926 resultados para touch


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Drawing on de Certeau's characterisation of everyday practice as reuse, this paper focuses on the micropolitics of mobile touch-screen devices (MTSD) usage, and how emergent practices - appropriations and (re)deployments - interface with institutionalised notions of learning. The recontextualisation of technological artefacts into formal education settings can (and often does) result in a 'domestication' or 'schooling' of technology, bringing with it familiar power relations and patterns of success. However, the indeterminacy of technology allows for potentially subversive practices, for surreptitious appropriation and re-deployment of devices, processes and texts, and for 'counterplay' that challenges the ways that schooling is traditionally done. This paper discusses three examples of MTSD usage that highlight the productive role of users as creators of their own contexts for learning. The examples include young children's home usage of iPads, an early year teacher's use of iPads in her classroom, and a young child's account of his use of an iPad app at school. The paper is framed by a discussion of the possibilities opened up by practice-based approaches (such as that of de Certeau) for change-oriented research that seeks to affirm emergent and/or marginalised practices; to trouble tacit assumptions about schooling; and, to understand the relation between everyday practices and the institutionalised ground that they transform.


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As mobile touch screen digital devices (MTSD) have moved into a more prominent position in classrooms and schools, the development of new policies to address these devices have also emerged at a rapid pace. While policy documents aimed at MTSD usage in schools are evident at range of levels, from school-based to education ministries and departments, there is relatively little research that examines such documents or their impact on teaching and learning. This paper reports on initial analyses of educational digital media and MSTD policies in education departments and schools in Victoria, Australia and Alberta, Canada. We examined these policy documents in relation to implications for resourcing, usage and teaching practice, as a part of a large-scale Canadian-funded comparative research project studying digital tools and practices. Schools must mediate and negotiate complex entangled environments that are all at once enabling and dis-abling of innovation, in relation to digital technologies. These complex environments are made visible through a closer reading of artifacts such as policy documents guiding technology use in schools and classrooms. Our paper will interrogate such documents, across both countries (Canada and Australia) and regions (Victoria and Alberta), in relation to several emergent themes: private vs. school funded ownership, attitudes towards ‘bring your own device' (BYOD) initiatives and "co-contributions", equity and access, and surveillance and control. As well, we will address how hopes and fears and understandings of digital literacy are represented, described and enacted through such policies. Our analyses will also contextualize our data in terms of the broader cultural, political and educational considerations that framing and undergirding policies in both countries, and, finally, we will address the different (and similar) assumptions that are communicated within the digital policy documents.


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Self-identified sad music (SISM) is often listened to when experiencing sad life situations. Research indicatesthat the most common reason people give for listening to SISM is “to be in touch with or express feelings ofsadness”. But why might this be the case? We suggest that one reason people choose to listen to sad musicwhen feeling sad is to accept aversive situations. We tested if SISM is associated with acceptance copingand consolation. We hypothesized that SISM relates to acceptance-based coping via the recognitionand identification of emotional states, and that people will report more acceptance from SISM than selfidentifiedhappy music when seeking consolation. In Study 1, participants recalled how happy or sadthe music sounds that they normally listen to for consolation, and if they listen to this music to gainacceptance of negative moods and situations. In Study 2, participants reported their goals when listeningto sad music during a recalled time in which they experienced an adverse life situation and whether thislead to acceptance. Study 1: People reported that they were more likely to listen to sad music than happymusic when seeking consolation, though they preferred happy music in general. Listening to SISM (butnot self-identified happy music) when seeking consolation was associated with acceptance of both anegative situation and the associated negative emotions. Additionally, seeking to deal with emotions wasassociated with both SISM listening (for consolation) and acceptance. Study 2: Listening to SISM to get intouch with and express affect was the most important self-regulatory strategy (of six examined) throughwhich acceptance was recalled to be achieved. Experiencing adverse situations or seeking consolation,people report that listening to SISM is associated with acceptance coping (through the re-experiencing ofaffect). Implications for music therapy and theories of emotional coping are discussed.


