shape"" (in relation to human tongue). The gland color ranged from beige to gray-brownish and it had a gelatinous consistency. The width and length of the glands ranged from 1.38 to 2.39 mm and 1.53 to 2.96 mm, respectively. Capsule, septa, pinealocytes, glial cells and pigment granules were microscopically found in all glands. No calcareous concretions were observed.


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Morphological characteristics of the tongue were studied in adult rhea (Rhea americana). The lingual surface and the surface of epithelium-connective tissue interface of rhea tongue were examined macroscopically and by light and scanning electron microscopy. The rhea tongue revealed a triangular aspect, without adjustment of the inferior bill formation, occupying approximately of the length of the oral cavity. Lingual papilla-like structures were not observed over the lingual surface. The tongue mucosa was composed of a thick non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium in the dorsal and ventral part, supported by a connective tissue core. The submucosa contained numerous glands with cytoplasmic granules, and luminal secretion was positive for histochemical reaction to Alcian Blue in pH 2.5 and PAS, and negative to Alcian Blue in pH 0.5. Despite the rudimentary characteristic of the tongue in rhea, our results suggest an important role of tongue secretions in food lubrication and humidification during the swallowing process, based on the enormous quantity of lingual glands in the submucosa and the histochemical characteristics of their secretions.


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High energy intake and excessive body fatness impair mammogenesis in prepubertal ruminants. High energy intake and excessive fatness also increase serum leptin. Our objective was to determine if an infusion of leptin decreases proliferation of mammary epithelial cells of prepubertal heifers in vivo. Ovine leptin at 100 mu g/quarter per d with or without 10 mu g of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I was infused via the teat canal into mammary glands of prepubertal dairy heifers; contralateral quarters were used as controls. After 7 d of treatment, bromodeoxyuridine was infused intravenously and heifers were slaughtered similar to 2 h later. Tissue from 3 regions of the mammary parenchyma was collected and immunostained for bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (Ki-67), and caspase-3. Leptin decreased the number of mammary epithelial cells in the S-phase of the cell cycle by 48% in IGF-I-treated quarters and by 19% in saline-treated quarters. Leptin did not alter the number of mammary epithelial cells within the cell cycle, as indicated by Ki-67 labeling. Caspase-3 immunostaining within the mammary parenchyma was very low in these heifers, but leptin significantly increased labeling in saline-treated quarters. Leptin enhanced SOCS-3 expression in IGF-I-treated quarters but did not alter SOCS-1 or SOCS-5 expression. We conclude that a high concentration of leptin in the bovine mammary gland reduces proliferation of mammary epithelial cells. The reduced proliferation is accompanied by an increase in SOCS-3 expression, suggesting a possible mechanism for leptin inhibition of IGF-I action. Whether leptin might be a physiological regulator of mammogenesis remains to be determined.


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Prototheca zopfii has been considered one of the most important causes of environmental mastitis in Brazil. These algae are refractory to conventional therapy and cause great damage to the mammary gland. The present study evaluated the in vitro algaecide effect of sodium hypochlorite and iodine based antiseptics on 27 P. zopfii strains isolated from the milk of cattle. Low concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (0.0390625-0.15625%) and iodine (0.15625-0.625%) were effective against the isolates. These antiseptics may be recommended for hygiene routines, pre and postdipping and cauterization of bovine mammary glands infected by P. zopfii. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A great number of studies on scorpion venoms associate their effects to the autonomic nervous system, and few data are available about their action on the central nervous system (CNS). The aim of this work was to evaluate some central effects after intraperitoneal injection of Tityus serrulatus or T. bahiensis scorpion venoms. The hippocampal concentration of some neurotransmitters and their metabolites were determined. Electroencephalographic and behavioral observations were performed, and all brains were removed for histopathological analysis of hippocampal areas. Both venoms induced electrographic and behavioral alterations despite T bahiensis venom affects less the electrographic activity than T. serrulatus venom. Neurochemical analysis demonstrated no alteration in the extracellular levels of almost all the neurotransmitters evaluated, at least in the hippocampus, and no neuronal loss in this area was observed. Meanwhile, extracellular concentration of HVA increased up to 10 times in approximately 1/3 of the animals of both groups. Scorpion venoms seem to exert a small but important central effect. More studies in this field are necessary because they may be useful in developing new strategies to reduce the damage caused by scorpion stings. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objectives of this investigation were to understand transplacental transport of iron by secreted uteroferrin (UF) and haemophagous areas of water buffalo placenta and clarify the role(s) of blood extravasation at the placental-maternal interface. Placentomes and interplacentomal region of 51 placentae at various stages of gestation were fixed, processed for light and transmission electron microscopy, histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Haemophagous areas were present in placentomes collected between 4 and 10 months of pregnancy. Perl`s reaction for ferric iron was negative in placentomes, but positive in endometrial glands. Positive staining for UF indicated areas in which it was being taken up by phagocytosis and/or fluid phase pinocytosis in areolae of the interplacentomal mesenchyme, with little staining in endometrial stroma. Imunohistochemistry detected UF in trophectoderm of haemophagous regions of placentomes and in other parts of the foetal villous tree, but the strongest immunostaining was in the epithelial cells and lumen of uterine glands. Ultrastructural analyses indicated that erythrophagocytosis was occurring and that erythrocytes were present inside cells of the chorion that also contained endocytic vesicles and caveolae. Results of this study indicate that both the haemophagous areas of placentomes and the areolae at the interface between chorion and endometrial glands are important sites for iron transfer from mother to foetal-placental tissues in buffalo throughout pregnancy.


