996 resultados para variable stepsize


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Accumulation of an intracellular pool of carbon (C(i) pool) is one strategy by which marine algae overcome the low abundance of dissolved CO2 (CO2 (aq) ) in modern seawater. To identify the environmental conditions under which algae accumulate an acid-labile C(i) pool, we applied a (14) C pulse-chase method, used originally in dinoflagellates, to two new classes of algae, coccolithophorids and diatoms. This method measures the carbon accumulation inside the cells without altering the medium carbon chemistry or culture cell density. We found that the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii [(Grunow) G. Fryxell & Hasle] and a calcifying strain of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi [(Lohmann) W. W. Hay & H. P. Mohler] develop significant acid-labile C(i) pools. C(i) pools are measureable in cells cultured in media with 2-30 µmol/l CO2 (aq), corresponding to a medium pH of 8.6-7.9. The absolute C(i) pool was greater for the larger celled diatoms. For both algal classes, the C(i) pool became a negligible contributor to photosynthesis once CO2 (aq) exceeded 30 µmol/l. Combining the (14) C pulse-chase method and (14) C disequilibrium method enabled us to assess whether E. huxleyi and T. weissflogii exhibited thresholds for foregoing accumulation of DIC or reduced the reliance on bicarbonate uptake with increasing CO2 (aq) . We showed that the C(i) pool decreases with higher CO2 :HCO3 (-) uptake rates.


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Since marine phytoplankton play a vital role in stabilizing earth's climate by removing significant amount of atmospheric CO2, their responses to increasing CO2 levels are indeed vital to address. The responses of a natural phytoplankton community from the Qingdao coast (NW Yellow Sea, China) was studied under different CO2 levels in microcosms. HPLC pigment analysis revealed the presence of diatoms as a dominant microalgal group; however, members of chlorophytes, prasinophytes, cryptophytes and cyanophytes were also present. delta 13CPOM values indicated that the phytoplankton community probably utilized bicarbonate ions as dissolved inorganic carbon source through a carbon concentration mechanism (CCM) under low CO2 levels, and diffusive CO2 uptake increased upon the increase of external CO2 levels. Although, considerable increase in phytoplankton biomass was noticed in all CO2 treatments, CO2-induced effects were absent. Higher net nitrogen uptake under low CO2 levels could be related to the synthesis of CCM components. Flow cytometry analysis showed slight reduction in the abundance of Synechococcus and pico-eukaryotes under the high CO2 treatments. Diatoms did not show any negative impact in response to increasing CO2 levels; however, chlorophytes revealed a reverse tend. Heterotrophic bacterial count enhanced with increasing CO2 levels and indicated higher abundance of labile organic carbon. Thus, the present study indicates that any change in dissolved CO2 concentrations in this area may affect phytoplankton physiology and community structure and needs further long-term study.


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Macrocystis pyrifera is a widely distributed, highly productive, seaweed. It is known to use bicarbonate (HCO3-) from seawater in photosynthesis and the main mechanism of utilization is attributed to the external catalyzed dehydration of HCO3- by the surface-bound enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CAext). Here, we examined other putative HCO3- uptake mechanisms in M. pyrifera under pHT 9.00 (HCO3-: CO2 = 940:1) and pHT 7.65 (HCO3-: CO2 = 51:1). Rates of photosynthesis, and internal CA (CAint) and CAext activity were measured following the application of AZ which inhibits CAext, and DIDS which inhibits a different HCO3- uptake system, via an anion exchange (AE) protein. We found that the main mechanism of HCO3- uptake by M. pyrifera is via an AE protein, regardless of the HCO3-: CO2 ratio, with CAext making little contribution. Inhibiting the AE protein led to a 55%-65% decrease in photosynthetic rates. Inhibiting both the AE protein and CAext at pHT 9.00 led to 80%-100% inhibition of photosynthesis, whereas at pHT 7.65, passive CO2 diffusion supported 33% of photosynthesis. CAint was active at pHT 7.65 and 9.00, and activity was always higher than CAext, because of its role in dehydrating HCO3- to supply CO2 to RuBisCO. Interestingly, the main mechanism of HCO3- uptake in M. pyrifera was different than that in other Laminariales studied (CAext-catalyzed reaction) and we suggest that species-specific knowledge of carbon uptake mechanisms is required in order to elucidate how seaweeds might respond to future changes in HCO3-:CO2 due to ocean acidification.


