916 resultados para user-centered development process


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This paper examines issues encountered when developing new tourism services generally, and specific aspects relating to the development of remote area dinosaur fossil fields for tourism. It studies two sites, one in the USA and one in Australia. Access to both sites is by minor roads, and both sites are characterised by long drives separating the sites from small communities that offer limited infrastructure and few other attractions for visitors. In both areas, however, tourism is seen as one of the few possible ways to sustain existing communities in the face of declining primary-industry-based employment. In general, tourists visiting these areas are on touring holidays of two weeks’ duration or more where the attraction is the general attributes of the region as well as to a lesser extent their interest in dinosaur fossils. These provide a potential resource for remote-region economic development through commodification as a new tourism attraction. Development of dinosaur fossil finds as a tourism resource is conceptualised here as new service development. Developing new tourism services, especially in remote regions, is challenging and has not been well examined in the tourism literature. The new service development process used in this case study first examines the characteristics of the existing tourists travelling through the region. The characteristics of a number of potential market segments currently interested in dinosaur fossils were then examined and contrasted with the existing market. This is conceptualised on a specialist-generalist spectrum of interest in fossils. A study of the tourist service features associated with dinosaur fossil tourism in remote regions of the USA was conducted, leading to the identification of a number of possible incremental development opportunities. The paper then takes a strategic approach to examining potential new tourism service development related to dinosaur fossils in remote regions of Queensland, Australia. In particular, it describes use of information about existing services in similar regions as the basis for ideas about development as well as comparison between existing and potential markets.


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Earthquakes have been recognized as resulting from stick-slip frictional instabilities along the faults between deformable rocks. A three-dimensional finite-element code for modeling the nonlinear frictional contact behaviors between deformable bodies with the node-to-point contact element strategy has been developed and applied here to investigate the fault geometry influence on the nucleation and development process of the stick-slip instability along an intra-plate fault through a typical fault bend model, which has a pre-cut fault that is artificially bent by an angle of 5.6degrees at the fault center. The numerical results demonstrate that the geometry of the fault significantly affects nucleation, termination and restart of the stick-slip instability along the intra-plate fault, and all these instability phenomena can be well simulated using the current finite-element algorithm.


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This book draws together relevant research findings to produce the first comprehensive overview of Indigenous peoples' mobility. Chapters draw from a range of disciplinary sources, and from a diversity of regions and nation-states. Within nations, mobility is the key determinant of local population change, with implications for service delivery, needs assessment, and governance. Mobility also provides a key indicator of social and economic transformation. As such, it informs both social theory and policy debate. For much of the twentieth century conventional wisdom anticipated the steady convergence of socio-demographic trends, seeing this as an inevitable concomitant of the development process. However, the patterns and trends in population movement observed in this book suggest otherwise, and provide a forceful manifestation of changing race relations in these new world settings. © 2009 Informa plc


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Real-time software systems are rarely developed once and left to run. They are subject to changes of requirements as the applications they support expand, and they commonly outlive the platforms they were designed to run on. A successful real-time system is duplicated and adapted to a variety of applications - it becomes a product line. Current methods for real-time software development are commonly based on low-level programming languages and involve considerable duplication of effort when a similar system is to be developed or the hardware platform changes. To provide more dependable, flexible and maintainable real-time systems at a lower cost what is needed is a platform-independent approach to real-time systems development. The development process is composed of two phases: a platform-independent phase, that defines the desired system behaviour and develops a platform-independent design and implementation, and a platform-dependent phase that maps the implementation onto the target platform. The last phase should be highly automated. For critical systems, assessing dependability is crucial. The partitioning into platform dependent and independent phases has to support verification of system properties through both phases.


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Estudo das condições para que os meios de comunicação comunitária venham a contribuir com a participação e organização dos movimentos populares. Os objetivos são analisar as relações entre as rádios comunitárias e o direito à moradia e compreender as implicações no desenvolvimento de processos político-comunicacionais subsidiados por uma metodologia de ação dialógica na produção de conteúdos realizados por agentes do movimento de moradia. A abordagem dialética é fundamentada principalmente no pensamento de Paulo Freire. As técnicas de pesquisa são a bibliográfica, a documental e a pesquisa-ação, a qual se desenvolveu junto à Associação para o Desenvolvimento Habitacional do Brasil ADEHAB que atua na região conhecida como Área do Chafik, no Jardim Zaíra, em Mauá- SP, em parceria com a Rádio Comunitária Z FM, situada na mesma localidade. Concluise que a criação de novos fluxos comunicacionais comunitários incidem no fortalecimento do movimento popular e da rádio comunitária e os principais condicionantes para este processo reside na disposição dos movimentos populares em se apropriar dos espaços comunicativos reinventando sua práxis.