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Four 1.5-year-old, male, Murrah buffalos were maintained during eight months without direct solar exposure during a study of copper toxicosis. Four days after solar exposure, all buffalos presented clinical manifestations consistent with acute photosensitization, including anorexia, apathy, loss of body weight, and generalized cutaneous lesions. Gross lesions were characterized by severe erythema, localized edema, fissures, tissue necrosis, gangrene and crust formation with h serous exudation. Liver copper concentration was evaluated, and cutaneous biopsies were taken when clinical signs were evident. The liver copper concentration before solar exposure was increased in all animals. Histopathologic examination of the skin revealed hepatogenous photosensitization characterized by parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, acantholysis, degeneration of squamous epithelial cells, epidermal necrosis with atrophy of sweat glands, and multifocal superficial and deep dermal edema. These findings suggest that asymptomatic accumulation of copper within the liver might have induced hepatic insufficiency thereby resulting in secondary photosensitization when these buffalos were exposed to sunlight. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bovines present contrasting, heritable phenotypes of infestations with the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Tick salivary glands produce IgG-binding proteins (IGBPs) as a mechanism for escaping from host antibodies that these ectoparasites ingest during blood meals. Allotypes that occur in the constant region of IgG may differ in their capacity to bind with tick IGBPs; this may be reflected by the distribution of distinct allotypes according to phenotypes of tick infestations. In order to test this hypothesis, we investigated the frequency of haplotypes of bovine IgG2 among tick-resistant and tick-susceptible breeds of bovines. Sequencing of the gene coding for the heavy chain of IgG2 from 114 tick-resistant (Bos taurus indicus, Nelore breed) and tick-susceptible (B. t. taurus, Holstein breed) bovines revealed SNPs that generated 13 different haplotypes, of which 11 were novel and 5 were exclusive of Holstein and 3 of Nelore breeds. Alignment and modeling of coded haplotypes for hinge regions of the bovine IgG2 showed that they differ in the distribution of polar and hydrophobic amino acids and in shape according to the distribution of these amino acids. We also found that there was an association between genotypes of the constant region of the IgG2 heavy chain with phenotypes of tick infestations. These findings open the possibility of investigating if certain IgG allotypes hinder the function of tick IGBPs. If so, they may be markers for breeding for resistance against tick infestations.


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The tongue of birds fills the oral cavity and has a beak-like shape. Morphological studies of birds reveal a correlation between the structure of the tongue and the mechanism of food intake and the type of food. However, several studies have shown morphological differences among the tongues of bird species. The aim of this study was to analyze ostrich tongue morphology and ultrastructural features using scanning electron microscopy. Tongues from 12 adult ostriches were examined. Six tongues were sectioned sagittally into lateral and middle portions, fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution, and examined under light microscopy. The other six samples were sectioned longitudinally, and the dorsal and ventral surfaces were separated, Immersion-fixed In modified Karnovsky solution, and examined under scanning electron microscopy. The tongue surface of the ostrich was smooth, without lingual papillae, and covered by stratified non-keratinized epithelium. In the submucosal layer, mucous salivary glands were surrounded by connective-tissue capsules, with septa dividing the glands Into lobes. Numerous salivary gland ducts of different sizes and connective-tissue laminae dividing each opening could be clearly seen in scanning electron microscope Images. The ventral surface had fewer openings than the dorsal surface. In samples treated with NaOH, connective-tissue papillae from the dorsal region were oriented posteriorly.


