950 resultados para submarine pipeline


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Studies about structural integrity are very important when it desires to prevent disasters associated with flaws inherent in materials used in structural components. The welded joints in steel pipes used to conduction and distribution of oil and gas correspond to the regions most susceptible to flaw. Aiming to contribute to this research line, the present study was designed to assess experimentally the structural integrity of welded joints in steel pipes API 5L X70 used in pipeline systems. This assessment is given from tests of CTOD, whose aim is simulate in laboratory the real behaviour of crack from of his propagation on the welded joint obtained by high frequency electric resistance welding. In this case, the analyses are performed from specimens SE(B) obtained directly of steel pipe API 5L X70. The proposed methodology involves tests of CTOD at lower temperature, in order to assess the toughness of material in critical operation conditions. From performance of CTOD tests, was possible assess the toughness of welded joints in terms of quantity through CTOD parameter and in terms of quality from behaviour of curve load versus CMOD. In this study, also, sought to compare CTOD’s results obtained through rules ASTM E1820 (2008) and BS 7448 (1991). Although the two standards cited previously have adopted different parameters to calculated the value of CTOD, concluded that the values of CTOD tend to converge for a common value


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Taking into account the consistent and important expansion of the Brazilian oil and gas pipelines network in the last years, this work discusses how these lines are planned regarding the continental environmental context. Its central objective is to show how studies to select alternative lines are made before a gas or oil pipeline is installed. These studies help to choose routes in which the environment is less affected by the pipeline, and use specific methods, technologies, and tools. Bibliographical studies combined with interviews and discussions with experts of the oil and gas sector were used to support this monograph.


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The transportation of oil through pipelines raises a concern related to safety and environmental impacts they may cause, especially when exposed to risks that affect their integrity. Among the natural phenomena that can affect the pipelines are erosion and landslides. Considering the large territory involving the pipelines, remote sensing tools have a great applicability for data acquisition. For this, visual analysis techniques were applied to perform change detection in order to monitor erosion features and landslides along a stretch of pipeline Rio de Janeiro – Belo Horizonte, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The work involved the characterization of the study area as well as the erosion and landslide processes, through bibliographical data. The satellite image processing and the application of change detection techniques were developed in two scenes for the years 2002 and 2010. It was noted a small increase in the number of the identified features, however with regard to their area, a decrease of 21.7% was observed


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The representation of real objects in virtual environments has applications in many areas, such as cartography, mixed reality and reverse engineering. The generation of these objects can be performed through two ways: manually, with CAD (Computer Aided Design) tools, or automatically, by means of surface reconstruction techniques. The simpler the 3D model, the easier it is to process and store it. However, this methods can generate very detailed virtual elements, that can result in some problems when processing the resulting mesh, because it has a lot of edges and polygons that have to be checked at visualization. Considering this context, it can be applied simplification algorithms to eliminate polygons from resulting mesh, without change its topology, generating a lighter mesh with less irrelevant details. The project aimed the study, implementation and comparative tests of simplification algorithms applied to meshes generated through a reconstruction pipeline based on point clouds. This work proposes the realization of the simplification step, like a complement to the pipeline developed by (ONO et al., 2012), that developed reconstruction through cloud points obtained by Microsoft Kinect, and then using Poisson algorithm


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Pipelines are linear engineering works, designed mostly for transporting oil and its derivatives for long distances, furnishing even the farthermost zones of the country. Due to oil sector needs to ensure for the safety and conservation of its properties, several geotechnical studies are being held at the pipelines field, in order to preserve this important transportation, and also to prevent accidents, which might seriously compromise the environment and the population who lives around it. The OSBRA pipeline, who connects the city of Paulínia to the capital Brasília, is one of these engineering works that deserves to be pointed out. This research, performed at the Ribeirão da Prata Basin, was a pilot study conducted with the main objective of testing the current methodology efficiency, for future applications in the closest watersheds to the OSBRA pipeline. The objective of this research is to analyze flood wave and debris flow processes in a non-fictional watershed, by comparing two different kinds of methods: the first one based on simulation models (software ‘ABC 6’), and the other one by flood wave and debris flow susceptibility mapping. The results from the hydrological modeling were both hydrographs and ietographs that estimated values of outputs and infiltration. To construct the susceptibility maps were necessary three other maps: ground use and occupation maps, divided according to the different protection degrees that were offered to the ground; maps of dam locations in the area and physiographic compartimentation maps, divided according to the local geology. To complete the methodology, the results were collected from both methods for comparison. The obtained product for this methodology was series of data whose different susceptibility degrees to flood wave and debris flow could define the safest route for a pipeline crossing in this watershed...