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En la actualidad, el interés por las plantas de potencia de ciclo combinado de gas y vapor ha experimentado un notable aumento debido a su alto rendimiento, bajo coste de generación y rápida construcción. El objetivo fundamental de la tesis es profundizar en el conocimiento de esta tecnología, insuficientemente conocida hasta el momento debido al gran número de grados de libertad que existen en el diseño de este tipo de instalaciones. El estudio se realizó en varias fases. La primera consistió en analizar y estudiar las distintas tecnologías que se pueden emplear en este tipo de centrales, algunas muy recientes o en fase de investigación, como las turbinas de gas de geometría variable, las turbinas de gas refrigeradas con agua o vapor del ciclo de vapor o las calderas de paso único que trabajan con agua en condiciones supercríticas. Posteriormente se elaboraron los modelos matemáticos que permiten la simulación termodinámica de cada uno de los componentes que integran las plantas, tanto en el punto de diseño como a cargas parciales. Al mismo tiempo, se desarrolló una metodología novedosa que permite resolver el sistema de ecuaciones que resulta de la simulación de cualquier configuración posible de ciclo combinado. De esa forma se puede conocer el comportamiento de cualquier planta en cualquier punto de funcionamiento. Por último se desarrolló un modelo de atribución de costes para este tipo de centrales. Con dicho modelo, los estudios se pueden realizar no sólo desde un punto de vista termodinámico sino también termoeconómico, con lo que se pueden encontrar soluciones de compromiso entre rendimiento y coste, asignar costes de producción, determinar curvas de oferta, beneficios económicos de la planta y delimitar el rango de potencias donde la planta es rentable. El programa informático, desarrollado en paralelo con los modelos de simulación, se ha empleado para obtener resultados de forma intensiva. El estudio de los resultados permite profundizar ampliamente en el conocimiento de la tecnología y, así, desarrollar una metodología de diseño de este tipo de plantas bajo un criterio termoeconómico. ABSTRACT The growing energy demand and the need of shrinking costs have led to the design of high efficiency and quick installation power plants. The success of combined cycle gas turbine power plants lies on their high efficiency, low cost and short construction lead time. The main objective of the work is to study in detail this technology, which is not thoroughly known owing to the great number of degrees of freedom that exist in the design of this kind of power plants. The study is divided into three parts. Firstly, the different technologies and components that could be used in any configuration of a combined cycle gas turbine power plant are studied. Some of them could be of recent technology, such as the variable inlet guide vane compressors, the H-technology for gas turbine cooling or the once-through heat recovery steam generators, used with water at supercritical conditions. Secondly, a mathematical model has been developed to simulate at full and part load the components of the power plant. At the same time, a new methodology is proposed in order to solve the equation system resulting for any possible power plant configuration. Therefore, any combined cycle gas turbine could be simulated at any part load condition. Finally a themoeconomic model is proposed. This model allows studying the power plant not only from a thermodynamic point of view but also from a thermoeconomic one. Likewise, it allows determining the generating costs or the cash flow, thus achieving a trade off between efficiency and cost. Likewise, the model calculates the part load range where the power plant is profitable. Once the thermodynamic and thermoeconomic models are developed, they are intensively used in order to gain knowledge in the combined cycle gas turbine technology and, in this way, to propose a methodology aimed at the design of this kind of power plants from a thermoeconomic point of view.