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This study aims to investigate whether infrared diode low-level laser therapy (LLLT) increased salivary flow rate and altered pH value, protein concentration, and peroxidase and amylase activities in saliva of rats. Wistar rats were used and divided into three groups. Experimental groups (A and 13) had their parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands submitted to diode laser, 808-nm wavelength, on two consecutive days. The dose results were 4 and 8 J/cm(2), respectively. A red guide light was used to visualize the irradiated area. Group C was irradiated only with red pilot beam and served as control. The saliva samples were collected after each irradiation step (first and second collection days) and 1 week after the first irradiation (seventh day). Statistical analysis was performed, and differences were observed according to different days of salivary collection. The results showed that salivary flow rate for groups A and B was higher on the seventh day if it is compared to data obtained for the first day (p<0.05). LLLT applications on salivary glands are a therapy procedure that requires further studies.


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Aims: Myoepithelial cells are important components of salivary gland structure, aiding the expulsion of saliva from acinar lobules. The aim was to evaluate the expression of smooth muscle actin (SMA), calponin, caldesmon, CD10, CD29, S100 protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and p63 in myoepithelial cells during salivary gland morphogenesis to understand the maturation process of these cells and their possible use in the diagnosis of salivary gland lesions. Methods and results: Major and minor human salivary glands at various stages of development, derived from fetuses at 8-26 weeks of gestation, were studied immunohistochemically. Fully developed salivary glands were used as controls. The protein p63 was present in all stages of salivary gland morphogenesis from initial bud to terminal bud stage. CD29, S100 and calponin were detected increasingly as salivary gland structure matured and in fully developed salivary gland. Proteins GFAP, CD10 and caldesmon were not observed in myoepithelial cells of salivary glands. Conclusions: The proteins SMA, calponin, CD29, S100 and p63, which are present from the earliest stages of salivary gland maturation, are valuable myoepithelial markers but, although very specific, are not exclusive markers for this cell type.


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Objective: Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) was the first human retrovirus discovered and its pathogenesis is related to T cells infection. This study aimed to verify the presence of oral manifestations in a Brazilian population of patients who was seropositive for HTLV, and identify risk factors for oral manifestations. Subjects and methods: An assessment was made of 139 patients at the Emilio Ribas Institute of Infectious Diseases. Results: A total of 112 (80.5%) patients were HTLV-1, 26 (18.7%) were HTLV-2+. About 35.2% of patients had myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), with 48 of them being HTLV-1+ and one patient was seropositive for HTLV-1 and -2. The most common oral manifestations were: xerostomia (26.8%), candidiasis (20.8%), fissured tongue (17.9%), and loss of tongue papillae (10.0%). A multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that HAM/TSP is an independent risk factor for xerostomia (P = 0.02). The patients who were HAM/TSP+ were three times more likely to develop xerostomia when compared with patients without HAM/TSP (odds ratio = 2.69, 95% confidence interval = 1.17-6.17). Conclusion: Despite the fact that the findings of this study suggest a relationship between xerostomia and HAM/TSP, more studies should be developed to show what the association would be between xerostomia presented by HTLV patients and pathogenesis of the virus.


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Background: Cheilitis glandularis (CG) is a condition in which thick Saliva is secreted by minor labial salivary glands and adheres to a swollen lip causing discomfort to the patient. Most Publications refer to single case reports or small case series. Objective. We sought to report and to analyze clinical, pathological, and therapeutic data oil 22 patients with CG seen at the department of dermatology at our university. Method: Retrospective data about 22 patients with CG are reviewed and presented. Results: Seventeen patients were male and 5 were female. All were fair skinned, including 6 albino individuals. Several of them presented significant signs of photodamage on the lips. treatment was performed in 10 severely affected patients and consisted of I vermilionectomy followed by minor salivary gland removal. Histopathological Study revealed Various degrees of chronic sialadenitis and vermilion epithelial changes. Superficially invasive and in Situ squamous cell carcinoma of the vermilion was detected in 3 cases. Limitations: Biopsy and surgery were not performed in all patients. Conclusions: CG is strongly related to Sun sensitivity and may be more severe in albino patients. The swollen, sun-exposed lip may become more susceptible to the occurrence of squamous Cell carcinoma. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;62:233-8.)