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From the beginning of the century, with the advent of the flex fuel car, successor fluctuations in oil prices and the rise of awareness of the impending shortage of fossil fuels, the alcohol sector begins to reappear in the panorama of national economy making Brasill reaches the point of becoming a leading exporter of this product. Ethanol assumed the role of such importance in Brazilian exports, which Petrobras through the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) has made investments in the Brazilian pipeline network to better ensure the production of ethanol to major ports. The means of transport in pipelines are safe and inexpensive, but require careful evaluation in its implementation, they may lead to negative social and environmental impacts. Thus, the purpose of this project is to propose the best route for an ethanol pipeline connectin the Tietê-Paraná, leaving the municipality of Santa Maria da Serra (SP), to the Planalto Paulista Refinery (REPLAN), located in Paulinia (SP), belonging to the passage of ethanol export corridor, currently under revelopment. The technique used for the development of the stroke is the association of multicriteria evaluation, the geographical information system (SIG) and geotechnologies. This study presented three possible layouts for the ethanol pipeline, highlighting the best option, in addition, demonstrated the suitability of the area to receive projects of similar nature to a pipeline


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The metropolitan region of São Paulo is the most populous of the country, this happens because of its great importance in the national economy and the job opportunities that are offered to the population. These factors result in intense population growth and urban expansion, reaching some non-habitable places of the metropolis, as areas of pipelines, which are very important for the transportation of natural gas, oil and its derivatives. Before the population growth of the region, these sites were unoccupied, do not presenting problems for the population. However, with the disorderly occupation is generated great anthropogenic pressure on the pipeline stitches, causing risks to people who are around them. Therefore it is extremely important to monitor the strip of pipelines through products and techniques of remote sensing and geoprocessing, enabling, through high spatial resolution images, identification of objects or phenomena that occur on Earth's surface that can alter the functioning and safety of pipelines. Therefore, this study aims to monitor a stretch of the area of the pipeline mesh GASPAL/OSVAT and Capuava Refinery (RECAP), located on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of São Paulo in the city of Mauá, who suffer great human pressure, proving thus the techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) as effective tools for monitoring phenomena occurred in urban areas of great complexity. The monitoring was done by object-based classification applied in orbital images Ikonos II and RapidEye, of high spatial resolution and, image processing, detection of objects, segmentation, classification and editing were developed through the eCognition and ArcGis softwares. To determine the statistical accuracy of the mapping of the land cover of the stretch of pipeline in Maua, the results were analyzed by error matrix... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The area chosen for this study is the island of Trinidade, which is located 1167 km off the Brazilian coast, in parallel Victory at 20 ° 30'S and 29 º 19'W, being the most easterly point of our continent. The isolation of oceanic island of Trinidade leaves no noticeable that she is part of a large submarine volcanic chain oriented east-west lineament known as Vitória- Trindade. Along with the island of Martin Vaz, who is Federal Territory is administered by the Navy of Brazil. Both correspond to Source alkaline volcanic islands. The area of the island of Trinidad has approximately 10 km2. Geologically consisting ankaratritic spills, spills tannbuschiticos, volcanic tuff spills analcite-ankaratrite, phonolite spills, spills nefelinite, pyroclastics, spills grazinite, tinguaitos, olivine-analcitito, calcarenite dunes and wind according to Almeida (1961). The island has its base on the ocean floor, at 5,800 m depth. It is the only place still recognizes preserved volcanic necks and plugs, as well as remnants of a volcano in Brazil. Magmatism occurred here a sodium alkali-silica subsaturated where his wrist was last 50,000 years according to Almeida (1961). It is a place with restricted access due to their distance from the coast, his contribution and hard to be an exclusive area of the Navy. On the island with peaks occur up to 620 meters high, and its rugged mountainous terrain and difficult access to very specific points, as the peak of Desire, peak Fazendinha, Monument and other points on the island. Because of its location far from the coast, its small infrastructure, difficulty of landing and restricted access by sea, the island of Trinidad offers no possibility of tourism, being a military outpost, and scientific basis of great importance, which conduct research in area of marine biology, oceanography, geology and others


