955 resultados para swd: Toba <Sumatra, Volk>
With (by the same author): Zur Schleswig-Holsteinischen Sache im November 1858. Braunschweig, 1858. (58 p.) -- Die Verfassungsfrage in der Holsteinischen Ständeversammlung. Braunschweig, 1859. (42 p.) -- Ein Mahnruf an das deutsche Volk. Leipzig, 1860. (36 p.)
Vol. 11-12 have also added t.-p.
On cover: "Architektur und kunstgewerbe in Alt-Spanien."
The second booke: the true and perfect description of the whole coast of Guinea, Manicongo, Angola, Manicongo, Angola, Monomotapa ... / and now translated out of dutch into english by W.P. (p. [3], 198-259) -- The thirde booke: The nauigation of the Portingales into the East Indies, containing their trauels by sea, into East India, and from the East Indies into Portingall ... / translated out of dutch by W.P. (p.[2], 307-447) -- The fourth booke: A most true and certaine extract and summarie of all the rents, demaines, tolles, taxes, impostes, tributes ... of the King of Spania ... / translated out of spanish into low-dutch by Iohn Hughen ... and out of dutch into english by W.P. (p. [3], 452-462)
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical references.
Hebrew and German.
Mode of access: Internet.
A translation by H.W. Dulcken of the author's "Illustrirte weltgeschichte für das volk", 2.aufℓ., Leipzig, 1878-84, in 142 parts, or 1881-84, in 8 vols.
The first of a series of novels of which the second and third are "Volk wider Volk" and "Die Schmiede der Zukunft."
On t.p.: Mit einem Anhange: Aufruf an die Deutschen von Joseph Mazzini.
Back Row: Don Dufek*, Jack Nelson*, Bob Hollway*, Mike Bass, Dave Fisher, Dick Wells, Carl Ward, Tony Mason*, Henry Fonde*
4th Row: Dennis Fitzgerald*, Louis Lee, Jeff Hoyne, Bill Keating, Frank Nunley, Craig Kirby, Charles Kines, Barry Dehlin, Don Bailey, Rick Sygar, student manager Bob Evans,
3rd Row: Bill Yearby, Tom Mack, Jim Detwiler, Clayt Wilhite, Arnold Simkus, Steve Smith, Rick Volk, Bob Mielke, Stan Kemp, Dave Butler
2nd Row: Mike Gorte, Forest Evashevski, Gerald Mader, Ben Farabee, John Henderson, John Yanz, Dick Rindfuss, Bill Muir, Dick Hahn
Front Row: Bill Laskey, Bob Timberlake, Fritz Crisler, captain Jim Conley, coach Chalmers (Bump) Elliott, Tom Cecchini, Mel Anthony, Brian Patchen, John Marcum
* = assistant coaches
Front Row: Forest, Evashevski, Richard Rindfuss, William Laskey, Melvin Anthony, Richard Hahn, James Conley (capt.), Brian Patchen, Mader, John Henderson, David Butler, William Muir.
2nd Row: Craig Kirby, Stephen Smith, Mack Farabee, John Marcum, Arnold Simkus, Robert Timberlake, Thomas Haverstock, Carl Ward, Richard Wells, William Yearby.
3rd Row: David Fisher, Dennis Flanagan, Wally Gabler, Stan Kemp, Richard Volk, Frank Nunley, Gary Schick, Robert Mielke, Thomas Parkhill, Richard Sygar, Donald Bailey.
4th Row: Chalres Kines, Charles Ruzicka, Kenneth Wright, Thomas Cecchini, Clayton Wilhite, Michael Bass, James Detwiler, Louis Lee, Jeffrey Hoyne, Thomas Keating, Charles Dehlin.
Top Row: Robert Evans (manager), Hank Fonde, Dennis Fitzgerald, Tony Mason, Coach Bump Elliott, Don Dufek, Jocko Nelson, Robert Hollway, Schilling (assistant trainer), Jim Hunt (trainer).
Back Row: Stan Kemp, John Heffelfinger, Frank Nunley, William Hardy, Dick Vidmer, Ray Phillips, Paul D'Eramo, Henry Hanna, Bob Hollway*, Don Dufek*
4th Row: Bob Mielke, Carl Ward, Ernest Sharpe, Joe Dayton, Don Bailey, Clayton Wilhite, John Rowser, Louis Lee, Dennis Fitzgerald*, trainer James Hunt
3rd Row: Rick Volk, Roger Rosema, Paul Johnson, Dennis Morgan, Dave Fisher, Mike Bass, Dick Sygar, Dennis Flanagan, Thomas Pullen, student manager David Muir
2nd Row: Craig Kirby, Floyd Day, Thomas Parkhill, Peter Hollis, Wally Gabler, Charles Kines, Gary Schick, Ken Wright, Charles Rusicka, Jim Detwiler, Bill Yearby
Front Row: Stephen Smith, Richard Wells, Tom Mack, Fritz Crisler, captain Tom Cecchini, coach Chalmers (Bump) Elliott, Jack Clancy, Thomas Brigstock, Bill Keating
* = assistant coaches
Back Row: student manager David Muir, trainer James Hunt, Tom Stincic, Gerald Miklos, Jon Kramer, Roger Rosema, Dave Porter, Warren Sipp
4th Row: Ernest Sharpe, Ron Johnson, Peter Mair, Robert Wedge, John Reynolds, Paul D'Eramo, Dick Vidmer, Jerald Hartman, namager?
3rd Row: Stan Kemp, Derrick Humphries, Rick Volk, Ray Phillips, Tom Goss, Jerry Danhof, Jim Detwiler, Thomas Landsittel, Richard Williamson, Dennis Morgan
2nd Row: Louis Lee, Barry Dehlin, David Fisher, Clayt Wilhite, Mike Bass, Henry Hanna, James Hribal, Kenneth Wright, John Buzynski, Robert Mielke, Rick Sygarfirst row: William Hardy, John Rowser, Frank Nunley, Fritz Crisler, captain Jack Clancy, coach Chalmers (Bump) Elliott, Joe Dayton, Don Bailey, Carl Ward