991 resultados para upper thermal tolerance


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We derive analytical expressions for probability distribution function (PDF) for electron transport in a simple model of quantum junction in presence of thermal fluctuations. Our approach is based on the large deviation theory combined with the generating function method. For large number of electrons transferred, the PDF is found to decay exponentially in the tails with different rates due to applied bias. This asymmetry in the PDF is related to the fluctuation theorem. Statistics of fluctuations are analyzed in terms of the Fano factor. Thermal fluctuations play a quantitative role in determining the statistics of electron transfer; they tend to suppress the average current while enhancing the fluctuations in particle transfer. This gives rise to both bunching and antibunching phenomena as determined by the Fano factor. The thermal fluctuations and shot noise compete with each other and determine the net (effective) statistics of particle transfer. Exact analytical expression is obtained for delay time distribution. The optimal values of the delay time between successive electron transfers can be lowered below the corresponding shot noise values by tuning the thermal effects. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This paper critically analyzes, for the first time, the effect of nanofluid on thermally fully developed magnetohydrodynamic flows through microchannel, by considering combined effects of externally applied pressure gradient and electroosmosis. The classical boundary condition of uniform wall heat flux is considered, and the effects of viscous dissipation as well as Joule heating have been taken into account. Closed-form analytical expressions for the pertinent velocity and temperature distributions and the Nusselt number variations are obtained, in order to examine the role of nanofluids in influencing the fully developed thermal transport in electroosmotic microflows under the effect of magnetic field. Fundamental considerations are invoked to ascertain the consequences of particle agglomeration on the thermophysical properties of the nanofluid. The present theoretical formalism addresses the details of the interparticle interaction kinetics in tune with the pertinent variations in the effective particulate dimensions, volume fractions of the nanoparticles, as well as the aggregate structure of the particulate system. It is revealed that the inclusion of nanofluid changes the transport characteristics and system irreversibility to a considerable extent and can have significant consequences in the design of electroosmotically actuated microfluidic systems.


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Using all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we have studied the mechanical properties of ZnS/CdS core/shell nanowires. Our results show that the coating of a few-atomic-layer CdS shell on the ZnS nanowire leads to a significant change in the stiffness of the core/shell nanowires compared to the stiffness of pure ZnS nanowires. The binding energy between the core and shell region decreases due to the lattice mismatch at the core-shell interface. This reduction in binding energy plays an important role in determining the stiffness of a core/shell nanowire. We have also investigated the effects of the shell on the thermal conductivity and melting behavior of the nanowires.


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In many organisms ``Universal Stress Proteins'' CUSPS) are induced in response to a variety of environmental stresses. Here we report the structures of two USPs, YnaF and YdaA from Salmonella typhimurium determined at 1.8 angstrom and 2.4 angstrom resolutions, respectively. YnaF consists of a single USP domain and forms a tetrameric organization stabilized by interactions mediated through chloride ions. YdaA is a larger protein consisting of two tandem USP domains. Two protomers of YdaA associate to form a structure similar to the YnaF tetramer. YdaA showed ATPase activity and an ATP binding motif G-2X-G-9X-G(S/T/N) was found in its C-terminal domain. The residues corresponding to this motif were not conserved in YnaF although YnaF could bind ATP. However, unlike YdaA, YnaF did not hydrolyse ATP in vitro. Disruption of interactions mediated through chloride ions by selected mutations converted YnaF into an ATPase. Residues that might be important for ATP hydrolysis could be identified by comparing the active sites of native and mutant structures. Only the C-terminal domain of YdaA appears to be involved in ATP hydrolysis. The structurally similar N-terminal domain was found to bind a zinc ion near the segment equivalent to the phosphate binding loop of the C-terminal domain. Mass spectrometric analysis showed that YdaA might bind a ligand of approximate molecular weight 800 daltons. Structural comparisons suggest that the ligand, probably related to an intermediate in lipid A biosynthesis, might bind at a site close to the zinc ion. Therefore, the N-terminal domain of YdaA binds zinc and might play a role in lipid metabolism. Thus, USPs appear to perform several distinct functions such as ATP hydrolysis, altering membrane properties and chloride sensing. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with dynamic recrystallization (DRX), static recrystallization, and grain growth phenomena of pure magnesium after equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) by route A and B-C at 523 K (250 A degrees C) followed by 80 pct cold rolling. The ECAP-deformed and the subsequently rolled samples were annealed at 373 K and 773 K (100 A degrees C and 500 A degrees C). The associated changes in the microstructure and texture were studied using electron back-scattered diffraction. ECAP produced an average grain size of 12 to 18 A mu m with B and C-2 fiber textures. Subsequent rolling led to an average grain size 8 to 10 A mu m with basal texture fiber parallel to ND. There was no noticeable increase in the average grain size on annealing at 373 K (100 A degrees C). However, significant increase in the average grain size occurred at 773 K (500 A degrees C). The occurrence of different DRX mechanisms was detected: discontinuous dynamic recrystallization was attributed to basal slip activity and continuous dynamic recovery and recrystallization to prismatic/pyramidal slip systems. Only continuous static recrystallization could be observed on annealing.


