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This paper describes an example of spontaneous transitions between qualitatively different coordination patterns during a cyclic lifting and lowering task. Eleven participants performed 12 trials of repetitive lifting and lowering in a ramp protocol in which the height of the lower shelf was raised or lowered I cm per cycle between 10 and 50 cm. Two distinct patterns of coordination were evident: a squat technique in which moderate range of hip, knee and ankle movement was utilised and ankle plantar-flexion occurred simultaneously with knee and hip extension; and a stoop technique in which the range of knee movement was reduced and knee and hip extension was accompanied by simultaneous ankle dorsi-flexion. Abrupt transitions from stoop to squat techniques were observed during descending trials, and from squat to stoop during ascending trials. Indications of hysteresis was observed in that transitions were more frequently observed during descending trials, and the average shelf height at the transition was 5 cm higher during ascending trials. The transitions may be a consequence of a trade-off between the biomechanical advantages of each technique and the influence of the lift height on this trade-off. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the on-body performance of a range of wearable antennas was investigated by measuring vertical bar S-21 vertical bar path gain between two devices mounted on tissue-equivalent numerical and experimental phantoms, representative of human muscle tissue at 2.45 GHz. In particular, the study focused on the performance of a compact higher mode microstrip patch antenna (HMMPA) with a profile as low as lambda/20. The 5- and 10-mm-high HMMPA prototypes had an impedance bandwidth of 6.7% and 8.6%, respectively, sufficient for the operating requirements of the 2.45-GHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band and both antennas offered 11-dB higher path gain compared to a fundamental-mode microstrip patch antenna. It was also dernonstrated that a 7-dB improvement in path gain can be obtained for a fundamental-mode patch through the addition of a shortening wall. Notably, on-body HMMPA performance was comparable to a quarter wave monopole antenna on the same size of ground-plane, mounted normal to the tissue surface, indicating that the low-profile and physically more robust antenna is a promising solution for bodyworn antenna applications.


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For the first time in the open literature we present a full characterization of the performance of receiver diversity for the on-body channels found in body area networks. The study involved three commonly encountered diversity combining schemes: selection combination (SC), maximal ratio combining (MRC) and equal gain combining (EGC). Measurements were conducted for both stationary and mobile user scenarios in an anechoic chamber and open office area environment. Achievable diversity gain for various on-body dual branch diversity receivers, consisting of horizontal and vertical spatially separated antennas, was found to be dependent upon transmitter-receive array separation, user state and level of multipath contribution from the local environment. The maximum diversity gain (6.4 dB) was observed for a horizontal two branch MRC combiner while the transmitter and receiver were on opposite sides of the body, and the user was mobile in the open office area. A novel statistical characterization of the fading experienced in on-body diversity channels is also performed using purposely derived first and second order diversity statistics for combiners operating in Nakagami fading.


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A combined antennas and propagation study has been undertaken with a view to directly improving link conditions for wireless body area networks. Using tissue-equivalent numerical and experimental phantoms representative of muscle tissue at 2.45 GHz, we show that the node to node [S-21] path gain performance of a new wearable integrated antenna (WIA) is up to 9 dB better than a conventional compact Printed-F antenna, both of which are suitable for integration with wireless node circuitry. Overall, the WIA performed extremely well with a measured radiation efficiency of 38% and an impedance bandwidth of 24%. Further benefits were also obtained using spatial diversity, with the WIA providing up to 7.7 dB of diversity gain for maximal ratio combining. The results also show that correlation was lower for a multipath environment leading to higher diversity gain. Furthermore, a diversity implementation with the new antenna gave up to 18 dB better performance in terms of mean power level and there was a significant improvement in level crossing rates and average fade durations when moving from a single-branch to a two-branch diversity system.


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Two cases of school refusal are presented. From the experience of these two cases, and support from the literature, early assessment of parental control in cases of school refusal is advocated. When parental control, even with professional therapeutic support, is not sufficient to effect an early return to school, intervention in the wider systems organised around the problem is recommended.