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Traditional schemes for abstract interpretation-based global analysis of logic programs generally focus on obtaining procedure argument mode and type information. Variable sharing information is often given only the attention needed to preserve the correctness of the analysis. However, such sharing information can be very useful. In particular, it can be used for predicting runtime goal independence, which can eliminate costly run-time checks in and-parallel execution. In this paper, a new algorithm for doing abstract interpretation in logic programs is described which concentrates on inferring the dependencies of the terms bound to program variables with increased precisión and at all points in the execution of the program, rather than just at a procedure level. Algorithms are presented for computing abstract entry and success substitutions which extensively keep track of variable aliasing and term dependence information. In addition, a new, abstract domain independent ñxpoint algorithm is presented and described in detail. The algorithms are illustrated with examples. Finally, results from an implementation of the abstract interpreter are presented.


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La acumulación de material sólido en embalses, cauces fluviales y en zonas marítimas hace que la extracción mecánica de estos materiales por medio de succión sea cada vez mas frecuente, por ello resulta importante estudiar el rendimiento de la succión de estos materiales analizando la forma de las boquillas y los parámetros del flujo incluyendo la bomba. Esta tesis estudia, mediante equipos experimentales, la eficacia de distintos dispositivos de extracción de sólidos (utilizando boquillas de diversas formas y bombas de velocidad variable). El dispositivo experimental ha sido desarrollado en el Laboratorio de Hidráulica de la E.T.S.I. de Caminos, C. y P. de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Dicho dispositivo experimental incluye un lecho sumergido de distintos tipos de sedimentos, boquillas de extracción de sólidos y bomba de velocidad variable, así como un elemento de separación del agua y los sólidos extraídos. Los parámetros básicos analizados son el caudal líquido total bombeado, el caudal sólido extraído, diámetro de la tubería de succión, forma y sección de la boquilla extractora, así como los parámetros de velocidad y rendimiento en la bomba de velocidad variable. Los resultados de las medidas obtenidas en el dispositivo experimental han sido estudiados por medio del análisis dimensional y con métodos estadísticos. A partir de este estudio se ha desarrollado una nueva formulación, que relaciona el caudal sólido extraído con los diámetros de tubería y boquilla, caudal líquido bombeado y velocidad de giro de la bomba. Así mismo, desde el punto de vista práctico, se han analizado la influencia de la forma de la boquilla con la capacidad de extracción de sólidos a igualdad del resto de los parámetros, de forma que se puedan recomendar que forma de la boquilla es la más apropiada. The accumulation of solid material in reservoirs, river channels and sea areas causes the mechanical extraction of these materials by suction is becoming much more common, so it is important to study the performance of the suction of these materials analyzing the shape of the nozzles and flow parameters, including the pump. This thesis studies, using experimental equipment, the effectiveness of different solids removal devices (using nozzles of different shapes and variable speed pumps). The experimental device was developed at the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Civil University of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. The device included a submerged bed with different types of sediment solids, different removal nozzles and variable speed pump. It also includes a water separation element and the solids extracted. The key parameters analyzed are the total liquid volume pumped, the solid volume extracted, diameter of the suction pipe, a section of the nozzle and hood, and the parameters of speed and efficiency of the variable speed pump. The basic parameters analyzed are the total liquid volume pumped, the removed solid volume, the diameter of the suction pipe, the shape and cross-section of the nozzle, and the parameters of speed, efficiency and energy consumed by the variable speed pump. The measurements obtained on the experimental device have been studied with dimensional analysis and statistical methods. The outcome of this study is a new formulation, which relates the solid volume extracted with the pipe and nozzle diameters, the pumped liquid flow and the speed of the pump. Also, from a practical point of view, the influence of the shape of the nozzle was compared with the solid extraction capacity, keeping equal the rest of the parameters. So, a recommendation of the best shape of the nozzle can be given.


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Traditional schemes for abstract interpretation-based global analysis of logic programs generally focus on obtaining procedure argument mode and type information. Variable sharing information is often given only the attention needed to preserve the correctness of the analysis. However, such sharing information can be very useful. In particular, it can be used for predicting run-time goal independence, which can eliminate costly run-time checks in and-parallel execution. In this paper, a new algorithm for doing abstract interpretation in logic programs is described which infers the dependencies of the terms bound to program variables with increased precisión and at all points in the execution of the program, rather than just at a procedure level. Algorithms are presented for computing abstract entry and success substitutions which extensively keep track of variable aliasing and term dependence information. The algorithms are illustrated with examples.