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Este estudo qualitativo foi elaborado por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica de estudiosos do tema da avaliação do rendimento de alunos, como Luckesi (2005), Hoffmann (2003), Paro (2003), Hadji (1994) e Figari (1996), e de pesquisa de campo, com o objetivo de investigar como está ocorrendo a avaliação do ensino fundamental da rede pública paulista, na vigência do regime de progressão continuada. Considerando que os fundamentos da prática avaliativa distam quase sempre dos apregoados pela política educacional instituída e com o propósito de verificar se isto está ocorrendo com a política de progressão continuada, participei, durante um ano letivo, das atividades educacionais de uma escola pública da periferia da Grande São Paulo, observando, colhendo depoimentos e anotando cuidadosamente tudo o que vivenciei nesse período. Para empreender uma leitura dos dados coletados, busquei também o apoio no construto teórico de Michel de Certeau, para quem aos "produtos impostos" códigos, leis, políticas culturais, etc. rigorosamente organizados de forma a atribuir um lugar, um papel ao homem ordinário, contrapõem-se práticas construídas no processo de apropriação desses produtos. Por meio de suas "artes de fazer", os usuários reinventam o cotidiano. Utilizando-se de "táticas astuciosas", o usuário da cultura reapropria-se dos espaços, altera-lhes os códigos e deles faz uso "a seu jeito". Nesta pesquisa, que enfoca as relações dos protagonistas de processos avaliativos escolares, confirmam-se os postulados de Certeau, que não conferem ao consumidor da política um lugar passivo. Como já foi caracterizado por este instigante pensador, o usuário da política (o instituinte), enquanto portador de astúcias, move-se no campo espacial do outro (o instituído) e, taticamente, fazendo uso de práticas não previstas, escreve uma "outra história". O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi contribuir com reflexões que mostrem a importância de se analisar as tensões geradas por políticas educacionais impostas, desprovidas de sentido para aqueles que não participam de sua elaboração, o que tem provocado movimentos táticos de seus usuários, neste caso, os docentes, os quais, sem as condições objetivas necessárias para promover a política instituída, enunciada no discurso, utilizam-se do seu potencial instituinte de transformação, escrevendo uma "outra história".


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Theory suggests that the dimensions that are incorporated in the new product screening decision will differ according to the stage of the development process. The outcome of the application of different screening dimensions would be quicker, realistic and more reliable screening decisions. This research project builds on existing new product development and screening literature by investigating new product screening in international fast moving consumer goods companies. It further builds on the existing literature by measuring decision-making relating to projects in 'real time', as managers' responses refer to projects they are currently working on. The introduction of branded consumer products allows us to evolve scales used in new product research by further developing variables relating to branding, promotion and retailer power. The project uncovers multiple dimensions of new product screening and evaluation within this branded product sector. These dimensions are found to differ in their ability to discriminate between two groups of accepted and rejected projects at each of four stages of the new product development process. This investigation provides the intelligence with which managers can determine the likelihood of project acceptance and rejection at different stages of the development process. It highlights the need for managers to apply stage-specific dimensions in the new product screening decision and advocates the redefinition of new product screening from both an academic and managerial perspective. The screening decision should not be viewed as a single, early decision in a product development process, but as a series of stage specific decisions regarding future project potential.


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Building on social exchange theory and qualitative inquiry, managerial responsiveness, caring, and aggressiveness were uncovered as three key social exchange dimensions used by sales managers when dealing with problem situations in the salesforce. We used Australian data to develop measures of these three constructs. Results of the development process indicate that the measures show good validity. Further to this, we also provide examination of the relationship of the three exchange dimensions with key organizational outcomes. Overall the findings suggest that the three constructs are important in sales manager problem resolution exchanges, and that they may ultimately influence the success of sales organizations.


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Are the perceptions of professional economists on transaction costs consistent with make-or-buy decisions made within firms? The answer may have important implications for transaction cost research. Data on firms' outsourcing during the new product development process are taken from a largescale survey of UK, German and Irish manufacturing plants, and we test the consistency of these outsourcing decisions with the predictions derived from the transaction cost perceptions of a panel of economists. Little consistency is evident between actual outsourcing patterns and the predictions of the (Williamsonian) transactions cost model derived from the panel of economists. There is, however, evidence of a systematic pattern to the differences, suggesting that a competence or resource-based approach may be relevant to understanding firm outsourcing, and that firms are adopting a strategic approach to managing their external relationships. © Cambridge Political Economy Society 2005; all rights reserved.


