931 resultados para systems of quantities
Background - Emerging evidence supports the view that (AQP) aquaporin water channels are regulators of transcellular water flow. Consistent with their expression in most tissues, AQPs are associated with diverse physiological and pathophysiological processes. Scope of review - AQP knockout studies suggest that the regulatory role of AQPs, rather than their action as passive channels, is their critical function. Transport through all AQPs occurs by a common passive mechanism, but their regulation and cellular distribution varies significantly depending on cell and tissue type; the role of AQPs in cell volume regulation (CVR) is particularly notable. This review examines the regulatory role of AQPs in transcellular water flow, especially in CVR. We focus on key systems of the human body, encompassing processes as diverse as urine concentration in the kidney to clearance of brain oedema. Major conclusions - AQPs are crucial for the regulation of water homeostasis, providing selective pores for the rapid movement of water across diverse cell membranes and playing regulatory roles in CVR. Gating mechanisms have been proposed for human AQPs, but have only been reported for plant and microbial AQPs. Consequently, it is likely that the distribution and abundance of AQPs in a particular membrane is the determinant of membrane water permeability and a regulator of transcellular water flow. General significance - Elucidating the mechanisms that regulate transcellular water flow will improve our understanding of the human body in health and disease. The central role of specific AQPs in regulating water homeostasis will provide routes to a range of novel therapies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Aquaporins.
In this research summary, we provide a novel look into the entrepreneurial profile of the UK in an international context. We use a new method – the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index GEDI – to identify the entrepreneurial strengths and weaknesses of the UK economy, as well as to identify potential bottlenecks that hold back the performance of the UK relative to other advanced economies. We perform a Penalty for Bottleneck analysis to identify the bottlenecks in the UK's entrepreneurial profile. We also explore optimal resource allocation for UK's policy for National Systems of Entrepreneurship.
We present modulation instability analysis including azimuthal perturbations of steady-state continuous wave (CW) propagation in multicore-fiber configurations with a central core. In systems with a central core, a steady CW evolution regime requires power-controlled phase matching, which offers interesting spatial-division applications. Our results have general applicability and are relevant to a range of physical and engineering systems, including high-power fiber lasers, optical transmission in multicore fiber, and systems of coupled nonlinear waveguides. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
The article reveals a new technological approach to the creation of adaptive systems of distance learning and knowledge control. The use of the given technology helps to automate the learning process with the help of adaptive system. Developed with the help of the quantum approach of knowledge setting, a programming module-controller guarantees the support of students’ attention and the adaptation of the object language, and this helps to provide the effective interaction between learners and the learning system and to reach good results in the intensification of learning process.
n the paper the procedure for calculation, designing and estimation of the ergonomics of the interface of systems of document circulation is considered. The original computation procedure and the data received during the designing of the interface of documentary system are given.
The problems of constructing the selfsrtucturized systems of memory of intelligence information processing tools, allowing formation of associative links in the memory, hierarchical organization and classification, generating concepts in the process of the information input, are discussed. The principles and methods for realization of selfstructurized systems on basis of hierarchic network structures of some special class – growing pyramidal network are studied. The algorithms for building, learning and recognition on basis of such type network structures are proposed. The examples of practical application are demonstrated.
Orthonormal polynomials on the real line {pn (λ)} n=0 ... ∞ satisfy the recurrent relation of the form: λn−1 pn−1 (λ) + αn pn (λ) + λn pn+1 (λ) = λpn (λ), n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , where λn > 0, αn ∈ R, n = 0, 1, . . . ; λ−1 = p−1 = 0, λ ∈ C. In this paper we study systems of polynomials {pn (λ)} n=0 ... ∞ which satisfy the equation: αn−2 pn−2 (λ) + βn−1 pn−1 (λ) + γn pn (λ) + βn pn+1 (λ) + αn pn+2 (λ) = λ2 pn (λ), n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , where αn > 0, βn ∈ C, γn ∈ R, n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., α−1 = α−2 = β−1 = 0, p−1 = p−2 = 0, p0 (λ) = 1, p1 (λ) = cλ + b, c > 0, b ∈ C, λ ∈ C. It is shown that they are orthonormal on the real and the imaginary axes in the complex plane ...