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As biological invasions continue, interactions occur not only between invaders and natives, but increasingly new invaders come into contact with previous invaders. Whilst this can lead to species replacements, co-existence may occur, but we lack knowledge of processes driving such patterns. Since environmental heterogeneity can determine species richness and co-existence, the present study examines habitat use and its mediation of the predatory interaction between invasive aquatic amphipods, the Ponto-Caspian Dikerogammarus villosus and the N. American Gammarus tigrinus. In the Dutch Lake IJsselmeer, we found broad segregation of D. villosus and G. tigrinus by habitat type, the former predominating in the boulder zone and the latter in the soft sediment. However, the two species co-exist in the boulder zone, both on the short and longer terms. We used an experimental simulation of habitat heterogeneity and show that both species utilize crevices, different sized holes in a plastic grid, non-randomly. These amphipods appear to optimise the use of holes with respect to their 'C-shape' body size. When placed together, D. villosus adults preyed on G. tigrinus adults and juveniles, while G. tigrinus adults preyed on D. villosus juveniles. Juveniles were also predators and both species were cannibalistic. However, the impact on G. tigrinus of the superior intraguild predator, D. villosus, was significantly reduced where experimental grids were present as compared to absent. This mitigation of intraguild predation between the two species in complex habitats may explain the co-existence of these two invasive species.


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The identification of nonlinear dynamic systems using radial basis function (RBF) neural models is studied in this paper. Given a model selection criterion, the main objective is to effectively and efficiently build a parsimonious compact neural model that generalizes well over unseen data. This is achieved by simultaneous model structure selection and optimization of the parameters over the continuous parameter space. It is a mixed-integer hard problem, and a unified analytic framework is proposed to enable an effective and efficient two-stage mixed discrete-continuous; identification procedure. This novel framework combines the advantages of an iterative discrete two-stage subset selection technique for model structure determination and the calculus-based continuous optimization of the model parameters. Computational complexity analysis and simulation studies confirm the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.


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In this article, we seek to clarify and develop the concept of ontological insecurity by linking it to the better developed, empirical literature on 'terror management theory' in social psychology. We argue that the understanding of both ontological insecurity and terror management can be improved through this overdue integration. In particular, merging these literatures can have important explanatory power when it comes to understanding punitive attitudes. The considerable body of empirical evidence that has been gathered to validate the proposition behind terror management theory can be understood as providing indirect support for the concept of ontological insecurity on an individual level. On the other hand, the macrosociological research on ontological insecurity provides the largely decontextualized, laboratory-based literature on terror management with a well-developed understanding of why 'terror management' has become increasingly important in late modern society.


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A many-body theory approach developed by the authors [Phys. Rev. A 70, 032720 (2004)] is applied to positron bound states and annihilation rates in atomic systems. Within the formalism, full account of virtual positronium (Ps) formation is made by summing the electron-positron ladder diagram series, thus enabling the theory to include all important many-body correlation effects in the positron problem. Numerical calculations have been performed for positron bound states with the hydrogen and halogen negative ions, also known as Ps hydride and Ps halides. The Ps binding energies of 1.118, 2.718, 2.245, 1.873 and 1.393 eV and annihilation rates of 2.544, 2.482, 1.984, 1.913 and 1.809 ns^{-1}, have been obtained for PsH, PsF, PsCl, PsBr and PsI, respectively.


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In this letter, we investigate the distribution of the phase component of the complex received signal observed in practical experiments using body area networks. Two phase distributions, the recently proposed kappa-mu and eta-mu probability densities, which together encompass the most widely used fading models, namely Semi-Gaussian, Rayleigh, Hoyt, Rice, and Nakagami-m, have been compared with measurement data. The kappa-mu distribution has been found to provide the best fit over a range of on-body links, while the user was mobile. The experiments were carried out in two dissimilar indoor environments at opposite ends of the multipath spectrum. It has also been found that the uniform phase distribution has not arisen in anyone of the experiments.


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Porcine urine enzyme immunoassays for sulfamethazine and sulfadiazine have previously been employed as screening tests to predict the concentrations of the drugs in the corresponding tissues (kidneys), If a urine was found positive (> 800 ng ml(-1)) the corresponding kidney was then analysed by an enzyme immunoassay and, if found positive, a confirmatory analysis by HPLC was performed. Urine was chosen as the screening matrix since sulfonamides are mainly eliminated through this body fluid, However, after obtaining a number of false positive predictions, an investigation was carried out to assess the possibility of using an alternative body fluid which would act as a superior indicator of the presence of sulfonamides in porcine kidney, An initial study indicated that serum, plasma and bile could all be used as screening matrices. From these, bile was chosen as the preferred sample matrix and an extensive study followed to compare the efficiencies of sulfonamide positive bile and urine at predicting sulphonamide positive kidneys, Bile was found to be 17 times more efficient than urine at predicting a sulfamethazine positive kidney and 11 times more efficient at predicting a sulfadiazine positive kidney, With this enhanced performance of the initial screening test, the need for the costly and time consuming kidney enzyme immunoassay, prior to HPLC analysis, was eliminated


