955 resultados para sucrose synthase-1 promoter


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Numa sociedade ocidental que se apresenta em constante mutação é impossível dominar todo o conhecimento, daí que haja a necessidade de se dotar os jovens alunos de ferramentas que lhes permitam enfrentar a incerteza do futuro. Uma ferramenta imprescindível para os ajudar a ultrapassar dificuldades com que se confrontem são as suas capacidades de Pensamento Crítico (PC), porquanto podem concorrer para tomarem decisões mais racionais. Neste sentido, este estudo, desenvolvido numa turma de 2.º ano do 1.º CEB com 18 alunos, tem como finalidade desenvolver (adaptar, conceber, produzir, implementar e avaliar) atividades promotoras de PC num contexto de Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS), tendo por base a temática das plantas. Decorrente da finalidade, formularam-se as questões de investigação: Qual o contributo das atividades promotoras de PC na promoção deste tipo de pensamento dos alunos? Qual o contributo das atividades promotoras de PC para a construção/mobilização de conhecimentos dos alunos? Qual a opinião dos alunos acerca das sessões que envolveram atividades promotoras de PC? Quais as representações dos alunos acerca das atividades promotoras de PC? Neste estudo, optou-se por uma metodologia orientada para a prática, assente num plano de investigação-ação. Os alunos realizaram atividades promotoras de PC, num contexto EDS, relacionadas com a temática das plantas abordada na área disciplinar de Estudo do Meio. Recolheram-se dados através de vários instrumentos no âmbito de diferentes técnicas de recolha de dados, incluindo um instrumento de análise das produções dos alunos. Na análise de dados, a técnica privilegiada foi a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que as atividades promotores de PC desenvolvidas no âmbito do estudo contribuíram para a mobilização/desenvolvimento de capacidades de PC dos alunos e para a mobilização/construção de conhecimentos científicos. Na opinião dos alunos, as aulas em que se implementaram atividades promotoras de PC foram mais motivadoras e mais produtivas que as outras aulas de Estudo do Meio. Pela perspetiva dos alunos, as sessões em que realizaram as atividades promotoras de PC contribuíram para a mobilização/desenvolvimento de capacidades de PC e para a mobilização/construção de conhecimentos científicos.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) including nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide anion (O2-) are associated with cell migration, proliferation and many growth-related diseases. The objective of this study was to determine whether there was a reciprocal relationship between rat coronary microvascular endothelial cell (CMEC) growth and activity/expressions (mRNA and protein) of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) and NAD(P)H oxidase enzymes. Proliferating namely, 50% confluent CMEC possessed approximately three-fold increased activity and expression of both enzymes compared to 100% confluent cells. Treatment of CMEC with an inhibitor of eNOS (L-NAME, 100M) increased cell proliferation as assessed via three independent methods i.e. cell counting, determination of total cellular protein levels and [3H]thymidine incorporation. Similarly, treatment of CMEC with pyrogallol (0.3-3 mM), a superoxide anion (O2-)- generator, also increased CMEC growth while spermine NONOate (SpNO), a NO donor, significantly reduced cell growth. Co-incubation of CMEC with a cell permeable superoxide dismutase mimetic (Mn-III-tetrakis-4-benzoic acid-porphyrin; MnTBAP) plus either pyrogallol or NO did not alter cell number and DNA synthesis thereby dismissing the involvement of peroxynitrite (OONO-) in CMEC proliferation. Specific inhibitors of NAD(P)H oxidase but not other ROS-generating enzymes including cyclooxygenase and xanthine oxidase, attenuated cell growth. Transfection of CMEC with antisense p22-phox cDNA, a membrane-bound component of NAD(P)H oxidase, resulted in substantial reduction in [3H]thymidine incorporation, total cellular protein levels and expression of p22-phox protein. These data demonstrate a cross-talk between CMEC growth and eNOS and NAD(P)H oxidase enzyme activity and expression, thus suggesting that the regulation of these enzymes may be critical in preventing the initiation and/or progression of coronary atherosclerosis.