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Higher manganese silicide (HMS) based alloys with eutectic composition (Si-33.3 at% Mn) were prepared by arc-melting, melt-spinning and ball milling in order to evaluate the effect of microstructure on the thermal conductivity. Powder X-ray diffraction, SEM, EPMA and TEM analysis confirmed the presence of Si as a secondary phase distributed in the HMS matrix phase. Thermal properties of the samples were studied in the temperature range of 300-800 K. The microstructure refinement resulting from ball milling leads to a decrease of the thermal conductivity from 4.4 W/mK to 1.9 W/mK, whereas meltspinning is inefficient to this respect. The results show an opportunity to produce bulk higher manganese silicide alloys with reduced thermal conductivity in order to enhance its thermoelectric performance. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By combining first principles density functional theory and electronic as well as lattice Boltzmann transport calculations, we unravel the excellent thermoelectric properties of Zintl phase compounds ACd(2)Sb(2) (where, A = Ca, Ba, Sr). The calculated electronic structures of these compounds show charge carrier pockets and heavy light bands near the band edge, which lead to a large power factor. Furthermore, we report large Gruneisen parameters and low phonon group velocity indicating essential strong anharmonicity in these compounds, which resulted in low lattice thermal conductivity. The combination of low thermal conductivity and the excellent transport properties give a high ZT value of similar to 1.4-1.9 in CaCd2Sb2 and BaCd2Sb2 at moderate p and n-type doping. Our results indicate that well optimized Cd-based Zintl phase compounds have the potential to match the performance of conventional thermoelectric materials.


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Exascale systems of the future are predicted to have mean time between failures (MTBF) of less than one hour. At such low MTBFs, employing periodic checkpointing alone will result in low efficiency because of the high number of application failures resulting in large amount of lost work due to rollbacks. In such scenarios, it is highly necessary to have proactive fault tolerance mechanisms that can help avoid significant number of failures. In this work, we have developed a mechanism for proactive fault tolerance using partial replication of a set of application processes. Our fault tolerance framework adaptively changes the set of replicated processes periodically based on failure predictions to avoid failures. We have developed an MPI prototype implementation, PAREP-MPI that allows changing the replica set. We have shown that our strategy involving adaptive process replication significantly outperforms existing mechanisms providing up to 20 percent improvement in application efficiency even for exascale systems.


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Using first-principles density functional theory calculations, a systematic study of the lattice dynamics and related (e.g., dielectric and anharmonic) properties of BiOCuSe (bismuth-copper oxyselenide), along with a comparison with its isostructural analog LaOCuSe, is performed to find the origin of the ultralow thermal conductivity. in BiOCuSe. From the marked differences in some of these properties of the two materials, the reasons why BiOCuSe is a better thermal insulator than LaOCuSe are elucidated. For this class of oxychalcogenide thermoelectrics, phonon frequencies with symmetries, characters, spectroscopic activities, displacement patterns, and pressure coefficients of different zone-center modes, dielectric constants, dynamical charges, and phonon and Gruneisen dispersions are also determined.


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Glycosylation has been recognized as one of the most prevalent and complex post-translational modifications of proteins involving numerous enzymes and substrates. Its effect on the protein conformational transitions is not clearly understood yet. In this study, we have examined the effect of glycosylation on protein stability using molecular dynamics simulation of legume lectin soybean agglutinin (SBA). Its glycosylated moiety consists of high mannose type N-linked glycan (Man(9)GlcNAc(2)). To unveil the structural perturbations during thermal unfolding of these two forms, we have studied and compared them to the experimental results. From the perspective of dynamics, our simulations revealed that the nonglycosylated monomeric form is less stable than corresponding glycosylated form at normal and elevated temperatures. Moreover, at elevated temperature thermal destabilization is more prominent in solvent exposed loops, turns and ends of distinct beta sheets. SBA maintains it folded structure due to some important saltbridges, hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions within the protein. The reducing terminal GlcNAc residues interact with the protein residues VAL161, PRO182 and SER225 via hydrophobic and via hydrogen bonding with ASN 9 and ASN 75. Our simulations also revealed that single glycosylation (ASN75) has no significant effect on corresponding cis peptide angle orientation. This atomistic description might have important implications for understanding the functionality and stability of Soybean agglutinin.


