982 resultados para unknown-input functional observability


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A afasia pode ser definida como uma alteração no conteúdo, na forma e no uso da linguagem e de seus processos cognitivos subjacentes, tais como percepção e memória adquirida por lesão neurológica. Essa alteração é caracterizada por redução e disfunção, que se manifestam tanto no aspecto expressivo quanto no receptivo da linguagem oral e escrita, embora em diferentes graus em cada uma dessas modalidades (CHAPEY 1996). A alça fonológica constitui um dos três componentes do modelo de memória de trabalho proposto por Baddeley e Hitch (1974) e sua função é armazenar temporariamente as informações verbais e retê-las por um breve período tanto para a compreensão verbal como para a repetição acústica. De acordo com Gathercole e Baddeley (1993), a tarefa de repetição de não-palavras é capaz de solicitar mais a memória fonológica, uma vez que o fato do input ser desconhecido, e não exposto às influências lexicais ou ao uso de estratégias mnemônicas, possibilita avaliar as reais condições do sistema de memória. Considerando-se que afásicos têm dificuldades para memorizar palavras, frases ou instruções e que inexistem estudos nacionais que verificassem o desempenho de afásicos em um teste de não-palavras, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo verificar a integridade da alça fonológica de seis afásicos por meio da aplicação de um teste de não-palavras elaborado para tal objetivo. Como resultado, observou-se através das análises, desempenhos variados, porém com piora significativa no desempenho influenciado pelo aumento da extensão da palavra, corroborando assim, com estudos já realizados com outras categorias de distúrbios linguísticos


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A simple, direct and accurate method to predict the pressure distribution on supercavitating hydrofoils with rounded noses is presented. The thickness of body and cavity is assumed to be small. The method adopted in the present work is that of singular perturbation theory. Far from the leading edge linearized free streamline theory is applied. Near the leading edge, however, where singularities of the linearized theory occur, a non-linear local solution is employed. The two unknown parameters which characterize this local solution are determined by a matching procedure. A uniformly valid solution is then constructed with the aid of the singular perturbation approach.

The present work is divided into two parts. In Part I isolated supercavitating hydrofoils of arbitrary profile shape with parabolic noses are investigated by the present method and its results are compared with the new computational results made with Wu and Wang's exact "functional iterative" method. The agreement is very good. In Part II this method is applied to a linear cascade of such hydrofoils with elliptic noses. A number of cases are worked out over a range of cascade parameters from which a good idea of the behavior of this type of important flow configuration is obtained.

Some of the computational aspects of Wu and Wang's functional iterative method heretofore not successfully applied to this type of problem are described in an appendix.


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En esta tesis estudiamos las teorías sobre la Matriz Densidad Reducida (MDR) como un marco prometedor. Nos enfocamos sobre esta teorías desde dos aspectos: Primero, usamos algunos modelos sencillos hechos con dos partículas las cuales estan armónicamente confinadas como una base para ilustrar la utilidad de la matriz densidad. Para tales sistemas, usamos la MDR de un cuerpo para calcular algunas cantidades de interés tales como densidad de momentum. Posteriormente obtenemos los orbitales naturales y su número de ocupación para algunos de los modelos, y en uno de los casos expresamos la MDR de dos cuerpos de manera exacta en términos de la MDR de un cuerpo. También usamos el teorema diferencial del virial para establecer una descripción unificada de la familia entera de estos sistemas modelo en términos de la densidad. En la seguna parte cambiamos a casos fuera del equilibrio y analizamos la así llamada jerarquía BBGKY de ecuaciones para describir la evolución temporal de un sistema de muchos cuerpos en términos de sus MDRs (a todos los órdenes). Proveemos un exhaustivo estudio de los desafíos y problemas abiertos ligados a la truncación de tales jerarquías de ecuaciones para hacerlas aplicables. Restringimos nuestro análisis a la evolución acoplada de la MDR de uno y dos cuerpos, donde los efectos de correlación de alto orden estan embebidos dentro de la aproximación usada para cerrar las ecuaciones. Probamos que dentro de esta aproximación, el número de electrones y la energía total se conservan, sin importar la aproximación usada. Luego, demostramos que aplicando los esquemas de truncación de estado base para llevar los electrones a comportamientos indeseables y no físicos, tales como la violación e incluso la divergencia en la densidad electrónica local, tanto en regímenes correlacionados débiles y fuertes.