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Three populations of neurons expressing the vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (Vglut2) were recently described in the A10 area of the mouse midbrain, of which two populations were shown to express the gene encoding, the rate-limiting enzyme for catecholamine synthesis, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH).One of these populations (‘‘TH– Vglut2 Class1’’) also expressed the dopamine transporter (DAT) gene while one did not ("TH–Vglut2 Class2"), and the remaining population did not express TH at all ("TH-Vglut2-only"). TH is known to be expressed by a promoter which shows two phases of activation, a transient one early during embryonal development, and a later one which gives rise to stable endogenous expression of the TH gene. The transient phase is, however, not specific to catecholaminergic neurons, a feature taken to advantage here as it enabled Vglut2 gene targeting within all three A10 populations expressing this gene, thus creating a new conditional knockout. These knockout mice showed impairment in spatial memory function. Electrophysiological analyses revealed a profound alteration of oscillatory activity in the CA3 region of the hippocampus. In addition to identifying a novel role for Vglut2 in hippocampus function, this study points to the need for improved genetic tools for targeting of the diversity of subpopulations of the A10 area


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Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1/solute carrier family 11 member 1 gene (Nramp1/Slc11a1) is a gene that controls the susceptibility of inbred mice to intracellular pathogens. Polymorphisms in the human Slc11a1/Nramp1 gene have been associated with host susceptibility to leprosy. This study has evaluated nine polymorphisms of the Slc11a1/Nramp1 gene [(GT)n, 274C/T, 469+14G/C, 577-18G/A, 823C/T, 1029 C/T, 1465-85G/A, 1703G/A, and 1729+55del4] in 86 leprosy patients (67 and 19 patients had the multibacillary and the paucibacillary clinical forms of the disease, respectively), and 239 healthy controls matched by age, gender, and ethnicity. The frequency of allele 2 of the (GT)n polymorphism was higher in leprosy patients [p = 0.04, odds ratio (OR) = 1.49], whereas the frequency of allele 3 was higher in the control group (p = 0.03; OR = 0.66). Patients carrying the 274T allele (p = 0.04; OR = 1.49) and TT homozygosis (p = 0.02; OR = 2.46), such as the 469+14C allele (p = 0.03; OR = 1.53) of the 274C/T and 469+14G/C polymorphisms, respectively, were more frequent in the leprosy group. The leprosy and control groups had similar frequency of the 577-18G/A, 823C/T, 1029C/T, 1465-85G/A, 1703G/A, and 1729+55del4 polymorphisms. The 274C/T polymorphism in exon 3 and the 469+14G/C polymorphism in intron 4 were associated with susceptibility to leprosy, while the allele 2 and 3 of the (GT)n polymorphism in the promoter region were associated with susceptibility and protection to leprosy, respectively.


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Maternal mental health during pregnancy has been linked to health outcomes in progeny. Mounting evidence implicates fetal “programming” in this process, possibly via epigenetic disruption. Maternal mental health has been associated with glucocorticoid receptor methylation (nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 [NR3C1]) in the neonate; however, most studies have been small (n < 100) and have failed to control for multiple testing in the statistical analysis. The Barwon Infant Study is a population-derived birth cohort with antenatal recruitment. Maternal depression and anxiety were assessed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and psychological distress using the Perceived Stress Scale. NR3C1 cord blood methylation levels were determined using Sequenom MassArray for 481 participants. Maternal psychological distress and anxiety were associated with a small increase in neonate NR3C1 methylation at specific CpG sites, thus replicating some previous findings. However, associations were only nominally significant and did not remain after correction for the number of CpG sites and exposures investigated. As the largest study to explore the relationship between maternal well-being and offspring NR3C1 cord blood methylation, our results highlight the need for caution when interpreting previous findings in this area. Future studies must ensure they are adequately powered to detect the likely small effect sizes while controlling for multiple testing.