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In the past fi ve years young children's access to and usage of the internet has burgeoned, mostly due to the availability of internet-enabled, touch-screen and mobile technologies. While this creates exciting learning opportunities for young children, internet activity in this age-bracket raises several issues of practical, research and pedagogical concern. Two of the most pertinent concerns outlined in the literature - conceptions of cyber-safety and digital literacies - are focused on in this chapter. We suggest that an understanding of young children's thinking about the internet - their "internet cognition" - is a necessary precursor to learning about internet safety and digital literacies. Without such knowledge it is problematic to expect teachers to know how and what to teach in relation to both cybersafety and digital literacies. The chapter concludes by proposing a research and pedagogical agenda for early childhood education in an eff ort to establish a knowledge base for the fi eld regarding young children's "internet cognition".


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This introductory chapter reflects on current debates about the challenges faced by multicultural societies in coming to grips with the interrelated societal tasks of facilitating migrant settlement, nurturing cultural diversity and pursuing inclusive citizenship. In doing so, the chapter will explore the development and deployment of the concept of ‘multiculturalism’ from a comparative and historical point of view and will proceed to discuss its key assumptions, achievements and challenges. The chapter will also touch upon the key theoretical paradigms debated in this book and will attempt to synthesise conceptually how its three sections interconnect dialectically and empirically.


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This paper discusses the concepts of remixing and morphing in learning design. In particular, it focuses on how the authors used approaches and findings from a high school action research study to inform their work in higher education. This was done in an attempt to build authentic and active student learning experiences that align with the needs of the 21st Century, and they argue that remixing offers a creative and social approach to the designing of learning. The high school study embedded social and participatory media into the face-to-face classroom. This opened up opportunities for students to interact and share user-generated content. The authors discuss how they have used the approaches and findings from this high school study in their work in teacher education and pre-service teacher education, as well in as learning design in the Business and Law Faculty. The authors' university has a strategic plan that identifies the world as globally connected, with new ideas available at the touch of a button and innovation 'anywhere' and at 'any time' and this paper supports that agenda. Using the concept of remixing the authors build on their previous work in learning design and make explicit the sharing nature within a remix approach. The use of the concept of remix is demonstrated within a bigger picture of what is sometimes called 'course-wide' thinking. The authors argue that this work contributes evidence and analysis that can inform course designers, practitioner-researchers and the work of academics, from across disciplines, to design courses that recognise and support active student learning.


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The size of reinforced particles notably affects the electro-discharge machining (EDM) of metal matrix composites (MMCs). This paper explores the mechanism of wire EDM of MMCs with different sizes of reinforced particles as well as the corresponding unreinforced matrix material. The mechanisms of material removal, surface generation, and taper kerf formation were investigated. This study shows that the particles’ ability to protect matrix materials from the intense heat of electric arc controls the material removal rate, surface generation, and taper of kerf. The low melting point matrix material is removed very easily, but the heat resistance reinforced particles delay the removal of material and facilitate the transfer of the workpiece material to wire electrode and vice versa. Thus, the material stays longer in touch with intense heat and affects the surface generation, wire electrode wear, and width of the kerf.


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Interface design is one of the main research areas in human-computer interaction (HCI). In computer science, many HCI re-searchers and designers explore novel interface designs with cutting-edge technology, but few investigate alternative interfaces for existing built environments, especially in the area of architecture. In this pa-per, we investigate alternative interface designs for existing architectural elements—such as walls, floors, and ceilings—that can be created with off-the-shelf materials. Instead of merely serving as discrete sensing and display devices integrated to an existing building’s surface, these liquid and thin materials act as interventions that can be ‘painted’ on a surface, transforming it into an architectural interface. This interface, Painterface, is a responsive material intervention that serves as an analogue, wall-type media interface that senses and responds to people’s actions. Painterface is equipped with three sensing and responsive capacities: touch, sound, and light. While the inter-face’s touch capacity performs tactile sensing, its sound-production and illumination capacities emit notes and light respectively. The out-comes of this research suggest the possibility of a simple, inexpensive, replaceable, and even disposable interface that could serve as an architectural intervention applicable to existing building surfaces.