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Obestatin is a peptide produced in the oxyntic mucosa of the stomach and co-localizes with ghrelin on the periphery of pancreatic islets. Several studies demonstrate that obestatin reduces food and water intake, decreases body weight gain, inhibits gastrointestinal motility, and modulates glucose-induced insulin secretion. In this study we evaluated the acute metabolic effects of human obestatin {1-23} and fragment peptides {1-10} or {11-23} in high-fat fed mice, and then investigated their solution structure by NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling. Obestatins {1-23} and {11-23} significantly reduced food intake (86% and 90% respectively) and lowered glucose responses to feeding, whilst leaving insulin responses unchanged. No metabolic changes could be detected following the administration of obestatin (1-10). In aqueous solution none of the obestatin peptides possessed secondary structural features. However, in a 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE-d(3))-H2O solvent mixture, the structure of obestatin {1-23} was characterized by an a-helix followed by a single turn helix conformation between residues Pro(4) and Gln(15) and His(19) and Ala(22) respectively. Obestatin {1-10} showed no structural components whereas {11-23} contained an a-helix between residues Val(14) and Ser(20) in a mixed solvent. These studies are the first to elucidate the structure of human obestatin and provide clear evidence that the observed a-helical structures are critical for in vivo activity. Future structure/function studies may facilitate the design of novel therapeutic agents based on the obestatin peptide structure. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Male sex-biased parasitism (SBP) occurs across a range of mammalian taxa and two contrasting sets of hypotheses have been suggested for its establishment. The first invokes body size per se and suggests that larger individuals are either a larger target for parasites, trade off growth at the expense of immunity or cope better with parasitism than smaller individuals. The second suggests a sex-specific handicap whereby males have reduced immunocompetence compared to females due to the immunodepressive effects of testosterone. The current study investigated whether sex-biased parasitism is driven by host 'body size' or 'sex' using a rodent-tick (Apodemus sylvaticus-. Ixodes ricinus) system. Moreover, the presence or absence of large mammals at study sites were used to control the presence of immature ticks infesting wood mice, allowing the impacts of parasitism on host body mass and female reproduction to be assessed. As expected, male mice had greater tick loads than females and analyses suggested this sex-bias was driven by body mass as opposed to sex. It is therefore likely that larger individuals are a larger target for parasites, trade off growth at the expense of immunity or adapt behavioural responses to parasitism based on their body size. Parasite load had no effect on host body mass or female reproductive output suggesting individuals may alter behaviour or life history strategies to compensate for costs incurred through parasitism. Overall, this study lends support to the 'body size' hypothesis for the formation of sex-biased parasitism.


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The contemporary dominance of visuality has turned our understanding of space into a mode of unidirectional experience that externalizes other sensual capacities of the body while perceiving the built environment. This affects not only architectural practice but also architectural education when an introduction to the concept of space is often challenging, especially for the students who have limited spatial and sensual training. Considering that an architectural work is not perceived as a series of retinal pictures but as a repeated multi-sensory experience, the problem definitions in the design studio need to be disengaged from the dominance of a ‘focused vision’ and be re-constructed in a holistic manner. A method to address this approach is to enable the students to refer to their own sensual experiences of the built environment as a part of their design processes. This paper focuses on a particular approach to the second year architectural design teaching which has been followed in the Department of Architecture at Izmir University of Economics for the last three years. The very first architectural project of the studio and the program, entitled ‘Sensing Spaces’, is conducted as a multi-staged design process including ‘sense games, analyses of organs and their interpretations into space’. The objectives of this four-week project are to explore the sense of space through the design of a three-dimensional assembly, to create an awareness of the significance of the senses in the design process and to experiment with re-interpreted forms of bodily parts. Hence, the students are encouraged to explore architectural space through their ‘tactile, olfactory, auditory, gustative and visual stimuli’. In this paper, based on a series of examples, architectural space is examined beyond its boundaries of structure, form and function, and spatial design is considered as an activity of re-constructing the built environment through the awareness of bodily senses.


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We undertake a detailed analysis of the non-local properties of the fundamental problem of two trapped, distinguishable neutral atoms that interact with a short-range potential characterized by an s-wave scattering length. We show that this interaction generates continuous variable (CV) entanglement between the external degrees of freedom of the atoms and consider its behaviour as a function of both, the distance between the traps and the magnitude of the inter-particle scattering length. We first quantify the entanglement in the ground state of the system at zero temperature and then, adopting a phase-space approach, test the violation of the Clauser-Horn-Shimony-Holt inequality at zero and non-zero temperature and under the effects of general dissipative local environments.