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The number of piping in an industry is high. Through this piping are conducted several kind of products at several temperature and pressure conditions. In a chemical company, the piping quantity conducting harmful chemical products to human health and to the environment is higher. Nowadays the theme sustainability is often mentioned and harm to environment may cause irreversible damage to the human being, to the fauna, to the flora and to company´s credibility. In this context, controlling over the piping to avoid accidents is mandatory. The objective of this monograph is to create a procedure which enables the chemical companies piping traceability. This monograph analyses the several existent traceability system in the three economy sectors and approaches the technical question of industrial piping in order to create a procedure that achieves its objectives as a technical document and at the same time be economically feasible, with low complexibility level and high practicability. Some possibilities to elaborate this procedure had been studied, as the creation of an alphanumeric code and making with a chisel in the pipeline based on ASTM F2897 and the use of chips to store the information. However, the procedure which best meet the requirement as low cost and high applicability is filling out an electronic plan with information about welding process, welding certification, welding consumables and inspections


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Different forms of human pressure may occur in the pipeline ranges, due to the large extensions and various configurations of land use, which can pass through the pipelines. Due to the dynamics of these pressures, it is necessary to monitor temporal changes of land use and cover the surface. Under this theme, appears as extremely important to use products and techniques of remote sensing, as they allow the identification of objects of the land surface that may compromise the security and monitoring of the pipeline, and allows the extraction of information conditions on land use at different periods of time. Based on the above, this paper aims to examine in a temporal approach, the process of urban expansion in the municipality of Duque de Caxias, located on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of the state of Rio de Janeiro, as well as settlement patterns characteristic of areas that the changes occurred in the period 1987 to 2010. We used the technique of visual analysis to perform the change detection and the technique of image classification, aimed at monitoring human pressure over a stretch of track pipeline Rio de Janeiro - Belo Horizonte, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The stages of work involved the characterization of the study area, urban sprawl and the existing settlement patterns, through the analysis of bibliographic data. The processing of Landsat 5 images and the application of the technique of change detection were performed in three scenes for the years 1987, 1998 and 2010, while the classification process was performed on the image RapidEye for the year 2010. Can be noted an increase in urban area of approximately 22.38% and the change of land cover from natural to built. This growth is concentrated outside to the area of direct influence of the duct, occurring in the area of indirect influence of the enterprise. Regarding the settlement patterns of growth areas, it was observed that these are predominantly


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The transportation of oil through polyducts implies a concern related to safety and environmental impacts they may cause, especially when exposed to risks that affect their integrity. Among the various anthropogenic activities included in this scenario, mining can aggravate, increase the risks and degrade the environment. Since these polyducts go through significant extensions, remote sensing has great applicability as a tool for data acquisition. For this, change detection techniques were used to monitor mining activities in a defined study area in the state of Rio de Janeiro, along the duct ORBEL. The characterization of the study area and the mining activities were developed through bibliographical data. The satellite images processing and the application of change detection technique were performed in two scenes for the years 2002 and 2010. The growth in the mining area was about 6.67 times and it was possible to identify types of extraction involved which can represent direct risks to the pipeline