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Since 1996, when the first agricultural tractor with CVT transmission was shown, the presence of this type of transmissions has been increasing. All companies offer them in their products range. Nevertheless, there is little technical documentation that explains the basics of its operation. This report shows all types of CVT transmissions: non-power-split type and power-split ones, as well as the three types used in agricultural tractors, hydro-mechanical power-split transmissions (3 active shafts, input coupled planetary; 3 active shafts, output coupled planetary and 4 active shafts). The report also describes the design parameters of a type of CVT transmission, which use a power-split system with 3 active shafts as well as the fundamental relations among them. Crown Copyright 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of ISTVS. All rights reserved.


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La estimación de caudales resulta fundamental en el diseño de infraestructuras, obras hidráulicas y en la planificación de usos de suelo. Con frecuencia no se encuentran disponibles estaciones de aforo en la zona de estudio, y los modelos hidrometeorológicos se convierten en una herramienta imprescindible para la estimación de caudales. Estos modelos requieren a su vez el dato de inten- sidad máxima anual para una duración y período de retorno o una ley IDF. Las curvas IDF actualmente utilizadas en España fueron propuestas en los años setenta por lo que parece adecuado plantear una actualización tanto de los registros y de las nuevas estaciones disponibles como de la metodología, incorporando nuevas técnicas al estudio de esta variable. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de esta actualización, en el que se ha utilizado el méto- do de regionalización del tipo índice de avenida para el análisis de frecuencias de intensidades máximas. Este método proporciona estimas más robustas que los métodos tradicionales, siendo esta propiedad especialmente importante en el caso de valores extremos, en los que las series son cortas, y cuando se requieran estimaciones de bajas frecuencias (altos períodos de retorno).Para el ajuste se ha utilizado la función SQRT-ET máx frente a la función de distribución Gumbel actualmente utilizada – pues presentando esta última un coeficiente de asimetría fijo de 1,14, subestima los cuantiles de manera sistemática al menos en el área de influencia mediterránea. Los autores desarrollan una nueva metodología para extender los resultados obtenidos en el análisis regional al resto del territorio español, proponiendo dos funciones, una que relaciona la intensidad con el período de retorno y otra que relaciona esta variable con la duración, de manera que, finalmente, se puede obtener la intensidad máxima para una duración y período de retorno en cualquier punto de la España peninsular. Dado el carácter práctico de la investigación, los resultados se presentan en soporte informático, y se ha diseñado una aplicación gis, MAXIN, de libre difusión, que está disponible en: http://www.for estales.upm.es/hidraulica/paginas/programas/programas.htm


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We propose a pulse shaping and shortening technique for pulses generated from gain switched single mode semiconductor lasers, based on a Mach Zehnder interferometer with variable delay. The spectral and temporal characteristics of the pulses obtained with the proposed technique are investigated with numerical simulations. Experiments are performed with a Distributed Feedback laser and a Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser, emitting at 1.5 µm, obtaining pulse duration reduction of 25-30%. The main asset of the proposed technique is that it can be applied to different devices and pulses, taking advantage of the flexibility of the gain switching technique.


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This paper addresses the question of maximizing classifier accuracy for classifying task-related mental activity from Magnetoencelophalography (MEG) data. We propose the use of different sources of information and introduce an automatic channel selection procedure. To determine an informative set of channels, our approach combines a variety of machine learning algorithms: feature subset selection methods, classifiers based on regularized logistic regression, information fusion, and multiobjective optimization based on probabilistic modeling of the search space. The experimental results show that our proposal is able to improve classification accuracy compared to approaches whose classifiers use only one type of MEG information or for which the set of channels is fixed a priori.


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El presente estudio profundiza en los valores las acciones que actúan sobre una estructura conforme a la vida útil para la que se proyecta inicialmente especialmente cuando su vida útil es menor del valos estándar. Esto sucede frecuentemente, en el campo de la rehabilitación.