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Spurious oscillations are one of the principal issues faced by microwave and RF circuit designers. The rigorous detection of instabilities or the characterization of measured spurious oscillations is still an ongoing challenge. This project aims to create a new stability analysis CAD program that tackles this chal- lenge. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) pole-zero identification analysis is introduced on the program as a way to create new methods to automate the stability analysis process and to help designers comprehend the obtained results and prevent incorrect interpretations. The MIMO nature of the analysis contributes to eliminate possible controllability and observability losses and helps differentiate mathematical and physical quasi-cancellations, products of overmodeling. The created program reads Single Input Single Output (SISO) or MIMO frequency response data, and determines the corresponding continuous transfer functions with Vector Fitting. Once the transfer function is calculated, the corresponding pole/zero diagram is mapped enabling the designers to analyze the stability of an amplifier. Three data processing methods are introduced, two of which consist of pole/zero elimina- tions and the latter one on determining the critical nodes of an amplifier. The first pole/zero elimination method is based on eliminating non resonant poles, whilst the second method eliminates the poles with small residue by assuming that their effect on the dynamics of a system is small or non-existent. The critical node detection is also based on the residues; the node at which the effect of a pole on the dynamics is highest is defined as the critical node. In order to evaluate and check the efficiency of the created program, it is compared via examples with another existing commercial stability analysis tool (STAN tool). In this report, the newly created tool is proved to be as rigorous as STAN for detecting instabilities. Additionally, it is determined that the MIMO analysis is a very profitable addition to stability analysis, since it helps to eliminate possible problems of loss of controllability, observability and overmodeling.


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Increasing evidence links metabolic signals to cell proliferation, but the molecular wiring that connects the two core machineries remains largely unknown. E2Fs are master regulators of cellular proliferation. We have recently shown that E2F2 activity facilitates the completion of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH) by regulating the expression of genes required for S-phase entry. Our study also revealed that E2F2 determines the duration of hepatectomy-induced hepatic steatosis. A transcriptomic analysis of normal adult liver identified "lipid metabolism regulation" as a major E2F2 functional target, suggesting that E2F2 has a role in lipid homeostasis. Here we use wild-type (E2F2(+/+)) and E2F2 deficient (E2F2(-/-)) mice to investigate the in vivo role of E2F2 in the composition of liver lipids and fatty acids in two metabolically different contexts: quiescence and 48-h post-PH, when cellular proliferation and anabolic demands are maximal. We show that liver regeneration is accompanied by large triglyceride and protein increases without changes in total phospholipids both in E2F2(+/+) and E2F2(-/-) mice. Remarkably, we found that the phenotype of quiescent liver tissue from E2F2(-/-) mice resembles the phenotype of proliferating E2F2(+/+) liver tissue, characterized by a decreased phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanolamine ratio and a reprogramming of genes involved in generation of choline and ethanolamine derivatives. The diversity of fatty acids in total lipid, triglycerides and phospholipids was essentially preserved on E2F2 loss both in proliferating and non-proliferating liver tissue, although notable exceptions in inflammation-related fatty acids of defined phospholipid classes were detected. Overall, our results indicate that E2F2 activity sustains the hepatic homeostasis of major membrane glycerolipid components while it is dispensable for storage glycerolipid balance.


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We compare the effectiveness of six exchange/correlation functional combinations (Becke/Lee, Yang and Parr; Becke-3/Lee, Yang and Parr; Becke/Perdew-Wang 91; Becke-3/Perdew-Wang 91; Becke/Perdew 86; Becke-3/Perdew 86) for computing C-N, O-O and N-NO2 dissociation energies and dipole moments of five compounds. The studied compounds are hexabydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), dimethylnitramine, cyanogen, nitromethane and ozone. The Becke-3/Perdew 86 in conjunction with 6-31G


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Dynamin-Related Protein 1 (Drp1), a large GTPase of the dynamin superfamily, is required for mitochondrial fission in healthy and apoptotic cells. Drp1 activation is a complex process that involves translocation from the cytosol to the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) and assembly into rings/spirals at the MOM, leading to membrane constriction/division. Similar to dynamins, Drp1 contains GTPase (G), bundle signaling element (BSE) and stalk domains. However, instead of the lipid-interacting Pleckstrin Homology (PH) domain present in the dynamins, Drp1 contains the so-called B insert or variable domain that has been suggested to play an important role in Drp1 regulation. Different proteins have been implicated in Drp1 recruitment to the MOM, although how MOM-localized Drp1 acquires its fully functional status remains poorly understood. We found that Drp1 can interact with pure lipid bilayers enriched in the mitochondrion-specific phospholipid cardiolipin (CL). Building on our previous study, we now explore the specificity and functional consequences of this interaction. We show that a four lysine module located within the B insert of Drp1 interacts preferentially with CL over other anionic lipids. This interaction dramatically enhances Drp1 oligomerization and assembly-stimulated GTP hydrolysis. Our results add significantly to a growing body of evidence indicating that CL is an important regulator of many essential mitochondrial functions.