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The research addresses the need for detailed geological and geotechnical investigations in pipeline’s design, given the diversity of geological units crossed by these works along its layout, which often extends for hundreds of miles. For its large size, this type of work often goes through different states and regions with very different characteristics in terms of topography, vegetation, geology and geotechnical conditions. For a better use of these investigations in order to avoid unnecessary costs and inefficient results, some authors recommend that steps be taken to study, seeking a progressive detail of the pipeline’s implantation area. The main objective of the study is to describe, analyze and correlate the proposals for geological and geotechnical’s investigation recommended by the authors selected. Nogueira Junior & Marques (1998) suggest that for better effectiveness of geological and geotechnical investigations associated with the deployment of pipelines, different research methods are applied sequentially in five major stages of the building. Rocha et al (2008) recommend that, for the pipeline’s implantation using horizontal directional drilling, investigations are performed in three phases of study, to be developed in coordination with the project stages. For Gelinas & Mathy (2004), when time and budget constraints permit, geotechnical investigations for directional drilling projects for pipelines must be made in four sequential phases. Heinz (2008) suggests that the geotechnical investigations for pipeline’s implantation using horizontal directional drilling at crossings of water bodies are carried out in three successive stages. By the development of research, we could see that all the different proposals recommend studies in sequential phases, starting from a more general scale for a more specific, seeking a progressive understanding of the geological model of the area where you intend to deploy the pipeline


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The analysis of natural processes, such as landslides, has a great importance for the prevention of accidents in pipelines, since it might compromise its security, with serious social and environmental implications. Considering the large territorial dimensions that pipelines can reach, remote sensing tools have great applicability for data acquisition, allowing the analysis of large areas in regular time periods. This study aims to analyze the relations between the occurrence of landslides and its natural conditionings, on a stretch of the ORBEL pipeline, in the municipalities of Duque de Caxias, Nova Iguaçu and Belford Roxo – Rio de Janeiro. GeoEye sensor system images were used with spatial resolution of 0.5 m, from November/2009, January/2010 and March/2010, that are months of summer rains. The work involved the characterization of the study area and existing landslides, through bibliographic data collection; the application of visual analysis techniques for the extraction of landslide scars and fractures; preparation of maps for the landslide constraints and preparation of the susceptibility map. In the images from November only three landslide scars were extracted, while in January there were 166 and 111 in March. Difficulties were found with the shading in the images. From the relations among landslide scars, lithological units, relief systems, slope, downhill profile and the generated map of landslide susceptibility, presented in 1:70,000 scale, it was possible to conclude that slope is the main determinant of the process, allied secondarily to downhill profile, relief systems and lithology


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Due to the new discoveries of oil and gas reservoirs, and also the increasing production of bio-fuels, the brazilian general pipeline system is being vertiginously extended. On the other hand, there is a lack of clear parameters that would allow a better utilization of the geological-geotechnical studies in the process of environmental licensing of pipeline systems. Therefore, this paper presents guidelines that would orientate the environmental licensing procedures to build pipeline systems, and also the geological-geotechnical studies that would support the characterization of the physical context. The method applied in this study consisted in the existing data survey and in their organization, analysis and review. In doing so, there is a well-subsidy integration of the many steps of the pipeline system implementation, the required environmental licenses and the investigation methods of the correlated physical context. As a result, it’s presented a flowchart of the guidelines, detailing the interaction between the environmental licensing, the geological-geotechnical studies and the phases of the pipeline’s project.


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In order to study the mechanical properties of micro alloyed steel API 5L X70, a material used to manufacture pipes for pipeline transportation lines for use in oil and gas, a study was made of toughness, tensile strength, impact strength, hardness and microstructure steel. To perform these various tests were made where they can acquire the characteristics of the material. Were performed at the Faculty of Engineering in Guaratinguetá in the Department of Materials and Technology and the tensile tests, Charpy impact test, metallography and hardness testing of material API 5L X70, all tests were done with the help of technical laboratories. With these data can be an analysis of the material about his tenacity, his toughness and fragility, its hardness, its yield strength and its maximum voltage. After being asked the analyzes discussed the results showed that the micro alloyed steel API 5L X70 steel is a very tenacious, it absorbs impact energy of 300 Joules though without a break for the full body of evidence showing its tenacity