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Binge eating occurs primarily on highly palatable food (PF) suggesting that the reward value of food has an important role in this behaviour. Bingeing also leads to reward dysfunction in rats and humans. The rewarding effect of binge eating may involve opioid mechanisms as opioid antagonists reduce PF consumption in animals that binge eat and binge eating produces neuroadaptations of opioid receptors in rodents. We tested this hypothesis by using the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. First we established a sucrose CPP in male and female Long-Evans rats (n=8 for each group) using 1%, 5%, 15%, or 30% sucrose solution. Next, rats underwent the sucrose bingeing model in which separate groups of rats (n=8 for each group) received 12hr and 24hr access to 10% sucrose solution and chow, 12hr access to 0.1% saccharin solution and chow, or 12hr access to chow only every day for 28 days. Immediately following these sessions, rats were conditioned and tested in the CPP paradigm using a 15% sucrose solution. Finally, we examined whether the sucrose bingeing model altered morphine reward in female rats. Rats (n=8 for each group) received 12hr and 24hr access to 10% sucrose solution and chow every day for 28 days. Immediately following this access period, rats were conditioned to morphine (6mL/kg) or saline solution in the CPP paradigm and tested for a CPP. In all experiments, rats drank more sucrose solution than water during conditioning sessions. Male rats did not develop a CPP to any concentration of sucrose solution and females developed a CPP to 15% sucrose solution only. Following the sucrose bingeing protocol, sucrose CPP was attenuated in male rats that binged on sucrose and in all female rats. Sucrose bingeing in females did not affect the development of a CPP to morphine. These results suggest that sucrose consumption and sucrose CPP are measures of different psychological components of reward. Furthermore, sucrose bingeing reduces the rewarding effect of sucrose, but not morphine, suggesting that opioid reward is still intact.


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La protéine hétérotrimérique laminine-111 permet le lien entre la matrice-extracellulaire et l’intégrine α7β1 du sarcolemme, remplaçant ainsi dans les muscles dystrophiques, des liens normalement assurés par le complexe de la dystrophine. L’injection de laminine-111 dans des souris mdx a permis, entre autre, l’augmentation de l’expression de l’intégrine α7β1, d’empêcher les bris du sarcolemme lors de la contraction musculaire, de restaurer un niveau normal de la créatine kinase sérique, ainsi que d’augmenter la résistance et la force dans les muscles déficients en dystrophine. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’augmentation de la laminine-111 est un potentiel traitement pour la DMD. Les chaines β1 et γ1 de la laminine sont déjà exprimées dans le muscle humain adulte, mais la chaine α1 de la laminine (Lamα1) est exprimée uniquement pendant le stade très précoce 16 cellules de l’embryogenèse. Nous avons donc développé une méthode alternative à l’injection répétée de Laminine-111 en induisant l’expression endogène du gène LAMA1, afin de reformer le complexe trimérique α1β1γ1, la laminine 111. Ceci a été réalisé avec une technologie récente, le système CRISPR/Cas9, dont la Cas9 a été désactivée (dCas9) puis couplée à un domaine d’activation de la transcription, le VP160 (dCas9-VP160). L’utilisation d’un ou plusieurs ARN guides (ARNg) a permis de cibler le promoteur du gène LAMA1. L’ARNm de Lamα1 (qRT-PCR) ainsi que la protéine (immunohistochimie et immunobuvardage) n’ont pas été détecté dans le contrôle négatif, des myoblastes murins (C2C12). Cependant, une expression significative a été observée dans ces myoblastes transfectés avec des plasmides codant pour dCas9-VP160 et un ARNg. L’analyse protéique in vivo, dans des muscles de souris électroporés avec le même plasmide, a démontré une forte augmentation de la chaine α1 de la laminine. Des augmentations plus importantes de l’ARNm de Lamα1 ont été observées en utilisant 2 ARNg, suggérant un effet synergique. L’augmentation de l’expression de Lamα1 par le système de CRISPR/Cas9 devrait être étudiée d’avantage afin de vérifier si cette stratégie pourrait s’avérer efficace dans des cas de myopathies.


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This study developed an individualized proposal to promote, from the family context, the independence of two four-year-old children with motor disabilities. The proposal aimed at helping mothers and fathers to promote different skills within the family context. The results of this study revealed that when the families of children with disabilities are oriented, it is easier for them to start processes that otherwise would be postponed. As a result, it is recommended to create proposals to support the parents and help them to build their own family-growth processes and develop independence living skills in their children with motor disabilities.