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The purpose of this thesis was to study the students’ perspective on their use of Facebook to further their studies. There were three research questions: (1) To what extent do students use Facebook to further their studies? (2) In what ways do students use Facebook to further their studies? (3) What do students believe are the ways that Facebook can be used by colleges and universities to help students with their studies? There were three major themes relating to usage of Facebook: non-academic usage, curricular, and co-curricular. Most of the students indicated they used Facebook to stay in touch with people they already knew. With regard to academic usage, the answers given related mostly to professors’ offers of support, collaborations with projects and assignments, and cheating on exams. There were mixed responses about whether students wanted professors to make use of Facebook in classes and how, with many indicating that they wanted to keep Facebook separate from their curricular activities. Students that were in the education fields were more than willing to use Facebook to help them in their studies than students in other majors.


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Loose Ends is a collection of lyric and narrative poems that explores the multiple terrains of identity—individual, cultural, and historical. The poems embrace the essential incoherence of the self, resisting monolithic identity in favor of a multi-faceted, historically complex, imagistic rendering of the inner life. At its heart, the collection seeks to grapple with the gravitas of living: the continual assault of history and nature on human agency, the staggering context of the universe as a backdrop for communal and individual struggle. While single poems may only touch briefly or incompletely on these themes, the collection as a whole presents an admittedly inchoate picture of contemporary American identity.


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Este estudo experimental de natureza quantitativa avaliou os efeitos da massagem no recém-nascido pré-termo internado em unidades de cuidados intermédios neonatais a nível da estabilidade fisiológica. Material e métodos: A amostra foi constituída por 32 recém-nascidos pré-termo clinicamente estáveis e saudáveis, internados em unidades portuguesas de cuidados intermédios neonatais. Os recém-nascidos pré-termo foram distribuídos aleatoriamente para os grupos controlo e experimental, em número igual de dezasseis. Em várias variáveis basais os grupos não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas, obtendo-se assim grupos equivalentes. O grupo experimental apresentou em média 30,11 semanas de gestação, 1,326 Kg de peso ao nascer e 20,44 dias de duração do internamento na unidade de cuidados intermédios. O grupo de controlo apresentou em média 30,94 semanas de gestação, 1,409 Kg de peso ao nascer e 17,81 dias de duração do internamento na unidade de cuidados intermédios. Durante o estudo os grupos receberam o mesmo padrão de cuidados neonatais à excepção do grupo experimental que recebeu a massagem. A massagem administrada foi a de Tiffany Field (Touch Research Institute), durante cinco dias consecutivos em três períodos diários. Foi administrada por enfermeiras das respectivas unidades, sendo estas execuções fidedignas e válidas, com homogeneidade inter-aplicadores da técnica quase perfeita (96,7 %) e com elevada validade de execução nomeadamente 96,77 % de concordância 1. Resultados: Para avaliar o efeito da massagem na estabilidade do recém-nascido pré-termo mediram-se os parâmetros fisiológicos: frequência respiratória e cardíaca, saturação de oxigénio, tensão arterial e temperatura. Quanto a estes verificamos não haver diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos pelo que concluímos que a massagem é um cuidado de enfermagem seguro em termos de organização do subsistema autónomo. Conclusões: Estes resultados obtidos sugerem que a massagem nos recém-nascidos pré-termo saudáveis e clinicamente estáveis internados em unidades de cuidados intermédios estudados foi uma intervenção segura.


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The present study shows the influence of tactile contacts with packaging on product taste. A within-subject experiment 1 (product: grenadine syrup) x 3 (packaging’s material: plastic, aluminium, glass) was conducted. Moreover, we examine the role of the Need For Touch (NFT) as a moderator. We confirmed that the same product tasted three times by each participant is judged differently depending on the packaging. Furthermore, participants with a high NFT seem to be more influenced by sensory features of packaging than those with a low NFT. These results support previous researches about tactile effects on taste.