A new approach is proposed for the quantum mechanics of guiding center motion in strong magnetic field. This is achieved by use of the coherent state path integral for the coupled systems of the cyclotron and the guiding center motion. We are specifically concerned with the effective action for the guiding center degree, which can be used to get the Bohr- Sommerfeld quantization scheme. The quantization rule is similar to the one for the vortex motion as a dynamics of point particles.
A class of intelligent systems located on anthropocentric objects that provide a crew with recommendations on the anthropocentric object's rational behavior in typical situations of operation is considered. We refer to this class of intelligent systems as onboard real-time advisory expert systems. Here, we present a formal model of the object domain, procedures for obtaining knowledge about the object domain, and a semantic structure of basic functional units of the onboard real-time advisory expert systems of typical situations. The stages of the development and improvement of knowledge bases for onboard real-time advisory expert systems of typical situations that are important in practice are considered.
Linguistic theory, cognitive, information, and mathematical modeling are all useful while we attempt to achieve a better understanding of the Language Faculty (LF). This cross-disciplinary approach will eventually lead to the identification of the key principles applicable in the systems of Natural Language Processing. The present work concentrates on the syntax-semantics interface. We start from recursive definitions and application of optimization principles, and gradually develop a formal model of syntactic operations. The result – a Fibonacci- like syntactic tree – is in fact an argument-based variant of the natural language syntax. This representation (argument-centered model, ACM) is derived by a recursive calculus that generates a mode which connects arguments and expresses relations between them. The reiterative operation assigns primary role to entities as the key components of syntactic structure. We provide experimental evidence in support of the argument-based model. We also show that mental computation of syntax is influenced by the inter-conceptual relations between the images of entities in a semantic space.
This paper highlights the challenges of satellite monitoring systems integration, in particular based on Grid platform, and reviews possible solutions for these problems. We describe integration issues on different levels: data integration level and task management level (job submission in terms of Grid). We show example of described technologies for integration of monitoring systems of Ukraine (National Space Agency of Ukraine, NASU) and Russia (Space Research Institute RAS, IKI RAN). Another example refers to the development of InterGrid infrastructure that integrates several regional and national Grid systems: Ukrainian Academician Grid (with Satellite data processing Grid segment) and RSGS Grid (Chinese Academy of Sciences).
The objects of a large-scale gas-transport company (GTC) suggest a complex unified evolutionary approach, which covers basic building concepts, up-to-date technologies, models, methods and means that are used in the phases of design, adoption, maintenance and development of the multilevel automated distributed control systems (ADCS).. As a single methodological basis of the suggested approach three basic Concepts, which contain the basic methodological principles and conceptual provisions on the creation of distributed control systems, were worked out: systems of the lower level (ACS of the technological processes based on up-to-date SCADA), of the middle level (ACS of the operative-dispatch production control based on MES-systems) and of the high level (business process control on the basis of complex automated systems ERP).
The paper presents a short review of some systems for program transformations performed on the basis of the internal intermediate representations of these programs. Many systems try to support several languages of representation of the source texts of programs and solve the task of their translation into the internal representation. This task is still a challenge as it is effort-consuming. To reduce the effort, different systems of translator construction, ready compilers with ready grammars of outside designers are used. Though this approach saves the effort, it has its drawbacks and constraints. The paper presents the general idea of using the mapping approach to solve the task within the framework of program transformations and overcome the disadvantages of the existing systems. The paper demonstrates a fragment of the ontology model of high-level languages mappings onto the single representation and gives the example of how the description of (a fragment) a particular mapping is represented in accordance with the ontology model.
In the article the theoretical aspects of planning of the systems of the controlled from distance diagnosing of level of know ledges of students are resulted on the basis of modern pedagogical theoretical and technological approaches. The practical results of creation of the systems of this type are resulted for organization of testing both in the structure of local networks of higher educational establishments and with access through the global network of Internet.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J65, 35K60, 35B05, 35R05.