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In this paper, based on the AdS(2)/CFT1 prescription, we explore the low frequency behavior of quantum two point functions for a special class of strongly coupled CFTs in one dimension whose dual gravitational counterpart consists of extremal black hole solutions in higher derivative theories of gravity defined over an asymptotically AdS spacetime. The quantum critical points thus described are supposed to correspond to a very large value of the dynamic exponent (z -> infinity). In our analysis, we find that quantum fluctuations are enhanced due to the higher derivative corrections in the bulk which in turn increases the possibility of quantum phase transition near the critical point. On the field theory side, such higher derivative effects would stand for the corrections appearing due to the finite coupling in the gauge theory. Finally, we compute the coefficient of thermal diffusion at finite coupling corresponding to Gauss Bonnet corrected charged Lifshitz black holes in the bulk. We observe an important crossover corresponding to z = 5 fixed point. (C) 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Glass formation has been examined in the system 15PbO.xPbCl(2).(85-x)PbBr2 (where 0 <= x <= 25)where the PbO concentration is kept constant while PbCl2 and PbBr2 concentrations are varied. The glasses have been examined using thermal and spectroscopic techniques. T-8, Delta C-p, refractive index, optical basicity have been found to remain unaffected by the composition which is a curious feature of these glasses. It is found that there is a wide infrared window available for use in the investigated glasses. The IR window extends from 1000 to 1500 cm(-1) and in glasses where PbCl2 is less than 20 mol%, the window extends up to 2260 cm(-1). X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) revealed that the 4f(5/2) and 4f(7/2) peaks due to f-level transitions have a constant difference in energies, but with energy and FWHM values that varying sensitively and systematically with composition. The observations are discussed and suitable explanations are provided.


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Thermoelectric properties of semiconducting beta-FeSi2 containing a homogeneous distribution of Si secondary phase have been studied. The synthesis was carried out using arc melting followed by the densification by uniaxial hot pressing. Endogenous beta-FeSi2/Si composites were produced by the eutectoid decomposition of high-temperature alpha-Fe2Si5 phase. The aging heat treatments have been carried out at various temperatures below the equilibrium eutectoid temperature for various durations in order to tune the size of the eutectoid product. Thermal properties of the samples were studied in the temperature range of 100-350 A degrees C. The microstructural investigations support the fact that the finest microstructure generated through the eutectoid decomposition of the alpha-Fe2Si5 metastable phase is responsible of the phonon scattering. The results suggest an opportunity to produce bulk iron silicide alloys with reduced thermal conductivity in order to enhance its thermoelectric performance.


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Lipase and surfactant together form a potent pair in various biotransformation, industrial application and biotechnological studies. The present investigation deals with changes in the activity, stability and structure of lipase from Rhizopus oryzae NRRL 3562 in presence of long chain ionic liquid-type imidazolium surfactant. Both the activity and stability were found to be enhanced in presence of the surfactant at low concentration (1-125 mu M) followed by inhibition at high concentration. The activity increased by 80% and thermal deactivation temperature raised by 2.5 degrees C. Investigations by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and circular dichroism revealed structural changes leading to rise in beta-sheet content and lowering of a-helix at low surfactant concentrations. Deactivation at high concentration correlated with greater structural changes depicted by spectroscopic studies. Isothermal titration calorimetric studies showed the binding to be spontaneous in nature involving non-covalent interactions. High negative value of entropy signifies exposure of hydrophobic domains and increase in structural rigidity, which correlates with active site being more accessible and rigid in presence of the surfactant. Application of these surfactants hold greater potential in the field of lipase based biotransformations, enzyme structural modifications and studies. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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One-dimensional transient heat flow is interpreted as a procession of `macro-scale translatory motion of indexed isothermal surfaces'. A new analytical model is proposed by introducing velocity of isothermal surface in Fourier heat diffusion equation. The velocity dependent function is extracted by revisiting `the concept of thermal layer of heat conduction in solid' and `exact solution' to estimate thermal diffusivity. The experimental approach involves establishment of 1 D unsteady heat flow inside the sample through Step-temperature excitation. A novel self-reference interferometer is utilized to separate a `unique isothermal surface' in time-varying temperature field. The translatory motion of the said isothermal surface is recorded using digital camera to estimate its velocity. From the knowledge of thermo-optic coefficient, temperature of the said isothermal surface is predicted. The performance of proposed method is evaluated for Quartz sample and compared with literature.