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Braille is a communication tool in decline, in America by 80% since 1950, and in the UK to the extent that only 1% of blind people are now thought to read Braille.1, 2 There are a variety of causal factors, including the phasing out of Braille instruction due to the educational mainstreaming of blind children and the resistance to learning Braille by those who lose sight later in life.3Braille is a writing system of raised dots that allows blind people to read and write tactilely. Each Braille character comprises a cell of six potentially raised dots, two dots across and three dots down. It is designed only to communicate the message and does not convey the tonality provided by visual fonts.However, in his book Design Meets Disability, Graham Pullin, observes that: “Braille is interesting and beautiful, as abstract visual and tactile decoration, intriguing and indecipherable to the nonreader ” and continues; “…braille could be decorative for sighted people.”4I assert that the increasing abandonment of Braille frees it from its restrictive constraints, opening it to exploration and experimentation, and that this may result in Braille becoming dynamic expression for the sighted, as well as the partially sighted and blind.Printmaking is well suited for this exploration. Printmaking processes and techniques can result in prints aesthetically compelling to both senses of sight and touch. Established approaches, such as flocking, varnishes, puff-ink, embossing and die cut, combined with experiments in new techniques in laser cutting and 3D printing, create visually and texturally vibrant prints.In this paper I will detail my systematic investigation of sensually expressive printmaking concentrating on the issues surrounding Braille as a printmaking design element paying particular attention to the approaches and techniques used not only in producing its visual style but to those techniques used to keep it integrally tactile.


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This work revisits established user classifications and aims to characterise a historically unspecified user category, the Occasional User (OU). Three user categories, novice, intermediate and expert, have dominated the work of user interface (UI) designers, researchers and educators for decades. These categories were created to conceptualise user's needs, strategies and goals around the 80s. Since then, UI paradigm shifts, such as direct manipulation and touch, along with other advances in technology, gave new access to people with little computer knowledge. This fact produced a diversification of the existing user categories not observed in the literature review of traditional classification of users. The findings of this work include a new characterisation of the occasional user, distinguished by user's uncertainty of repetitive use of an interface and little knowledge about its functioning. In addition, the specification of the OU, together with principles and recommendations will help UI community to informatively design for users without requiring a prospective use and previous knowledge of the UI. The OU is an essential type of user to apply user-centred design approach to understand the interaction with technology as universal, accessible and transparent for the user, independently of accumulated experience and technological era that users live in.


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There are several studies that suggest that different people deposit different quantities of their own DNA on items they touch, i.e. some are good shedders and others are bad shedders. It is of interest to determine if individuals deposit consistent quantities of their own DNA, no matter the occasion, as well as the degree of variability among individuals. To investigate this, participants were tested for their ability to deposit DNA by placing right and left handprints on separate DNA-free glass plates at three set times during the day (morning, midday and afternoon) on four different days spaced over several weeks. Information regarding recent activities performed by the individual was recorded, along with information on gender, hand dominance and hand size. A total of 240 handprint deposits were collected from 10 individuals and analyzed for differences in DNA quantity and the type of the DNA profile obtained at different times of the day, on different days, between the two hands of the same individual, and between different individuals. Furthermore, the correlation between the deposit quantity and the ratio of self to non-self DNA in the mixed deposits was analyzed to determine if the amount of non-self DNA has an effect on overall DNA quantities obtained. In general, this study has shown that while there is substantial variation in the quantities deposited by individuals on different occasions, some clear trends were evident with some individuals consistently depositing significantly more or less DNA than others. Non-self DNA was usually deposited along with self DNA and, in most instances, was the minor component. Incidents where the non-self portion was the major component were very rare and, when observed, were associated with a poor depositor/shedder. Forensic DNA scientists need to consider the range and variability of DNA a person deposits when touching an object, the likelihood of non-self DNA being co-deposited onto the handled object of interest and the factors that may affect the relative quantity of this component within the deposit.