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Where retail entry mode decision-making is examined in the literature, it has almost exclusively focused upon international store acquisitions and franchising growth and expansion. In contrast, international joint venture decision-making processes are visibly absent in the international retail literature. This article explores three retail multinationals' international retail joint venturing experiences, extracting some of the salient lessons learned at each stage of the joint venture development process and their concurrent impact on the whole internationalisation process. Suggestions for further research are made on the basis of gaps in the international retail literature and the lessons extracted from the cases under investigation. © 2006 Taylor & Francis.


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Purpose – To investigate the impact of performance measurement in strategic planning process. Design/methodology/approach – A large scale survey was conducted online with Warwick Business School alumni. The questionnaire was based on the Strategic Development Process model by Dyson. The questionnaire was designed to map the current practice of strategic planning and to determine its most influential factors on the effectiveness of the process. All questions were close ended and a seven-point Likert scale used. The independent variables were grouped into four meaningful factors by factor analysis (Varimax, coefficient of rotation 0.4). The factors produced were used to build regression models (stepwise) for the five assessments of strategic planning process. Regression models were developed for the totality of the responses, comparing SMEs and large organizations and comparing organizations operating in slowly and rapidly changing environments. Findings – The results indicate that performance measurement stands as one of the four main factors characterising the current practice of strategic planning. This research has determined that complexity coming from organizational size and rate of change in the sector creates variation in the impact of performance measurement in strategic planning. Large organizations and organizations operating in rapidly changing environments make greater use of performance measurement. Research limitations/implications – This research is based on subjective data, therefore the conclusions do not concern the impact of strategic planning process' elements on the organizational performance achievements, but on the success/effectiveness of the strategic planning process itself. Practical implications – This research raises a series of questions about the use and potential impact of performance measurement, especially in the categories of organizations that are not significantly influenced by its utilisation. It contributes to the field of performance measurement impact. Originality/value – This research fills in the gap literature concerning the lack of large scale surveys on strategic development processes and performance measurement. It also contributes in the literature of this field by providing empirical evidences on the impact of performance measurement upon the strategic planning process.


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This paper presents the results of a multinational large-scale survey, investigating the current trends in strategic planning. The survey was conducted online using the Warwick Business School alumni database. Considering the development and implementation of strategy within a multi-process framework, the 'Strategic Development Process' model by Dyson and O'Brien (1998), using factor analysis, four distinct factors of strategic planning have been produced and with regression analysis, their impact on the success of strategic planning from a process point of view has been assessed. The results indicate that significant variation in practices involved is created by complexity either of the organizational size or environmental turbulence.


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When object databases arrived on the scene some ten years ago, they provided database capabilities for previously neglected, complex applications, such as CAD, but were burdened with one inherent teething problem, poor performance. Physical database design is one tool that can provide performance improvements and it is the general area of concern for this thesis. Clustering is one fruitful design technique which can provide improvements in performance. However, clustering in object databases has not been explored in depth and so has not been truly exploited. Further, clustering, although a physical concern, can be determined from the logical model. The object model is richer than previous models, notably the relational model, and so it is anticipated that the opportunities with respect to clustering are greater. This thesis provides a thorough analysis of object clustering strategies with a view to highlighting any links between the object logical and physical model and improving performance. This is achieved by considering all possible types of object logical model construct and the implementation of those constructs in terms of theoretical clusterings strategies to produce actual clustering arrangements. This analysis results in a greater understanding of object clustering strategies, aiding designers in the development process and providing some valuable rules of thumb to support the design process.


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The IRDS standard is an international standard produced by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). In this work the process for producing standards in formal standards organisations, for example the ISO, and in more informal bodies, for example the Object Management Group (OMG), is examined. This thesis examines previous models and classifications of standards. The previous models and classifications are then combined to produce a new classification. The IRDS standard is then placed in a class in the new model as a reference anticipatory standard. Anticipatory standards are standards which are developed ahead of the technology in order to attempt to guide the market. The diffusion of the IRDS is traced over a period of eleven years. The economic conditions which affect the diffusion of standards are examined, particularly the economic conditions which prevail in compatibility markets such as the IT and ICT markets. Additionally the consequences of the introduction of gateway or converter devices into a market where a standard has not yet been established is examined. The IRDS standard did not have an installed base and this hindered its diffusion. The thesis concludes that the IRDS standard was overtaken by new developments such as object oriented technologies and middleware. This was partly because of the slow development process of developing standards in traditional organisations which operate on a consensus basis and partly because the IRDS standard did not have an installed base. Also the rise and proliferation of middleware products resulted in exchange mechanisms becoming dominant rather than repository solutions. The research method used in this work is a longitudinal study of the development and diffusion of the ISO/EEC IRDS standard. The research is regarded as a single case study and follows the interpretative epistemological point of view.